Merge branch 'feature/magnitude4QtPyLoT' into develop

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Wehling-Benatelli 2016-09-29 13:54:18 +02:00
commit 04da34deec
11 changed files with 638 additions and 646 deletions

View File

@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
import matplotlib
import os
import sys
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['backend.qt4'] = 'PySide'
@ -37,24 +38,22 @@ from PySide.QtGui import QMainWindow, QInputDialog, QIcon, QFileDialog, \
QDialog, QErrorMessage, QApplication, QPixmap, QMessageBox, QSplashScreen, \
QActionGroup, QListWidget, QDockWidget, QLineEdit
import numpy as np
import subprocess
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.geodetics import degrees2kilometers
from obspy.core.event import Magnitude
from pylot.core.analysis.magnitude import calcsourcespec, calcMoMw
from pylot.core.analysis.magnitude import RichterMagnitude, MomentMagnitude
from import Data
from import FilterOptions, AutoPickParameter
from pylot.core.pick.autopick import autopickevent
from import Comparison
from pylot.core.pick.utils import symmetrize_error
from import picksdict_from_picks
import pylot.core.loc.nll as nll
from pylot.core.util.defaults import FILTERDEFAULTS, COMPNAME_MAP, \
from pylot.core.util.errors import FormatError, DatastructureError, \
OverwriteError, ProcessingError
from pylot.core.util.connection import checkurl
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import read_metadata
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import read_metadata, restitute_data
from pylot.core.util.utils import fnConstructor, getLogin, \
from import create_creation_info, create_event
@ -124,6 +123,11 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
# load and display waveform data
self.dirty = False
finv = settings.value("inventoryFile", None)
if finv is not None:
self._metadata = read_metadata(finv)
self._metadata = None
if self.loadWaveformData():
@ -368,6 +372,17 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def metadata(self):
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, value):
self._metadata = value
def updateFileMenu(self):
@ -911,6 +926,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
epp = picks['epp'] - stime
lpp = picks['lpp'] - stime
spe = picks['spe']
if not spe:
spe = symmetrize_error(mpp - epp, lpp - mpp)
if picktype == 'manual':
ax.fill_between([epp, lpp], ylims[0], ylims[1],
@ -984,18 +1001,15 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
self.get_data().applyEVTData(lt.read_location(locpath), type='event')
self.get_data().applyEVTData(self.calc_magnitude(), type='event')
def calc_magnitude(self):
e = self.get_data().get_evt_data()
settings = QSettings()
o =[0]
mags = dict()
fninv = settings.value("inventoryFile", None)
if fninv is None:
def calc_magnitude(self, type='ML'):
def set_inv(settings):
fninv, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
"Select inventory..."),"Select file"))
if not fninv:
return False
ans = QMessageBox.question(self,"Make default..."),
"New inventory filename set.\n" + \
@ -1005,32 +1019,37 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
if ans == QMessageBox.Yes:
settings.setValue("inventoryFile", fninv)
metadata = read_metadata(fninv)
for a in o.arrivals:
if a.phase in 'sS':
pick = a.pick_id.get_referred_object()
station = pick.waveform_id.station_code
wf = self.get_data().getWFData().select(station=station)
if not wf:
onset = pick.time
dist = degrees2kilometers(a.distance)
w0, fc = calcsourcespec(wf, onset, metadata, self.inputs.get('vp'), dist,
a.azimuth, a.takeoff_angle,
self.inputs.get('Qp'), 0)
if w0 is None or fc is None:
station_mag = calcMoMw(wf, w0, self.inputs.get('rho'),
self.inputs.get('vp'), dist)
mags[station] = station_mag
mag = np.median([M[1] for M in mags.values()])
# give some information on the processing
print('number of stations used: {0}\n'.format(len(mags.values())))
print('stations used:\n')
for s in mags.keys(): print('\t{0}'.format(s))
self.metadata = read_metadata(fninv)
return True
return Magnitude(mag=mag, magnitude_type='Mw')
settings = QSettings()
fninv = settings.value("inventoryFile", None)
if fninv is None and not self.metadata:
if not set_inv(settings):
return None
elif fninv is not None and not self.metadata:
ans = QMessageBox.question(self,"Use default..."),
"Do you want to use the default value?"),
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No,
if ans == QMessageBox.No:
if not set_inv(settings):
return None
self.metadata = read_metadata(fninv)
wf_copy = self.get_data().getWFData().copy()
[corr_wf, rest_flag] = restitute_data(wf_copy, *self.metadata)
if not rest_flag:
raise ProcessingError('Restitution of waveform data failed!')
if type == 'ML':
local_mag = RichterMagnitude(corr_wf, self.get_data().get_evt_data(), self.inputs.get('sstop'), verbosity = True)
return local_mag.updated_event()
elif type == 'Mw':
moment_mag = MomentMagnitude(corr_wf, self.get_data().get_evt_data(), self.inputs.get('vp'), self.inputs.get('Qp'), self.inputs.get('rho'), verbosity = True)
return moment_mag.updated_event()
return None

