added new files to pylot active
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
from import seismicshot
import numpy as np
class Survey(object):
def __init__(self, path, sourcefile, receiverfile, useDefaultParas = False):
The Survey Class contains all shots [type: seismicshot] of a survey
as well as the aquisition geometry and the topography.
| = {}
self._topography = None
self._recfile = receiverfile
self._sourcefile = sourcefile
self._obsdir = path
if useDefaultParas == True:
def _generateSurvey(self):
from obspy.core import read
shot_dict = {}
shotlist = self.getShotlist()
for shotnumber in shotlist: # loop over data files
# generate filenames and read manual picks to a list
obsfile = self._obsdir + str(shotnumber) + '_pickle.dat'
if not obsfile in shot_dict.keys():
shot_dict[shotnumber] = []
shot_dict[shotnumber] = seismicshot.SeismicShot(obsfile)
shot_dict[shotnumber].setParameters('shotnumber', shotnumber)
self.setArtificialPick(0, 0) # artificial pick at source origin
| = shot_dict
print ("Generated Survey object for %d shots" % len(shotlist))
print ("Total number of traces: %d \n" %self.countAllTraces())
def setParametersForShots(self, cutwindow = (0, 0.2), tmovwind = 0.3, tsignal = 0.03, tgap = 0.0007):
if (cutwindow == (0, 0.2) and tmovwind == 0.3 and
tsignal == 0.03 and tgap == 0.0007):
print ("Warning: Standard values used for "
"setParamters. This may not be clever.")
# CHANGE this later. Parameters only needed for survey, not for each shot.
for shot in
shot.setRecfile(self.getPath() + self.getReceiverfile())
shot.setSourcefile(self.getPath() + self.getSourcefile())
shot.setOrder(order = 4)
print ("setParametersForShots: Parameters set to:\n"
"cutwindow = %s, tMovingWindow = %f, tsignal = %f, tgap = %f"
%(cutwindow, tmovwind, tsignal, tgap))
def _removeAllEmptyTraces(self):
filename = 'removeEmptyTraces.out'
count = 0
for shot in
removed = shot.removeEmptyTraces()
if removed is not None:
if count == 0: outfile = open(filename, 'w')
count += 1
outfile.writelines('shot: %s, removed empty traces: %s\n'
%(shot.getShotnumber(), removed))
print ("\nremoveEmptyTraces: Finished! Removed %d traces" %count)
if count > 0:
print ("See %s for more information "
"on removed traces."%(filename))
def _updateShots(self):
filename = 'updateShots.out'
count = 0; countTraces = 0
for shot in
del_traceIDs = shot.updateTraceList()
if len(del_traceIDs) > 0:
if count == 0: outfile = open(filename, 'w')
count += 1
countTraces += len(del_traceIDs)
outfile.writelines("shot: %s, removed traceID(s) %s because "
"they were not found in the corresponding stream\n"
%(shot.getShotnumber(), del_traceIDs))
print ("\nupdateShots: Finished! Updated %d shots and removed "
"%d traces" %(count, countTraces))
if count > 0:
print ("See %s for more information "
"on removed traces."%(filename))
def pickAllShots(self, HosAic = 'hos', vmin = 333, vmax = 5500):
Automatically pick all traces of all shots of the survey.
from datetime import datetime
count = 0
for shot in
tstartpick =; count += 1
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
distance = shot.getDistance(traceID) # receive distance
pickwin_used = shot.getCut()
cutwindow = shot.getCut()
# for higher distances use a linear vmin/vmax to cut out late/early regions with high noise
if distance > 5.:
pwleft = distance/vmax ################## TEST
pwright = distance/vmin
if pwright > cutwindow[1]:
pwright = cutwindow[1]
pickwin_used = (pwleft, pwright)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, pickwin_used)
shot.pickTraces(traceID, pickmethod, windowsize, folm, HosAic) # picker
# ++ TEST: set and check SNR before adding to distance bin ############################
#if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < snrthreshold:
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < shot.getSNRthreshold(traceID):
# -- TEST: set and check SNR before adding to distance bin ############################
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
tpicksum += ( - tstartpick); tpick = tpicksum/count
tremain = (tpick * (len(survey.getShotDict()) - count))
tend = + tremain
print 'shot: %s, est. time to be finished is %s:%s:%s' % (shot.getShotname(), tend.hour, tend.minute, tend.second)
def setArtificialPick(self, traceID, pick):
for shot in
shot.setPick(traceID, pick)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, shot.getCut())
def countAllTraces(self):
numtraces = 0
for line in self.getShotlist():
for line in self.getReceiverlist():
numtraces += 1
return numtraces
def getShotlist(self):
filename = self.getPath() + self.getSourcefile()
srcfile = open(filename,'r')
shotlist = []
for line in srcfile.readlines():
line = line.split()
return shotlist
def getReceiverlist(self):
filename = self.getPath() + self.getReceiverfile()
recfile = open(filename,'r')
reclist = []
for line in recfile.readlines():
line = line.split()
return reclist
def getShotDict(self):
