Merging branches/life with trunk
This commit is contained in:
2018-03-07 17:59:11 +01:00
r834 www/branches/life
@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ www/external/widget-pager.js -text
www/ -text
www/ -text
www/logo_RUB_155x30.png -text
www/ -text
www/spinner.gif -text
@ -44,10 +44,12 @@ function getGeolocation(id, lat, lng) {
$.getJSON( config['ajax']['nominatimURL'], { lat: lat, lon: lng, zoom: 10, format: "json" } )
.done(function( json ) {
var city = json.address["city"];
if ( ~city ) { city = json.address["town"]; };
if ( ~city ) { city = json.address["village"]; };
var country = json.address["country"];
var countryCode = json.address["country_code"].toUpperCase();
geolocationTable[id] = city;
( country != "Deutschland" ) ? geolocationTable[id] = geolocationTable[id] + " ("+countryCode+")" : null;
( countryCode != "DE" ) ? geolocationTable[id] = geolocationTable[id] + " ("+countryCode+")" : null;
if ( city ) {
$("#eventstable a.toggle[eventid="+id+"]").text(geolocationTable[id]);
var sort = [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]];
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ function getGeolocation(id, lat, lng) {
$("#eventstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
} else {
console.log("Nominatim did not provide a city tag for "+lat+" / "+lng);
// console.log("Nominatim did not provide a city tag for "+lat+" / "+lng);
.fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
@ -137,6 +139,9 @@ function ajaxLoadEvents(stime, etime, eventid, url, target) {
// setting up download links (3nd line)
var xmlurl = sprintf('%s?formatted=true&includearrivals=true&eventid=%s', config['ajax']['eventURL'], id);
var oTime = new Date(otime);
if ( ~oTime ) {
oTime = new Date(otime.split('.')[0]);
var sTime = new Date(oTime.getTime()-10*1000.-oTime.getMilliseconds());
var eTime = new Date(oTime.getTime()+50*1000.-oTime.getMilliseconds());
var mseedurl = sprintf('%s?net=GE,GR,RN&cha=EH?,HH?&start=%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d&end=%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d', config['ajax']['mseedURL'], Number(sTime.getUTCFullYear()), Number(sTime.getUTCMonth())+1, Number(sTime.getUTCDate()), Number(sTime.getUTCHours()), Number(sTime.getUTCMinutes()), Number(sTime.getUTCSeconds()), Number(eTime.getUTCFullYear()), Number(eTime.getUTCMonth())+1, Number(eTime.getUTCDate()), Number(eTime.getUTCHours()), Number(eTime.getUTCMinutes()), Number(eTime.getUTCSeconds()));
@ -155,11 +160,11 @@ function ajaxLoadEvents(stime, etime, eventid, url, target) {
if ((stime <= oTime && etime >= oTime ) || ( id == eventid )) {
var marker = addEventMarker(id, Number(lat), Number(lng), Number(mag), type);
var text = sprintf('<h3 eventid="%s">%s</h3>', id, location)
+ sprintf('<p>Ereignis: %s</br>', id)
+ sprintf('Type: %s</br>', type)
+ sprintf('Magnitude: %3.1f</br>', Number(mag))
+ sprintf('Ort: %.4f °N, %.4f °O </br>', Number(lat), Number(lng))
+ sprintf('Tiefe: %.1f km</br>', Number(depth)/1000.)
+ sprintf('<p>Ereignis: %s<br />', id)
+ sprintf('Type: %s<br />', type)
+ sprintf('Magnitude: %3.1f<br />', Number(mag))
+ sprintf('Ort: %.4f °N, %.4f °O <br />', Number(lat), Number(lng))
+ sprintf('Tiefe: %.1f km<br />', Number(depth)/1000.)