View File

@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import glob
import string
import os
import numpy as np
from obspy import read_events
from pylot.core.analysis.magnitude import M0Mw
import pylot.core.loc.hsat as hsat
import pylot.core.loc.nll as nll
from pylot.core.analysis.magnitude import MomentMagnitude, RichterMagnitude
from import Data
from import AutoPickParameter
import pylot.core.loc.nll as nll
import pylot.core.loc.hsat as hsat
from pylot.core.pick.autopick import autopickevent, iteratepicker
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import restitute_data, read_metadata, \
from pylot.core.util.structure import DATASTRUCTURE
from pylot.core.util.version import get_git_version as _getVersionString
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
data = Data()
evt = None
# getting information on data structure
if parameter.hasParam('datastructure'):
@ -97,19 +99,26 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
print("!!No source parameter estimation possible!!")
print(" !!! ")
# multiple event processing
# read each event in database
datapath = datastructure.expandDataPath()
if not parameter.hasParam('eventID'):
for event in [events for events in glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, '*')) if os.path.isdir(events)]:
# multiple event processing
# read each event in database
events = [events for events in glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, '*')) if os.path.isdir(events)]
# single event processing
events = glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, parameter.get('eventID')))
for event in events:
data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, event, '*')))
evID = os.path.split(event)[-1]
print('Working on event %s' % event)
wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams
wfdat = remove_underscores(wfdat)
metadata = read_metadata(parameter.get('invdir'))
corr_dat, rest_flag = restitute_data(wfdat.copy(), *metadata)
# !automated picking starts here!
picks = autopickevent(wfdat, parameter)
finalpicks = picks
# locating
if locflag == 1:
@ -117,7 +126,6 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
nll.export(picks, phasefile)
# For locating the event the NLLoc-control file has to be modified!
evID = event[string.rfind(event, "/") + 1: len(events) - 1]
nllocout = '%s_%s' % (evID, nllocoutpatter)
# create comment line for NLLoc-control file
nll.modify_inputs(ctrf, nllocroot, nllocout, phasef,
@ -135,6 +143,9 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
# TODO keep code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) the following part is written twice
# suggestion: delete block and modify the later similar block to work properly
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No bad onsets found, thus no iterative picking necessary!")
# get NLLoc-location file
@ -142,11 +153,20 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
if len(glob.glob(locsearch)) > 0:
# get latest NLLoc-location file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
evt = read_events(nllocfile)[0]
# calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw
finalpicks = M0Mw(wfdat, None, None, parameter.get('iplot'), \
nllocfile, picks, parameter.get('rho'), \
parameter.get('vp'), parameter.get('Qp'), \
moment_mag = MomentMagnitude(corr_dat, evt, parameter.get('vp'),
parameter.get('rho'), True, 0)
# update pick with moment property values (w0, fc, Mo)
for station, props in moment_mag.moment_props.items():
evt = moment_mag.updated_event()
local_mag = RichterMagnitude(corr_dat, evt,
parameter.get('sstop'), True, 0)
for station, amplitude in local_mag.amplitudes.items():
picks[station]['S']['Ao'] = amplitude.generic_amplitude
evt = local_mag.updated_event()
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available!")
print("No source parameter estimation possible!")
@ -183,31 +203,32 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No more bad onsets found, stop iterative picking!")
nlloccounter = maxnumit
evt = read_events(nllocfile)[0]
# calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw
finalpicks = M0Mw(wfdat, None, None, parameter.get('iplot'), \
nllocfile, picks, parameter.get('rho'), \
parameter.get('vp'), parameter.get('Qp'), \
# get network moment magntiude
netMw = []
for key in finalpicks.getpicdic():
if finalpicks.getpicdic()[key]['P']['Mw'] is not None:
netMw = np.median(netMw)
print("Network moment magnitude: %4.1f" % netMw)
moment_mag = MomentMagnitude(corr_dat, evt, parameter.get('vp'),
parameter.get('rho'), True, 0)
# update pick with moment property values (w0, fc, Mo)
for station, props in moment_mag.moment_props.items():
evt = moment_mag.updated_event()
local_mag = RichterMagnitude(corr_dat, evt,
parameter.get('sstop'), True, 0)
for station, amplitude in local_mag.amplitudes.items():
picks[station]['S']['Ao'] = amplitude.generic_amplitude
evt = local_mag.updated_event()
net_mw = moment_mag.net_magnitude()
print("Network moment magnitude: %4.1f" % net_mw.mag)
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")
# write phase files for various location routines
# HYPO71
hypo71file = '%s/autoPyLoT_HYPO71.pha' % event
if hasattr(finalpicks, 'getpicdic') and finalpicks.getpicdic() is not None:
hsat.export(finalpicks.getpicdic(), hypo71file)
hsat.export(picks, hypo71file)
if evt is not None:
data.applyEVTData(evt, 'event')
fnqml = '%s/autoPyLoT' % event
@ -219,123 +240,6 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
if locflag == 0:
print("autoPyLoT was running in non-location mode!")
# single event processing
data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, parameter.get('eventID'), '*')))
print("Working on event {0}".format(parameter.get('eventID')))
wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams
# !automated picking starts here!
picks = autopickevent(wfdat, parameter)
finalpicks = picks
# locating
if locflag == 1:
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
nll.export(picks, phasefile)
# For locating the event the NLLoc-control file has to be modified!
nllocout = '%s_%s' % (parameter.get('eventID'), nllocoutpatter)
# create comment line for NLLoc-control file
nll.modify_inputs(ctrf, nllocroot, nllocout, phasef, ttpat)
# locate the event
# !iterative picking if traces remained unpicked or occupied with bad picks!
# get theoretical onset times for picks with weights >= 4
# in order to reprocess them using smaller time windows around theoretical onset
# get stations with bad onsets
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No bad onsets found, thus no iterative picking necessary!")
# get NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
if len(glob.glob(locsearch)) > 0:
# get latest NLLOc-location file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
# calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw
finalpicks = M0Mw(wfdat, None, None, parameter.get('iplot'), \
nllocfile, picks, parameter.get('rho'), \
parameter.get('vp'), parameter.get('Qp'), \
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available!")
print("No source parameter estimation possible!")
# get theoretical P-onset times from NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
if len(glob.glob(locsearch)) > 0:
# get latest file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
nlloccounter = 0
while len(badpicks) > 0 and nlloccounter <= maxnumit:
nlloccounter += 1
if nlloccounter > maxnumit:
print("autoPyLoT: Number of maximum iterations reached, stop iterative picking!")
print("autoPyLoT: Starting with iteration No. %d ..." % nlloccounter)
picks = iteratepicker(wfdat, nllocfile, picks, badpicks, parameter)
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
nll.export(picks, phasefile)
# remove actual NLLoc-location file to keep only the last
# locate the event
print("autoPyLoT: Iteration No. %d finished." % nlloccounter)
# get updated NLLoc-location file
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
# check for bad picks
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
print("autoPyLoT: After iteration No. %d: %d bad onsets found ..." % (nlloccounter, \
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No more bad onsets found, stop iterative picking!")
nlloccounter = maxnumit
# calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw
finalpicks = M0Mw(wfdat, None, None, parameter.get('iplot'), \
nllocfile, picks, parameter.get('rho'), \
parameter.get('vp'), parameter.get('Qp'), \
# get network moment magntiude
netMw = []
for key in finalpicks.getpicdic():
if finalpicks.getpicdic()[key]['P']['Mw'] is not None:
netMw = np.median(netMw)
print("Network moment magnitude: %4.1f" % netMw)
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")
# write phase files for various location routines
# HYPO71
hypo71file = '%s/%s/autoPyLoT_HYPO71.pha' % (datapath, parameter.get('eventID'))
if hasattr(finalpicks, 'getpicdic') and finalpicks.getpicdic() is not None:
hsat.export(finalpicks.getpicdic(), hypo71file)
hsat.export(picks, hypo71file)
fnqml = '%s/%s/autoPyLoT' % (datapath, parameter.get('eventID'))
endsplash = '''------------------------------------------\n'
-----Finished event %s!-----\n'
------------------------------------------'''.format \
(version=_getVersionString()) % parameter.get('eventID')
if locflag == 0:
print("autoPyLoT was running in non-location mode!")
endsp = '''####################################\n
*********autoPyLoT terminates*******\n

