update of jQuery to version 3.0.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -371,18 +371,18 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// hide child rows
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
// update map after filtering
$('#eventstable').bind('filterEnd', function(){
$('#eventstable').on('filterEnd', function(){
// highlight first event
$('#eventstable').bind('sortEnd', function(){
$('#eventstable').on('sortEnd', function(){
$('#eventstable').bind('pagerComplete', function(){
$('#eventstable').on('pagerComplete', function(){
// show / hide event info
$('#eventstable').delegate('.toggle', 'click' , function(){
$('#eventstable').on('click', '.toggle', function(){
// load event details
var eventid = $(this).attr('eventid');
( eventDetails[eventid] ) ? null : ajaxLoadEventInfo(eventid);
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 219 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 219 B |
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
/* jQuery.print, version 1.0.3
* (c) Sathvik Ponangi, Doers' Guild
* Licence: CC-By (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
(function($) {"use strict";
// A nice closure for our definitions
function getjQueryObject(string) {
// Make string a vaild jQuery thing
var jqObj = $("");
try {
jqObj = $(string).clone();
} catch(e) {
jqObj = $("<span />").html(string);
return jqObj;
function isNode(o) {
/* http://stackoverflow.com/a/384380/937891 */
return !!( typeof Node === "object" ? o instanceof Node : o && typeof o === "object" && typeof o.nodeType === "number" && typeof o.nodeName === "string");
$.print = $.fn.print = function() {
// Print a given set of elements
var options, $this, self = this;
// console.log("Printing", this, arguments);
if ( self instanceof $) {
// Get the node if it is a jQuery object
self = self.get(0);
if (isNode(self)) {
// If `this` is a HTML element, i.e. for
// $(selector).print()
$this = $(self);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
options = arguments[0];
} else {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// $.print(selector,options)
$this = $(arguments[0]);
if (isNode($this[0])) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
options = arguments[1];
} else {
// $.print(options)
options = arguments[0];
$this = $("html");
} else {
// $.print()
$this = $("html");
// Default options
var defaults = {
globalStyles : true,
mediaPrint : false,
stylesheet : null,
noPrintSelector : ".no-print",
iframe : true,
append : null,
prepend : null
// Merge with user-options
options = $.extend({}, defaults, (options || {}));
var $styles = $("");
if (options.globalStyles) {
// Apply the stlyes from the current sheet to the printed page
$styles = $("style, link, meta, title");
} else if (options.mediaPrint) {
// Apply the media-print stylesheet
$styles = $("link[media=print]");
if (options.stylesheet) {
// Add a custom stylesheet if given
$styles = $.merge($styles, $('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + options.stylesheet + '">'));
// Create a copy of the element to print
var copy = $this.clone();
// Wrap it in a span to get the HTML markup string
copy = $("<span/>").append(copy);
// Remove unwanted elements
// Add in the styles
// Appedned content
// Prepended content
// Get the HTML markup string
var content = copy.html();
// Destroy the copy
var w, wdoc;
if (options.iframe) {
// Use an iframe for printing
try {
var $iframe = $(options.iframe + "");
var iframeCount = $iframe.length;
if (iframeCount === 0) {
// Create a new iFrame if none is given
$iframe = $('<iframe height="0" width="0" border="0" wmode="Opaque"/>').prependTo('body').css({
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : -999,
"left" : -999
w = $iframe.get(0);
w = w.contentWindow || w.contentDocument || w;
wdoc = w.document || w.contentDocument || w;
setTimeout(function() {
// Fix for IE : Allow it to render the iframe
setTimeout(function() {
// Fix for IE
if (iframeCount === 0) {
// Destroy the iframe if created here
}, 100);
}, 250);
} catch (e) {
// Use the pop-up method if iframe fails for some reason
console.error("Failed to print from iframe", e.stack, e.message);
w = window.open();
} else {
// Use a new window for printing
w = window.open();
return this;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
/* @license
* jQuery.print, version 1.6.0
* (c) Sathvik Ponangi, Doers' Guild
* Licence: CC-By (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
!function(e){"use strict";function t(t,n,r){for(var o=e(t),i=o.clone(n,r),a=o.find("textarea").add(o.filter("textarea")),l=i.find("textarea").add(i.filter("textarea")),c=o.find("select").add(o.filter("select")),d=i.find("select").add(i.filter("select")),f=0,s=a.length;f<s;++f)e(l[f]).val(e(a[f]).val());for(f=0,s=c.length;f<s;++f)for(var p=0,u=c[f].options.length;p<u;++p)!0===c[f].options[p].selected&&(d[f].options[p].selected=!0);return i}function n(n){var r=e("");try{r=t(n)}catch(t){r=e("<span />").html(n)}return r}function r(t,n,r){var o=e.Deferred();try{var i=(t=t.contentWindow||t.contentDocument||t).document||t.contentDocument||t;r.doctype&&i.write(r.doctype),i.write(n),i.close();var a=!1,l=function(){if(!a){t.focus();try{t.document.execCommand("print",!1,null)||t.print(),e("body").focus()}catch(e){t.print()}t.close(),a=!0,o.resolve()}};e(t).on("load",l),setTimeout(l,r.timeout)}catch(e){o.reject(e)}return o}function o(e,t){return r(window.open(),e,t).always(function(){try{t.deferred.resolve()}catch(e){console.warn("Error notifying deferred",e)}})}function i(e){return!!