+ sprintf('Zeit: <span class="utctime">%sZ</span></p>', otime.split('.')[0], otime.split('.')[0]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
* events.js *
* script for event specific functions and setup *
/* License
Copyright 2014 Kasper D. Fischer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see
/* adding row(s) to a table and format date strings afterwards */
function addTableRow(row, table) {
var added = $('#'+table+' tbody').append(row);
added.find('.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
$('#'+table).find('td.utctime-date').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "dd.MM.yyyy");
$('#'+table).find('td.utctime-time').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "HH:mm");
/* do reverse geolocation lookup */
function getGeolocation(id, lat, lng) {
if ( !geolocationTable[id] ) {
$.getJSON( config['ajax']['nominatimURL'], { lat: lat, lon: lng, zoom: 10, format: "json" } )
.done(function( json ) {
var city = json.address["city"];
if ( ~city ) { city = json.address["town"]; };
if ( ~city ) { city = json.address["village"]; };
var country = json.address["country"];
var countryCode = json.address["country_code"].toUpperCase();
geolocationTable[id] = city;
( countryCode != "DE" ) ? geolocationTable[id] = geolocationTable[id] + " ("+countryCode+")" : null;
if ( city ) {
$("#eventstable a.toggle[eventid="+id+"]").text(geolocationTable[id]);
var sort = [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]];
$("#eventstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$("#eventstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
} else {
// console.log("Nominatim did not provide a city tag for "+lat+" / "+lng);
.fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
/* Load events using ajax */
function ajaxLoadEvents(stime, etime, eventid, url, target) {
var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
var request_data = {};
var rtime;
var ajax_url = config['ajax']['eventURL'];
if ( stime == '' || !stime ) {
stime = new Date();
rtime = new Date();
rtime.setDate(rtime.getDate()-Math.min(config['ajax']['timespan'], config['map']['timespan']));
} else {
rtime = stime;
if ( url ) {
var ajax_url = url;
request_data = {};
} else {
if ( eventid ) {
request_data = { eventid: eventid };
} else {
request_data = {
starttime: sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", rtime.getFullYear(), rtime.getMonth()+1, rtime.getDate()),
orderby: 'time',
minlat: sprintf('%.2f', mapBounds.getSouth()-config['map']['latlngDelta']),
maxlat: sprintf('%.2f', mapBounds.getNorth()+config['map']['latlngDelta']),
minlon: sprintf('%.2f', mapBounds.getWest()-config['map']['latlngDelta']),
maxlon: sprintf('%.2f', mapBounds.getEast()+config['map']['latlngDelta']),
minmag: sprintf('%.1f', config['event']['minMag']-config['event']['minMagDelta']),
if ( etime ) {
request_data['endtime'] = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", etime.getFullYear(), etime.getMonth()+1, etime.getDate());
if ( etime == '' || !etime ) { etime = new Date(); };
type: "GET",
url: ajax_url,
data: request_data,
dataType: "xml",
success: function (xml) {
$(xml).find('event').each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('publicID').split('/')[2];
var mag = $(this).find('magnitude > mag > value').text();
var otime = $(this).find('origin > time > value').text();
var lng = $(this).find('origin > longitude > value').text();
var lat = $(this).find('origin > latitude > value').text();
var depth = $(this).find('origin > depth > value').text();
var evaluationMode = $(this).find('origin > evaluationMode').text();
var evaluationStatus = $(this).find('origin > evaluationStatus').text();
var type = $(this).find('type').last().text();
var location
// get location, try this in order:
// regional map name, given value, cached value, or nominatim lookup
geolocationTable[id] ? null : getGeolocation(id, lat, lng); // do AJAX lookup if not cached, location will be updated later
location = ( geolocationTable[id] || getLocation(lat, lng)[0] || $(this).find('description > text').text() );
// create table row: Date, Time, Mag, Location
if ( !eventTable[id] && $.inArray(type, config['event']['typeWhitelist'] )+1 && $.inArray(evaluationStatus, config['event']['evaluationBlacklist'])<0 && Number(mag)+0.05 >= config['event']['minMag'] ) {
// general event info (1st line)
var row = '<tr class="tablesorter-hasChildRow">'
+ '<td class="utctime-date">'+otime.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ '<td class="utctime-time">'+otime.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ sprintf('<td class="ar">%.1f</td>', Number(mag))
+ '<td><a href="#" class="toggle" eventid="'+id+'">'+location+'</a> <a class="map-link" href="#" eventid="'+id+'">map</a></td>'
+ '</tr>';
// setting up event details (2nd line)
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow event-details">'
+ '<td colspan="4" eventid="'+id+'">Daten werden geladen ...</td></tr>';
// setting up download links (3nd line)
var xmlurl = sprintf('%s?formatted=true&includearrivals=true&eventid=%s', config['ajax']['eventURL'], id);
var oTime = new Date(otime);
if ( ~oTime ) {
oTime = new Date(otime.split('.')[0]);
var sTime = new Date(oTime.getTime()-10*1000.-oTime.getMilliseconds());
var eTime = new Date(oTime.getTime()+50*1000.-oTime.getMilliseconds());
var mseedurl = sprintf('%s?net=GE,GR,RN&cha=EH?,HH?&start=%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d&end=%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d', config['ajax']['mseedURL'], Number(sTime.getUTCFullYear()), Number(sTime.getUTCMonth())+1, Number(sTime.getUTCDate()), Number(sTime.getUTCHours()), Number(sTime.getUTCMinutes()), Number(sTime.getUTCSeconds()), Number(eTime.getUTCFullYear()), Number(eTime.getUTCMonth())+1, Number(eTime.getUTCDate()), Number(eTime.getUTCHours()), Number(eTime.getUTCMinutes()), Number(eTime.getUTCSeconds()));
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow event-download">'
+ '<td colspan="4" eventid="'+id+'">'
+ sprintf('Download <a class="xml-link" target="_blank" download="%s.xml" href="%s">QuakeML</a> or <a class="mseed-link" target="_blank" download="%s.mseed" href="%s">miniSEED</a>', id, xmlurl, id, mseedurl)
+ '</td></tr>';
// add row to table
if ( stime <= oTime && etime >= oTime ) {
addTableRow(row, 'eventstable');
if ( target ) {
addTableRow(row, target);
// create marker
if ((stime <= oTime && etime >= oTime ) || ( id == eventid )) {
var marker = addEventMarker(id, Number(lat), Number(lng), Number(mag), type);
var text = sprintf('<h3 eventid="%s">%s</h3>', id, location)
+ sprintf('<p>Ereignis: %s<br />', id)
+ sprintf('Type: %s<br />', type)
+ sprintf('Magnitude: %3.1f<br />', Number(mag))
+ sprintf('Ort: %.4f °N, %.4f °O <br />', Number(lat), Number(lng))
+ sprintf('Tiefe: %.1f km<br />', Number(depth)/1000.)