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -3,6 +3,41 @@ import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
def readMygridNlayers(filename):
infile = open(filename, 'r')
nlayers = len(infile.readlines()) / 2
return nlayers
def readMygrid(filename):
ztop = [];
zbot = [];
vtop = [];
vbot = []
infile = open(filename, 'r')
nlayers = readMygridNlayers(filename)
print('\nreadMygrid: Reading file %s.' % filename)
for index in range(nlayers):
line1 = infile.readline()
line2 = infile.readline()
print('Layer %s:\n[Top: v = %s [km/s], z = %s [m]]'
'\n[Bot: v = %s [km/s], z = %s [m]]'
% (index + 1, vtop[index], ztop[index],
vbot[index], zbot[index]))
if not ztop[0] == 0:
print('ERROR: there must be a velocity set for z = 0 in the file %s' % filename)
print('e.g.:\n0 0.33\n-5 1.0\netc.')
return ztop, zbot, vtop, vbot
class SeisArray(object):
@ -714,41 +749,6 @@ class SeisArray(object):
# rad = angle / 180 * PI
# return rad
def readMygridNlayers(filename):
infile = open(filename, 'r')
nlayers = len(infile.readlines()) / 2
return nlayers
def readMygrid(filename):
ztop = [];
zbot = [];
vtop = [];
vbot = []
infile = open(filename, 'r')
nlayers = readMygridNlayers(filename)
print('\nreadMygrid: Reading file %s.' % filename)
for index in range(nlayers):
line1 = infile.readline()
line2 = infile.readline()
print('Layer %s:\n[Top: v = %s [km/s], z = %s [m]]'
'\n[Bot: v = %s [km/s], z = %s [m]]'
% (index + 1, vtop[index], ztop[index],
vbot[index], zbot[index]))
if not ztop[0] == 0:
print('ERROR: there must be a velocity set for z = 0 in the file %s' % filename)
print('e.g.:\n0 0.33\n-5 1.0\netc.')
return ztop, zbot, vtop, vbot
R = 6371.
vmin = 0.34
decm = 0.3 # diagonal elements of the covariance matrix (grid3dg's default value is 0.3)

