initial import of new modules working on active seismic data
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
import os
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import read
from obspy import Stream
from obspy import Trace
from pylot.core.pick.CharFuns import HOScf
from pylot.core.pick.CharFuns import AICcf
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getSNR
from pylot.core.pick.utils import earllatepicker
class SeismicShot(object):
SuperClass for a seismic shot object.
def __init__(self, obsfile):
Initialize seismic shot object giving an inputfile.
:param: obsfile, ((!SEG2/SEGY!)) file readable by obspy
:type: string
self.traces = read(obsfile)
self.recCoordlist = None
self.srcCoordlist = None
self.traceIDs = None
self.pick = {}
self.pick_backup = {}
self.earliest = {}
self.latest = {}
self.pickwindow= {}
self.manualpicks= {}
self.snr = {}
self.snrthreshold = {}
self.timeArray = {}
self.paras = {}
self.paras['shotname'] = obsfile
def removeEmptyTraces(self):
traceIDs = []
coordlist = self.getRecCoordlist()
removed = []
for i in range(0, len(coordlist)):
for trace in self.traces:
if len(removed) > 0:
return removed
def removeTrace(self, traceID):
for trace in self.traces:
if traceID ==
# for traceID in TraceIDs:
# traces = [trace for trace in self.traces if int( == traceID]
# if len(traces) is not 1:
# self.traces.remove(trace)
def updateTraceList(self):
Looks for empty traces, returns a list of deleted traceIDs.
traceIDs = []
for traceID in self.getTraceIDlist():
if traceID not in self.getStreamTraceIDs():
return traceIDs
def setParameters(self, name, value):
self.paras[name] = value
def setCut(self, cut):
self.setParameters('cut', cut)
def setTmovwind(self, tmovwind):
self.setParameters('tmovwind', tmovwind)
def setOrder(self, order):
self.setParameters('order', order)
def setTsignal(self, tsignal):
self.setParameters('tsignal', tsignal)
def setTgap(self, tgap):
self.setParameters('tgap', tgap)
def setShotnumber(self, shotname):
self.setParameters('shotname', shotname)
def setRecfile(self, recfile):
self.setParameters('recfile', recfile)
def setSourcefile(self, sourcefile):
self.setParameters('sourcefile', sourcefile)
def getParas(self):
return self.paras
def getShotname(self):
return self.paras['shotname']
def getCut(self):
return self.paras['cut']
def getTmovwind(self):
return self.paras['tmovwind']
def getOrder(self):
return self.paras['order']
def getTsignal(self):
return self.paras['tsignal']
def getTgap(self):
return self.paras['tgap']
def getShotnumber(self):
return self.paras['shotnumber']
def getRecfile(self):
return self.paras['recfile']
def getSourcefile(self):
return self.paras['sourcefile']
def getPick(self, traceID):
return self.pick[traceID]
def getPick_backup(self, traceID):
return self.pick_backup[traceID]
def getEarliest(self, traceID):
return self.earliest[traceID]
def getLatest(self, traceID):
return self.latest[traceID]
def getMistake(self, traceID):
mistake = abs(self.getEarliest(traceID) - self.getLatest(traceID))
if np.isnan(mistake) == True:
print "SPE is NaN for shot %s, traceID %s"%(self.getShotnumber(), traceID)
return mistake
def getStreamTraceIDs(self):
traceIDs = []
for trace in self.traces:
return traceIDs
def getTraceIDlist(self):
Returns a list containing the traceIDs read from the receiver inputfile.
traceIDs = []
if self.traceIDs == None:
recCoordlist = self.getRecCoordlist()
for i in range(0, len(recCoordlist)):
self.traceIDs = traceIDs
return self.traceIDs
def getPickwindow(self, traceID):
except KeyError, e:
print('no pickwindow for trace %s, set to %s' % (traceID, self.getCut()))
self.setPickwindow(traceID, self.getCut())
return self.pickwindow[traceID]
def getSNR(self, traceID):
return self.snr[traceID]
def getSNRthreshold(self, traceID):
return self.snrthreshold[traceID]
def getRecCoordlist(self):
if self.recCoordlist is None:
coordlist = open(self.getRecfile(),'r').readlines()
#print 'Reading receiver coordinates from %s' %(self.getRecfile())
self.recCoordlist = coordlist
return self.recCoordlist
def getSrcCoordlist(self):
if self.srcCoordlist is None:
coordlist = open(self.getSourcefile(),'r').readlines()
#print 'Reading shot coordinates from %s' %(self.getSourcefile())
self.srcCoordlist = coordlist
return self.srcCoordlist
def getTimeArray(self, traceID):
return self.timeArray[traceID]
def getHOScf(self, traceID):
Returns the higher order statistics characteristic function for a trace using pylot.