+ sprintf('Zeit: <span class="utctime">%sZ</span></p>', otime.split('.')[0], otime.split('.')[0]);
complete: function () {
var sort = [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]];
$("#eventstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$("#eventstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
error: function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
// create events csv download link
request_data['format'] = 'text';
if ( eventid == '' || !eventid ) { $('#events-csv-link').attr('href', config['ajax']['eventURL']+'?'+$.param(request_data)) };
/* ajaxLoadEventInfo */
function ajaxLoadEventInfo(id) {
var request_data = {
eventid: id,
includeArrivals: true,
type: "GET",
url: config['ajax']['eventURL'],
data: request_data,
dataType: "xml",
success: function (xml) {
eventDetails[id] = true;
$(xml).find('event').each(function () {
var event = $(this);
var mag = $(this).find('magnitude > mag > value').text();
var otime = $(this).find('origin > time > value').text();
var lng = $(this).find('origin > longitude > value').text();
var lng_err = $(this).find('origin > longitude > uncertainty').text();
var lat = $(this).find('origin > latitude > value').text();
var lat_err = $(this).find('origin > latitude > uncertainty').text();
var depth = $(this).find('origin > depth > value').text();
var depth_err = $(this).find('origin > depth > uncertainty').text();
var rms = $(this).find('origin > quality > standardError').text();
var gap = $(this).find('origin > quality > azimuthalGap').text();
var phases_count = $(this).find('origin > quality > usedPhaseCount').text();
var type = $(this).find('type').last().text();
// setting up general event info
var row = "<pre>"
+ sprintf("ID %49s\n", id)
+ sprintf("Type %47s\n\n", type)
+ "Origin\n"
+ sprintf("Date %18s\n", otime.split('T')[0])
+ sprintf("Time %18s UTC\n", otime.split('T')[1].substring(0, 11))
+ sprintf("Latitude %14.4f °N +- %4.1f km\n",Number(lat), Number(lat_err))
+ sprintf("Longitude %13.4f °E +- %4.1f km\n", Number(lng), Number(lng_err))
+ sprintf("Depth %14.1f km +- %4.1f km\n", Number(depth)/1000., Number(depth_err)/1000.)
+ sprintf("Magnitude %10.1f\n", Number(mag))
+ sprintf("Residual RMS %7.1f sec\n", Number(rms))
+ sprintf("Azimuthal gap %6.1f °\n\n", Number(gap))
+ sprintf("%d Phase arrivals:\n", Number(phases_count))
+ "sta net dist azi phase time res wt\n";
// adding phase info (TODO sort by distance)
$(this).find('origin > arrival').each(function() {
var pickid = $(this).find('pickID').text();
var azi = $(this).find('azimuth').text();
var dist = $(this).find('distance').text();
var tres = $(this).find('timeResidual').text();
var phase = $(this).find('phase').text();
var tweight = $(this).find('timeWeight').text();
if ( Number(tweight) > 0.0 ) {
var waveformid = event.find('pick[publicID="'+pickid+'"] > waveformID');
var networkcode = waveformid.attr('networkCode');
var stationcode = waveformid.attr('stationCode');
var channel = waveformid.attr('channelCode').substring(2,2);
var phasemode = event.find('pick[publicID="'+pickid+'"] > evaluationMode').text().substring(0,1).toUpperCase();
var picktime = event.find('pick[publicID="'+pickid+'"] > time > value').text().split('T')[1].substring(0,11);
row = row
+ sprintf('%-4s %2s %5.1f %5.1f %3s %1s %13s %5.1f %5.2f\n', stationcode, networkcode, Number(dist), Number(azi), phase, phasemode, picktime, Number(tres), Number(tweight));
row = row + '</pre>';
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr.event-details > td[eventid='+id+']').html(row);
complete: function () {
error: function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
/* toggles visibility of filtered markers
* only events in the event list are shown */
function toggleFilteredMarkers() {
// show all shown events in map
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr:not(.filtered) > td >").each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") ) {
// hide filtered events in map
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr.filtered > td >").each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") ) {
/* Highlight the first event of the event list on the map if no
* other event is selected */
function highlightFirstEvent() {
var highlightStyle = {
color: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillColor: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillOpacity: 1,
var normalStyle = {
fillColor: config['event']['markerColor'],
color: config['event']['markerColor'],
fillOpacity: config['event']['markerOpacity'],
$("#eventstable").each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") ) {
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr:not(.filtered):visible").first().find("").each(function() {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") ) {
$(this).text('map (red)');
function highlightEvent( id ) {
var highlightStyle = {
color: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillColor: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillOpacity: 1,
var normalStyle = {
fillColor: config['event']['markerColor'],
color: config['event']['markerColor'],
fillOpacity: config['event']['markerOpacity'],
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr:not(.filtered)").find("").each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") ) {
if ( $(this).attr("eventid") == id ) {
$(this).text('map (red)');
} else {
* document ready *