View File

@ -6,214 +6,261 @@ Created autumn/winter 2015.
:author: Ludger Küperkoch / MAGS2 EP3 working group
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import Stream, UTCDateTime
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getsignalwin, crossings_nonzero_all
from pylot.core.util.utils import getPatternLine
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import obspy.core.event as ope
from obspy.geodetics import degrees2kilometers
from scipy import integrate, signal
from import Data
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import restitute_data, read_metadata
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getsignalwin, crossings_nonzero_all, \
from pylot.core.util.utils import common_range, fit_curve
def richter_magnitude_scaling(delta):
relation = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'.pylot', ''))
# prepare spline interpolation to calculate return value
func, params = fit_curve(relation[:,0], relation[:, 1])
func, params = fit_curve(relation[:, 0], relation[:, 1])
return func(delta, params)
class Magnitude(object):
Superclass for calculating Wood-Anderson peak-to-peak
amplitudes, local magnitudes, source spectra, seismic moments
and moment magnitudes.
Base class object for Magnitude calculation within PyLoT.
def __init__(self, wfstream, To, pwin, iplot, NLLocfile=None, \
picks=None, rho=None, vp=None, Qp=None, invdir=None):
:param: wfstream
:type: `
def __init__(self, stream, event, verbosity=False, iplot=0):
self._type = "M"
self._plot_flag = iplot
self._verbosity = verbosity
self._event = event
self._stream = stream
self._magnitudes = dict()
:param: To, onset time, P- or S phase
:type: float
def __str__(self):
'number of stations used: {0}\n'.format(len(self.magnitudes.values())))
for s, m in self.magnitudes.items(): print('\t{0}\t{1}'.format(s, m))
:param: pwin, pick window [To To+pwin] to get maximum
peak-to-peak amplitude (WApp) or to calculate
source spectrum (DCfc) around P onset
:type: float
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.magnitudes)
:param: iplot, no. of figure window for plotting interims results
:type: integer
def type(self):
return self._type
:param: NLLocfile, name and full path to NLLoc-location file
needed when calling class MoMw
:type: string
def plot_flag(self):
return self._plot_flag
:param: picks, dictionary containing picking results
:type: dictionary
def plot_flag(self, value):
self._plot_flag = value
:param: rho [kg/], rock density, parameter from
:type: integer
def verbose(self):
return self._verbosity
:param: vp [m/s], P-velocity
:param: integer
def verbose(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
print('WARNING: only boolean values accepted...\n')
value = bool(value)
self._verbosity = value
:param: invdir, name and path to inventory or dataless-SEED file
:type: string
def stream(self):
return self._stream
assert isinstance(wfstream, Stream), "%s is not a stream object" % str(wfstream)
def stream(self, value):
self._stream = value
def event(self):
return self._event
def getwfstream(self):
return self.wfstream
def origin_id(self):
def setwfstream(self, wfstream):
self.wfstream = wfstream
def arrivals(self):
def getTo(self):
return self.To
def magnitudes(self):
return self._magnitudes
def setTo(self, To):
self.To = To
def magnitudes(self, value):
takes a tuple and saves the key value pair to private
attribute _magnitudes
:param value: station, magnitude value pair
:type value: tuple or list
station, magnitude = value
self._magnitudes[station] = magnitude
def getpwin(self):
return self.pwin
def calc(self):
def setpwin(self, pwin):
self.pwin = pwin
def updated_event(self):
return self.event
def getiplot(self):
return self.iplot
def setiplot(self, iplot):
self.iplot = iplot
def setNLLocfile(self, NLLocfile):
self.NLLocfile = NLLocfile
def getNLLocfile(self):
return self.NLLocfile
def setrho(self, rho):
self.rho = rho
def getrho(self):
return self.rho
def setvp(self, vp):
self.vp = vp
def getvp(self):
return self.vp
def setQp(self, Qp):
self.Qp = Qp
def getQp(self):
return self.Qp
def setpicks(self, picks):
self.picks = picks
def getpicks(self):
return self.picks
def getwapp(self):
return self.wapp
def getw0(self):
return self.w0
def getfc(self):
return self.fc
def setinvdir(self, invdir):
self.invdir = invdir
def get_metadata(self):
return read_metadata(self.invdir)
def getpicdic(self):
return self.picdic
def calcwapp(self):
self.wapp = None
def calcsourcespec(self):
self.sourcespek = None
def run_calcMoMw(self):
self.pickdic = None
def net_magnitude(self):
if self:
# TODO if an average Magnitude instead of the median is calculated
# StationMagnitudeContributions should be added to the returned
# Magnitude object
# mag_error => weights (magnitude error estimate from peak_to_peak, calcsourcespec?)
# weights => StationMagnitdeContribution
mag = ope.Magnitude(
mag=np.median([M.mag for M in self.magnitudes.values()]),
return mag
return None
class WApp(Magnitude):