:param: traceID
:type: int
:param: cut, cut out a part of the trace (t_start, t_end) [s]
:type: tuple
:param: t2, size of the moving window [s]
:type: float
:param: order, order of the characteristic function
:type: int
return HOScf(self.getSingleStream(traceID), self.getCut(),
self.getTmovwind(), self.getOrder())
def getAICcf(self, traceID):
Returns the Akaike criterion for a trace using pylot and the higher order statistics characteristic function.
:param: traceID
:type: int
:param: cut, cut out a part of the trace (t_start, t_end) [s]
:type: tuple
:param: t2, size of the moving window [s]
:type: float
:param: order, order of the characteristic function
:type: int
st_cf = Stream()
tr_cf = Trace()
|||| = self.getHOScf(traceID).getCF()
st_cf += tr_cf
return AICcf(st_cf, self.getCut(), self.getTmovwind())
def getSingleStream(self, traceID): ########## SEG2 / SEGY ? ##########
Returns a Stream with only one trace (instead of just one trace) because it is needed for pylot.
:param: traceID
:type: int
#traces = [trace for trace in self.traces if int(trace.stats.seg2['CHANNEL_NUMBER']) == traceID]
traces = [trace for trace in self.traces if int( == traceID]
if len(traces) == 1:
return Stream(traces)
self.setPick(traceID, None)
print 'Warning: ambigious or empty traceID: %s' % traceID
#raise ValueError('ambigious or empty traceID: %s' % traceID)
def pickTraces(self, traceID, pickmethod, windowsize, folm = 0.6, HosAic = 'hos'): ########## input variables ##########
Intitiate picking for a trace.
:param: traceID
:type: int
:param: pickmethod, use either 'threshold' or 'localmax' method. (localmax not yet implemented 04_08_15)
:type: string
:param: cutwindow (equals HOScf 'cut' variable)
:type: tuple
:param: t2 (equals HOScf t2 variable)
:type: float
:param: order (equals HOScf 'order' variable)
:type: int
:param: windowsize, window around the returned HOS picktime, to search for the AIC minumum
:type: 'tuple'
:param: folm, fraction of local maximumm (default = 0.6)
:type: 'real'
:param: HosAic, get hos or aic pick (can be 'hos'(default) or 'aic')
:type: 'string'
hoscf = self.getHOScf(traceID) ### determination of both, HOS and AIC (need to change threshold-picker) ###
aiccf = self.getAICcf(traceID)
self.timeArray[traceID] = hoscf.getTimeArray()
if pickmethod == 'threshold':
aiccftime, hoscftime = self.threshold(hoscf, aiccf, windowsize, self.getPickwindow(traceID), folm)
#setpick = {'threshold':self.threshold,
# 'localmax':self.localmax}
#aiccftime, hoscftime = setpick[pickmethod](hoscf, aiccf, windowsize, pickwindow)
setHosAic = {'hos': hoscftime,
'aic': aiccftime}
self.setPick(traceID, setHosAic[HosAic])
self.pick_backup[traceID] = setHosAic[HosAic] ### verbessern (vor allem weil ueberschrieben bei 2tem mal picken)
def setEarllatepick(self, traceID, nfac = 1.5):
tgap = self.getTgap()
tsignal = self.getTsignal()
tnoise = self.getPick(traceID) - tgap
(self.earliest[traceID], self.latest[traceID], tmp) = earllatepicker(self.getSingleStream(traceID),
nfac, (tnoise, tgap, tsignal),
def threshold(self, hoscf, aiccf, windowsize, pickwindow, folm = 0.6):
Threshold picker, using the local maximum in a pickwindow to find the time at
which a fraction of the local maximum is reached for the first time.
:param: hoscf, Higher Order Statistics Characteristic Function
:type: 'Characteristic Function'
:param: aiccf, Characteristic Function after Akaike
:type: 'Characteristic Function'
:param: windowsize, window around the returned HOS picktime, to search for the AIC minumum
:type: 'tuple'
:param: pickwindow [seconds]
:type: 'tuple'
:param: cutwindow [seconds], cut a part of the trace as in Characteristic Function
:type: 'tuple'
:param: folm, fraction of local maximum (default = 0.6)
:type: 'real'
hoscflist = list(hoscf.getCF())
leftb = int(pickwindow[0] / self.getCut()[1] * len(hoscflist))
rightb = int(pickwindow[1] / self.getCut()[1] * len(hoscflist))
threshold = folm * max(hoscflist[leftb : rightb]) # combination of local maximum and threshold
m = leftb
while hoscflist[m] < threshold:
m += 1
hoscftime = list(hoscf.getTimeArray())[m]
lb = max(0, m - windowsize[0]) # if window exceeds t = 0
aiccfcut = list(aiccf.getCF())[lb : m + windowsize[1]]
n = aiccfcut.index(min(aiccfcut))
m = lb + n
aiccftime = list(hoscf.getTimeArray())[m]
return aiccftime, hoscftime
def getDistance(self, traceID):
Returns the distance of the receiver with the ID == traceID to the source location (shot location).
