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import os
2018-08-16 17:34:05 +02:00
import unittest
2018-07-12 11:28:43 +02:00
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.io.xseed import Parser
2018-08-16 17:34:05 +02:00
from obspy.io.xseed.utils import SEEDParserException
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import Metadata
from tests.utils import HidePrints
2018-07-16 14:21:41 +02:00
class TestMetadata(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.station_id = 'BW.WETR..HH'
2018-07-12 11:28:43 +02:00
self.time = UTCDateTime('2012-08-01')
metadata_folder = os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata1')
self.m = Metadata(metadata_folder)
def test_get_coordinates_sucess(self):
2018-07-16 14:21:41 +02:00
expected = {'Z': {u'elevation': 607.0, u'longitude': 12.87571, u'local_depth': 0.0, u'azimuth': 0.0,
u'latitude': 49.14502, u'dip': -90.0},
'E': {u'azimuth': 90.0, u'dip': 0.0, u'elevation': 607.0, u'latitude': 49.14502,
u'local_depth': 0.0, u'longitude': 12.87571},
'N': {u'azimuth': 0.0, u'dip': 0.0, u'elevation': 607.0, u'latitude': 49.14502, u'local_depth': 0.0,
u'longitude': 12.87571}
result = {}
for channel in ('Z', 'N', 'E'):
with HidePrints():
coords = self.m.get_coordinates(self.station_id+channel, time=self.time)
result[channel] = coords
self.assertDictEqual(result[channel], expected[channel])
def test_get_coordinates_sucess_no_time(self):
2018-07-16 14:21:41 +02:00
expected = {'Z': {u'elevation': 607.0, u'longitude': 12.87571, u'local_depth': 0.0, u'azimuth': 0.0,
u'latitude': 49.14502, u'dip': -90.0},
'E': {u'azimuth': 90.0, u'dip': 0.0, u'elevation': 607.0, u'latitude': 49.14502,
u'local_depth': 0.0, u'longitude': 12.87571},
'N': {u'azimuth': 0.0, u'dip': 0.0, u'elevation': 607.0, u'latitude': 49.14502, u'local_depth': 0.0,
u'longitude': 12.87571}
result = {}
for channel in ('Z', 'N', 'E'):
with HidePrints():
coords = self.m.get_coordinates(self.station_id+channel)
result[channel] = coords
self.assertDictEqual(result[channel], expected[channel])
class TestMetadataAdding(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests if adding files and directories to a metadata object works."""
def setUp(self):
self.station_id = 'BW.WETR..HH'
self.metadata_folders = (os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata1'),
os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata2'))
self.m = Metadata()
def test_add_inventory_folder(self):
"""Test if add_inventory adds the folder to the list of inventories"""
# adding an inventory folder should append it to the list of inventories
self.assertDictEqual({}, self.m.inventory_files)
self.assertDictEqual({}, self.m.seed_ids)
self.assertEqual([self.metadata_folders[0]], self.m.inventories)
def test_add_inventory_file(self):
"""Test if add_inventory_file adds the folder containing the file to the list of inventories and
if the files is added to inventory_files"""
fpath = os.path.join(self.metadata_folders[0], 'DATALESS.BW.WETR..HHZ')
# adding an inventory file should append its folder to the list of inventories and the file to the
2018-07-16 14:21:41 +02:00
self.assertEqual([os.path.join(self.metadata_folders[0], 'DATALESS.BW.WETR..HHZ')],
self.m.inventory_files.keys()) # does the filename exist in inventory files?
self.assertEqual(['data', 'invtype'], self.m.inventory_files[os.path.join(self.metadata_folders[0],
'DATALESS.BW.WETR..HHZ')].keys()) # is the required information attacht to the filename?
self.assertDictEqual({}, self.m.seed_ids)
self.assertEqual([self.metadata_folders[0]], self.m.inventories)
def test_add_inventory_invalid_path(self):
"""Test if adding an inventory that is not an existing directory fails with an exception"""
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
self.assertEqual([], self.m.inventories) # inventory list should still be empty
def test_add_inventory_file_invalid_path(self):
"""Test if adding a inventory file with an invalid path fails with an exception"""
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
self.assertEqual([], self.m.inventories) # inventory list should still be empty
class TestMetadataRemoval(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests if removing files and directories to a metadata object works."""
def setUp(self):
self.station_id = 'BW.WETR..HH'
self.metadata_folders = (os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata1'),
os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata2'))
self.m = Metadata()
def test_remove_all_inventories(self):
"""Test if function remove_inventory cleans the Metadata object """
# add multiple inventories
for folder in self.metadata_folders:
def test_remove_inventory(self):
"""Test if remove_inventory removes single inventories"""
# add multiple inventories
for folder in self.metadata_folders:
self.assertNotIn(self.metadata_folders[0], self.m.inventories)
self.assertNotIn(self.metadata_folders[1], self.m.inventories)
def test_remove_inventory_not_in_inventory_list(self):
"""Test if remove_inventory does not modify the metadata instance if the given inventory to remove does not
exist in the instance."""