$(document).ready(function() {
// tablesorter for event list
theme : 'blue',
dateFormat : "ddmmyyyy",
headers: {
0: { sorter: "shortDate" }
cssChildRow: "tablesorter-childRow", // this is the default setting
widgets: ["uitheme", "zebra", "filter", "pager"], // initialize zebra and filter widgets, "scroller"
widgetOptions: {
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
pager_output: '# {startRow} - {endRow} ({totalRows}) | page {page} ({totalPages})',
pager_removeRows: false,
pager_size: 35,
filter_childRows : true,
filter_cssFilter : 'tablesorter-filter',
filter_startsWith : false,
filter_ignoreCase : true,
scroller_height: $('').height() - 250,
scroller_barWidth: 10,
scroller_jumpToHeader: false,
sortList: "[[0,1], [1,1], [2,1]]",
resort: true,
showProcessing: true,
// hide child rows
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
// update map after filtering
$('#eventstable').bind('filterEnd', function(){
// highlight first event
$('#eventstable').bind('sortEnd', function(){
$('#eventstable').bind('pagerComplete', function(){
// show / hide event info
$('#eventstable').delegate('.toggle', 'click' , function(){
// load event details
var eventid = $(this).attr('eventid');
( eventDetails[eventid] ) ? null : ajaxLoadEventInfo(eventid);
// toggle visibility of selected row
// mark currently selected row and remove class selected from all other rows
// hide other rows
if ( ! $(this).hasClass('selected-now') ) {
var selected = $(this).hasClass('selected');
if ( selected ) {
} else {
return false;
// update selection / type info
$("#events-minmag").text(sprintf('%.1f', config['event']['minMag']));
config['event']['typeWhitelist'].map(function(type) {
var typetext;
( $("#events-type").text() == "Symbols:" ) ? typetext = ' ' : typetext = ', ';
switch ( type ) {
case 'earthquake':
typetext += 'tectonic earthquake (star)';
case 'explosion':
typetext += 'explosion (hexagon)';
case 'induced or triggered event':
typetext += '(mining-)induced event (circle)';
case 'quarry blast':
typetext += 'quarry blast (wheel)';
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
<div class="accordioncontent">
Seismologisches Observatorium der</br>
Ruhr-Universität Bochum</br>
NA 3/174</br>
44780 Bochum</br>
Tel.: 0234 32-27574</br>
Fax: 0234 32-07574</br>
Seismologisches Observatorium der<br />
Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />
NA 3/174<br />
44780 Bochum<br />
Tel.: 0234 32-27574<br />
Fax: 0234 32-07574<br />
<p>Die Ruhr-Universität ist eine Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts. Sie wird durch ihren Rektor Herrn Prof. Dr. Elmar W. Weiler gesetzlich vertreten.</p>
<p>Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde ist das Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Völklinger Straße 49, 40221 Düsseldorf.</p>
<p>Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 127 056 261</p>
<h4>Inhaltliche und technische Verantwortung für die Seiten des Seismologischen Observatoriums der Ruhr-Universität Bochum</h4>
Herr Dr. Kasper D. Fischer</br>
Ruhr-Universität Bochum</br>
44780 Bochum</br>
Tel.: 0234 32-27574</br>
Fax: 0234 32-07574</br>
Herr Dr. Kasper D. Fischer<br />
Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />
44780 Bochum<br />
Tel.: 0234 32-27574<br />
Fax: 0234 32-07574<br />
E-Mail:<br />
<p>Meldungen über missbräuchliche Nutzungen, die von Stationen aus dem IP-Namensbereich ausgehen, senden Sie bitte an die Email-Adresse
|||| Gleichfalls bittet die Ruhr-Universität um Mitteilung an dieselbe Email-Adresse, wenn rechtswidrige Inhalte durch Links auf Seiten der Ruhr-Universität zu
@ -175,6 +175,6 @@
<div class="rublogo"><a href=""><img class="rublogo" src="logo_RUB_155x30.png" alt="Ruhr-Universität Bochum" title="Ruhr-Universität Bochum" border="0"/></a></div>
<!-- Map -->
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<div id="spinner" class="spinner" style="display:none;"><img id="img-spinner" src="spinner.gif" alt="Loading"/></br>Loading ...</div>
<div id="spinner" class="spinner" style="display:none;"><img id="img-spinner" src="spinner.gif" alt="Loading"/><br />Loading ...</div>
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
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<div class="info" id="tabs">
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<div class="tab" id="eventstab">
<div class="pager events" id="eventspager">
<img src="external/first.png" class="first" alt="First" />
<img src="external/prev.png" class="prev" alt="Prev" />
<span class="pagedisplay"></span>
<img src="external/next.png" class="next" alt="Next" />
<img src="external/last.png" class="last" alt="Last" />
<select class="pagesize" title="Select page size">
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="15">15</option>
<option value="20">20</option>
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="30">30</option>
<option value="35">35</option>
<select class="gotoPage" title="Select page number"></select>
<table class="tablesorter" id="eventstable">
<col width="85" />
<col width="50" />
<col width="50" />
<col />
<col width="30" />
<p class="table-caption">
Events of the last <span id="events-timespan">180</span> days with magnitude <span id="events-minmag">1.2</span> or larger in the area of the map and special events in adjacents regions. Download as <a id="events-csv-link" href="link" download="events.csv">CSV file</a>.
