[new] perform jackknife on gradient of stations in array map and highlight them in case of high std

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Marcel Paffrath 2018-08-13 11:24:48 +02:00
parent a0f9561bcf
commit 26a4cc568a

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class Array_map(QtGui.QWidget):
self.autopicks_dict = None
self.eventLoc = None
self.figure = figure
self.picks_rel = {}
self.marked_stations = []
@ -297,10 +299,51 @@ class Array_map(QtGui.QWidget):
return picks, latitudes, longitudes
def draw_contour_filled(self, nlevel='50'):
levels = np.linspace(self.get_min_from_picks(), self.get_max_from_picks(), nlevel)
self.contourf = self.basemap.contourf(self.longrid, self.latgrid, self.picksgrid_active,
levels, latlon=True, zorder=9, alpha=0.5)
def test_gradient(self):
st_ids = self.picks_rel.keys()
x, y = np.gradient(self.picksgrid_active)
gradient_modulus = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
global_mean_gradient = np.nanmean(gradient_modulus)
delta_gradient = []
for st_id in st_ids:
pick_item = self.picks_rel.pop(st_id)
x, y = np.gradient(self.picksgrid_active)
gradient_modulus = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
mean_gradient = np.nanmean(gradient_modulus)
dgradient = global_mean_gradient - mean_gradient
# print('station: {}, mean gradient: {}'.format(st_id, dgradient))
self.picks_rel[st_id] = pick_item
global_std_gradient = np.nanstd(delta_gradient)
marked_stations = []
for st_id, dg in zip(st_ids, delta_gradient):
if abs(dg) > global_std_gradient:
self.marked_stations = marked_stations
# fig = plt.figure()
# x = list(range(len(st_ids)))
# gradients = zip(x, delta_gradient)
# gradients.sort(key=lambda a: a[1])
# plt.plot(gradients[0], gradients[1])
# global_var_gradient = np.nanvar(delta_gradient)
# plt.plot(x, delta_gradient)
# plt.axhline(global_std_gradient, color='green')
# plt.axhline(2 * global_std_gradient, color='blue')
# plt.axhline(global_var_gradient, color='red')
# plt.xticks(x, st_ids)
# plt.show()
def scatter_all_stations(self):
stations, lats, lons = self.get_st_lat_lon_for_plot()
self.sc = self.basemap.scatter(lons, lats, s=50, facecolor='none', latlon=True,
@ -330,9 +373,20 @@ class Array_map(QtGui.QWidget):
def annotate_ax(self):
self.annotations = []
stations, xs, ys = self.get_st_x_y_for_plot()
# MP MP test
if self.picks_rel:
color_marked = {True: 'red',
False: 'white'}
for st, x, y in zip(stations, xs, ys):
if st in self.picks_rel:
color = 'white'
color = 'black'
if st in self.marked_stations:
color = 'red'
self.annotations.append(self.main_ax.annotate(' %s' % st, xy=(x, y),
fontsize='x-small', color='white', zorder=12))
fontsize='x-small', color=color, zorder=12))
self.legend = self.main_ax.legend(loc=1)
self.legend.get_frame().set_facecolor((1, 1, 1, 0.75))