("object"==typeof Node?e instanceof Node:e&&"object"==typeof e&&"number"==typeof e.nodeType&&"string"==typeof e.nodeName)}e.print=e.fn.print=function(){var a,l,c=this;c instanceof e&&(c=c.get(0)),i(c)?(l=e(c),arguments.length>0&&(a=arguments[0])):arguments.length>0?i((l=e(arguments[0]))[0])?arguments.length>1&&(a=arguments[1]):(a=arguments[0],l=e("html")):l=e("html");var d={globalStyles:!0,mediaPrint:!1,stylesheet:null,noPrintSelector:".no-print",iframe:!0,append:null,prepend:null,manuallyCopyFormValues:!0,deferred:e.Deferred(),timeout:750,title:null,doctype:"<!doctype html>"};a=e.extend({},d,a||{});var f=e("");a.globalStyles?f=e("style, link, meta, base, title"):a.mediaPrint&&(f=e("link[media=print]")),a.stylesheet&&(f=e.merge(f,e('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+a.stylesheet+'">')));var s=t(l);if((s=e("<span/>").append(s)).find(a.noPrintSelector).remove(),s.append(t(f)),a.title){var p=e("title",s);0===p.length&&(p=e("<title />"),s.append(p)),p.text(a.title)}s.append(n(a.append)),s.prepend(n(a.prepend)),a.manuallyCopyFormValues&&(s.find("input").each(function(){var t=e(this);t.is("[type='radio']")||t.is("[type='checkbox']")?t.prop("checked")&&t.attr("checked","checked"):t.attr("value",t.val())}),s.find("select").each(function(){e(this).find(":selected").attr("selected","selected")}),s.find("textarea").each(function(){var t=e(this);t.text(t.val())}));var u,h,m,y,v=s.html();try{a.deferred.notify("generated_markup",v,s)}catch(e){console.warn("Error notifying deferred",e)}if(s.remove(),a.iframe)try{u=v,m=e((h=a).iframe+""),0===(y=m.length)&&(m=e('<iframe height="0" width="0" border="0" wmode="Opaque"/>').prependTo("body").css({position:"absolute",top:-999,left:-999})),r(m.get(0),u,h).done(function(){setTimeout(function(){0===y&&m.remove()},1e3)}).fail(function(e){console.error("Failed to print from iframe",e),o(u,h)}).always(function(){try{h.deferred.resolve()}catch(e){console.warn("Error notifying deferred",e)}})}catch(e){console.error("Failed to print from iframe",e.stack,e.message),o(v,a)}else o(v,a);return this}}(jQuery);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
/* pager wrapper, div */
.tablesorter-pager {
padding: 5px;
/* pager wrapper, in thead/tfoot */
td.tablesorter-pager {
background-color: #e6eeee;
margin: 0; /* needed for bootstrap .pager gets a 18px bottom margin */
/* pager navigation arrows */
.tablesorter-pager img {
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
/* pager output text */
.tablesorter-pager .pagedisplay {
padding: 0 5px 0 5px;
width: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
text-align: center;
/* pager element reset (needed for bootstrap) */
.tablesorter-pager select {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/*** css used when "updateArrows" option is true ***/
/* the pager itself gets a disabled class when the number of rows is less than the size */
.tablesorter-pager.disabled {
display: none;
/* hide or fade out pager arrows when the first or last row is visible */
.tablesorter-pager .disabled {
/* visibility: hidden */
opacity: 0.5;
filter: alpha(opacity=50);
cursor: default;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1,3 @@
/*! sprintf.js | Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Alexandru Marasteanu <hello at alexei dot ro> | 3 clause BSD license */(function(e){function r(e){return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase()}function i(e,t){for(var n=[];t>0;n[--t]=e);return n.join("")}var t=function(){return t.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])||(t.cache[arguments[0]]=t.parse(arguments[0])),t.format.call(null,t.cache[arguments[0]],arguments)};t.format=function(e,n){var s=1,o=e.length,u="",a,f=[],l,c,h,p,d,v;for(l=0;l<o;l++){u=r(e[l]);if(u==="string")f.push(e[l]);else if(u==="array"){h=e[l];if(h[2]){a=n[s];for(c=0;c<h[2].length;c++){if(!a.hasOwnProperty(h[2][c]))throw t('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist',h[2][c]);a=a[h[2][c]]}}else h[1]?a=n[h[1]]:a=n[s++];if(/[^s]/.test(h[8])&&r(a)!="number")throw t("[sprintf] expecting number but found %s",r(a));switch(h[8]){case"b":a=a.toString(2);break;case"c":a=String.fromCharCode(a);break;case"d":a=parseInt(a,10);break;case"e":a=h[7]?a.toExponential(h[7]):a.toExponential();break;case"f":a=h[7]?parseFloat(a).toFixed(h[7]):parseFloat(a);break;case"o":a=a.toString(8);break;case"s":a=(a=String(a))&&h[7]?a.substring(0,h[7]):a;break;case"u":a>>>=0;break;case"x":a=a.toString(16);break;case"X":a=a.toString(16).toUpperCase()}a=/[def]/.test(h[8])&&h[3]&&a>=0?"+"+a:a,d=h[4]?h[4]=="0"?"0":h[4].charAt(1):" ",v=h[6]-String(a).length,p=h[6]?i(d,v):"",f.push(h[5]?a+p:p+a)}}return f.join("")},t.cache={},t.parse=function(e){var t=e,n=[],r=[],i=0;while(t){if((n=/^[^\x25]+/.exec(t))!==null)r.push(n[0]);else if((n=/^\x25{2}/.exec(t))!==null)r.push("%");else{if((n=/^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(t))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";if(n[2]){i|=1;var s=[],o=n[2],u=[];if((u=/^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(o))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";s.push(u[1]);while((o=o.substring(u[0].length))!=="")if((u=/^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(o))!==null)s.push(u[1]);else{if((u=/^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(o))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";s.push(u[1])}n[2]=s}else i|=2;if(i===3)throw"[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported";r.push(n)}t=t.substring(n[0].length)}return r};var n=function(e,n,r){return r=n.slice(0),r.splice(0,0,e),t.apply(null,r)};e.sprintf=t,e.vsprintf=n})(typeof exports!="undefined"?exports:window);
