# ============================================================================= # Sample NonLinLoc programs control file # # NonLinLoc Version 2.3 - APR2001 # # Anthony Lomax # # See "Control File" and "Running the Sample Location" pages # in the NonLicLoc on-line documentation: # http://www.alomax.net/nlloc # ============================================================================= # = comment # non-nested include files allowed, use: # INCLUDE # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Generic control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # control (CONTROL message_flag (0:silent,1:few messages,2:verbose,...), # RandomNumSeed) CONTROL 2 54321 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lat/long to rect grid transformation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # map projection / transformation # (TRANS type ) # (char[]) search_type (SIMPLE, LAMBERT) # : # SIMPLE LatOrig LongOrig RotCW # LAMBERT RefEllipsoid LatOrig LongOrig # FirstStdParal SecondStdParal RotCW # # RefEllipsoid choices: # WGS-84, GRS-80, WGS-72, Australian, Krasovsky, # International, Hayford-1909, Clarke-1880, Clarke-1866, # Airy, Bessel, Hayford-1830, Sphere # # # Lambert III France - IGN (except that origin is arbitrary) #TRANS LAMBERT Clarke-1880 43.75 7.5 43.1993 44.9961 0.0 #TRANS LAMBERT WGS-84 49.1536 8.1537 49.1355 49.1750 0.0 TRANS SDC 49.1536 8.1537 0.0 # maplines (MAPLINE id_num, name, red, green, blue, # linestyle (SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, DASHDOT)) #MAPLINE GMT_GRD ~/GMT/globetopo_german.grd 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOLID #MAPLINE XY_LONLAT /u/cayman/1/users/lomax/data_geog/maps/france/prov.line 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOLID # # # ============================================================================= # END of Generic control file statements # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Vel2Grid control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # output filename root # (VGOUT ) # Layer 2DGrid VGOUT ./model/Insheim_min1d032016_grid #VGOUT ./model/exampleevents4bssa_grid # wave type # (VGTYPE wave_type (P, S)) VGTYPE P VGTYPE S # grid description # (GRID num_grid_x num_grid_y num_grid_z # orig_grid_x orig_grid_y orig_grid_z # d_grid_x d_grid_y d_grid_z # type # (float) num_grid_x/y/z : number of nodes along x/y/z axis # (float) orig_grid_x : x location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos east # (float) orig_grid_y : y location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos north # (float) orig_grid_z : z location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos down # (float) d_grid_x/y/x : grid spacing along x/y/z axis # (char[]) type : (VELOCITY = km/s, VELOCITY_METERS = m/s, # SLOWNESS = s/km, # VEL2 = vel**2, # SLOW2 = slow**2, SLOW_2_METERS = slow**2 ((s/m)**2), # SLOW_LEN = slow*d_grid) # # # Layer 2DGrid (NOTE: num_grid_x must be = 2 for 2D grids) #VGGRID 2 301 44 0.0 0.0 -3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SLOW_LEN #VGGRID 2 400 200 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 SLOW_LEN VGGRID 2 2000 1000 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 SLOW_LEN #VGGRID 2 10000 5000 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 SLOW_LEN #VGGRID 2 100 100 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 SLOW_LEN #MAPGRID 50 50 50 -6.0 -4.0 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 XXX MAPGRID 30 30 30 -4.0 -5.0 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 XXX # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # velocity