== Sample flowfiles The samples comprise four different flowfiles * tiny.ff (one single job) * small.ff (29 jobs) * large.ff (780 jobs) * huge.ff (>40000 jobs) == Sample jobs The flow require a number of job scripts * do_make * do_test * do_inst * do_uninst * do_final * do_report each of which simply does a sleep. == Pre-submission procedure In addition a sample .flowrc.rb file can be found. Besides a couple of parameters it contains a pre-submission procedure. == Assumptions according the DRM setup Note: For running the flows it is necessary to configure the DRM in a way that -q gridware.q -q irix.q -q solaris.q -q linux.q -q darwin.q and -P fast (.flowrc.rb) can be passed as "nat" (i.e. "drmaa_native_specification"). Yet as a matter of course the set-up requirements easily can be changed, if the sample files are modified accordingly.