/*! sprintf-js v1.1.2 | Copyright (c) 2007-present, Alexandru Mărășteanu <hello@alexei.ro> | BSD-3-Clause */
!function(){"use strict";var g={not_string:/[^s]/,not_bool:/[^t]/,not_type:/[^T]/,not_primitive:/[^v]/,number:/[diefg]/,numeric_arg:/[bcdiefguxX]/,json:/[j]/,not_json:/[^j]/,text:/^[^\x25]+/,modulo:/^\x25{2}/,placeholder:/^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-gijostTuvxX])/,key:/^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,key_access:/^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,index_access:/^\[(\d+)\]/,sign:/^[+-]/};function y(e){return function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a,o,p,c,l,u=1,f=e.length,d="";for(n=0;n<f;n++)if("string"==typeof e[n])d+=e[n];else if("object"==typeof e[n]){if((s=e[n]).keys)for(r=t[u],i=0;i<s.keys.length;i++){if(null==r)throw new Error(y('[sprintf] Cannot access property "%s" of undefined value "%s"',s.keys[i],s.keys[i-1]));r=r[s.keys[i]]}else r=s.param_no?t[s.param_no]:t[u++];if(g.not_type.test(s.type)&&g.not_primitive.test(s.type)&&r instanceof Function&&(r=r()),g.numeric_arg.test(s.type)&&"number"!=typeof r&&isNaN(r))throw new TypeError(y("[sprintf] expecting number but found %T",r));switch(g.number.test(s.type)&&(c=0<=r),s.type){case"b":r=parseInt(r,10).toString(2);break;case"c":r=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(r,10));break;case"d":case"i":r=parseInt(r,10);break;case"j":r=JSON.stringify(r,null,s.width?parseInt(s.width):0);break;case"e":r=s.precision?parseFloat(r).toExponential(s.precision):parseFloat(r).toExponential();break;case"f":r=s.precision?parseFloat(r).toFixed(s.precision):parseFloat(r);break;case"g":r=s.precision?String(Number(r.toPrecision(s.precision))):parseFloat(r);break;case"o":r=(parseInt(r,10)>>>0).toString(8);break;case"s":r=String(r),r=s.precision?r.substring(0,s.precision):r;break;case"t":r=String(!!r),r=s.precision?r.substring(0,s.precision):r;break;case"T":r=Object.prototype.toString.call(r).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase(),r=s.precision?r.substring(0,s.precision):r;break;case"u":r=parseInt(r,10)>>>0;break;case"v":r=r.valueOf(),r=s.precision?r.substring(0,s.precision):r;break;case"x":r=(parseInt(r,10)>>>0).toString(16);break;case"X":r=(parseInt(r,10)>>>0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}g.json.test(s.type)?d+=r:(!g.number.test(s.type)||c&&!s.sign?l="":(l=c?"+":"-",r=r.toString().replace(g.sign,"")),o=s.pad_char?"0"===s.pad_char?"0":s.pad_char.charAt(1):" ",p=s.width-(l+r).length,a=s.width&&0<p?o.repeat(p):"",d+=s.align?l+r+a:"0"===o?l+a+r:a+l+r)}return d}(function(e){if(p[e])return p[e];var t,r=e,n=[],i=0;for(;r;){if(null!==(t=g.text.exec(r)))n.push(t[0]);else if(null!==(t=g.modulo.exec(r)))n.push("%");else{if(null===(t=g.placeholder.exec(r)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] unexpected placeholder");if(t[2]){i|=1;var s=[],a=t[2],o=[];if(null===(o=g.key.exec(a)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");for(s.push(o[1]);""!==(a=a.substring(o[0].length));)if(null!==(o=g.key_access.exec(a)))s.push(o[1]);else{if(null===(o=g.index_access.exec(a)))throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");s.push(o[1])}t[2]=s}else i|=2;if(3===i)throw new Error("[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported");n.push({placeholder:t[0],param_no:t[1],keys:t[2],sign:t[3],pad_char:t[4],align:t[5],width:t[6],precision:t[7],type:t[8]})}r=r.substring(t[0].length)}return p[e]=n}(e),arguments)}function e(e,t){return y.apply(null,[e].concat(t||[]))}var p=Object.create(null);"undefined"!=typeof exports&&(exports.sprintf=y,exports.vsprintf=e),"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.sprintf=y,window.vsprintf=e,"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define(function(){return{sprintf:y,vsprintf:e}}))}();
//# sourceMappingURL=sprintf.min.js.map
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
/* Pager widget (beta) for TableSorter 3/31/2014 (v2.15.12) */
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
"use strict";
var tsp,
ts = $.tablesorter;
id: "pager",
priority: 55, // load pager after filter widget
options : {
// output default: '{page}/{totalPages}'
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
pager_output: '{startRow} to {endRow} of {totalRows} rows', // '{page}/{totalPages}'
// apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible
pager_updateArrows: true,
// starting page of the pager (zero based index)
pager_startPage: 0,
// Number of visible rows
pager_size: 10,
// Save pager page & size if the storage script is loaded (requires $.tablesorter.storage in jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js)
pager_savePages: true,
//defines custom storage key
pager_storageKey: 'tablesorter-pager',
// if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty
// table row set to a height to compensate; default is false
pager_fixedHeight: false,
// count child rows towards the set page size? (set true if it is a visible table row within the pager)
// if true, child row(s) may not appear to be attached to its parent row, may be split across pages or
// may distort the table if rowspan or cellspans are included.
pager_countChildRows: false,
// remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables.
// setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled.
pager_removeRows: false, // removing rows in larger tables speeds up the sort
// use this format: "http://mydatabase.com?page={page}&size={size}&{sortList:col}&{filterList:fcol}"
// where {page} is replaced by the page number, {size} is replaced by the number of records to show,
// {sortList:col} adds the sortList to the url into a "col" array, and {filterList:fcol} adds
// the filterList to the url into an "fcol" array.
// So a sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] becomes "&col[2]=0&col[3]=0" in the url
// and a filterList = [[2,Blue],[3,13]] becomes "&fcol[2]=Blue&fcol[3]=13" in the url
pager_ajaxUrl: null,
// modify the url after all processing has been applied
pager_customAjaxUrl: function(table, url) { return url; },
// modify the $.ajax object to allow complete control over your ajax requests
pager_ajaxObject: {
dataType: 'json'
// set this to false if you want to block ajax loading on init
pager_processAjaxOnInit: true,
// process ajax so that the following information is returned:
// [ total_rows (number), rows (array of arrays), headers (array; optional) ]
// example:
// [
// 100, // total rows
// [
// [ "row1cell1", "row1cell2", ... "row1cellN" ],
// [ "row2cell1", "row2cell2", ... "row2cellN" ],
// ...
// [ "rowNcell1", "rowNcell2", ... "rowNcellN" ]
// ],
// [ "header1", "header2", ... "headerN" ] // optional
// ]
pager_ajaxProcessing: function(ajax){ return [ 0, [], null ]; },
// css class names of pager arrows
pager_css: {
container : 'tablesorter-pager',
errorRow : 'tablesorter-errorRow', // error information row (don't include period at beginning)
disabled : 'disabled' // class added to arrows @ extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows "disabled" on first page)
// jQuery selectors
pager_selectors: {
container : '.pager', // target the pager markup
first : '.first', // go to first page arrow
prev : '.prev', // previous page arrow
next : '.next', // next page arrow
last : '.last', // go to last page arrow
goto : '.gotoPage', // go to page selector - select dropdown that sets the current page
pageDisplay : '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed
pageSize : '.pagesize' // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option
init: function(table){
// only update to complete sorter initialization
format: function(table, c){
if (!(c.pager && c.pager.initialized)){
return tsp.initComplete(table, c);
tsp.moveToPage(table, c.pager, false);
remove: function(table, c){
tsp.destroyPager(table, c);
/* pager widget functions */
tsp = ts.pager = {
init: function(table) {
// check if tablesorter has initialized
if (table.hasInitialized && table.config.pager.initialized) { return; }
var t,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
s = wo.pager_selectors,
// save pager variables
p = c.pager = $.extend({
totalPages: 0,
filteredRows: 0,
filteredPages: 0,
currentFilters: [],
page: wo.pager_startPage,
size: wo.pager_size,
startRow: 0,
endRow: 0,
ajaxCounter: 0,
$size: null,
last: {}
}, c.pager);
// pager initializes multiple times before table has completed initialization
if (p.isInitializing) { return; }
p.isInitializing = true;
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('Pager initializing');
// added in case the pager is reinitialized after being destroyed.
p.$container = $(s.container).addClass(wo.pager_css.container).show();
// goto selector
p.$goto = p.$container.find(s.goto);
// page size selector
p.$size = p.$container.find(s.pageSize);
p.totalRows = c.$tbodies.eq(0).children().length;
p.oldAjaxSuccess = p.oldAjaxSuccess || wo.pager_ajaxObject.success;
c.appender = tsp.appender;
if (ts.filter && $.inArray('filter', c.widgets) >= 0) {
// get any default filter settings (data-value attribute) fixes #388
p.currentFilters = c.$table.data('lastSearch') || ts.filter.setDefaults(table, c, wo) || [];
// set, but don't apply current filters
ts.setFilters(table, p.currentFilters, false);
if (wo.pager_savePages && ts.storage) {
t = ts.storage(table, wo.pager_storageKey) || {}; // fixes #387
p.page = isNaN(t.page) ? p.page : t.page;
p.size = ( isNaN(t.size) ? p.size : t.size ) || 10;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
// clear initialized flag
p.initialized = false;
// before initialization event
c.$table.trigger('pagerBeforeInitialized', c);
tsp.enablePager(table, c, false);
if ( typeof(wo.pager_ajaxUrl) === 'string' ) {
// ajax pager; interact with database
p.ajax = true;
// When filtering with ajax, allow only custom filtering function, disable default filtering since it will be done server side.