def getShot(self, shotnumber):
def getSourcefile(self):
return self._sourcefile
def getReceiverfile(self):
return self._recfile
def getPath(self):
return self._obsdir
def getStats(self):
info_dict = {}
for shot in
pickedTraces = 0
snrlist = []
dist = []
numtraces = len(shot.getTraceIDlist())
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
pickedTraces += 1
info_dict[shot.getShotnumber()] = {'numtraces': numtraces,
'picked traces': [pickedTraces,
'%2.2f %%'%(pickedTraces /
numtraces * 100)],
'mean SNR': np.mean(snrlist),
'mean distance': np.mean(dist)}
return info_dict
def saveSurvey(self, filename = 'survey.pickle'):
import cPickle
outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(self, outfile, -1)
print('saved Survey to file %s'%(filename))
def from_pickle(filename):
import cPickle
infile = open(filename, 'rb')
return cPickle.load(infile)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
def vgrids2VTK(inputfile = '', outputfile = 'vgrids.vtk'):
Generate a vtk-file readable by e.g. paraview from FMTOMO output
def getDistance(angle):
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
distance = angle / 180 * (PI * R)
return distance
def readNumberOfPoints(filename):
fin = open(filename, 'r')
vglines = fin.readlines()
nR = int(vglines[1].split()[0])
nTheta = int(vglines[1].split()[1])
nPhi = int(vglines[1].split()[2])
return nR, nTheta, nPhi
def readDelta(filename):
fin = open(filename, 'r')
vglines = fin.readlines()
dR = float(vglines[2].split()[0])
dTheta = float(vglines[2].split()[1])
dPhi = float(vglines[2].split()[2])
return dR, dTheta, dPhi
def readStartpoints(filename):
fin = open(filename, 'r')
vglines = fin.readlines()
sR = float(vglines[3].split()[0])
sTheta = float(vglines[3].split()[1])
sPhi = float(vglines[3].split()[2])
return sR, sTheta, sPhi
def readVelocity(filename):
vel = []; count = 0
fin = open(filename, 'r')
vglines = fin.readlines()
for line in vglines:
count += 1
if count > 4:
print("Read %d points out of file: %s" %(count - 4, filename))
return vel
R = 6371 # earth radius
outfile = open(outputfile, 'w')
# Theta, Phi in radians, R in km
nR, nTheta, nPhi = readNumberOfPoints(inputfile)
dR, dTheta, dPhi = readDelta(inputfile)
sR, sTheta, sPhi = readStartpoints(inputfile)
vel = readVelocity(inputfile)
nX = nPhi; nY = nTheta; nZ = nR
sZ = sR - R
sX = getDistance(np.rad2deg(sPhi))
sY = getDistance(np.rad2deg(sTheta))
dX = getDistance(np.rad2deg(dPhi))
dY = getDistance(np.rad2deg(dTheta))
xGrid = np.linspace(sX, sX + (dX * nX), nX)
yGrid = np.linspace(sZ, sZ + (nY * dY), nY)
zGrid = np.linspace(sZ, sZ + (nR * dR), nR)
nPoints = len(xGrid) * len(yGrid) * len(zGrid)
# write header
print("Writing header for VTK file...")
outfile.writelines('# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n')
outfile.writelines('Velocity on FMTOMO points\n')
outfile.writelines('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
outfile.writelines('POINTS %15d float\n' %(nPoints))
# write coordinates
print("Writing coordinates to VTK file...")
for z in zGrid:
for y in yGrid:
for x in xGrid:
outfile.writelines('%10f %10f %10f \n' %(x, y, z))
outfile.writelines('VERTICES %15d %15d\n' %(nPoints, 2 * nPoints))
# write indices
print("Writing indices to VTK file...")
for index in range(nPoints):
outfile.writelines('%10d %10d\n' %(1, index))
outfile.writelines('POINT_DATA %15d\n' %(nPoints))
outfile.writelines('SCALARS velocity float %d\n' %(1))
outfile.writelines('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
# write velocity
print("Writing velocity values to VTK file...")
for velocity in vel:
outfile.writelines('%10f\n' %velocity)
print("Wrote velocity grid for %d points to file: %s" %(nPoints, outputfile))
def rays2VTK(fnin, fdirout = './vtk_files/', nthPoint = 50):
Writes VTK file(s) for FMTOMO rays from rays.dat
:param: nthPoint, plot every nth point of the ray
:type: integer
def getDistance(angle):
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
distance = angle / 180 * (PI * R)
return distance
infile = open(fnin, 'r')
R = 6371
rays = {}
raynumber = 0
nPoints = 0
### NOTE: rays.dat seems to be in km and radians
while True:
raynumber += 1
firstline = infile.readline()
if firstline == '': break # break at EOF
shotnumber = int(firstline.split()[1])
nRayPoints = int(infile.readline().split()[0])
if not shotnumber in rays.keys():
rays[shotnumber] = {}
rays[shotnumber][raynumber] = []
for index in range(nRayPoints):
if index%nthPoint is 0 or index == nRayPoints:
rad, lat, lon = infile.readline().split()
rays[shotnumber][raynumber].append([getDistance(np.rad2deg(float(lon))), getDistance(np.rad2deg(float(lat))), float(rad) - R])
dummy = infile.readline()
for shotnumber in rays.keys():
fnameout = fdirout + 'rays%03d.vtk'%(shotnumber)
outfile = open(fnameout, 'w')
nPoints = 0
for raynumber in rays[shotnumber]:
for ray in rays[shotnumber][raynumber]:
nPoints += 1
# write header
#print("Writing header for VTK file...")
