240 lines
9.1 KiB
240 lines
9.1 KiB
/* do reverse geolocation lookup */
function getGeolocation(id, lat, lng) {
if ( !geolocationTable[id] ) {
// $.getJSON( "//nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse", { lat: lat, lon: lng, zoom: 10, format: "json" } )
$.getJSON( "//open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/reverse.php", { lat: lat, lon: lng, zoom: 10, format: "json" } )
.done(function( json ) {
var city = json.address["city"];
var country = json.address["country"];
var countryCode = json.address["country_code"].toUpperCase();
geolocationTable[id] = city;
( country != "Deutschland" ) ? geolocationTable[id] = geolocationTable[id] + " ("+countryCode+")" : null;
if ( city ) {
$("#eventstable a.toggle[eventid="+id+"]").text(geolocationTable[id]);
var sort = [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]];
$("#eventstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$("#eventstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
} else {
console.log("Nominatim did not provide a city tag for "+lat+" / "+lng);
.fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
/* Load events using ajax */
function ajaxLoadEvents(stime, etime) {
var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
var N = mapBounds.getNorth();
var E = mapBounds.getEast();
var S = mapBounds.getSouth();
var W = mapBounds.getWest();
var d = 0.1;
if ( !stime ) {
var stime = new Date();
if ( !etime ) {
var etime = new Date();
var url = "https://ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/fdsnws/event/1/query"
var request_data = {
starttime: sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", stime.getFullYear(), stime.getMonth()+1, stime.getDate()),
endtime: sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", etime.getFullYear(), etime.getMonth()+1, etime.getDate()),
minlat: S-d,
maxlat: N+d,
minlon: W-d,
maxlon: E+d,
minmag: minMag-0.1,
type: "GET",
url: url,
data: request_data,
dataType: "xml",
success: function (xml) {
$(xml).find('event').each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('publicID').split('/')[2];
var mag = $(this).find('magnitude > mag > value').text();
var otime = $(this).find('origin > time > value').text();
var lng = $(this).find('origin > longitude > value').text();
var lat = $(this).find('origin > latitude > value').text();
var mag = $(this).find('magnitude > mag > value').text();
var evaluationMode = $(this).find('evaluationMode').text();
var evaluationStatus = $(this).find('evaluationStatus').text();
var type = $(this).find('type').last().text();
var location = getLocation(Number(lat), Number(lng))[0];
( location ) ? null : location = $(this).find('description > text').text();
// create table row: Date, Time, Mag, Location
if ( !eventTable[id] && ( type == 'earthquake' || type == 'induced or triggered event' || type == 'outside of network interest') && evaluationMode != 'automatic' && evaluationStatus != 'preliminary' && Number(mag)+0.05 >= minMag ) {
var row = '<tr class="tablesorter-hasChildRow">'
+ '<td class="utctime-date">'+otime.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ '<td class="utctime-time">'+otime.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ sprintf('<td class="ar">%.1f</td>', Number(mag))
+ '<td><a href="#" class="toggle" eventid="'+id+'">'+location+'</a><a class="map-link" href="#" eventid="'+id+'">Karte</a></td>'
+ '</tr>';
row += '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">'
+ '<td colspan="4" eventid="'+id+'">not implemented</td></tr>';
var added = $('#eventstable tbody').append(row);
added.find('.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
$('#eventstable').find('td.utctime-date').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "dd.MM.yyyy");
$('#eventstable').find('td.utctime-time').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "HH:mm");
// create marker
var marker = addEventMarker(id, Number(lat), Number(lng), Number(mag));
var text = sprintf('<h3 eventid="%s">%s</h3>', id, location)
+ sprintf('<p>Ereignis: %s</br>', id)
+ sprintf('Ort: %.4f °N, %.4f °O </br>', Number(lat), Number(lng))
+ sprintf('Zeit: <span class="utctime">%sZ</span></p>', otime.split('.')[0], otime.split('.')[0]);
// try to get better location with reverse geolocation lookup (nominatim)
getGeolocation(id, lat, lng);
complete: function () {
var sort = [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]];
$("#eventstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$("#eventstable").trigger("sorton", [sort]);
error: function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
// add row to table
function addEventRow(id, props) {
sortList: "[[0,0], [1,1]], [2,1]",
resort: true,
showProcessing: true,
pager_size: 35
var html = '<tr class="tablesorter-hasChildRow">'
+ '<td class="utctime-date">'+props.date+'T'+props.time.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ '<td class="utctime-time">'+props.date+'T'+props.time.split('.')[0]+'Z</td>'
+ '<td class="ar">'+props.mag+'</td>'
+ '<td><a href="#" class="toggle">'+props.location+'</a><a class="map-link" href="#" eventid="'+id+'">Karte</a></td>'
+ '</tr>'
+ '<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">'
+ '<td colspan="4" eventid="'+id+'">'
+ "<pre>ID "+id+"\n\n"
+ "Origin\n"
+ "Date "+props.date+"\n"
+ "Time "+props.time+"\n"
+ "Latitude "+props.lat+" deg +/- "+props.lat_err+" km\n"
+ "Longitude "+props.lon+" deg +/- "+props.lon_err+" km\n"
+ "Depth "+props.depth+" km +/- "+props.depth_err+" km\n"
+ "Residual RMS "+props.rms+" s\n"
+ "Azimuthal gap "+props.gap+" deg\n\n"
+ props.no_phases + " Phase arrivals:\n"
+ "sta net dist azi phase time res wt sta\n";
for ( i = 0 ; i < props.no_phases ; i++ ) {
html += props.phases[i];
( i < props.no_phases -1 ) ? html += "\n" : null ;
html += "</pre></td></tr>\n";
var added = $('#eventstable tbody').append(html);
added.find('.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
$('#eventstable').find('td.utctime-date').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "dd. MM. yyyy");
$('#eventstable').find('td.utctime-time').each(function() {
$.localtime.formatObject($(this), "HH:mm");
// force resorting
$("#eventstable").trigger("update", [true]);
$(document).ready(function() {
// tablesorter for event list
theme : 'blue',
dateFormat : "ddmmyyyy",
headers: {
0: { sorter: "shortDate" }
cssChildRow: "tablesorter-childRow", // this is the default setting
widgets: ["uitheme", "zebra", "filter", "pager"], // initialize zebra and filter widgets, "scroller"
widgetOptions: {
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
pager_output: '# {startRow} - {endRow} ({totalRows}) | Seite {page} ({totalPages})',
pager_removeRows: false,
pager_size: 35,
filter_childRows : true,
filter_cssFilter : 'tablesorter-filter',
filter_startsWith : false,
filter_ignoreCase : true,
scroller_height: $('div.map').height() - 250,
scroller_barWidth: 10,
scroller_jumpToHeader: false,
sortList: "[[0,1], [1,1], [2,1]]",
resort: true,
showProcessing: true,
// hide child rows
$('#eventstable > tbody > tr.tablesorter-childRow td').hide();
// update map after filtering
$('#eventstable').bind('filterEnd', function(){
// highlight first event
$('#eventstable').bind('sortEnd', function(){
// show / hide event info
$('#eventstable').delegate('.toggle', 'click' , function(){
// toggle visibility of selected row
// mark currently selected row and remove class selected from all other rows
// hide other rows
if ( ! $(this).hasClass('selected-now') ) {
var selected = $(this).hasClass('selected');
if ( selected ) {
} else {
return false;