wo.filter_serversideFiltering = true;
c.serverSideSorting = true;
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
} else {
p.ajax = false;
// Regular pager; all rows stored in memory
c.$table.trigger("appendCache", [{}, true]);
tsp.hideRowsSetup(table, c);
initComplete: function(table, c){
var p = c.pager;
tsp.changeHeight(table, c);
tsp.bindEvents(table, c);
// pager initialized
p.initialized = true;
p.isInitializing = false;
tsp.setPageSize(table, 0, c); // page size 0 is ignored
c.$table.trigger('pagerInitialized', c);
bindEvents: function(table, c){
var ctrls, fxn,
p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
s = wo.pager_selectors;
.unbind('filterStart filterEnd sortEnd disable enable destroy update updateRows updateAll addRows pageSize '.split(' ').join('.pager '))
.bind('filterStart.pager', function(e, filters) {
p.currentFilters = filters;
p.page = 0; // fixes #456
// update pager after filter widget completes
.bind('filterEnd.pager sortEnd.pager', function() {
if (p.initialized) {
tsp.moveToPage(table, p, false);
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c, false);
tsp.fixHeight(table, c);
.bind('disable.pager', function(e){
tsp.showAllRows(table, c);
.on('enable.pager', function(e){
tsp.enablePager(table, c, true);
.on('destroy.pager', function(e){
tsp.destroyPager(table, c);
.on('update updateRows updateAll addRows '.split(' ').join('.pager '), function(e){
tsp.hideRows(table, c);
// make sure widgets are applied - fixes #450
.on('pageSize.pager', function(e,v){
tsp.setPageSize(table, parseInt(v, 10) || 10, c);
tsp.hideRows(table, c);
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c, false);
if (p.$size.length) { p.$size.val(p.size); } // twice?
.on('pageSet.pager', function(e,v){
p.page = (parseInt(v, 10) || 1) - 1;
if (p.$goto.length) { p.$goto.val(c.size); } // twice?
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c, false);
// clicked controls
ctrls = [ s.first, s.prev, s.next, s.last ];
fxn = [ 'moveToFirstPage', 'moveToPrevPage', 'moveToNextPage', 'moveToLastPage' ];
.attr("tabindex", 0)
.bind('click.pager', function(e){
var i,
$c = $(this),
l = ctrls.length;
if ( !$c.hasClass(wo.pager_css.disabled) ) {
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if ($c.is(ctrls[i])) {
tsp[fxn[i]](table, p);
if ( p.$goto.length ) {
.bind('change', function(){
p.page = $(this).val() - 1;
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c, false);
if ( p.$size.length ) {
.bind('change.pager', function() {
p.$size.val( $(this).val() ); // in case there are more than one pagers
if ( !$(this).hasClass(wo.pager_css.disabled) ) {
tsp.setPageSize(table, parseInt( $(this).val(), 10 ), c);
tsp.changeHeight(table, c);
return false;
// hide arrows at extremes
pagerArrows: function(c, disable) {
var p = c.pager,
dis = !!disable,
first = dis || p.page === 0,
tp = Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ),
last = dis || p.page === tp - 1 || p.totalPages === 0,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
s = wo.pager_selectors;
if ( wo.pager_updateArrows ) {
p.$container.find(s.first + ',' + s.prev).toggleClass(wo.pager_css.disabled, first).attr('aria-disabled', first);
p.$container.find(s.next + ',' + s.last).toggleClass(wo.pager_css.disabled, last).attr('aria-disabled', last);
updatePageDisplay: function(table, c, completed) {
var i, pg, s, out,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
p = c.pager,
f = c.$table.hasClass('hasFilters') && !wo.pager_ajaxUrl,
t = (c.widgetOptions && c.widgetOptions.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered') + ',' + c.selectorRemove +
(wo.pager_countChildRows ? '' : ',.' + c.cssChildRow),
sz = p.size || 10; // don't allow dividing by zero
p.$size.add(p.$goto).removeClass(wo.pager_css.disabled).removeAttr('disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( p.totalRows / sz ); // needed for "pageSize" method
p.filteredRows = (f) ? c.$tbodies.eq(0).children('tr').not('.' + t).length : p.totalRows;
p.filteredPages = (f) ? Math.ceil( p.filteredRows / sz ) || 1 : p.totalPages;
if ( Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ) >= 0 ) {
t = (p.size * p.page > p.filteredRows);
p.startRow = (t) ? 1 : (p.filteredRows === 0 ? 0 : p.size * p.page + 1);
p.page = (t) ? 0 : p.page;
p.endRow = Math.min( p.filteredRows, p.totalRows, p.size * ( p.page + 1 ) );
out = p.$container.find(wo.pager_selectors.pageDisplay);
// form the output string (can now get a new output string from the server)
s = ( p.ajaxData && p.ajaxData.output ? p.ajaxData.output || wo.pager_output : wo.pager_output )
// {page} = one-based index; {page+#} = zero based index +/- value
.replace(/\{page([\-+]\d+)?\}/gi, function(m,n){
return p.totalPages ? p.page + (n ? parseInt(n, 10) : 1) : 0;
// {totalPages}, {extra}, {extra:0} (array) or {extra : key} (object)
.replace(/\{\w+(\s*:\s*\w+)?\}/gi, function(m){
var str = m.replace(/[{}\s]/g,''),
extra = str.split(':'),
data = p.ajaxData,
// return zero for default page/row numbers
deflt = /(rows?|pages?)$/i.test(str) ? 0 : '';