print("Writing shot %d to file %s" %(shotnumber, fnameout))
outfile.writelines('# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n')
outfile.writelines('FMTOMO rays\n')
outfile.writelines('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
outfile.writelines('POINTS %15d float\n' %(nPoints))
# write coordinates
#print("Writing coordinates to VTK file...")
for raynumber in rays[shotnumber].keys():
for raypoint in rays[shotnumber][raynumber]:
outfile.writelines('%10f %10f %10f \n' %(raypoint[0], raypoint[1], raypoint[2]))
outfile.writelines('LINES %15d %15d\n' %(len(rays[shotnumber]), len(rays[shotnumber]) + nPoints))
# write indices
#print("Writing indices to VTK file...")
count = 0
for raynumber in rays[shotnumber].keys():
outfile.writelines('%d ' %(len(rays[shotnumber][raynumber])))
for index in range(len(rays[shotnumber][raynumber])):
outfile.writelines('%d ' %(count))
count += 1
# outfile.writelines('POINT_DATA %15d\n' %(nPoints))
# outfile.writelines('SCALARS rays float %d\n' %(1))
# outfile.writelines('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
# # write velocity
# print("Writing velocity values to VTK file...")
# for velocity in vel:
# outfile.writelines('%10f\n' %velocity)
# outfile.close()
# print("Wrote velocity grid for %d points to file: %s" %(nPoints, outputfile))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import sys
from obspy import read
from obspy import Stream
from obspy import Trace
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from import surveyUtils
from import seismicshot
import activeSeismoPick
# parameter definitions:#############################################################
#traceslist = list(np.arange(1, 49, 1)) # traces (1-48)
#shotlist = list(np.arange(302, 352, 1)) # shot-files(.dat) (Paffrath: 302-352) (Hauburg: 353-401) (arange+1!)
cutwindow = (0, 0.2) # cut out a part of the trace [seconds]
tmovwind = 0.3 # size of the moving window
windowsize = (5, 0) # windowsize for AIC picker (indices around HOS picks!!)
pickwindow = cutwindow # for local max and threshold picker: fraction of the seismogram used (0...1) TO BE DONE: depends on cutwindow!!!!
folm = 0.6
rockeskyll = False
if rockeskyll == True:
receiverfile = "Geophone_interpoliert_rockes"
sourcefile = "Schusspunkte_rockes"
obsdir = "../rockeskyll_200615_270615/"
receiverfile = "Geophone_interpoliert_GZB"
sourcefile = "Schusspunkte_GZB"
obsdir = "../GZB_26_06_15_01/"
tsignal = 0.03
tgap = 0.0007
snrthreshold = 1
vmin = 333
vmax = 5500
distBinSize = 2
############# Settings: ###################
if thresholdpick == True: pickmethod = "threshold"
if localmaxpick == True: pickmethod = "localmax"
HosAic = 'hos' # can be 'hos' or 'aic'
starttime =
print '\n--------------------Starting Script at %s -------------------\n' %starttime.time()
if thresholdpick == True: print 'Using treshold pickmethod!\n'
elif localmaxpick == True: print 'Using local maximum pick method!\n'
if HosAic == 'aic': print 'picking with AIC\n'
if HosAic == 'hos': print 'picking with HOS\n'
survey = activeSeismoPick.Survey(obsdir, sourcefile, receiverfile, True)
print '\nDone after %s seconds!\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' % ( - starttime).seconds
count = 0; tpicksum = starttime - starttime
for shot in
tstartpick =; count += 1
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
distance = shot.getDistance(traceID) # receive distance
pickwin_used = pickwindow # use pickwindow set in the parameter section
# for higher distances use a linear vmin/vmax to cut out late/early regions with high noise
if distance > 5.:
pwleft = distance/vmax ################## TEST
pwright = distance/vmin
if pwright > cutwindow[1]:
pwright = cutwindow[1]
pickwin_used = (pwleft, pwright)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, pickwin_used)
shot.pickTraces(traceID, windowsize, folm, HosAic) # picker
#shot.setManualPicks(traceID, picklist) # set manual picks if given (yet used on 2D only)
# ++ TEST: set and check SNR before adding to distance bin ############################
#if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < snrthreshold:
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < shot.getSNRthreshold(traceID):
# -- TEST: set and check SNR before adding to distance bin ############################
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
tpicksum += ( - tstartpick); tpick = tpicksum/count
tremain = (tpick * (len(survey.getShotDict()) - count))
tend = + tremain
print 'shot: %s, est. time to be finished is %s:%s:%s' % (shot.getShotname(), tend.hour, tend.minute, tend.second)
print '\n--- Finished script ---'
print 'Elapsed time:',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
class SeisArray(object):
Can be used to interpolate missing values of a receiver grid, if only support points were measured.
Input file should contain in each line: ('traceID' 'receiverLineID' 'number of the geophone on recLine' 'X' 'Y' 'Z')
Can be used to generate a velocity grid file ( for FMTOMO with a topography adapting gradient.
Can be used to generate an interface file for FMTOMO (right now only interface.z used by grid3dg) for the topography.
Supports vtk output for sources and receivers.