# add multiple inventories
with HidePrints():
self.assertIn(self.metadata_folders[0], self.m.inventories)
def isEmpty(self, metadata):
"""Asserts if the given metadata object is empty"""
self.assertDictEqual({}, metadata.inventory_files)
self.assertDictEqual({}, metadata.seed_ids)
self.assertEqual([], metadata.inventories)
2018-07-17 10:56:53 +02:00
class TestMetadata_read_single_file(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.station_id = 'BW.WETR..HHZ'
self.metadata_folders = (os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata1'),
os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_files', 'metadata2'))
self.metadata_paths = []
self.m = Metadata()
def test_read_single_file(self):
"""Test if reading a single file works"""
fname = os.path.join(self.metadata_folders[0], 'DATALESS.'+self.station_id)
with HidePrints():
res = self.m.read_single_file(fname)
# method should return true if file is successfully read
# list of inventories (folders) should be empty
self.assertEqual([], self.m.inventories)
# list of inventory files should contain the added file
self.assertIn(fname, self.m.inventory_files.keys())
self.assertEqual({}, self.m.seed_ids)
def test_read_single_file_invalid_path(self):
"""Test if reading from a non existing file fails. The filename should not be
added to the metadata object"""
fname = os.path.join("this", "path", "doesnt", "exist")
with HidePrints():
res = self.m.read_single_file(fname)
# method should return None if file reading fails
# list of inventories (folders) should be empty
self.assertEqual([], self.m.inventories)
# list of inventory files should not contain the added file
self.assertNotIn(fname, self.m.inventory_files.keys())
self.assertEqual({}, self.m.seed_ids)
def test_read_single_file_multiple_times(self):
"""Test if reading a file twice doesnt add it twice to the metadata object"""
fname = os.path.join(self.metadata_folders[0], 'DATALESS.'+self.station_id)
with HidePrints():
res1 = self.m.read_single_file(fname)
res2 = self.m.read_single_file(fname)
self.assertItemsEqual([fname], self.m.inventory_files.keys())
class TestMetadataMultipleTime(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test if stations with multiple metadata entries in a single file are handled correctly.
The user must specify the time where he wants to get metadata.
The station ROTT changed has metadata available at multiple times
LE.ROTT..HNE | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-01-08 - 2015-03-19 | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
LE.ROTT..HNE | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-03-19 - | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
LE.ROTT..HNN | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-01-08 - 2015-03-19 | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
LE.ROTT..HNN | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-03-19 - | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
LE.ROTT..HNZ | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-01-08 - 2015-03-19 | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
LE.ROTT..HNZ | 200.00 Hz | Titan 4g-EDR-209, Very Low gain, 200 sps | 2015-03-19 - | Lat: 49.1, Lng: 8.1
def setUp(self):
self.seed_id = 'LE.ROTT..HN'
path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # gets path to currently running script
metadata = os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_times', 'MAGS2_LE_ROTT.dless') # specific subfolder of test data
metadata_path = os.path.join(path, metadata)
self.m = Metadata(metadata_path)
self.p = Parser(metadata_path)
def test_get_metadata_works_without_datetime(self):
"""Test if get_metadata works if multiple metadata entries are available but no time is
for channel in ('Z', 'N', 'E'):
with HidePrints():
md = self.m.get_metadata(self.seed_id + channel)
self.assertDictEqual(md['data'].get_inventory(), self.p.get_inventory())
def test_get_metadata_works_with_first_datetime(self):
"""Test if get_metadata works if multiple metadata entries are available and the older time is specified."""
t = UTCDateTime('2015-02-08')
for channel in ('Z', 'N', 'E'):
with HidePrints():
md = self.m.get_metadata(self.seed_id + channel, t)
self.assertDictEqual(md['data'].get_inventory(), self.p.get_inventory())
def test_get_metadata_fails_when_time_before_starttime(self):
"""Tests if get_metadata returns None when given a data that is before the start date
of the metadata"""
with HidePrints():
md = self.m.get_metadata(self.seed_id, UTCDateTime('1960-07-20'))
self.assertIs(md, None)
def test_get_metadata_invalid_seed_id(self):
"""Tes if get metadata returns none when asked for a seed id that does not exist"""
with HidePrints():
res = self.m.get_metadata("this.doesnt..exist")
class TestMetadataMultipleEntries(unittest.TestCase):
The station KB.TMO07 has changed instruments multiple times.