<p class="table-caption">
<span id="events-type">Symbols:</span>
<p class="table-caption">
Nominatim Search Courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">MapQuest</a> <img alt="Mapquest Logo" src="//" />
<!-- Stations -->
<div class="tab" id="stationstab">
<div class="pager stationspager" id="stationspager">
<img src="external/first.png" class="stationsfirst" alt="First" />
<img src="external/prev.png" class="stationsprev" alt="Prev" />
<span class="stationspagedisplay"></span>
<img src="external/next.png" class="stationsnext" alt="Next" />
<img src="external/last.png" class="stationslast" alt="Last" />
<select class="stationspagesize" title="Select page size">
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="15">15</option>
<option value="20">20</option>
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="30">30</option>
<option value="35">35</option>
<select class="stationsgotoPage" title="Select page number"></select>
<table class="tablesorter" id="stationstable">
<col width="77" />
<col width="100" align="char" char="." />
<col width="100" align="char" char="." />
<th>Latitude [°]</th>
<th>Longitude [°]</th>
<p class="table-caption">Download as <a id="stations-csv-link" href="link" download="stations.csv">CSV file</a>.</p>
<!-- More -->
<div class="tab" id="moretab"><!--include virtual="" --></div>
<!-- Info -->
<div class="tab" id="infotab">
<div id="infoaccordion">
<h3 class="aheader">Navigation / Links</h3>
<!--#include virtual="" -->
<h3 class="aheader">Copyright / License</h3>
<!--#include virtual="" -->
<h3 class="aheader">Imprint</h3>
<!--#include virtual="" -->
<!-- Logo -->
<div class="rublogo"><a href=""><img class="rublogo" src="logo_RUB_155x30.png" alt="Ruhr-University Bochum" title="Ruhr-University Bochum" border="0"/></a></div>
<!-- Map -->
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<div id="spinner" class="spinner" style="display:none;"><img id="img-spinner" src="spinner.gif" alt="Loading"/><br />Loading ...</div>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div class="accordioncontent">
<h4>Navigation zu den Internetseiten</h4>
<li>des <a class="intern" href="">Seismologisches Observatorium</a></br> der Ruhr-Universität Bochum</li>
<li>des <a class="intern" href="">Seismologisches Observatorium</a><br /> der Ruhr-Universität Bochum</li>
<li>der <a class="intern" href="">Arbeitsgruppe Seismologie</a></li>
<li>des <a class="intern" href="">Instituts für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik</a></li>
<li>der <a class="intern" href="">Ruhr-Universität Bochum</a></li>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function addStationMarker(id, lat, lng, station) {
color: config['station']['markerColor'],
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
radius: config['station']['markerSize'][id] || config['station']['markerSize']['default'],
radius: config['station']['markerSize'][id] || config['station']['markerSize']['defaultSize'],
className: id+' stationMarker',
marker.bindLabel('Station '+station);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
* map.js *
* script for map specific functions and setup *
/* License
Copyright 2014 Kasper D. Fischer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see
/* add station marker */
function addStationMarker(id, lat, lng, station) {
var marker = L.triangleMarker(L.latLng(lat, lng),
gradient: true,
fillColor: config['station']['markerColor'],
fillOpacity: config['station']['markerOpacity'],
color: config['station']['markerColor'],
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
radius: config['station']['markerSize'][id] || config['station']['markerSize']['defaultSize'],
className: id+' stationMarker',
marker.bindLabel('Station '+station);
stationTable[id] = marker;
/* add event marker */
function addEventMarker(id, lat, lng, mag, type) {
if ( eventTable[id] ) {
return eventTable[id];
} else {
var markerOptions = {
gradient: true,
dropShadow: false,
fillColor: config['event']['markerColor'],
fillOpacity: config['event']['markerOpacity'],
color: config['event']['markerColor'],
weight: 0,
opacity: 1,
className: id+' eventMarker',
radius: mag2radius(mag)
var marker;
switch ( type ) {
case 'earthquake':
marker = L.starMarker(L.latLng(lat, lng), markerOptions);
case 'explosion':
markerOptions['numberOfSides'] = 6;
markerOptions['radius'] = 2.0*markerOptions['radius'];
markerOptions['innerRadius'] = 0.3*markerOptions['radius'];
marker = L.regularPolygonMarker(L.latLng(lat, lng), markerOptions);
case 'quarry blast':
markerOptions['numberOfPoints'] = 7;
markerOptions['innerRadius'] = 0.3*markerOptions['radius'];
marker = L.starMarker(L.latLng(lat, lng), markerOptions);
marker = L.circleMarker(L.latLng(lat, lng), markerOptions);
eventTable[id] = marker;
return marker;
/* handle to show events on map */
function initMapLink() {