Note: Source and Receiver files for FMTOMO will be generated by the Survey object (because traveltimes will be added directly).
def __init__(self, recfile):
self._receiverlines = {}
self._receiverCoords = {}
self._measuredReceivers = {}
self._measuredTopo = {}
self._sourceLocs = {}
self._geophoneNumbers = {}
self._receiverlist = open(recfile, 'r').readlines()
def _generateReceiverlines(self):
Connects the traceIDs to the lineIDs
for each receiverline in a dictionary.
for receiver in self._receiverlist:
traceID = int(receiver.split()[0])
lineID = int(receiver.split()[1])
if not lineID in self._receiverlines.keys():
self._receiverlines[lineID] = []
def _setReceiverCoords(self):
Fills the three x, y, z dictionaries with measured coordinates
for line in self._getReceiverlist():
traceID = int(line.split()[0])
x = float(line.split()[3])
y = float(line.split()[4])
z = float(line.split()[5])
self._receiverCoords[traceID] = (x, y, z)
self._measuredReceivers[traceID] = (x, y, z)
def _setGeophoneNumbers(self):
for line in self._getReceiverlist():
traceID = int(line.split()[0])
gphoneNum = float(line.split()[2])
self._geophoneNumbers[traceID] = gphoneNum
def _getReceiverlines(self):
return self._receiverlines
def _getReceiverlist(self):
return self._receiverlist
def getReceiverCoordinates(self):
return self._receiverCoords
def _getXreceiver(self, traceID):
return self._receiverCoords[traceID][0]
def _getYreceiver(self, traceID):
return self._receiverCoords[traceID][1]
def _getZreceiver(self, traceID):
return self._receiverCoords[traceID][2]
def _getXshot(self, shotnumber):
return self._sourceLocs[shotnumber][0]
def _getYshot(self, shotnumber):
return self._sourceLocs[shotnumber][1]
def _getZshot(self, shotnumber):
return self._sourceLocs[shotnumber][2]
def _getReceiverValue(self, traceID, coordinate):
setCoordinate = {'X': self._getXreceiver,
'Y': self._getYreceiver,
'Z': self._getZreceiver}
return setCoordinate[coordinate](traceID)
def _getGeophoneNumber(self, traceID):
return self._geophoneNumbers[traceID]
def getMeasuredReceivers(self):
return self._measuredReceivers
def getMeasuredTopo(self):
return self._measuredTopo
def getSourceLocations(self):
return self._sourceLocs
def _setXvalue(self, traceID, value):
self._receiverCoords[traceID][0] = value
def _setYvalue(self, traceID, value):
self._receiverCoords[traceID][1] = value
def _setZvalue(self, traceID, value):
self._receiverCoords[traceID][2] = value
def _setValue(self, traceID, coordinate, value):
setCoordinate = {'X': self._setXvalue,
'Y': self._setYvalue,
'Z': self._setZvalue}
setCoordinate[coordinate](traceID, value)
def _checkKey(self, traceID):
if not traceID in self._receiverCoords.keys():
self._receiverCoords[traceID] = [None, None, None]
def _checkTraceIDdirection(self, traceID1, traceID2):
if traceID2 > traceID1:
direction = +1
return direction
if traceID2 < traceID1:
direction = -1
return direction
print "Error: Same Value for traceID1 = %s and traceID2 = %s" %(traceID1, traceID2)
def _checkCoordDirection(self, traceID1, traceID2, coordinate):
Checks whether the interpolation direction is positive or negative
if self._getReceiverValue(traceID1, coordinate) < self._getReceiverValue(traceID2, coordinate):
direction = +1
return direction
if self._getReceiverValue(traceID1, coordinate) > self._getReceiverValue(traceID2, coordinate):
direction = -1
return direction
print "Error: Same Value for traceID1 = %s and traceID2 = %s" %(traceID1, traceID2)
def _interpolateMeanDistances(self, traceID1, traceID2, coordinate):
Returns the mean distance between two traceID's depending on the number of geophones in between
num_spaces = abs(self._getGeophoneNumber(traceID1) - self._getGeophoneNumber(traceID2))
mean_distance = abs(self._getReceiverValue(traceID1, coordinate) - self._getReceiverValue(traceID2, coordinate))/num_spaces
return mean_distance
def interpolateValues(self, coordinate):
Interpolates and sets all values (linear) for coordinate = 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'
for lineID in self._getReceiverlines().keys():
number_measured = len(self._getReceiverlines()[lineID])
for index, traceID1 in enumerate(self._getReceiverlines()[lineID]):
if index + 1 < number_measured:
traceID2 = self._getReceiverlines()[lineID][index + 1]
traceID_dir = self._checkTraceIDdirection(traceID1, traceID2)
traceID_interp = traceID1 + traceID_dir
coord_dir = self._checkCoordDirection(traceID1, traceID2, coordinate)
mean_distance = self._interpolateMeanDistances(traceID1, traceID2, coordinate)
while (traceID_dir * traceID_interp) < (traceID_dir * traceID2):
self._setValue(traceID_interp, coordinate,
(self._getReceiverValue(traceID_interp - traceID_dir, coordinate)
+ coord_dir * (mean_distance)))
traceID_interp += traceID_dir
def addMeasuredTopographyPoints(self, filename):
Use more measured points for a higher precision of height interpolation.