model description # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Min-1D model min1d032016 used # model layers (LAYER depth, Vp_top, Vp_grad, Vs_top, Vs_grad, p_top, p_grad) LAYER -0.30 1.25 0.00 0.45 0.00 1.5 0.0 LAYER 0.00 1.77 0.00 0.67 0.00 1.9 0.0 LAYER 0.85 2.51 0.00 1.21 0.00 2.5 0.0 LAYER 1.60 3.78 0.00 2.19 0.00 2.7 0.0 LAYER 2.14 5.36 0.00 3.64 0.00 2.7 0.0 LAYER 2.50 4.36 0.00 2.80 0.00 2.7 0.0 LAYER 3.50 5.44 0.00 3.84 0.00 2.8 0.0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # ============================================================================= # END of Vel2Grid control file statements # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Grid2Time control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # input, output filename root # (GTFILES wave_type (P, S)) # GTFILES ./model/Insheim_min1d032016_grid ./time/ttime P #GTFILES ./model/Insheim_min1d032016_grid ./time/ttime S #GTFILES ./model/exampleevents4bssa_grid ./time_min1d032016/ttime S # time grid modes # (GTMODE grid_mode, angle_mode) # (char[]) grid_mode (GRID3D, GRID2D) # (char[]) angle_mode (ANGLES_YES, ANGLES_NO) # GTMODE GRID2D ANGLES_YES # source description (multiple sources can be specified) # (GTSRCE label x_srce y_srce z_srce elev) # # (char[]) label # # (char[]) loc type (XYZ, LATLON (+/-dec deg), LATLONDM (deg, dec min)) # XYZ--------------- LATLON/LATLONDM-------- # x_srce : km pos E or lat : pos N # y_srce : km pos N or long : pos E # z_srce : km pos DN or depth : pos DN # # elev : km pos UP # # Examples: # #GTSRCE STA XYZ 27.25 -67.78 0.0 1.242 #GTSRCE CALF LATLON 43.753 6.922 0.0 1.242 #GTSRCE JOU LATLONDM 43 38.00 N 05 39.52 E 0.0 0.300 # # GTSRCE SOS2 LATLON 49.18958 8.07455 0.0 0.214 GTSRCE NOS2 LATLON 49.19440 8.07840 0.0 0.175 GTSRCE SOS3 LATLON 49.21434 8.09837 0.0 0.185 GTSRCE STS4 LATLON 49.22245 8.14784 0.0 0.085 GTSRCE SOS5 LATLON 49.19013 8.17167 0.0 0.134 GTSRCE SOS6 LATLON 49.15318 8.14541 0.0 0.188 GTSRCE SOS7 LATLON 49.13464 8.17721 0.0 0.128 GTSRCE SOS8 LATLON 49.16027 8.17786 0.0 0.151 GTSRCE SOS9 LATLON 49.14302 8.11717 0.0 0.144 GTSRCE STS1 LATLON 49.17162 8.08792 0.0 0.114 GTSRCE MO20 LATLON 49.18430 8.05510 0.0 0.208 GTSRCE TMO20 LATLON 49.18430 8.05510 0.0 0.208 GTSRCE MO22 LATLON 49.21920 8.18471 0.0 0.135 GTSRCE TMO22 LATLON 49.21920 8.18471 0.0 0.135 GTSRCE MO50 LATLON 49.18219 8.12681 0.0 0.155 GTSRCE TMO50 LATLON 49.18219 8.12681 0.0 0.155 GTSRCE MO51 LATLON 49.15431 8.18515 0.0 0.134 GTSRCE TMO51 LATLON 49.15431 8.18515 0.0 0.134 GTSRCE MO52 LATLON 49.12925 8.14927 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE TMO52 LATLON 49.12925 8.14927 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE MO53 LATLON 49.16630 8.11972 0.0 0.173 GTSRCE TMO53 LATLON 49.16630 8.11972 0.0 0.173 GTSRCE MO54 LATLON 49.13964 8.12865 0.0 0.139 GTSRCE TMO54 LATLON 49.13964 8.12865 0.0 0.139 GTSRCE MO55 LATLON 49.22764 8.10988 0.0 0.197 GTSRCE TMO55 LATLON 49.22764 8.10988 0.0 0.197 GTSRCE MO57 LATLON 49.17344 8.27719 0.0 0.137 GTSRCE TMO57 LATLON 49.17344 8.27719 0.0 0.137 GTSRCE MO58 LATLON 49.18668 8.19217 0.0 0.134 GTSRCE TMO58 LATLON 49.18668 8.19217 0.0 0.134 GTSRCE MO59 LATLON 49.13915 8.21946 0.0 0.0 GTSRCE TMO59 LATLON 49.13915 8.21946 0.0 0.0 GTSRCE MO61 LATLON 49.19004 8.12789 0.0 0.0 GTSRCE TMO61 LATLON 49.19004 8.12789 0.0 0.0 GTSRCE MO64 LATLON 49.17162 8.08792 0.0 0.114 GTSRCE TMO64 LATLON 49.17162 8.08792 0.0 0.114 GTSRCE MO65 LATLON 49.19668 7.97808 0.0 0.482 GTSRCE TMO65 LATLON 49.19668 7.97808 0.0 0.482 GTSRCE MO66 LATLON 49.21767 8.04602 0.0 0.275 GTSRCE TMO66 LATLON 49.21767 