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr > td >").off('click');
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr > td >").on('click' , function(){
var highlightStyle = {
color: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillColor: config['event']['markerColorH'],
fillOpacity: 1,
className: $(this).attr('eventid')
var normalStyle = {
fillColor: config['event']['markerColor'],
fillOpacity: config['event']['markerOpacity'],
color: config['event']['markerColor']
// mark currently selected link and remove class selected from all other links
// set everything to normal state
$("#eventstable > tbody > tr:not(.filtered) > td >").each(function(){
// switch event of first row to normalStyle if it is not the selected one
( $(this).hasClass('first') ) ? null : eventTable[$("#eventstable > tbody > tr:not(.filtered)").first().find("").attr("eventid")].setStyle(normalStyle);
// selected -> unselected
if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
map.setView(config['map']['centerDefault'], config['map']['zoomDefault']);
// unselected -> selected
} else {
$(this).text('at focus (red)');
map.setView(eventTable[$(this).attr('eventid')].getLatLng(), config['map']['zoomFocus']);
return false;
* document ready *
$(document).ready(function() {
// create a map in the "map" div, set the view to a given place and zoom
map ='map', { zoomControl: false, worldCopyJump: true }).setView(config['map']['centerDefault'], config['map']['zoomDefault']);
new L.Control.Zoom({ position: 'topright' }).addTo(map);
new L.control.scale({position: 'bottomright', imperial: false}).addTo(map);
// create baselayer
switch ( config['map']['baselayer'] ) {
case 'osmde': // add OpenStreetMap.DE tile layer
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>',
case 'esrigray': // add ESRI Grayscale World Map (neither city nor road names)
attribution: 'Tiles © Esri — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ',
maxZoom: 16
case 'aerial': // add ESRI WordImagery tile layer
attribution: 'Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community'
case 'mapquestgray': // add MapQuestOSM tile layer
subdomains: '1234',
detectRetina: true,
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a> | Tiles Courtesy of <a href="">MapQuest</a> <img src="">',
case 'mapquest': // add MapQuestOSM tile layer
subdomains: '1234',
detectRetina: true,
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a> | Tiles Courtesy of <a href="">MapQuest</a> <img src="">',
// create station and event layer
// stationLayer = L.geoJson().addTo(map);
stationLayer = new L.MarkerGroup().addTo(map);
eventLayer = new L.MarkerGroup().addTo(map);
// load events
ajaxLoadEvents('', '', '', 'events.xml');
|||| {
ajaxLoadEvents('', '', id)
// bind popupopen event
map.on('popupopen', function() {
// convert date/time to localtime
$("div.leaflet-popup span.utctime").each(function(){$(this).addClass("localtime").removeClass("utctime");$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm")});
openMarkerID = $("div.leaflet-popup h3").attr("eventid");
if ( openMarkerID ) {
// update city in popup
$("div.leaflet-popup h3").text(geolocationTable[openMarkerID]);
// highlight event in table and show details
// highlightEvent(eventid);
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr > td > a.toggle').each(function() {
if ( $(this).attr('eventid') == openMarkerID ) {
map.on('popupclose', function() {
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr > td > a.toggle').each(function() {
if ( $(this).attr('eventid') == openMarkerID ) {
// print icon
// L.easyPrint().addTo(map);
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ var config = {
markerColor: 'darkgreen',
markerOpacity: 1,
markerSize: {
default: 8,
defaultSize: 8,
GE_IBBN: 10,
GR_BUG: 10,
GR_KAST: 10,
@ -211,4 +211,4 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
}).bind("ajaxStop", function() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Das seismologische Netz der Ruhr-Universität besteht aus 13 Stationen. Zwei breitbandige Stationen (BUG und IBBN) sind gleichzeitig Bestandteil des Deutschen Seismologischen Regionalnetzes (GRSN). Sie befinden sich in der Nähe der Ruhr-Universität in einem stillgelegten Stollen der Zeche Klosterbusch bzw. bei Ibbenbüren. Weitere Außenstationen gibt es bei Rheinberg (BRHE) und Hünxe (ZERL, westliches Ruhrgebiet), bei Haltern (BAVN, nörldiches Ruhrgebiet) und Hamm (HMES, östliches Ruhrgebiet). In Ibbenbüren ergänzen die kurzperiodischen Stationen IBBE und IBBS das Stationsnetz. Im Bereich der Ruhr-Universität werden weiterhin 5 kurzperiodische Stationen (BTEZ, BSHA, BKLB, BHOF, BULI) betrieben, die zur Ortung von Ereignissen im Ruhrgebiet verwendet werden. Das von den Seismometern registrierte Messsignal wird an den Stationen digitalisiert und kontinuierlich an die Auswertezentrale an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum übertragen.
