/* jQuery.print, version 1.0.3 * (c) Sathvik Ponangi, Doers' Guild * Licence: CC-By (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (function($) {"use strict"; // A nice closure for our definitions function getjQueryObject(string) { // Make string a vaild jQuery thing var jqObj = $(""); try { jqObj = $(string).clone(); } catch(e) { jqObj = $("<span />").html(string); } return jqObj; } function isNode(o) { /* http://stackoverflow.com/a/384380/937891 */ return !!( typeof Node === "object" ? o instanceof Node : o && typeof o === "object" && typeof o.nodeType === "number" && typeof o.nodeName === "string"); } $.print = $.fn.print = function() { // Print a given set of elements var options, $this, self = this; // console.log("Printing", this, arguments); if ( self instanceof $) { // Get the node if it is a jQuery object self = self.get(0); } if (isNode(self)) { // If `this` is a HTML element, i.e. for // $(selector).print() $this = $(self); if (arguments.length > 0) { options = arguments[0]; } } else { if (arguments.length > 0) { // $.print(selector,options) $this = $(arguments[0]); if (isNode($this[0])) { if (arguments.length > 1) { options = arguments[1]; } } else { // $.print(options) options = arguments[0]; $this = $("html"); } } else { // $.print() $this = $("html"); } } // Default options var defaults = { globalStyles : true, mediaPrint : false, stylesheet : null, noPrintSelector : ".no-print", iframe : true, append : null, prepend : null }; // Merge with user-options options = $.extend({}, defaults, (options || {})); var $styles = $(""); if (options.globalStyles) { // Apply the stlyes from the current sheet to the printed page $styles = $("style, link, meta, title"); } else if (options.mediaPrint) { // Apply the media-print stylesheet $styles = $("link[media=print]"); } if (options.stylesheet) { // Add a custom stylesheet if given $styles = $.merge($styles, $('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + options.stylesheet + '">')); } // Create a copy of the element to print var copy = $this.clone(); // Wrap it in a span to get the HTML markup string copy = $("<span/>").append(copy); // Remove unwanted elements copy.find(options.noPrintSelector).remove(); // Add in the styles copy.append($styles.clone()); // Appedned content copy.append(getjQueryObject(options.append)); // Prepended content copy.prepend(getjQueryObject(options.prepend)); // Get the HTML markup string var content = copy.html(); // Destroy the copy copy.remove(); var w, wdoc; if (options.iframe) { // Use an iframe for printing try { var $iframe = $(options.iframe + ""); var iframeCount = $iframe.length; if (iframeCount === 0) { // Create a new iFrame if none is given $iframe = $('<iframe height="0" width="0" border="0" wmode="Opaque"/>').prependTo('body').css({ "position" : "absolute", "top" : -999, "left" : -999 }); } w = $iframe.get(0); w = w.contentWindow || w.contentDocument || w; wdoc = w.document || w.contentDocument || w; wdoc.open(); wdoc.write(content); wdoc.close(); setTimeout(function() { // Fix for IE : Allow it to render the iframe w.focus(); w.print(); setTimeout(function() { // Fix for IE if (iframeCount === 0) { // Destroy the iframe if created here $iframe.remove(); } }, 100); }, 250); } catch (e) { // Use the pop-up method if iframe fails for some reason console.error("Failed to print from iframe", e.stack, e.message); w = window.open(); w.document.write(content); w.document.close(); w.focus(); w.print(); w.close(); } } else { // Use a new window for printing w = window.open(); w.document.write(content); w.document.close(); w.focus(); w.print(); w.close(); } return this; }; })(jQuery);