8.04602 0.0 0.275 GTSRCE INSH LATLON 49.14724 8.16599 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE INS1 LATLON 49.14825 8.04624 0.0 0.196 GTSRCE INS2 LATLON 49.12010 8.13370 0.0 0.135 GTSRCE INS3 LATLON 49.09657 8.08207 0.0 0.141 GTSRCE INS4 LATLON 49.19458 8.11087 0.0 0.148 GTSRCE NS4B LATLON 49.19284 8.11150 0.0 0.210 GTSRCE INS4B LATLON 49.19284 8.11150 0.0 0.210 GTSRCE INS5 LATLON 49.12900 8.20341 0.0 0.129 GTSRCE INS6 LATLON 49.08687 8.19321 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE NS6B LATLON 49.08524 8.19395 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE INS6B LATLON 49.08524 8.19395 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE INS7 LATLON 49.15989 8.21216 0.0 0.155 GTSRCE INS8 LATLON 49.26284 8.12513 0.0 0.162 GTSRCE INS9 LATLON 49.19477 8.11070 0.0 0.0 GTSRCE ROTT LATLON 49.12910 8.14870 0.176 0.0 GTSRCE LDE LATLON 49.17648 8.14085 0.0 0.010 GTSRCE LDE_ LATLON 49.17648 8.14085 0.0 0.010 GTSRCE LDO_ LATLON 49.20300 8.17300 0.0 0.130 GTSRCE AH11 LATLON 49.14939 8.20285 0.0 0.145 GTSRCE SW27 LATLON 49.15561 8.14775 0.0 0.138 GTSRCE HS5 LATLON 49.13761 8.12557 0.0 0.136 GTSRCE HS5_ LATLON 49.13761 8.12557 0.0 0.136 GTSRCE BS4 LATLON 49.19121 8.09294 0.0 0.170 GTSRCE BS4_ LATLON 49.19121 8.09294 0.0 0.170 GTSRCE GHS9 LATLON 49.21036 8.07792 0.0 0.152 GTSRCE GHS94 LATLON 49.21036 8.07792 0.0 0.152 GTSRCE IVS7 LATLON 49.19889 8.13534 0.0 0.139 GTSRCE IVS74 LATLON 49.19889 8.13534 0.0 0.139 GTSRCE MLS1 LATLON 49.18928 8.12684 0.0 0.142 GTSRCE MLS11 LATLON 49.18928 8.12684 0.0 0.142 GTSRCE OVMS LATLON 49.21114 8.12205 0.0 0.146 GTSRCE OVMS2 LATLON 49.21114 8.12205 0.0 0.146 GTSRCE RHS1 LATLON 49.18694 8.10821 0.0 0.162 GTSRCE RHS14 LATLON 49.18694 8.10821 0.0 0.162 GTSRCE SS71 LATLON 49.20070 8.13011 0.0 0.143 GTSRCE WHS5 LATLON 49.19057 8.12924 0.0 0.142 GTSRCE AWL LATLON 49.13805 8.19398 0.0 0.121 GTSRCE AWL_ LATLON 49.13805 8.19398 0.0 0.121 GTSRCE BG15 LATLON 49.15702 8.14138 0.0 0.144 GTSRCE BH30 LATLON 49.13829 8.13596 0.0 0.137 GTSRCE BH38 LATLON 49.15738 8.15153 0.0 0.147 GTSRCE LS9A LATLON 49.19865 8.11009 0.0 0.143 GTSRCE WS5S LATLON 49.19902 8.11121 0.0 0.147 GTSRCE HPS15 LATLON 49.15826 8.14408 0.0 0.147 GTSRCE HPS1 LATLON 49.15826 8.14408 0.0 0.147 GTSRCE KP17S LATLON 49.17162 8.21835 0.0 0.140 GTSRCE BH61S LATLON 49.14782 8.14101 0.0 0.137 # Podvin & Lecomte FD params # Podvin and Lemcomte, 1991, GJI, 105, 271-284. # (PLFD hs_eps_init message_flag) # (float) hs_eps_init : fraction (typically 1.0E-3) defining the toler- # ated model inhomogeneity for exact initialization. # A tolerance larger than 0.01 will potentially # create errors larger than those involved by the # F.D. scheme without any exact initialization. # (int) message_flag : Message flag (0:silent,1:few messages,2:verbose) # A negative value inhibits "clever" # initialization. # GT_PLFD 1.0e-3 2 # # # ============================================================================= # END of Grid2Time control file statements # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Time2EQ control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # input grid filenames root, output filename # (EQFILES ) #EQFILES ./time/Insheim_layer ./obs/Insheim_synth.obs # mechanism (MECH mech_type (DOUBLE, NONE), strike(E of N), dip, rake) #EQMECH DOUBLE 0.0 90.0 0.0 # mode # (EQMODE str_mode) # SRCE_TO_STA calc time for single source to multiple stations # STA_TO_SRCE calc time for multiple sources to single station #EQMODE SRCE_TO_STA # event description # (EQEVENT label x_event y_event z_event otime # (char[]) label # (float) x_event : km pos east # (float) y_event : km pos north # (float) z_event : km pos down # (float) otime : sec #EQEVENT EQ001 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 # source description (multiple sources can be specified) # (EQSRCE (see GTSRCE) # #EQSRCE VentiSynth LATLON 43.805321 7.562109 9.722238 0.0 # station description (multiple stations can be specified) # (EQSTA label phase error_type error) # (char[]) label # (char[]) phase # (char[]) calc_error_type # (float) calc_error # (char[]) report_error_type # (float) report__error #EQSTA RONE P GAU 0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA RONE S GAU 0.2 GAU 0.2 #EQSTA SBF P GAU -0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA NEGI P GAU 0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA AURF P GAU -0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA AUTN P GAU 0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA CEPP P GAU -0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA TOUF P GAU 0.1 GAU 0.1 #EQSTA MVIF P GAU 0.1 GAU 0.1 # Vp / Vs ratio (overrides any S travel-time grids) # (EQVPVS VpVs_ratio) #EQVPVS 1.73 # quality to error mapping (for HYPO71, etc) # (EQQUAL2ERR Err0 Err1 Err2 ... ) #EQQUAL2ERR 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 99999.9 # # # ============================================================================= # END of Time2EQ control file statements # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # NLLoc control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # signature # (LOCSIG signature) LOCSIG Ludger Kueperkoch igem gGmbH # comment # (LOCCOM comment) LOCCOM 2020.11_Insheim, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM events4Mlscaling, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210_till201912, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210_till201908, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210_till201812, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210_till201712, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. #LOCCOM allgoodevents_since201210_till201612, min1d032016, Oct-Tree, incl. stat.corr. # input grid filenames root, output filename LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/2020_11_Insheim.obs NLLOC_OBS /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/2020_11_Insheim_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/2020_08_Insheim.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/2020_08_Insheim_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/allgoodevents_since201210_till201912.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time_min1d032016/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/allgoodevents_since201210_till201912_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/allgoodevents_since201210_till201908.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time_min1d032016/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/allgoodevents_since201210_till201908_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/allgoodevents_since201210_till201812.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time_min1d032016/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/allgoodevents_since201210_till201812_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/allgoodevents_since201210_till201712.