Input file should contain in each line: ('point ID' 'X' 'Y' 'Z')
topolist = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
for line in topolist:
line = line.split()
pointID = int(line[0])
x = float(line[1])
y = float(line[2])
z = float(line[3])
self._measuredTopo[pointID] = (x, y, z)
def addSourceLocations(self, filename):
Use source locations for a higher precision of height interpolation.
Input file should contain in each line: ('point ID' 'X' 'Y' 'Z')
Source locations must be added before they can be written to vtk files.
topolist = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
for line in topolist:
line = line.split()
pointID = int(line[0])
x = float(line[1])
y = float(line[2])
z = float(line[3])
self._sourceLocs[pointID] = (x, y, z)
def interpZcoords4rec(self, method = 'linear'):
Interpolates z values for all receivers.
measured_x, measured_y, measured_z = self.getAllMeasuredPointsLists()
for traceID in self.getReceiverCoordinates().keys():
if type(self.getReceiverCoordinates()[traceID]) is not tuple:
z = griddata((measured_x, measured_y), measured_z, (self._getXreceiver(traceID), self._getYreceiver(traceID)), method = method)
self._setZvalue(traceID, float(z))
def _getAngle(self, distance):
Function returns the angle on a Sphere of the radius R = 6371 [km] for a distance [km].
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
angle = distance * 180 / (PI * R)
return angle
def _getDistance(self, angle):
Function returns the distance [km] on a Sphere of the radius R = 6371 [km] for an angle.
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
distance = angle / 180 * (PI * R)
return distance
def getMeasuredReceiverLists(self):
Returns a list of all measured receivers known to SeisArray.
x = []; y = []; z = []
for traceID in self.getMeasuredReceivers().keys():
return x, y, z
def getMeasuredTopoLists(self):
Returns a list of all measured topography points known to the SeisArray.
x = []; y = []; z = []
for pointID in self.getMeasuredTopo().keys():
return x, y, z
def getSourceLocsLists(self):
Returns a list of all measured source locations known to SeisArray.
x = []; y = []; z = []
for pointID in self.getSourceLocations().keys():
return x, y, z
def getAllMeasuredPointsLists(self):
Returns a list of all measured points known to SeisArray.
mtopo_x, mtopo_y, mtopo_z = self.getMeasuredTopoLists()
msource_x, msource_y, msource_z = self.getSourceLocsLists()
mrec_x, mrec_y, mrec_z = self.getMeasuredReceiverLists()
x = mtopo_x + mrec_x + msource_x
y = mtopo_y + mrec_y + msource_y
z = mtopo_z + mrec_z + msource_z
return x, y, z
def getReceiverLists(self):
Returns a list of all receivers (measured and interpolated).
x = []; y =[]; z = []
for traceID in self.getReceiverCoordinates().keys():
return x, y, z
def _interpolateXY4rec(self):
Interpolates the X and Y coordinates for all receivers.
for coordinate in ('X', 'Y'):
def interpolateAll(self):
def interpolateTopography(self, nTheta, nPhi, thetaSN, phiWE, method = 'linear', filename = ''):
Interpolate Z values on a regular grid with cushion nodes to use it as FMTOMO topography interface.
Returns a surface in form of a list of points [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, y2], ...] (cartesian).
:param: nTheta, number of points in theta (NS)
type: integer
:param: nPhi, number of points in phi (WE)
type: integer
:param: thetaSN (S, N) extensions of the model in degree
type: tuple
:param: phiWE (W, E) extensions of the model in degree
type: tuple
surface = []
elevation = 0.25 # elevate topography so that no source lies above the surface
if filename is not None:
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
print "Interpolating topography on regular grid with the dimensions:"
print "nTheta = %s, nPhi = %s, thetaSN = %s, phiWE = %s"%(nTheta, nPhi, thetaSN, phiWE)
print "method = %s, filename = %s" %(method, filename)
thetaS, thetaN = thetaSN
phiW, phiE = phiWE
measured_x, measured_y, measured_z = self.getAllMeasuredPointsLists()
# need to determine the delta to add two cushion nodes around the min/max values
thetaDelta = (thetaN - thetaS) / (nTheta - 1)
phiDelta = (phiE - phiW) / (nPhi - 1)
thetaGrid = np.linspace(thetaS - thetaDelta, thetaN + thetaDelta, num = nTheta + 2) # +2 cushion nodes
phiGrid = np.linspace(phiW - phiDelta, phiE + phiDelta, num = nPhi + 2) # +2 cushion nodes
nTotal = len(thetaGrid) * len(phiGrid); count = 0
for theta in thetaGrid:
for phi in phiGrid:
xval = self._getDistance(phi)
yval = self._getDistance(theta)
z = griddata((measured_x, measured_y), measured_z, (xval, yval), method = method)
# in case the point lies outside, nan will be returned. Find nearest:
if np.isnan(z) == True:
z = griddata((measured_x, measured_y), measured_z, (xval, yval), method = 'nearest')
z = float(z)
surface.append((xval, yval, z))
count += 1
progress = float(count) / float(nTotal) * 100
if filename is not None:
outfile.writelines('%10s\n'%(z + elevation))
return surface
def generateVgrid(self, nTheta = 80, nPhi = 80, nR = 120,
thetaSN = (-0.2, 1.2), phiWE = (-0.2, 1.2),
Rbt = (-62.0, 6.0), vbot = 5.5, filename = '',
method = 'linear' ):
Generate a velocity grid for fmtomo regarding topography with a linear gradient starting at the topography with 0.34 [km/s].