return extra.length > 1 && data && data[extra[0]] ? data[extra[0]][extra[1]] : p[str] || (data ? data[str] : deflt) || deflt;
if (out.length) {
out[ (out[0].tagName === 'INPUT') ? 'val' : 'html' ](s);
if ( p.$goto.length ) {
t = '';
pg = Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages );
for ( i = 1; i <= pg; i++ ) {
t += '<option>' + i + '</option>';
p.$goto.html(t).val( p.page + 1 );
if (p.initialized && completed !== false) {
c.$table.trigger('pagerComplete', c);
// save pager info to storage
if (wo.pager_savePages && ts.storage) {
ts.storage(table, wo.pager_storageKey, {
page : p.page,
size : p.size
fixHeight: function(table, c) {
var d, h,
p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
$b = c.$tbodies.eq(0);
if (wo.pager_fixedHeight) {
h = $.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight');
if (h) {
d = h - $b.height();
if ( d > 5 && $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') === p.size && $b.children('tr:visible').length < p.size ) {
$b.append('<tr class="pagerSavedHeightSpacer ' + wo.pager_selectors.remove.replace(/(tr)?\./g,'') + '" style="height:' + d + 'px;"></tr>');
changeHeight: function(table, c) {
var $b = c.$tbodies.eq(0);
$.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight', $b.height());
tsp.fixHeight(table, c);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', c.pager.size);
hideRows: function(table, c){
if (!c.widgetOptions.pager_ajaxUrl) {
var i,
lastIndex = 0,
p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
rows = c.$tbodies.eq(0).children(),
l = rows.length,
s = ( p.page * p.size ),
e = s + p.size,
f = wo && wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered',
j = 0; // size counter
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ){
if ( !rows[i].className.match(f) ) {
if (j === s && rows[i].className.match(c.cssChildRow)) {
// hide child rows @ start of pager (if already visible)
rows[i].style.display = 'none';
} else {
rows[i].style.display = ( j >= s && j < e ) ? '' : 'none';
// don't count child rows
j += rows[i].className.match(c.cssChildRow + '|' + c.selectorRemove.slice(1)) && !wo.pager_countChildRows ? 0 : 1;
if ( j === e && rows[i].style.display !== 'none' && rows[i].className.match(ts.css.cssHasChild) ) {
lastIndex = i;
// add any attached child rows to last row of pager. Fixes part of issue #396
if ( lastIndex > 0 && rows[lastIndex].className.match(ts.css.cssHasChild) ) {
while ( ++lastIndex < l && rows[lastIndex].className.match(c.cssChildRow) ) {
rows[lastIndex].style.display = '';
hideRowsSetup: function(table, c){
var p = c.pager;
p.size = parseInt( p.$size.val(), 10 ) || p.size;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
if ( !c.widgetOptions.pager_removeRows ) {
tsp.hideRows(table, c);
c.$table.on('sortEnd.pager filterEnd.pager', function(){
tsp.hideRows(table, c);
renderAjax: function(data, table, c, xhr, exception){
var p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions;
// process data
if ( $.isFunction(wo.pager_ajaxProcessing) ) {
// ajaxProcessing result: [ total, rows, headers ]
var i, j, t, hsh, $f, $sh, th, d, l, rr_count,
$t = c.$table,
tds = '',
result = wo.pager_ajaxProcessing(data, table) || [ 0, [] ],
hl = $t.find('thead th').length;
// Clean up any previous error.
if ( exception ) {
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('Ajax Error', xhr, exception);
ts.showError(table, exception.message + ' (' + xhr.status + ')');
p.totalRows = 0;
} else {
// process ajax object
if (!$.isArray(result)) {
p.ajaxData = result;
p.totalRows = result.total;
th = result.headers;
d = result.rows;
} else {
// allow [ total, rows, headers ] or [ rows, total, headers ]
t = isNaN(result[0]) && !isNaN(result[1]);
// ensure a zero returned row count doesn't fail the logical ||
rr_count = result[t ? 1 : 0];
p.totalRows = isNaN(rr_count) ? p.totalRows || 0 : rr_count;
d = p.totalRows === 0 ? [""] : result[t ? 0 : 1] || []; // row data
th = result[2]; // headers
l = d.length;
if (d instanceof jQuery) {
// append jQuery object
} else if (l) {
// build table from array
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
tds += '<tr>';
for ( j = 0; j < d[i].length; j++ ) {
// build tbody cells; watch for data containing HTML markup - see #434
tds += /^\s*<td/.test(d[i][j]) ? $.trim(d[i][j]) : '<td>' + d[i][j] + '</td>';
tds += '</tr>';
// add rows to first tbody
if (wo.pager_processAjaxOnInit) {
c.$tbodies.eq(0).html( tds );
} else {
wo.pager_processAjaxOnInit = true;
// only add new header text if the length matches
if ( th && th.length === hl ) {
hsh = $t.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders');
$sh = hsh ? wo.$sticky.children('thead:first').children().children() : '';
$f = $t.find('tfoot tr:first').children();
// don't change td headers (may contain pager)
var $t = $(this), icn;
// add new test within the first span it finds, or just in the header
if ( $t.find('.' + ts.css.icon).length ) {
icn = $t.find('.' + ts.css.icon).clone(true);
$t.find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] ).append(icn);
if ( hsh && $sh.length ) {