class RichterMagnitude(Magnitude):
Method to derive peak-to-peak amplitude as seen on a Wood-Anderson-
seismograph. Has to be derived from instrument corrected traces!
def calcwapp(self):
print ("Getting Wood-Anderson peak-to-peak amplitude ...")
print ("Simulating Wood-Anderson seismograph ...")
self.wapp = None
stream = self.getwfstream()
# poles, zeros and sensitivity of WA seismograph
# (see Uhrhammer & Collins, 1990, BSSA, pp. 702-716)
paz_wa = {
_paz = {
'poles': [5.6089 - 5.4978j, -5.6089 - 5.4978j],
'zeros': [0j, 0j],
'gain': 2080,
'sensitivity': 1}
'sensitivity': 1
stream.simulate(paz_remove=None, paz_simulate=paz_wa)
_amplitudes = dict()
def __init__(self, stream, event, calc_win, verbosity=False, iplot=0):
super(RichterMagnitude, self).__init__(stream, event, verbosity, iplot)
self._calc_win = calc_win
self._type = 'ML'
def calc_win(self):
return self._calc_win
def calc_win(self, value):
self._calc_win = value
def amplitudes(self):
return self._amplitudes
def amplitudes(self, value):
station, a0 = value
self._amplitudes[station] = a0
def peak_to_peak(self, st, t0):
# simulate Wood-Anderson response
st.simulate(paz_remove=None, paz_simulate=self._paz)
# trim waveform to common range
stime, etime = common_range(st)
st.trim(stime, etime)
# get time delta from waveform data
dt = st[0]
power = [np.power(, 2) for tr in st if[-1] not
in 'Z3']
if len(power) != 2:
raise ValueError('Wood-Anderson amplitude defintion only valid for '
'two horizontals: {0} given'.format(len(power)))
power_sum = power[0] + power[1]
sqH = np.sqrt(power_sum)
trH1 = stream[0].data
trH2 = stream[1].data
ilen = min([len(trH1), len(trH2)])
# get RMS of both horizontal components
sqH = np.sqrt(np.power(trH1[0:ilen], 2) + np.power(trH2[0:ilen], 2))
# get time array
th = np.arange(0, len(sqH) * stream[0], stream[0]
th = np.arange(0, len(sqH) * dt, dt)
# get maximum peak within pick window
iwin = getsignalwin(th, self.getTo(), self.getpwin())
self.wapp = np.max(sqH[iwin])
print ("Determined Wood-Anderson peak-to-peak amplitude: %f mm") % self.wapp
iwin = getsignalwin(th, t0 - stime, self.calc_win)
wapp = np.max(sqH[iwin])
if self.verbose:
print("Determined Wood-Anderson peak-to-peak amplitude: {0} "
if self.getiplot() > 1:
# check for plot flag (for debugging only)
if self.plot_flag > 1:
f = plt.figure(2)
plt.plot(th, sqH)
plt.plot(th[iwin], sqH[iwin], 'g')
plt.plot([self.getTo(), self.getTo()], [0, max(sqH)], 'r', linewidth=2)
plt.title('Station %s, RMS Horizontal Traces, WA-peak-to-peak=%4.1f mm' \
% (stream[0].stats.station, self.wapp))
plt.plot([t0, t0], [0, max(sqH)], 'r', linewidth=2)
'Station %s, RMS Horizontal Traces, WA-peak-to-peak=%4.1f mm' \
% (st[0].stats.station, wapp))
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Displacement [mm]')
return wapp
class M0Mw(Magnitude):
def calc(self):
for a in self.arrivals:
if a.phase not in 'sS':
pick = a.pick_id.get_referred_object()
station = pick.waveform_id.station_code
wf = select_for_phase(
station=station), a.phase)
if not wf:
if self.verbose:
'WARNING: no waveform data found for station {0}'.format(
delta = degrees2kilometers(a.distance)
onset = pick.time
a0 = self.peak_to_peak(wf, onset)
amplitude = ope.Amplitude(generic_amplitude=a0 * 1e-3)
amplitude.unit = 'm'
amplitude.category = 'point'
amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
amplitude.magnitude_hint = self.type
amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id
amplitude.type = 'AML'
self.amplitudes = (station, amplitude)
# using standard Gutenberg-Richter relation
# TODO make the ML calculation more flexible by allowing
# use of custom relation functions
magnitude = ope.StationMagnitude(
mag=np.log10(a0) + richter_magnitude_scaling(delta))
magnitude.origin_id = self.origin_id
magnitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
magnitude.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id
magnitude.station_magnitude_type = self.type
self.magnitudes = (station, magnitude)
class MomentMagnitude(Magnitude):
Method to calculate seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw.
Requires results of class calcsourcespec for calculating plateau w0
@ -223,55 +270,82 @@ class M0Mw(Magnitude):
corresponding moment magntiude Mw.
def run_calcMoMw(self):
_props = dict()
picks = self.getpicks()
nllocfile = self.getNLLocfile()
wfdat = self.getwfstream()
self.picdic = None
def __init__(self, stream, event, vp, Qp, density, verbosity=False,
super(MomentMagnitude, self).__init__(stream, event, verbosity, iplot)
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] < 4:
# select waveform
selwf =
if len(key) > 4:
Ppattern = '%s ? ? ? P' % key
elif len(key) == 4:
Ppattern = '%s ? ? ? P' % key
elif len(key) < 4:
Ppattern = '%s ? ? ? P' % key
nllocline = getPatternLine(nllocfile, Ppattern)
# get hypocentral distance, station azimuth and
# angle of incidence from NLLoc-location file
delta = float(nllocline.split(None)[21])
az = float(nllocline.split(None)[22])
inc = float(nllocline.split(None)[24])