:param: nTheta, number of points in theta (NS)
type: integer
:param: nPhi, number of points in phi (WE)
type: integer
:param: nR, number of points in depth
type: integer
:param: thetaSN (S, N) extensions of the model in degree
type: tuple
:param: phiWE (W, E) extensions of the model in degree
type: tuple
:param: Rbt (bot, top) extensions of the model in km
type: tuple
:param: vbot, velocity at the bottom of the model
type: real
def getRad(angle):
PI = np.pi
rad = angle / 180 * PI
return rad
def getZmax(surface):
z = []
for point in surface:
return max(z)
R = 6371
vmin = 0.34
decm = 0.3 # diagonal elements of the covariance matrix (grid3dg's default value is 0.3)
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
thetaS, thetaN = thetaSN
phiW, phiE = phiWE
rbot = Rbt[0] + R
rtop = Rbt[1] + R
# need to determine the delta to add two cushion nodes around the min/max values
thetaDelta = abs(thetaN - thetaS) / (nTheta - 1)
phiDelta = abs(phiE - phiW) / (nPhi - 1)
rDelta = abs(rbot - rtop) / (nR - 1)
# create a regular grid including +2 cushion nodes in every direction
thetaGrid = np.linspace(thetaS - thetaDelta, thetaN + thetaDelta, num = nTheta + 2) # +2 cushion nodes
phiGrid = np.linspace(phiW - phiDelta, phiE + phiDelta, num = nPhi + 2) # +2 cushion nodes
rGrid = np.linspace(rbot - rDelta, rtop + rDelta, num = nR + 2) # +2 cushion nodes
nTotal = len(rGrid) * len(thetaGrid) * len(phiGrid)
print "Total number of grid nodes: %s"%nTotal
# write header for velocity grid file (in RADIANS)
outfile.writelines('%10s %10s \n' %(1, 1))
outfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(nR + 2, nTheta + 2, nPhi + 2))
outfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(rDelta, getRad(thetaDelta), getRad(phiDelta)))
outfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(rbot - rDelta, getRad(thetaS - thetaDelta), getRad(phiW - phiDelta)))
surface = self.interpolateTopography(nTheta, nPhi, thetaSN, phiWE, method = method, filename = None)
zmax = getZmax(surface)
print "\nGenerating velocity grid for FMTOMO. Output filename = %s, interpolation method = %s"%(filename, method)
print "nTheta = %s, nPhi = %s, nR = %s, thetaSN = %s, phiWE = %s, Rbt = %s"%(nTheta, nPhi, nR, thetaSN, phiWE, Rbt)
count = 0
for radius in rGrid:
for theta in thetaGrid:
for phi in phiGrid:
xval = self._getDistance(phi)
yval = self._getDistance(theta)
for point in surface:
if point[0] == xval and point[1] == yval:
z = point[2]
if radius > (R + z + 1):
vel = 0.0
# elif radius > (R + z - 15): ########### TESTING
# vel = (radius - z - R) / (Rbt[0] - rDelta - zmax) * 1.0 + vmin ##########################
vel = (radius - z - R) / (Rbt[0] - rDelta - zmax) * vbot + vmin ##########################
count += 1
outfile.writelines('%10s %10s\n'%(vel, decm))
progress = float(count) / float(nTotal) * 100
def exportAll(self, filename = 'interpolated_receivers.out'):
recfile_out = open(filename, 'w')
count = 0
for traceID in self.getReceiverCoordinates().keys():
count += 1
x, y, z = self.getReceiverCoordinates()[traceID]
recfile_out.writelines('%5s %15s %15s %15s\n' %(traceID, x, y, z))
print "Exported coordinates for %s traces to file > %s" %(count, filename)
def plotArray2D(self, plot_topo = False, highlight_measured = False, annotations = True):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xmt, ymt, zmt = self.getMeasuredTopoLists()
xsc, ysc, zsc = self.getSourceLocsLists()
xmr, ymr, zmr = self.getMeasuredReceiverLists()
xrc, yrc, zrc = self.getReceiverLists()
plt.plot(xrc, yrc, 'k.', markersize = 10, label = 'all receivers')
plt.plot(xsc, ysc, 'b*', markersize = 10, label = 'shot locations')
if plot_topo == True:
plt.plot(xmt, ymt, 'b', markersize = 10, label = 'measured topo points')
if highlight_measured == True:
plt.plot(xmr, ymr, 'ro', label = 'measured receivers')
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
if annotations == True:
for traceID in self.getReceiverCoordinates().keys():
plt.annotate(str(traceID), xy = (self._getXreceiver(traceID), self._getYreceiver(traceID)), fontsize = 'x-small')
def plotArray3D(self, ax = None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
if ax == None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection = '3d')
xmt, ymt, zmt = self.getMeasuredTopoLists()
xmr, ymr, zmr = self.getMeasuredReceiverLists()
xin, yin, zin = self.getReceiverLists()
ax.plot(xmt, ymt, zmt, 'b*', markersize = 10, label = 'measured topo points')
ax.plot(xin, yin, zin, 'k.', markersize = 10, label = 'interpolated receivers')
ax.plot(xmr, ymr, zmr, 'ro', label = 'measured receivers')
ax.set_xlabel('X'); ax.set_ylabel('Y'); ax.set_zlabel('elevation')
return ax
def plotSurface3D(self, ax = None, step = 0.5, method = 'linear'):
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
if ax == None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection = '3d')
xmt, ymt, zmt = self.getMeasuredTopoLists()
xmr, ymr, zmr = self.getMeasuredReceiverLists()
x = xmt + xmr
y = ymt + ymr
z = zmt + zmr
xaxis = np.arange(min(x)+1, max(x), step)
yaxis = np.arange(min(y)+1, max(y), step)
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis)
zgrid = griddata((x, y), z, (xgrid, ygrid), method = method)
ax.plot_surface(xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, linewidth = 0, cmap = cm.jet, vmin = min(z), vmax = max(z))
ax.set_zlim(-(max(x) - min(x)/2),(max(x) - min(x)/2))
ax.set_xlabel('X'); ax.set_ylabel('Y'); ax.set_zlabel('elevation')
return ax
def _update_progress(self, progress):
sys.stdout.write("%d%% done \r" % (progress) )
def receivers2VTK(self, filename = 'receivers.vtk'):
Generates vtk files from all receivers of the SeisArray object.