icn = $sh.eq(j).find('.' + ts.css.icon).clone(true);
$sh.eq(j).find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] ).append(icn);
} else {
$t.find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] );
if (hsh && $sh.length) {
$sh.eq(j).find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] );
$f.eq(j).html( th[j] );
if (c.showProcessing) {
ts.isProcessing(table); // remove loading icon
// make sure last pager settings are saved, prevents multiple server side calls with
// the same parameters
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( p.totalRows / ( p.size || 10 ) );
p.last.totalRows = p.totalRows;
p.last.currentFilters = p.currentFilters;
p.last.sortList = (c.sortList || []).join(',');
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c);
tsp.fixHeight(table, c);
$t.trigger('updateCache', [function(){
if (p.initialized) {
// apply widgets after table has rendered
$t.trigger('pagerChange', p);
if (!p.initialized) {
getAjax: function(table, c){
var counter,
url = tsp.getAjaxUrl(table, c),
$doc = $(document),
wo = c.widgetOptions,
p = c.pager;
if ( url !== '' ) {
if (c.showProcessing) {
ts.isProcessing(table, true); // show loading icon
$doc.on('ajaxError.pager', function(e, xhr, settings, exception) {
tsp.renderAjax(null, table, c, xhr, exception);
counter = ++p.ajaxCounter;
wo.pager_ajaxObject.url = url; // from the ajaxUrl option and modified by customAjaxUrl
wo.pager_ajaxObject.success = function(data) {
// Refuse to process old ajax commands that were overwritten by new ones - see #443
if (counter < p.ajaxCounter){
tsp.renderAjax(data, table, c);
if (typeof p.oldAjaxSuccess === 'function') {
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('ajax initialized', wo.pager_ajaxObject);
getAjaxUrl: function(table, c) {
var p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
url = (wo.pager_ajaxUrl) ? wo.pager_ajaxUrl
// allow using "{page+1}" in the url string to switch to a non-zero based index
.replace(/\{page([\-+]\d+)?\}/, function(s,n){ return p.page + (n ? parseInt(n, 10) : 0); })
.replace(/\{size\}/g, p.size) : '',
sl = c.sortList,
fl = p.currentFilters || $(table).data('lastSearch') || [],
sortCol = url.match(/\{\s*sort(?:List)?\s*:\s*(\w*)\s*\}/),
filterCol = url.match(/\{\s*filter(?:List)?\s*:\s*(\w*)\s*\}/),
arry = [];
if (sortCol) {
sortCol = sortCol[1];
$.each(sl, function(i,v){
arry.push(sortCol + '[' + v[0] + ']=' + v[1]);
// if the arry is empty, just add the col parameter... "&{sortList:col}" becomes "&col"
url = url.replace(/\{\s*sort(?:List)?\s*:\s*(\w*)\s*\}/g, arry.length ? arry.join('&') : sortCol );
arry = [];
if (filterCol) {
filterCol = filterCol[1];
$.each(fl, function(i,v){
if (v) {
arry.push(filterCol + '[' + i + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(v));
// if the arry is empty, just add the fcol parameter... "&{filterList:fcol}" becomes "&fcol"
url = url.replace(/\{\s*filter(?:List)?\s*:\s*(\w*)\s*\}/g, arry.length ? arry.join('&') : filterCol );
p.currentFilters = fl;
if ( $.isFunction(wo.pager_customAjaxUrl) ) {
url = wo.pager_customAjaxUrl(table, url);
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('Pager ajax url: ' + url);
return url;
renderTable: function(table, rows) {
var i, $tb,
c = table.config,
p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
l = rows && rows.length || 0, // rows may be undefined
s = ( p.page * p.size ),
e = ( s + p.size );
if ( l < 1 ) { return; } // empty table, abort!
if ( p.page >= p.totalPages ) {
// lets not render the table more than once
return tsp.moveToLastPage(table, p);
p.isDisabled = false; // needed because sorting will change the page and re-enable the pager
if (p.initialized) { c.$table.trigger('pagerChange', c); }
if ( !wo.pager_removeRows ) {
tsp.hideRows(table, c);
} else {
if ( e > rows.length ) {
e = rows.length;
$tb = ts.processTbody(table, c.$tbodies.eq(0), true);
for ( i = s; i < e; i++ ) {
ts.processTbody(table, $tb, false);
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c);
if ( !p.isDisabled ) { tsp.fixHeight(table, c); }
wo.pager_startPage = p.page;
wo.pager_size = p.size;
if (table.isUpdating) {
showAllRows: function(table, c){
var p = c.pager,
wo = c.widgetOptions;
if ( p.ajax ) {
tsp.pagerArrows(c, true);
} else {
p.isDisabled = true;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage', p.page);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
p.page = 0;
p.size = p.totalRows;
p.totalPages = 1;
tsp.renderTable(table, c.rowsCopy);
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('pager disabled');
// disable size selector
$(this).attr('aria-disabled', 'true').addClass(wo.pager_css.disabled)[0].disabled = true;
moveToPage: function(table, p, pageMoved) {
if ( p.isDisabled ) { return; }
var c = table.config,
l = p.last,
pg = Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages );
if ( p.page < 0 ) { p.page = 0; }
if ( p.page > ( pg - 1 ) && pg !== 0 ) { p.page = pg - 1; }
// fixes issue where one current filter is [] and the other is ['','',''],
// making the next if comparison think the filters as different. Fixes #202.