# call subfunction to estimate source spectrum
# and to derive w0 and fc
[w0, fc] = calcsourcespec(selwf, picks[key]['P']['mpp'], \
self.get_metadata(), self.getvp(), delta, az, \
inc, self.getQp(), self.getiplot())
self._vp = vp
self._Qp = Qp
self._density = density
self._type = 'Mw'
if w0 is not None:
# call subfunction to calculate Mo and Mw
zdat ="Z")
if len(zdat) == 0: # check for other components
zdat ="3")
[Mo, Mw] = calcMoMw(zdat, w0, self.getrho(), self.getvp(),
Mo = None
Mw = None
def p_velocity(self):
return self._vp
# add w0, fc, Mo and Mw to dictionary
picks[key]['P']['w0'] = w0
picks[key]['P']['fc'] = fc
picks[key]['P']['Mo'] = Mo
picks[key]['P']['Mw'] = Mw
self.picdic = picks
def p_attenuation(self):
return self._Qp
def rock_density(self):
return self._density
def moment_props(self):
return self._props
def moment_props(self, value):
station, props = value
self._props[station] = props
def seismic_moment(self):
return self._m0
def seismic_moment(self, value):
self._m0 = value
def calc(self):
for a in self.arrivals:
if a.phase not in 'pP':
pick = a.pick_id.get_referred_object()
station = pick.waveform_id.station_code
wf = select_for_phase(
station=station), a.phase)
if not wf:
onset = pick.time
distance = degrees2kilometers(a.distance)
azimuth = a.azimuth
incidence = a.takeoff_angle
w0, fc = calcsourcespec(wf, onset, self.p_velocity, distance,
incidence, self.p_attenuation,
self.plot_flag, self.verbose)
if w0 is None or fc is None:
if self.verbose:
print("WARNING: insufficient frequency information")
wf = select_for_phase(wf, "P")
m0, mw = calcMoMw(wf, w0, self.rock_density, self.p_velocity,
distance, self.verbose)
self.moment_props = (station, dict(w0=w0, fc=fc, Mo=m0))
magnitude = ope.StationMagnitude(mag=mw)
magnitude.origin_id = self.origin_id
magnitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
magnitude.station_magnitude_type = self.type
self.magnitudes = (station, magnitude)
def calcMoMw(wfstream, w0, rho, vp, delta):
def calcMoMw(wfstream, w0, rho, vp, delta, verbosity=False):
Subfunction of run_calcMoMw to calculate individual
seismic moments and corresponding moment magnitudes.
@ -295,11 +369,14 @@ def calcMoMw(wfstream, w0, rho, vp, delta):
tr = wfstream[0]
delta = delta * 1000 # hypocentral distance in [m]
print("calcMoMw: Calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw for station %s ..." \
% tr.stats.station)
if verbosity:
"calcMoMw: Calculating seismic moment Mo and moment magnitude Mw for station {0} ...".format(
# additional common parameters for calculating Mo
rP = 2 / np.sqrt(15) # average radiation pattern of P waves (Aki & Richards, 1980)
rP = 2 / np.sqrt(
15) # average radiation pattern of P waves (Aki & Richards, 1980)
freesurf = 2.0 # free surface correction, assuming vertical incidence
Mo = w0 * 4 * np.pi * rho * np.power(vp, 3) * delta / (rP * freesurf)
@ -307,13 +384,16 @@ def calcMoMw(wfstream, w0, rho, vp, delta):
# Mw = np.log10(Mo * 1e07) * 2 / 3 - 10.7 # after Hanks & Kanamori (1979), defined for [dyn*cm]!
Mw = np.log10(Mo) * 2 / 3 - 6.7 # for metric units
print("calcMoMw: Calculated seismic moment Mo = %e Nm => Mw = %3.1f " % (Mo, Mw))
if verbosity:
"calcMoMw: Calculated seismic moment Mo = {0} Nm => Mw = {1:3.1f} ".format(
Mo, Mw))
return Mo, Mw
def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, metadata, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
qp, iplot):
def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
qp, iplot=0, verbosity=False):
Subfunction to calculate the source spectrum and to derive from that the plateau
(usually called omega0) and the corner frequency assuming Aki's omega-square
@ -321,16 +401,12 @@ def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, metadata, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
thus restitution and integration necessary! Integrated traces are rotated
into ray-coordinate system ZNE => LQT using Obspy's rotate modul!
:param: wfstream
:param: wfstream (corrected for instrument)
:type: ``
:param: onset, P-phase onset time
:type: float
:param: metadata, tuple or list containing type of inventory and either
list of files or inventory object
:type: tuple or list
:param: vp, Vp-wave velocity
:type: float
@ -349,88 +425,83 @@ def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, metadata, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
:param: iplot, show results (iplot>1) or not (iplot<1)
:type: integer
if verbosity:
print ("Calculating source spectrum ....")
# get Q value
Q, A = qp
delta = delta * 1000 # hypocentral distance in [m]
dist = delta * 1000 # hypocentral distance in [m]
fc = None
w0 = None
data = Data()
wf_copy = wfstream.copy()
invtype, inventory = metadata
zdat = select_for_phase(wfstream, "P")
dt = zdat[0]
freq = zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate
# trim traces to common range (for rotation)
trstart, trend = common_range(wfstream)
wfstream.trim(trstart, trend)