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
traceIDs = []
for traceID in self.getReceiverCoordinates():
nPoints = len(traceIDs)
# write header
print("Writing header for VTK file...")
outfile.writelines('# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n')
outfile.writelines('Receivers with traceIDs\n')
outfile.writelines('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
outfile.writelines('POINTS %15d float\n' %(nPoints))
# write coordinates
print("Writing coordinates to VTK file...")
for traceID in traceIDs:
x = self._getXreceiver(traceID)
y = self._getYreceiver(traceID)
z = self._getZreceiver(traceID)
outfile.writelines('%10f %10f %10f \n' %(x, y, z))
outfile.writelines('VERTICES %15d %15d\n' %(nPoints, 2 * nPoints))
# write indices
print("Writing indices to VTK file...")
for index in range(nPoints):
outfile.writelines('%10d %10d\n' %(1, index))
outfile.writelines('POINT_DATA %15d\n' %(nPoints))
outfile.writelines('SCALARS traceIDs int %d\n' %(1))
outfile.writelines('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
# write traceIDs
print("Writing traceIDs to VTK file...")
for traceID in traceIDs:
outfile.writelines('%10d\n' %traceID)
print("Wrote receiver grid for %d points to file: %s" %(nPoints, filename))
def sources2VTK(self, filename = 'sources.vtk'):
Generates vtk-files for all source locations in the SeisArray object.
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
shotnumbers = []
for shotnumber in self.getSourceLocations():
nPoints = len(shotnumbers)
# write header
print("Writing header for VTK file...")
outfile.writelines('# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n')
outfile.writelines('Shots with shotnumbers\n')
outfile.writelines('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
outfile.writelines('POINTS %15d float\n' %(nPoints))
# write coordinates
print("Writing coordinates to VTK file...")
for shotnumber in shotnumbers:
x = self._getXshot(shotnumber)
y = self._getYshot(shotnumber)
z = self._getZshot(shotnumber)
outfile.writelines('%10f %10f %10f \n' %(x, y, z))
outfile.writelines('VERTICES %15d %15d\n' %(nPoints, 2 * nPoints))
# write indices
print("Writing indices to VTK file...")
for index in range(nPoints):
outfile.writelines('%10d %10d\n' %(1, index))
outfile.writelines('POINT_DATA %15d\n' %(nPoints))
outfile.writelines('SCALARS shotnumbers int %d\n' %(1))
outfile.writelines('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
# write shotnumber
print("Writing shotnumbers to VTK file...")
for shotnumber in shotnumbers:
outfile.writelines('%10d\n' %shotnumber)
print("Wrote receiver grid for %d points to file: %s" %(nPoints, filename))
def saveSeisArray(self, filename = 'seisArray.pickle'):
import cPickle
outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(self, outfile, -1)
print('saved SeisArray to file %s'%(filename))
def from_pickle(filename):
import cPickle
infile = open(filename, 'rb')
return cPickle.load(infile)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
#from selectRegions import regions
def plotAllPicks(shot_dict, dist_med = None):
Plots all picks over the distance between source and receiver. Returns (ax, region)
dist = []
pick = []
snrloglist = []
for shot in shot_dict.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
ax = createPlot(dist, pick, snrloglist, label = 'log10(SNR)')
region = regions(ax, shot_dict)
if dist_med is not None:
ax = addDistMed(ax, dist_med)
return ax, region
def plotAllPicks_withCutOutTraces(shot_dict, dist_med = None):
Plots all picks over the distance between source and receiver. Returns (ax, region)
dist = []
pick = []
snrloglist = []
for shot in shot_dict.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] > 3:
ax = createPlot(dist, pick, snrloglist, label = 'log10(SNR)')
region = regions(ax, shot_dict)
if dist_med is not None:
ax = addDistMed(ax, dist_med)
return ax, region
def createPlot(dist, pick, inkByVal, label):
cm =
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
fig = ax.scatter(dist, pick, cmap = cm, c = inkByVal, s = 5, edgecolors = 'none', label = label)
cbar = plt.colorbar(fig, fraction = 0.05)
plt.title('Plot of all Picks')
plt.xlabel('Distance [m]')
plt.ylabel('Time [s]')
return ax
def addDistMed(ax, dist_med):
Add shot dictionary containing the Median for several distancebins to the ax.