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time_min1d032016/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/allgoodevents_since201210_till201712_nlloc 0 #LOCFILES /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/obs/exampleevents4bssa.obs HYPO71 /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/time_min1d032016/ttime /home/ludger/NLLOC/Insheim/loc/locs_min1d032016/exampleevents4bssa 0 # # # output hypocenter file types # (LOCHYPOUT type1, type2, ...) # (char[]) typeN (SAVE_NLLOC_ALL, SAVE_NLLOC_SUM, # SAVE_HYPO71_ALL, SAVE_HYPO71_SUM, SAVE_HYPOELL_ALL, SAVE_HYPOELL_SUM, # SAVE_HYPOINV_SUM, SAVE_NLLOC_OCTREE) LOCHYPOUT SAVE_NLLOC_ALL SAVE_HYPO71_SUM # search type # (LOCSEARCH search_type ) # (char[]) search_type (GRID, MET (Metropolis), SA (Simulated Annealing)) # : # GRID NumScatterSamples # MET NumSamples NumLearn NumEquil BeginSave NumSkip # StepInit StepMin StepFact ProbMin # OCT init_num_cells_x, init_num_cells_y, init_num_cells_z, # min_node_size, max_num_nodes, num_scatter, # use_stations_density (1 = Weights oct-tree cell prob values used for subdivide decision # in proportion to number of stations in oct-tree cell. # Gives higher search priority to cells containing stations, # stablises convergence to local events when global search used # with dense cluster of local stations.), # stop_on_min_node_size (1 = stop search when first min_node_size reached, # 0 = stop subdividing a given cell when min_node_size reached.) LOCSEARCH OCT 20 20 4 0.01 100000 50000 1 0 #GridSearch#LOCSEARCH GRID 500 #LOCSEARCH MET 10000 1000 4000 5000 5 -1 0.01 8.0 1.0e-10 # location grids description # (LOCGRID num_grid_x num_grid_y num_grid_z # orig_grid_x orig_grid_y orig_grid_z # d_grid_x d_grid_y d_grid_z # type save_flag # (float) num_grid_x/y/z : number of nodes along x/y/z axis # (float) orig_grid_x : x location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos east # (float) orig_grid_y : y location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos north # (float) orig_grid_z : z location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos down # (float) d_grid_x/y/x : grid spacing along x/y/z axis # (char[]) type : (PROB_DENSITY, MISFIT) # (char[]) save_flag : (SAVE, NO_SAVE) # For Grid search, first grid is used for initial search. Subsequent grids are # shifted in x/y/z so that they are centered on the minimum misfit hypocenter # x/y/z of the previous grid if x/y/z < -1.0e20. # LOCGRID 401 401 190 -50.0 -50.0 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 PROB_DENSITY SAVE # #GridSearch#LOCGRID 51 51 21 -100.0 -100.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 MISFIT NO_SAVE #GridSearch#LOCGRID 51 51 21 -1.0e30 -1.0e30 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 MISFIT NO_SAVE #GridSearch#LOCGRID 81 81 81 -1.0e30 -1.0e30 0.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 PROB_DENSITY SAVE # method # (LOCMETH method) # (char[]) method (GAU_ANALYTIC, EDT, EDT_OT_WT) # GAU_ANALYTIC - L2 norm following Tarantola and Valette (1982) # EDT - Equal Differential Time (see ) # EDT_OT_WT - Weights EDT sum prob by variance of OT estimated over all pairs of readings. # Downweights locations with inconsistent OT estimates. # (float) maximum_dist_sta_to_grid (use very large value for no max) # (int) minimum_number_phases for location # (int) maximum_number_phases for location (-1 for no max) # (int) minimum_number_S_phases for location (-1 for no min) # (float) Vp/Vs ratio (< 0.0 to use S travel time grids) # (int) maximum_number_3D_grids to attempt to read into memory (-1 for no max) # (float) minimum_dist_sta_to_grid (-1 for no min) # (int) flag indicating if duplicate arrivals used for location (1=reject, 0=use if time diff < sigma / 2) # duplicate arrivals have same station label and phase name #LOCMETH GAU_ANALYTIC 9999.0 4 -1 -1 1.68 6 #LOCMETH EDT_OT_WT 9999.0 4 -1 -1 1.68 6 -1.0 1 LOCMETH EDT 9999.0 4 -1 -1 -1 -1. 