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%This is a parameter input file for PyLoT/autoPyLoT.
%All main and special settings regarding data handling
%and picking are to be set here!
%Parameters are optimized for %extent data sets!
#main settings#
/home/darius #rootpath# %project path
alparray #datapath# %data path
waveforms_used #database# %name of data base
e0093.173.16 #eventID# %event ID for single event processing (* for all events found in database)
/home/darius/alparray/metadata #invdir# %full path to inventory or dataless-seed file
PILOT #datastructure# %choose data structure
True #apverbose# %choose 'True' or 'False' for terminal output
#NLLoc settings#
None #nllocbin# %path to NLLoc executable
/home/darius/alparray/auto #nllocroot# %root of NLLoc-processing directory
AUTOPHASES.obs #phasefile# %name of autoPyLoT-output phase file for NLLoc #ctrfile# %name of autoPyLoT-output control file for NLLoc
ttime #ttpatter# %pattern of NLLoc ttimes from grid
AUTOLOC_nlloc #outpatter# %pattern of NLLoc-output file
#parameters for seismic moment estimation#
3530.0 #vp# %average P-wave velocity
2500.0 #rho# %average rock density [kg/m^3]
300.0 0.8 #Qp# %quality factor for P waves (Qp*f^a); list(Qp, a)
#settings local magnitude#
1.0 1.0 1.0 #WAscaling# %Scaling relation (log(Ao)+Alog(r)+Br+C) of Wood-Anderson amplitude Ao [nm] If zeros are set, original Richter magnitude is calculated!
1.0 1.0 #magscaling# %Scaling relation for derived local magnitude [a*Ml+b]. If zeros are set, no scaling of network magnitude is applied!
#filter settings#
0.01 0.01 #minfreq# %Lower filter frequency [P, S]
0.5 0.5 #maxfreq# %Upper filter frequency [P, S]
3 3 #filter_order# %filter order [P, S]
bandpass bandpass #filter_type# %filter type (bandpass, bandstop, lowpass, highpass) [P, S]
#common settings picker#
global #extent# %extent of array ("local", "regional" or "global")
-100.0 #pstart# %start time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking (if TauPy: seconds relative to estimated onset)
350.0 #pstop# %end time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking (if TauPy: seconds relative to estimated onset)
200.0 #sstart# %start time [s] relative to P-onset for calculating CF for S-picking
875.0 #sstop# %end time [s] after P-onset for calculating CF for S-picking
True #use_taup# %use estimated traveltimes from TauPy for calculating windows for CF
IASP91 #taup_model# %define TauPy model for traveltime estimation. Possible values: 1066a, 1066b, ak135, ak135f, herrin, iasp91, jb, prem, pwdk, sp6
0.01 0.1 #bpz1# %lower/upper corner freq. of first band pass filter Z-comp. [Hz]
0.001 0.5 #bpz2# %lower/upper corner freq. of second band pass filter Z-comp. [Hz]
0.01 0.5 #bph1# %lower/upper corner freq. of first band pass filter H-comp. [Hz]
0.001 0.5 #bph2# %lower/upper corner freq. of second band pass filter z-comp. [Hz]
#special settings for calculating CF#
%!!Edit the following only if you know what you are doing!!%
HOS #algoP# %choose algorithm for P-onset determination (HOS, ARZ, or AR3)
100.0 #tlta# %for HOS-/AR-AIC-picker, length of LTA window [s]
4 #hosorder# %for HOS-picker, order of Higher Order Statistics
2 #Parorder# %for AR-picker, order of AR process of Z-component
24.0 #tdet1z# %for AR-picker, length of AR determination window [s] for Z-component, 1st pick
20.0 #tpred1z# %for AR-picker, length of AR prediction window [s] for Z-component, 1st pick
16.0 #tdet2z# %for AR-picker, length of AR determination window [s] for Z-component, 2nd pick