x = []
y = []
for dist in dist_med.keys():
xy = sorted(zip(x,y))
x1 = [x for (x,y) in xy]
y1 = [y for (x,y) in xy]
ax.plot(x1, y1, 'k', label = 'Median')
return ax
class regions(object):
def __init__(self, ax, shot_dict):
| = ax
self.shot_dict = shot_dict
self._x0 = []
self._y0 = []
self._x1 = []
self._y1 = []
self.shots_found = {}
self.shots_for_deletion = {}
def _onselect(self, eclick, erelease):
'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release' #print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
#print ' endposition : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
print 'region selected x0, y0 = (%3s, %3s), x1, y1 = (%3s, %3s)'%(eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata, erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
x0 = min(eclick.xdata, erelease.xdata)
x1 = max(eclick.xdata, erelease.xdata)
y0 = min(eclick.ydata, erelease.ydata)
y1 = max(eclick.ydata, erelease.ydata)
self.markCurrentRegion(x0, x1, y0, y1)
def chooseRectangles(self):
from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
print 'Select rectangle is active'
return RectangleSelector(, self._onselect)
def _getx0(self):
return self._x0
def _getx1(self):
return self._x1
def _gety0(self):
return self._y0
def _gety1(self):
return self._y1
def getShotDict(self):
return self.shot_dict
def getShotsForDeletion(self):
return self.shots_for_deletion
def findTracesInShotDict(self, picks = 'normal'):
Returns traces corresponding to a certain area in a plot with all picks over the distances.
print "findTracesInShotDict: Searching for marked traces in the shot dictionary... "
for shot in self.shot_dict.values():
whichpicks = {'normal': shot.getPick,
'includeCutOut': shot.getPick_backup}
for index in range(len(self._getx1())):
distancebin = (self._getx0()[index], self._getx1()[index])
pickbin = (self._gety0()[index], self._gety1()[index])
if shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin) is not None:
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin):
if pickbin[0] < whichpicks[picks](traceID) < pickbin[1]:
self.highlightPick(shot, traceID)
if shot.getShotnumber() not in self.shots_found.keys():
self.shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()] = []
if traceID not in self.shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()]:
print self.shots_found
def highlightPick(self, shot, traceID, annotations = True):
|, shot.getPick(traceID), s = 50, marker = 'o', facecolors = 'none', edgecolors = 'm', alpha = 1)
if annotations == True:
| = 's%s|t%s'%(shot.getShotnumber(), traceID), xy = (shot.getDistance(traceID), shot.getPick(traceID)), fontsize = 'xx-small')
def plotTracesInRegion(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
count = 0
maxfigures = 20
# if len(self.shots_found) == 0:
if len(self.shots_found) > 0:
for shot in self.shot_dict.values():
for shotnumber in self.shots_found:
if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber:
for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]:
count += 1
if count > maxfigures:
print 'Maximum number of figures (%s) reached. %sth figure was not opened.' %(maxfigures, count)
print 'No picks yet defined in the regions x = (%s, %s), y = (%s, %s)' %(self._x0, self._x1, self._y0, self._y1)
def plotTracesInRegion_withCutOutTraces(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
count = 0
maxfigures = 20
# if len(self.shots_found) == 0:
self.findTracesInShotDict(picks = 'includeCutOut')
if len(self.shots_found) > 0:
for shot in self.shot_dict.values():
for shotnumber in self.shots_found:
if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber:
for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]:
count += 1
if count > maxfigures:
print 'Maximum number of figures (%s) reached. %sth figure was not opened.' %(maxfigures, count)
print 'No picks yet defined in the regions x = (%s, %s), y = (%s, %s)' %(self._x0, self._x1, self._y0, self._y1)
def setCurrentRegionsForDeletion(self):
# if len(self.shots_found) == 0:
for shotnumber in self.shots_found:
if not shotnumber in self.shots_for_deletion:
self.shots_for_deletion[shotnumber] = []
for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]:
if not traceID in self.shots_for_deletion[shotnumber]:
self.markAllRegions(color = 'red')
print 'Marked regions for deletion'
def markAllRegions(self, color = 'grey'):
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
for index in range(len(self._getx0())):
x0 = self._getx0()[index]
y0 = self._gety0()[index]
x1 = self._getx1()[index]
y1 = self._gety1()[index]
|, y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), alpha=0.5, facecolor = color))
def markCurrentRegion(self, x0, x1, y0, y1, color = 'grey'):
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
|, y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), alpha=0.1, facecolor = color))
def deleteMarkedPicks(self):
for shot in self.getShotDict().values():
for shotnumber in self.getShotsForDeletion():
if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber:
for traceID in self.getShotsForDeletion()[shotnumber]:
print "Deleted the pick for traceID %s on shot number %s" %(traceID, shotnumber)
self.shots_for_deletion = {} # clear dictionary
def highlightPicksForShot(self, shot, annotations = False):
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
self.highlightPick(shot, traceID, annotations)
def refreshFigure(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user