KB (KB network)
KB.TMO07 (Karlsruhe GPI)
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2004-12-06 - 2005-04-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2005-04-18 - 2006-07-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-10-10 - 2006-11-14 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-11-24 - 2007-01-12 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-18 - 2007-03-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-25 - 2007-11-21 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHE | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-11-21 - 2008-01-17 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2004-12-06 - 2005-04-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2005-04-18 - 2006-07-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-10-10 - 2006-11-14 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-11-24 - 2007-01-12 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-18 - 2007-03-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-25 - 2007-11-21 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHN | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-11-21 - 2008-01-17 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2004-12-06 - 2005-04-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2005-04-18 - 2006-07-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-10-10 - 2006-11-14 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2006-11-24 - 2007-01-12 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-18 - 2007-03-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-25 - 2007-11-21 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.BHZ | 50.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-11-21 - 2008-01-17 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-12 - 2007-01-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-10 - 2007-10-25 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2008-07-11 - 2008-12-05 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2009-05-12 - 2010-02-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-02-15 - 2010-04-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/1 | 2010-04-07 - 2010-08-03 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-08-05 - 2010-12-20 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-20 - 2010-12-22 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-22 - 2011-04-02 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2011-04-15 - 2012-05-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHE | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2012-05-07 - | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-12 - 2007-01-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-10 - 2007-10-25 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2008-07-11 - 2008-12-05 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2009-05-12 - 2010-02-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-02-15 - 2010-04-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/1 | 2010-04-07 - 2010-08-03 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-08-05 - 2010-12-20 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-20 - 2010-12-22 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-22 - 2011-04-02 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2011-04-15 - 2012-05-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHN | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2012-05-07 - | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-01-12 - 2007-01-18 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/5 | 2007-10-10 - 2007-10-25 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2008-07-11 - 2008-12-05 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2009-05-12 - 2010-02-15 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-02-15 - 2010-04-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Lennartz KABBA-LE-3D/1 | 2010-04-07 - 2010-08-03 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-08-05 - 2010-12-20 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 100.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-20 - 2010-12-22 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2010-12-22 - 2011-04-02 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2011-04-15 - 2012-05-07 | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
KB.TMO07.00.HHZ | 200.00 Hz | Streckeisen KABBA-STS-2 | 2012-05-07 - | Lat: 49.0, Lng: 8.4
def setUp(self):
self.seed_id = 'KB.TMO07.00.HHZ'
path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # gets path to currently running script
metadata = os.path.join('test_data', 'dless_multiple_instruments', 'MAGS2_KB_TMO07.dless') # specific subfolder of test data
metadata_path = os.path.join(path, metadata)
self.m = Metadata(metadata_path)
self.p = Parser(metadata_path)
def test_get_paz_current_time(self):
"""Test if getting the paz from the metadata object with the current time works"""
t = UTCDateTime()
with HidePrints():
pazm = self.m.get_paz(self.seed_id, t)
pazp = self.p.get_paz(self.seed_id, t)
self.assertEqual(pazm, pazp)
def test_get_paz_past(self):
"""Test if getting paz from metadata object with a time in the past works"""
t = UTCDateTime('2007-01-13')
with HidePrints():
pazm = self.m.get_paz(self.seed_id, t)
pazp = self.p.get_paz(self.seed_id, t)
self.assertEqual(pazm, pazp)
def test_get_paz_time_not_exisiting(self):
"""Test if getting paz from metadata at a time where there is no metadata
available fails correctly"""
with self.assertRaises(SEEDParserException):
with HidePrints():
self.m.get_paz(self.seed_id, UTCDateTime('1990-1-1'))
def test_get_paz_seed_id_not_existing(self):
"""Test if getting paz from a non existing seed id returns None as expected."""
with HidePrints():
res = self.m.get_paz('This.doesnt..exist', UTCDateTime)