1 # fixed origin time # (LOCFIXOTIME year month day hour min sec) # (int) year month day hour min # (float) sec #LOCFIXOTIME 1995 04 21 08 02 57.09 # gaussian model error parameters # (LOCGAU Sigma_T (s), CorrLen (km)) LOCGAU 0.2 0.0 # travel-time dependent gaussian model error parameters # (LOCGAU2 SigmaTfraction, SigmaTmin (s), SigmaTmax (s)) # travel time error is travel_time*SigmaTfraction, with max/min value = SigmaTmin/SigmaTmax LOCGAU2 0.001 0.001 0.5 # phase identifier mapping # (LOCPHASEID phase phase_id0 phase_id1 ...) # # examples for P and S #LOCPHASEID P P p #LOCPHASEID S S s # LOCPHASEID P P p PN PG PmP Pn LOCPHASEID S S s SN SG SmS Sn #ToIgnoreS#LOCPHASEID S $ # quality to error mapping (for HYPO71, etc) # (LOCQUAL2ERR Err0 Err1 Err2 ... ) # # the following quality mapping is default from Hypoellipse documentation LOCQUAL2ERR 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 99999.9 # phase statistics parameters # (LOCPHSTAT RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max, P_ResMax, S_ResMax) # (float) RMS_Max : max hypocenter RMS to include in ave res # (float) NRdgs_Min : min hypocenter num readings to include in ave res # (float) Gap_Max : max hypocenter gap (deg) to include in ave res # (float) P_ResMax : max abs(P res) to include in ave res # (float) S_ResMax : max abs(S res) to include in ave res # (float) S_ResMax : max abs(S res) to include in ave res # (float) Ell_Len3_Max : max ellipsoid major semi-axis length to include in ave res # (float) Hypo_Depth_Min : min hypo depth to include in ave res # (float) Hypo_Depth_Max : max hypo depth to include in ave res #LOCPHSTAT 9999.0 -1 9999.0 1.0 1.0 9999.9 -9999.9 9999.9 # take-off angles mode & minimum quality # (LOCANGLES angles_mode, min_quality) # (char[]) angles_mode (ANGLES_YES, ANGLES_NO) # (integer) min_quality : minimum quality to use take-off angles LOCANGLES ANGLES_YES 5 # magnitude calculation method # (LOCMAG magnitude_type ) # (char[]) magnitude_type (ML_HB (ML, Hutton Boore)) # : # ML_HB amp_fact n K #LOCMAG ML_HB 1.0 1.110 0.00189 # station/inst/comp parameters (for specifying component specific parameters, i.e. constants for magnitude calculation) # (LOCCMP name inst comp amp_fact sta_corr) # (char[]) name : station identifier (after alias evaluation, without trailing underscore "_") # (char[]) name : inst identifier (use '?' for don't care) # (char[]) name : comp identifier (use '?' for don't care) # (float) amp_fact: amplitude factor, will be multiplied by amplitude # (float) sta_corr: magnitude correction # # example: # #LOCCMP CDR ? ? 1.0 0.0 # # station name alias (for aliasing sta names, for date validation and for # phase time delays) # (LOCALIAS name alias year mo day year mo day) # (char[]) name : station identifier on input # (char[]) alias : station identifier for travel time grid on output # NOTE: a trailing underscore "_" in aliases will only be # used for time grid identification, not for output # (ints) year mo day : start date of validity (0 0 0 = no start date) # (ints) year mo day : end date of validity (9999 99 99 = no end date) # # Note: # Alias evaluation is applied recursively, beware of infinite recursion! # P and S delays from last alias only are used! # # example: # #LOCALIAS ART ART_ 1996 05 29 1996 09 18 0.03 0.08 # #LOCALIAS SBFX SBF 0 0 0 9999 99 99 # phase exclude # (LOCEXCLUDE name phase) # (char[]) name : station identifier after any alias # (char[]) phase : phase identifier on input #LOCEXCLUDE NEGI S # time delays # (LOCDELAY name phase n_readings p_delay s_delay) # (char[]) name : station identifier on control file statements # (char[]) phase : phase identifier # (int) n_readings : number of residuals used to calc delay # (float) delay : delay in seconds, subtracted from obs time # station identifiers are evaluated after aliases has been evaluated! # # example: # #LOCDELAY NEGI P 1 0.04 # # time corrections LOCDELAY SOS9 P 1 0.03 LOCDELAY SOS8 P 1 0.09 LOCDELAY SOS7 P 1 -0.00 LOCDELAY SOS6 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY SOS5 P 1 0.14 LOCDELAY STS4 P 1 0.24 LOCDELAY SOS3 P 1 -0.00 LOCDELAY SOS2 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY NOS2 P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY STS1 P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY AH11 P 1 0.07 LOCDELAY SW27 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY HS5 P 1 0.03 LOCDELAY HS5_ P 1 0.03 LOCDELAY BS4 P 1 0.06 LOCDELAY HS94 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY VS74 P 1 0.15 LOCDELAY LS9A P 1 0.13 LOCDELAY LS11 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY VMS2 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY HS14 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY SS71 P 1 0.17 LOCDELAY WHS5 P 1 0.19 LOCDELAY AWL P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY AWL_ P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY BG15 P 1 0.06 LOCDELAY BH30 P 1 0.03 LOCDELAY BH38 P 1 0.05 LOCDELAY WS5S P 1 0.11 LOCDELAY PS15 P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY LDE P 1 0.15 LOCDELAY LDE_ P 1 0.15 LOCDELAY ROTT P 1 0.06 LOCDELAY LDO P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY MO20 P 1 -0.07 LOCDELAY MO22 P 1 0.20 LOCDELAY MO50 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY MO51 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY MO52 P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY MO53 P 1 0.12 LOCDELAY MO54 P 1 0.03 LOCDELAY MO55 P 1 -0.03 LOCDELAY MO57 P 1 0.11 LOCDELAY MO58 P 1 0.12 LOCDELAY MO59 P 1 0.13 LOCDELAY MO61 P 1 0.30 LOCDELAY MO66 P 1 -0.35 LOCDELAY LDAU P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY INSH P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY INS1 P 1 -0.08 LOCDELAY INS2 P 1 0.01 LOCDELAY INS3 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY INS4 P 1 0.11 LOCDELAY NS4B P 1 0.05 LOCDELAY INS5 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY INS6 P 1 -0.01 LOCDELAY NS6B P 1 -0.03 LOCDELAY INS7 P 1 0.09 LOCDELAY INS8 P 1 0.00 LOCDELAY SOS9 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY SOS8 S 1 0.08 LOCDELAY SOS7 S 1 -0.02 LOCDELAY SOS6 S 1 -0.04 LOCDELAY SOS5 S 1 0.27 LOCDELAY STS4 S 1 0.35 LOCDELAY SOS3 S 1 -0.14 LOCDELAY SOS2 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY NOS2 S 1 -0.26 LOCDELAY STS1 S 1 -0.23 LOCDELAY AH11 S 1 0.02 LOCDELAY SW27 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY HS5 S 1 0.06 LOCDELAY HS5_ S 1 0.06 LOCDELAY BS4 S 1 -0.07 LOCDELAY HS94 S 1 -0.20 LOCDELAY VS74 S 1 0.24 LOCDELAY LS9A S 1 0.16 LOCDELAY LS11 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY VMS2 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY HS14 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY SS71 S 1 0.28 LOCDELAY WHS5 S 1 0.30 LOCDELAY AWL_ S 1 -0.03 LOCDELAY BG15 S 1 0.05 LOCDELAY BH30 S 1 -0.01 LOCDELAY BH38 S 1 0.02 LOCDELAY WS5S S 1 0.13 LOCDELAY PS15 S 1 0.03 LOCDELAY LDE S 1 0.13 LOCDELAY LDE_ S 1 0.13 LOCDELAY ROTT S 1 -0.12 LOCDELAY LDO S 1 0.06 LOCDELAY MO20 S 1 -0.34 LOCDELAY MO22 S 1 0.44 LOCDELAY MO50 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY MO51 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY MO52 