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function loadStations(stime, etime) {
var row = sprintf('<tr><td><a href="#" class="toggle">%s</a></td><td><a href="#" class="toggle">%s</a></td><td class="ar">%7.4f</td><td class="ar">%7.4f</td></tr>' , network, station, Number(lat), Number(lng));
// setting up network details (2nd line)
row += sprintf('<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-details"><td colspan="4">%s', networkText[network] || '');
row += ( $.inArray(station, bochumStation)+1 ) ? '</br><em>Betreiber:</em> Ruhr-Universität Bochum</td></tr>' : '</td></tr>' ;
row += ( $.inArray(station, bochumStation)+1 ) ? '<br /><em>Betreiber:</em> Ruhr-Universität Bochum</td></tr>' : '</td></tr>' ;
if ( network == 'RN' || network == 'X5' || $.inArray(station, bochumStation)+1 ) {
// setting up station details (3rd line)
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-details"><td colspan="4">';
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function loadStations(stime, etime) {
sc3mlRespURL = URL + '&level=response&format=sc3ml';
dlsvFile = sprintf('%s_%s.dlsv', network.toUpperCase(), station.toUpperCase());
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-download"><td colspan="4">'
+ sprintf('Download details: <a download="%s.xml" href="%s" target="_blank">FDSNxml</a> or <a download="%s.sc3" href="%s" target="_blank">SC3ml</a></br> ', stationID, fdsnxmlURL, stationID, sc3mlURL)
+ sprintf('Download details: <a download="%s.xml" href="%s" target="_blank">FDSNxml</a> or <a download="%s.sc3" href="%s" target="_blank">SC3ml</a><br /> ', stationID, fdsnxmlURL, stationID, sc3mlURL)
+ sprintf('Response files: <a download="%s_response.xml" href="%s" target="_blank">FDSNxml</a>, <a download="%s_response.sc3" href="%s" target="_blank">SC3ml</a> ', stationID, fdsnxmlRespURL, stationID, sc3mlRespURL)
+ sprintf('or <a href="%s" download="%s" type="application/octet-stream">datalessSEED</a>', config['ajax']['dlsvURL'] + '/' + dlsvFile, dlsvFile.toLowerCase())
+ '</td></tr>';
@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ function stationDetails(station, network, lat, lng, stationId, stationText, stat
var elevation = stationObject.find('Elevation:first').text();
var name = stationObject.find('Site > Name').text();
output = '<pre>'
+ name + '</br>'
+ 'Position: ' + lat + '°N ' + lng + '°E, Höhe: ' + elevation + ' m NN</br>';
+ name + '<br />'
+ 'Position: ' + lat + '°N ' + lng + '°E, Höhe: ' + elevation + ' m NN<br />';
stationObject.find('Channel').each(function() {
var code = $(this).attr('code');
var sensor = $(this).find('Sensor > Type').text().split(',')[0];
var sampleRate = $(this).find('SampleRate').text();
output += '</br>Kanal ' + code + ', Abtastrate ' + sampleRate + ' Hz, Sensor ' + sensor;
output += '<br />Kanal ' + code + ', Abtastrate ' + sampleRate + ' Hz, Sensor ' + sensor;
output += '</pre>';
return output;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
* stations.js *
* script for station specific functions and setup *
/* License
Copyright 2014 Kasper D. Fischer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see
/* Load the stations using ajax */
function loadStations(stime, etime) {
var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
var N = mapBounds.getNorth();
var E = mapBounds.getEast();
var S = mapBounds.getSouth();
var W = mapBounds.getWest();
if ( !stime ) {
var stime = new Date();
if ( !etime ) {
var etime = new Date();
var request_data = {
endafter: sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", stime.getFullYear(), stime.getMonth()+1, stime.getDate()),
startbefore: sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", etime.getFullYear(), etime.getMonth()+1, etime.getDate()),
level: 'channel',
minlat: S-config['map']['latlngDelta'],
maxlat: N+config['map']['latlngDelta'],
minlon: W-config['map']['latlngDelta'],
maxlon: E+config['map']['latlngDelta'],
type: "GET",
url: config['ajax']['stationURL'],
dataType: "xml",
data: request_data,
success: function (xml) {
$(xml).find('Network').each(function () {
var network = $(this).attr('code');
if ( $.inArray(network, config['station']['networkBlacklist'])<0 ) {
$(this).find('Station').each(function () {
var station = $(this).attr('code'),
lat = $(this).find('Latitude:first').text(),
lng = $(this).find('Longitude:first').text(),
stationID = network+'_'+station,
stationText = network+'.'+station;
if ( !stationTable[stationID] ) {
// general station info (1st line)
var row = sprintf('<tr><td><a href="#" class="toggle">%s</a></td><td><a href="#" class="toggle">%s</a></td><td class="ar">%7.4f</td><td class="ar">%7.4f</td></tr>' , network, station, Number(lat), Number(lng));
// setting up network details (2nd line)
row += sprintf('<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-details"><td colspan="4">%s', networkText[network] || '');
row += ( $.inArray(station, bochumStation)+1 ) ? '<br /><em>Operator:</em> Ruhr-University Bochum</td></tr>' : '</td></tr>' ;
if ( network == 'RN' || network == 'X5' || $.inArray(station, bochumStation)+1 ) {
// setting up station details (3rd line)
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-details"><td colspan="4">';
row += stationDetails(station, network, lat, lng, stationID, stationText, $(this));
row += '</td></tr>';
// setting up download links (4th line)
var URL, fdsnxmlURL, fdsnxmlRespURL, sc3mlURL, sc3mlRespURL, dlsvURL;
URL = sprintf('%s?network=%s&station=%s', config['ajax']['stationURL'], network, station);
fdsnxmlURL = URL + '&level=station&format=xml';