[cordat, restflag] = restitute_data(wf_copy, invtype, inventory)
if restflag is True:
zdat ="Z")
if len(zdat) == 0:
zdat ="3")
cordat_copy = cordat.copy()
# get equal time stamps and lengths of traces
# necessary for rotation of traces
trstart, trend = common_range(cordat_copy)
cordat_copy.trim(trstart, trend)
# rotate into LQT (ray-coordindate-) system using Obspy's rotate
# L: P-wave direction
# Q: SV-wave direction
# T: SH-wave direction
LQT = cordat_copy.rotate('ZNE->LQT', azimuth, incidence)
LQT = wfstream.rotate('ZNE->LQT', azimuth, incidence)
ldat ="L")
if len(ldat) == 0:
# if horizontal channels are 2 and 3
# no azimuth information is available and thus no
# rotation is possible!
if verbosity:
print("calcsourcespec: Azimuth information is missing, "
"no rotation of components possible!")
ldat ="Z")
# integrate to displacement
# unrotated vertical component (for copmarison)
inttrz = signal.detrend(integrate.cumtrapz(zdat[0].data, None,
# unrotated vertical component (for comparison)
inttrz = signal.detrend(integrate.cumtrapz(zdat[0].data, None, dt))
# rotated component Z => L
Ldat = signal.detrend(integrate.cumtrapz(ldat[0].data, None,
Ldat = signal.detrend(integrate.cumtrapz(ldat[0].data, None, dt))
# get window after P pulse for
# calculating source spectrum
tstart = UTCDateTime(zdat[0].stats.starttime)
tonset = onset.timestamp - tstart.timestamp
impickP = tonset * zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate
rel_onset = onset - trstart
impickP = int(rel_onset * freq)
wfzc = Ldat[impickP: len(Ldat) - 1]
# get time array
t = np.arange(0, len(inttrz) * zdat[0], \
t = np.arange(0, len(inttrz) * dt, dt)
# calculate spectrum using only first cycles of
# waveform after P onset!
zc = crossings_nonzero_all(wfzc)
if np.size(zc) == 0 or len(zc) <= 3:
if verbosity:
print ("calcsourcespec: Something is wrong with the waveform, "
"no zero crossings derived!")
"no zero crossings derived!\n")
print ("No calculation of source spectrum possible!")
plotflag = 0
plotflag = 1
index = min([3, len(zc) - 1])
calcwin = (zc[index] - zc[0]) * zdat[0]
iwin = getsignalwin(t, tonset, calcwin)
calcwin = (zc[index] - zc[0]) * dt
iwin = getsignalwin(t, rel_onset, calcwin)
xdat = Ldat[iwin]
# fft
fny = zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate / 2
l = len(xdat) / zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate
fny = freq / 2
l = len(xdat) / freq
# number of fft bins after Bath
n = zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate * l
n = freq * l
# find next power of 2 of data length
m = pow(2, np.ceil(np.log(len(xdat)) / np.log(2)))
N = int(np.power(m, 2))
y = zdat[0] * np.fft.fft(xdat, N)
y = dt * np.fft.fft(xdat, N)
Y = abs(y[: N / 2])
L = (N - 1) / zdat[0].stats.sampling_rate
L = (N - 1) / freq
f = np.arange(0, fny, 1 / L)
# remove zero-frequency and frequencies above
@ -442,7 +513,7 @@ def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, metadata, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
# correction for attenuation
wa = 2 * np.pi * F # angular frequency
D = np.exp((wa * delta) / (2 * vp * Q * F ** A))
D = np.exp((wa * dist) / (2 * vp * Q * F ** A))
YYcor = YY.real * D
# get plateau (DC value) and corner frequency
@ -455,29 +526,27 @@ def calcsourcespec(wfstream, onset, metadata, vp, delta, azimuth, incidence,
# use of implicit scipy otimization function
fit = synthsourcespec(F, w0in, Fcin)
[optspecfit, _] = curve_fit(synthsourcespec, F, YYcor, [w0in,
[optspecfit, _] = curve_fit(synthsourcespec, F, YYcor, [w0in, Fcin])
w01 = optspecfit[0]
fc1 = optspecfit[1]
if verbosity:
print ("calcsourcespec: Determined w0-value: %e m/Hz, \n"
"Determined corner frequency: %f Hz" % (w01, fc1))
# use of conventional fitting
[w02, fc2] = fitSourceModel(F, YYcor, Fcin, iplot)
[w02, fc2] = fitSourceModel(F, YYcor, Fcin, iplot, verbosity)
# get w0 and fc as median of both
# source spectrum fits
w0 = np.median([w01, w02])
fc = np.median([fc1, fc2])
print("calcsourcespec: Using w0-value = %e m/Hz and fc = %f Hz" % (w0, fc))
except TypeError as er:
raise TypeError('''{0}'''.format(er))
if verbosity:
print("calcsourcespec: Using w0-value = %e m/Hz and fc = %f Hz" % (
w0, fc))
if iplot > 1:
f1 = plt.figure()
tLdat = np.arange(0, len(Ldat) * zdat[0], \
tLdat = np.arange(0, len(Ldat) * dt, dt)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# show displacement in mm
p1, = plt.plot(t, np.multiply(inttrz, 1000), 'k')
@ -537,7 +606,7 @@ def synthsourcespec(f, omega0, fcorner):
return ssp
def fitSourceModel(f, S, fc0, iplot):
def fitSourceModel(f, S, fc0, iplot, verbosity=False):
Calculates synthetic source spectrum by varying corner frequency fc.
Returns best approximated plateau omega0 and corner frequency, i.e. with least
@ -591,9 +660,9 @@ def fitSourceModel(f, S, fc0, iplot):
elif len(STD) == 0:
fc = fc0
w0 = max(S)
print("fitSourceModel: best fc: %fHz, best w0: %e m/Hz" \
% (fc, w0))
if verbosity:
"fitSourceModel: best fc: {0} Hz, best w0: {1} m/Hz".format(fc, w0))
if iplot > 1:

View File

@ -15,6 +15,24 @@ from pylot.core.pick.utils import select_for_phase
from pylot.core.util.utils import getOwner, full_range, four_digits
def add_amplitudes(event, amplitudes):
amplitude_list = []
for pick in event.picks:
a0 = amplitudes[pick.waveform_id.station_code]
amplitude = ope.Amplitude(generic_amplitude=a0 * 1e-3)
amplitude.unit = 'm'
amplitude.category = 'point'
amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'ML'
amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id
amplitude.type = 'AML'
except KeyError:
event.amplitudes = amplitude_list
return event
def readPILOTEvent(phasfn=None, locfn=None, authority_id='RUB', **kwargs):
readPILOTEvent - function

View File

@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ from pylot.core.pick.charfuns import CharacteristicFunction
from pylot.core.pick.charfuns import HOScf, AICcf, ARZcf, ARHcf, AR3Ccf
from pylot.core.pick.utils import checksignallength, checkZ4S, earllatepicker, \
getSNR, fmpicker, checkPonsets, wadaticheck
from pylot.core.util.dataprocessing import restitute_data, read_metadata
from pylot.core.util.utils import getPatternLine
from import Data
from pylot.core.analysis.magnitude import WApp
def autopickevent(data, param):
@ -121,8 +119,6 @@ def autopickstation(wfstream, pickparam, verbose=False):
# parameter to check for spuriously picked S onset
zfac = pickparam.get('zfac')
# path to inventory-, dataless- or resp-files
invdir = pickparam.get('invdir')
invtype, inventory = read_metadata(invdir)
# initialize output
Pweight = 4 # weight for P onset
@ -565,24 +561,6 @@ def autopickstation(wfstream, pickparam, verbose=False):
# re-create stream object including both horizontal components
hdat = edat.copy()
hdat += ndat
h_copy = hdat.copy()
[cordat, restflag] = restitute_data(h_copy, invtype, inventory)
# calculate WA-peak-to-peak amplitude
# using subclass WApp of superclass Magnitude
if restflag:
if Sweight < 4:
wapp = WApp(cordat, mpickS, mpickP + sstop, iplot)
# use larger window for getting peak-to-peak amplitude
# as the S pick is quite unsure
wapp = WApp(cordat, mpickP, mpickP + sstop +
(0.5 * (mpickP + sstop)), iplot)
Ao = wapp.getwapp()
print("Go on processing data without source parameter "
msg = 'Bad initial (AIC) S-pick, skipping this onset!\n' \
'AIC-SNR={0}, AIC-Slope={1}counts/s\n' \
@ -602,16 +580,6 @@ def autopickstation(wfstream, pickparam, verbose=False):
# re-create stream object including both horizontal components
hdat = edat.copy()
hdat += ndat
h_copy = hdat.copy()
[cordat, restflag] = restitute_data(h_copy, invtype, inventory)
if restflag == 1:
# calculate WA-peak-to-peak amplitude
# using subclass WApp of superclass Magnitude
wapp = WApp(cordat, mpickP, mpickP + sstop + (0.5 * (mpickP
+ sstop)),
Ao = wapp.getwapp()
print('autopickstation: No horizontal component data available or ' \
'bad P onset, skipping S picking!')

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def earllatepicker(X, nfac, TSNR, Pick1, iplot=None, stealth_mode=False):
# by weighting latest possible pick two times earliest possible pick
diffti_tl = LPick - Pick1
diffti_te = Pick1 - EPick
PickError = (diffti_te + 2 * diffti_tl) / 3
PickError = symmetrize_error(diffti_te, diffti_tl)
if iplot > 1:
p = plt.figure(iplot)
@ -325,6 +325,17 @@ def crossings_nonzero_all(data):
return ((pos[:-1] & npos[1:]) | (npos[:-1] & pos[1:])).nonzero()[0]
def symmetrize_error(dte, dtl):
takes earliest and latest possible pick and returns the symmetrized pick
uncertainty value
:param dte: relative lower uncertainty
:param dtl: relative upper uncertainty
:return: symmetrized error
return (dte + 2 * dtl) / 3
def getSNR(X, TSNR, t1, tracenum=0):
Function to calculate SNR of certain part of seismogram relative to

View File

@ -216,12 +216,8 @@ def restitute_data(data, invtype, inobj, unit='VEL', force=False):
for tr in data:
seed_id = tr.get_id()
# check, whether this trace has already been corrected
# TODO read actual value of processing key in Trace's stats instead
# of just looking for thr key: if processing is setit doesn't
# necessarily mean that the trace has been corrected so far but only
# processed in some way, e.g. normalized
if 'processing' in tr.stats.keys() \
and np.all(['remove' in p for p in tr.stats.processing]) \
and np.any(['remove' in p for p in tr.stats.processing]) \
and not force:
print("Trace {0} has already been corrected!".format(seed_id))
@ -254,7 +250,7 @@ def restitute_data(data, invtype, inobj, unit='VEL', force=False):
finv = invlist[0]
inventory = read_inventory(finv, format='STATIONXML')
# apply restitution to data
@ -270,7 +266,9 @@ def restitute_data(data, invtype, inobj, unit='VEL', force=False):
if msg0 not in e.message or msg1 not in e.message:
# restitution done to copies of data thus deleting traces
# that failed should not be a problem
# check if ALL traces could be restituted, take care of large datasets

View File

@ -24,3 +24,6 @@ class OverwriteError(IOError):
class ParameterError(Exception):
class ProcessingError(RuntimeError):

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ from import Comparison
from pylot.core.util.defaults import OUTPUTFORMATS, FILTERDEFAULTS, LOCTOOLS, \
from pylot.core.util.utils import prepTimeAxis, full_range, scaleWFData, \
demeanTrace, isSorted, findComboBoxIndex, clims, find_horizontals
demeanTrace, isSorted, findComboBoxIndex, clims
import icons_rc
def getDataType(parent):
type = QInputDialog().getItem(parent, "Select phases type", "Type:",
@ -1377,6 +1377,8 @@ class LocalisationTab(PropTab):
def selectDirectory(self, edit):
selected_directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()
# check if string is empty
if selected_directory:
def getValues(self):