l.currentFilters = (l.currentFilters || []).join('') === '' ? [] : l.currentFilters;
p.currentFilters = (p.currentFilters || []).join('') === '' ? [] : p.currentFilters;
// don't allow rendering multiple times on the same page/size/totalRows/filters/sorts
if ( l.page === p.page && l.size === p.size && l.totalRows === p.totalRows &&
(l.currentFilters || []).join(',') === (p.currentFilters || []).join(',') &&
l.sortList === (c.sortList || []).join(',') ) {
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('Pager changing to page ' + p.page);
p.last = {
page : p.page,
size : p.size,
// fixes #408; modify sortList otherwise it auto-updates
sortList : (c.sortList || []).join(','),
totalRows : p.totalRows,
currentFilters : p.currentFilters || []
if (p.ajax) {
tsp.getAjax(table, c);
} else if (!p.ajax) {
tsp.renderTable(table, c.rowsCopy);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage', p.page);
if (p.initialized && pageMoved !== false) {
c.$table.trigger('pageMoved', c);
if (!p.ajax && table.isUpdating) {
setPageSize: function(table, size, c) {
var p = c.pager;
p.size = size || p.size || 10;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage', p.page);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( p.totalRows / p.size );
p.filteredPages = Math.ceil( p.filteredRows / p.size );
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
moveToFirstPage: function(table, p) {
p.page = 0;
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
moveToLastPage: function(table, p) {
p.page = ( Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ) - 1 );
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
moveToNextPage: function(table, p) {
if ( p.page >= ( Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ) - 1 ) ) {
p.page = ( Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ) - 1 );
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
moveToPrevPage: function(table, p) {
if ( p.page <= 0 ) {
p.page = 0;
tsp.moveToPage(table, p);
destroyPager: function(table, c){
var p = c.pager;
tsp.showAllRows(table, c);
p.$container.hide(); // hide pager
c.appender = null; // remove pager appender function
p.initialized = false;
c.$table.unbind('destroy.pager sortEnd.pager filterEnd.pager enable.pager disable.pager');
if (ts.storage) {
ts.storage(table, c.widgetOptions.pager_storageKey, '');
enablePager: function(table, c, triggered){
var info, p = c.pager;
p.isDisabled = false;
p.page = $.data(table, 'pagerLastPage') || p.page || 0;
p.size = $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') || parseInt(p.$size.find('option[selected]').val(), 10) || p.size || 10;
p.$size.val(p.size); // set page size
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( Math.min( p.totalRows, p.filteredRows ) / p.size );
// if table id exists, include page display with aria info
if ( table.id ) {
info = table.id + '_pager_info';
p.$container.find(c.widgetOptions.pager_selectors.pageDisplay).attr('id', info);
c.$table.attr('aria-describedby', info);
if ( triggered ) {
tsp.setPageSize(table, p.size, c);
tsp.hideRowsSetup(table, c);
tsp.fixHeight(table, c);
if (c.debug) {
ts.log('pager enabled');
appender: function(table, rows) {
var c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
p = c.pager;
if ( !p.ajax ) {
c.rowsCopy = rows;
p.totalRows = c.widgetOptions.pager_countChildRows ? c.$tbodies.eq(0).children().length : rows.length;
p.size = $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') || p.size || wo.pager_size || 10;
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( p.totalRows / p.size );
tsp.moveToPage(table, p, true);
// update display here in case all rows are removed
tsp.updatePageDisplay(table, c, false);
} else {
tsp.moveToPage(table, p, true);
// see #486
ts.showError = function(table, message){
var $row,
c = this.config,
errorRow = c.pager && c.pager.cssErrorRow || c.widgetOptions.pager_css && c.widgetOptions.pager_css.errorRow || 'tablesorter-errorRow';
if (c) {
if (typeof message === 'undefined') {
} else {
$row = ( /tr\>/.test(message) ? $(message) : $('<tr><td colspan="' + c.columns + '">' + message + '</td></tr>') )
// add error row to thead instead of tbody, or clicking on the header will result in a parser error
.appendTo( c.$table.find('thead:first') )
.addClass( errorRow + ' ' + c.selectorRemove.replace(/^[.#]/, '') )
role : 'alert',
'aria-live' : 'assertive'
@ -10,28 +10,27 @@
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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
/* calculate marker radius from magnitude
* both formulas have equal radii at mag=1.2 */
function mag2radius(mag) {
return 3*mag; // radius proportional to magagnitude
return 3*mag; // radius proportional to magnitude
// return 8.104*Math.pow(30,mag) // radius proportional to energy
@ -67,9 +67,7 @@ function getLocation(lat, lng) {
/* window resize */
$( window ).resize(function() {
$( window ).on('resize', function() { setInfoHeight(); });
/* parseQueryString */
function parseQueryString() {
@ -172,6 +170,9 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
if ( parameters['baselayer'] ) {
config['map']['baselayer'] = parameters['baselayer'][0];
if ( parameters['basemap'] ) {
config['map']['baselayer'] = parameters['basemap'][0];
if ( Number(parameters['lat']) && Number(parameters['lon']) ) {
config['map']['centerDefault'] = [Number(parameters['lat']), Number(parameters['lon'])];
@ -216,9 +217,9 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
animate: 200,
// spinner
$(document).bind("ajaxSend", function() {
$(document).on("ajaxSend", function() {
}).bind("ajaxStop", function() {
}).on("ajaxStop", function() {
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ function initStationTable() {
// hide child rows
$('#stationstable > tbody > tr.tablesorter-childRow > td').hide();
// update map after filtering
// $('#stationsstable').bind('filterEnd', function(){
// $('#stationsstable').on('filterEnd', function(){
// toggleFilteredMarkers();
// });
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// loadStations('KERA');
// loadStations('KARP');
// show / hide station info
$('#stationstable').delegate('.toggle', 'click' , function(){
$('#stationstable').on('click', '.toggle' , function(){
// toggle visibility of selected row
// mark currently selected row and remove class selected from all other rows
Reference in New Issue
Block a user