fdsnxmlRespURL = URL + '&level=response&format=xml';
sc3mlURL = URL + '&level=station&format=sc3ml';
sc3mlRespURL = URL + '&level=response&format=sc3ml';
dlsvFile = sprintf('%s_%s.dlsv', network.toUpperCase(), station.toUpperCase());
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-download"><td colspan="4">'
+ sprintf('Download details: <a download="%s.xml" href="%s" target="_blank">FDSNxml</a> or <a download="%s.sc3" href="%s" target="_blank">SC3ml</a><br /> ', stationID, fdsnxmlURL, stationID, sc3mlURL)
+ sprintf('Response files: <a download="%s_response.xml" href="%s" target="_blank">FDSNxml</a>, <a download="%s_response.sc3" href="%s" target="_blank">SC3ml</a> ', stationID, fdsnxmlRespURL, stationID, sc3mlRespURL)
+ sprintf('or <a href="%s" download="%s" type="application/octet-stream">datalessSEED</a>', config['ajax']['dlsvURL'] + '/' + dlsvFile, dlsvFile.toLowerCase())
+ '</td></tr>';
else {
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow station-details"><td colspan="4">Kontaktieren Sie den ';
row += ( networkURL[network.toUpperCase()] ) ? '<a href="'+networkURL[network.toUpperCase()]+'" target="_blank">Netzwerkkoordinator</a>' : 'Netzwerkkoordinator';
row += ' für weitere Details.</td></tr>';
$('#stationstable tbody').append(row);
addStationMarker(stationID, Number(lat), Number(lng), stationText.toUpperCase());
complete: function () {
var sort = [[0,0],[1,0]];
$("#stationstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$("#stationstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
$("#stationstable > tbody > tr:even").addClass("odd");
$("#stationstable > tbody > tr:odd").addClass("even");
error: function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
// create stations csv download link
request_data['format'] = 'text';
$('#stations-csv-link').attr('href', config['ajax']['stationURL']+'?'+$.param(request_data));
/* format station Details */
function stationDetails(station, network, lat, lng, stationId, stationText, stationObject) {
var output;
var elevation = stationObject.find('Elevation:first').text();
var name = stationObject.find('Site > Name').text();
output = '<pre>'
+ name + '<br />'
+ 'Position: ' + lat + '°N ' + lng + '°E, height: ' + elevation + ' m a.s.l.<br />';
stationObject.find('Channel').each(function() {
var code = $(this).attr('code');
var sensor = $(this).find('Sensor > Type').text().split(',')[0];
var sampleRate = $(this).find('SampleRate').text();
output += '<br />Chanel ' + code + ', Samplingrate ' + sampleRate + ' Hz, Sensor ' + sensor;
output += '</pre>';
return output;
/* initStationTable */
function initStationTable() {
// tablesorter for station list
theme : 'blue',
cssChildRow: "tablesorter-childRow", // this is the default setting
widgets: ["uitheme", "zebra", "filter", "pager"], // initialize zebra and filter widgets, "scroller"
widgetOptions: {
// output default: '{page}/{totalPages}'
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
pager_output: '# {startRow} - {endRow} ({totalRows}) | page {page} ({totalPages})',
// apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible
pager_updateArrows: true,
// starting page of the pager (zero based index)
pager_startPage: 0,
// Number of visible rows
pager_size: 35,
// Save pager page & size if the storage script is loaded (requires $ in jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js)
pager_savePages: true,
// if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty
// table row set to a height to compensate; default is false
pager_fixedHeight: false,
// remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables.
// setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled.
pager_removeRows: false,
// css class names of pager arrows
pager_css: {
container : 'stations-tablesorter-pager',
errorRow : 'stations-tablesorter-errorRow', // error information row (don't include period at beginning)
disabled : 'disabled' // class added to arrows @ extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows "disabled" on first page)
// jQuery pager selectors
pager_selectors: {
container : '.stationspager', // target the pager markup (wrapper)
first : '.stationsfirst', // go to first page arrow
prev : '.stationsprev', // previous page arrow
next : '.stationsnext', // next page arrow
last : '.stationslast', // go to last page arrow
goto : '.stationsgotoPage', // go to page selector - select dropdown that sets the current page
pageDisplay : '.stationspagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed
pageSize : '.stationspagesize' // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option
filter_childRows : true,
filter_cssFilter : 'stations-tablesorter-filter',
filter_startsWith : false,
filter_ignoreCase : true,
scroller_height: $('').height() - 250,
scroller_barWidth: 10,
scroller_jumpToHeader: false,
sortList: "[[0,0], [1,0]]",
resort: true,
showProcessing: true,
// hide child rows
$('#stationstable > tbody > tr.tablesorter-childRow > td').hide();
// update map after filtering
// $('#stationsstable').bind('filterEnd', function(){
// toggleFilteredMarkers();
// });
* document ready *
$(document).ready(function() {
// show / hide station info
$('#stationstable').delegate('.toggle', 'click' , function(){
// toggle visibility of selected row
// mark currently selected row and remove class selected from all other rows
// hide other rows
if ( ! $(this).hasClass('selected-now') ) {
var selected = $(this).hasClass('selected');
if ( selected ) {
} else {
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user