8.0 #tpred2z# %for AR-picker, length of AR prediction window [s] for Z-component, 2nd pick
0.5 #addnoise# %add noise to seismogram for stable AR prediction
30.0 5.0 20.0 10.0 #tsnrz# %for HOS/AR, window lengths for SNR-and slope estimation [tnoise, tsafetey, tsignal, tslope] [s]
55.0 #pickwinP# %for initial AIC pick, length of P-pick window [s]
20.0 #Precalcwin# %for HOS/AR, window length [s] for recalculation of CF (relative to 1st pick)
6.0 #aictsmooth# %for HOS/AR, take average of samples for smoothing of AIC-function [s]
4.0 #tsmoothP# %for HOS/AR, take average of samples for smoothing CF [s]
0.5 #ausP# %for HOS/AR, artificial uplift of samples (aus) of CF (P)
1.1 #nfacP# %for HOS/AR, noise factor for noise level determination (P)
50.0 #checkwindowP# %time window before HOS/AR-maximum to check for smaller maxima [s]
0.7 #minfactorP# %Second maximum must be at least minfactor * first maximum [-]
ARH #algoS# %choose algorithm for S-onset determination (ARH or AR3)
30.0 #tdet1h# %for HOS/AR, length of AR-determination window [s], H-components, 1st pick
18.0 #tpred1h# %for HOS/AR, length of AR-prediction window [s], H-components, 1st pick
16.0 #tdet2h# %for HOS/AR, length of AR-determinaton window [s], H-components, 2nd pick
8.0 #tpred2h# %for HOS/AR, length of AR-prediction window [s], H-components, 2nd pick
4 #Sarorder# %for AR-picker, order of AR process of H-components
30.0 #Srecalcwin# %for AR-picker, window length [s] for recalculation of CF (2nd pick) (H)
195.0 #pickwinS# %for initial AIC pick, length of S-pick window [s]
30.0 10.0 15.0 10.0 #tsnrh# %for ARH/AR3, window lengths for SNR-and slope estimation [tnoise, tsafetey, tsignal, tslope] [s]
22.0 #aictsmoothS# %for AIC-picker, take average of samples for smoothing of AIC-function [s]
10.0 #tsmoothS# %for AR-picker, take average of samples for smoothing CF [s] (S)
0.001 #ausS# %for HOS/AR, artificial uplift of samples (aus) of CF (S)
1.2 #nfacS# %for AR-picker, noise factor for noise level determination (S)
250.0 #checkwindowS# %time window before AR-maximum to check for smaller maxima [s]
0.4 #minfactorS# %Second maximum must be at least minfactor * first maximum [-]
#first-motion picker#
1 #minfmweight# %minimum required P weight for first-motion determination
3.0 #minFMSNR# %miniumum required SNR for first-motion determination
10.0 #fmpickwin# %pick window around P onset for calculating zero crossings
#quality assessment#
4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 #timeerrorsP# %discrete time errors [s] corresponding to picking weights [0 1 2 3] for P
4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 #timeerrorsS# %discrete time errors [s] corresponding to picking weights [0 1 2 3] for S
0.01 #minAICPslope# %below this slope [counts/s] the initial P pick is rejected
1.1 #minAICPSNR# %below this SNR the initial P pick is rejected
0.01 #minAICSslope# %below this slope [counts/s] the initial S pick is rejected
1.1 #minAICSSNR# %below this SNR the initial S pick is rejected
12.0 #minsiglength# %length of signal part for which amplitudes must exceed noiselevel [s]
1.1 #noisefactor# %noiselevel*noisefactor=threshold
20.0 #minpercent# %required percentage of amplitudes exceeding threshold
1.25 #zfac# %P-amplitude must exceed at least zfac times RMS-S amplitude
60.0 #mdttolerance# %maximum allowed deviation of P picks from median [s]
60.0 #wdttolerance# %maximum allowed deviation from Wadati-diagram
5.0 #jackfactor# %pick is removed if the variance of the subgroup with the pick removed is larger than the mean variance of all subgroups times safety factor