S 1 -0.06 LOCDELAY MO53 S 1 0.14 LOCDELAY MO54 S 1 0.06 LOCDELAY MO55 S 1 -0.15 LOCDELAY MO57 S 1 0.42 LOCDELAY MO58 S 1 0.22 LOCDELAY MO59 S 1 0.30 LOCDELAY MO61 S 1 0.62 LOCDELAY MO66 S 1 -1.06 LOCDELAY LDAU S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY INSH S 1 0.10 LOCDELAY INS1 S 1 -0.33 LOCDELAY INS2 S 1 0.03 LOCDELAY INS3 S 1 0.06 LOCDELAY INS4 S 1 0.13 LOCDELAY NS4B S 1 -0.07 LOCDELAY INS5 S 1 -0.10 LOCDELAY INS6 S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY NS6B S 1 0.00 LOCDELAY INS7 S 1 0.05 LOCDELAY INS8 S 1 0.34 #LOCDELAY SOS2 P 1 0.27 #LOCDELAY SOS2 S 1 0.25 #LOCDELAY NOS2 P 1 0.19 #LOCDELAY NOS2 S 1 0.08 #LOCDELAY SOS3 P 1 0.17 #LOCDELAY SOS3 S 1 -0.13 #LOCDELAY STS4 P 1 -0.21 #LOCDELAY STS4 S 1 -0.71 #LOCDELAY SOS9 P 1 0.12 #LOCDELAY SOS9 S 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY SOS8 P 1 -0.28 #LOCDELAY SOS8 S 1 -0.80 #LOCDELAY SOS7 P 1 -0.01 #LOCDELAY SOS7 S 1 -0.44 #LOCDELAY SOS6 P 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY SOS6 S 1 -0.43 #LOCDELAY SOS5 P 1 -0.27 #LOCDELAY SOS5 S 1 -0.92 #LOCDELAY STS1 P 1 0.16 #LOCDELAY STS1 S 1 0.06 #LOCDELAY LDE P 1 -0.23 #LOCDELAY LDE S 1 -0.57 #LOCDELAY ROTT P 1 -0.02 #LOCDELAY ROTT S 1 -0.01 #LOCDELAY MO20 P 1 0.34 #LOCDELAY MO20 S 1 0.25 #LOCDELAY MO22 P 1 -0.23 #LOCDELAY MO22 S 1 -0.93 #LOCDELAY MO50 P 1 -0.16 #LOCDELAY MO50 S 1 -0.64 #LOCDELAY MO51 P 1 -0.32 #LOCDELAY MO51 S 1 -1.03 #LOCDELAY MO52 P 1 0.09 #LOCDELAY MO52 S 1 -0.23 #LOCDELAY MO53 P 1 -0.03 #LOCDELAY MO53 S 1 -0.51 #LOCDELAY MO54 P 1 0.09 #LOCDELAY MO54 S 1 -0.31 #LOCDELAY MO55 P 1 0.19 #LOCDELAY MO55 S 1 -0.13 #LOCDELAY MO57 P 1 -0.11 #LOCDELAY MO57 S 1 -0.86 #LOCDELAY MO58 P 1 -0.29 #LOCDELAY MO58 S 1 -0.89 #LOCDELAY MO59 P 1 -0.22 #LOCDELAY MO59 S 1 -0.76 #LOCDELAY MO61 P 1 -0.30 #LOCDELAY MO61 S 1 -0.96 #LOCDELAY MO66 P 1 0.68 #LOCDELAY MO66 S 1 1.00 #LOCDELAY INSH P 1 -0.07 #LOCDELAY INSH S 1 -0.63 #LOCDELAY INS1 P 1 0.42 #LOCDELAY INS1 S 1 0.33 #LOCDELAY INS2 P 1 0.18 #LOCDELAY INS2 S 1 -0.20 #LOCDELAY INS3 P 1 0.38 #LOCDELAY INS3 S 1 0.01 #LOCDELAY INS4 P 1 -0.02 #LOCDELAY INS4 S 1 -0.46 #LOCDELAY INS4B P 1 -0.01 #LOCDELAY INS4B S 1 -0.33 #LOCDELAY INS5 P 1 -0.01 #LOCDELAY INS5 S 1 -0.33 #LOCDELAY INS6 P 1 0.25 #LOCDELAY INS6 S 1 -0.11 #LOCDELAY INS6B P 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY INS6B S 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY INS7 P 1 -0.24 #LOCDELAY INS7 S 1 -0.72 #LOCDELAY INS8 P 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY INS8 S 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY AH11 P 1 -0.20 #LOCDELAY AH11 S 1 -0.66 #LOCDELAY SW27 P 1 -0.08 #LOCDELAY SW27 S 1 -0.61 #LOCDELAY HS5 P 1 0.12 #LOCDELAY HS5 S 1 -0.30 #LOCDELAY BS4 P 1 0.08 #LOCDELAY BS4 S 1 -0.20 #LOCDELAY GHS9 P 1 0.23 #LOCDELAY GHS9 S 1 0.04 #LOCDELAY IVS7 P 1 -0.15 #LOCDELAY IVS7 S 1 -0.70 #LOCDELAY LS9A P 1 -0.04 #LOCDELAY LS9A S 1 -0.48 #LOCDELAY OVMS P 1 0.06 #LOCDELAY OVMS S 1 -0.36 #LOCDELAY HS14 P 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY HS14 S 1 0.0 #LOCDELAY SS71 P 1 -0.15 #LOCDELAY SS71 S 1 -0.72 #LOCDELAY WHS5 P 1 -0.18 #LOCDELAY WHS5 S 1 -0.74 #LOCDELAY AWL P 1 -0.07 #LOCDELAY AWL S 1 -0.49 #LOCDELAY BG15 P 1 -0.06 #LOCDELAY BG15 S 1 -0.48 #LOCDELAY BH30 P 1 0.07 #LOCDELAY BH30 S 1 -0.27 #LOCDELAY BH38 P 1 -0.12 #LOCDELAY BH38 S 1 -0.55 # # # ============================================================================= # END of NLLoc control file statements # ============================================================================= # =============================================================================