Uses getSrcLoc and getRecLoc.
:param: traceID
:type: int
shotX, shotY, shotZ = self.getSrcLoc()
recX, recY, recZ = self.getRecLoc(traceID)
dist = np.sqrt((shotX-recX)**2 + (shotY-recY)**2 + (shotZ-recZ)**2)
if np.isnan(dist) == True:
raise ValueError("Distance is NaN for traceID %s" %traceID)
return dist
#return abs(float(self.getSrcLoc(traceID))-float(self.getRecLoc(traceID)))
def getRecLoc(self, traceID): ########## input FILENAME ##########
Returns the location (x, y, z) of the receiver with the ID == traceID.
:param: traceID
:type: int
if traceID == 0: # artificial traceID 0 with pick at t = 0
return self.getSrcLoc()
coordlist = self.getRecCoordlist()
for i in range(0, len(coordlist)):
if int(coordlist[i].split()[0]) == traceID:
x = coordlist[i].split()[1]
y = coordlist[i].split()[2]
z = coordlist[i].split()[3]
return float(x), float(y), float(z)
#print "WARNING: traceID %s not found" % traceID
raise ValueError("traceID %s not found" % traceID)
#return float(self.getSingleStream(traceID)[0].stats.seg2['RECEIVER_LOCATION'])
def getSrcLoc(self): ########## input FILENAME ##########
Returns the location (x, y, z) of the shot.
coordlist = self.getSrcCoordlist()
for i in range(0, len(coordlist)):
if int(coordlist[i].split()[0]) == self.paras['shotnumber']:
x = coordlist[i].split()[1]
y = coordlist[i].split()[2]
z = coordlist[i].split()[3]
return float(x), float(y), float(z)
#return float(self.getSingleStream(traceID)[0].stats.seg2['SOURCE_LOCATION'])
def getTraceIDs4Dist(self, distance = 0, distancebin = (0, 0)): ########## nur fuer 2D benutzt, 'distance bins' ##########
Returns the traceID(s) for a certain distance between source and receiver.
Used for 2D Tomography. TO BE IMPROVED.
:param: distance
:type: real
:param: distancebin
:type: tuple
traceID_list = []
for trace in self.traces:
#traceID = int(trace.stats.seg2['CHANNEL_NUMBER'])
traceID = int(
if distance != 0:
if self.getDistance(traceID) == distance:
if distancebin[0] >= 0 and distancebin[1] > 0:
if self.getDistance(traceID) > distancebin[0] and self.getDistance(traceID) < distancebin[1]:
if len(traceID_list) > 0:
return traceID_list
def setManualPicks(self, traceID, picklist): ########## picklist momentan nicht allgemein, nur testweise benutzt ##########
Sets the manual picks for a receiver with the ID == traceID for comparison.
:param: traceID
:type: int
:param: picklist, list containing the manual picks (mostlikely, earliest, latest).
:type: list
picks = picklist[traceID - 1].split()
mostlikely = float(picks[1])
earliest = float(picks[2])
latest = float(picks[3])
if not self.manualpicks.has_key(traceID):
self.manualpicks[traceID] = (mostlikely, earliest, latest)
# raise KeyError('MANUAL pick to be set more than once for traceID %s' % traceID)
def setPick(self, traceID, pick): ########## siehe Kommentar ##########
self.pick[traceID] = pick
# ++++++++++++++ Block raus genommen, da Error beim 2ten Mal picken! (Ueberschreiben von erstem Pick!)
# if not self.pick.has_key(traceID):
# self.getPick(traceID) = picks
# else:
# raise KeyError('pick to be set more than once for traceID %s' % traceID)
# def readParameter(self, parfile):
# parlist = open(parfile,'r').readlines()
def removePick(self, traceID):
self.setPick(traceID, None)
def setPickwindow(self, traceID, pickwindow):
self.pickwindow[traceID] = pickwindow
def setSNR(self, traceID): ########## FORCED HOS PICK ##########
Gets the SNR using pylot and then sets the SNR for the traceID.
:param: traceID
:type: int
:param: (tnoise, tgap, tsignal), as used in pylot SNR
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getSNR
tgap = self.getTgap()
tsignal = self.getTsignal()
tnoise = self.getPick(traceID) - tgap
self.snr[traceID] = getSNR(self.getSingleStream(traceID), (tnoise,tgap,tsignal), self.getPick(traceID))
def setSNRthreshold(self, traceID, snrthreshold):
self.snrthreshold[traceID] = snrthreshold
def getDistArray4ttcPlot(self): ########## nur fuer 2D benoetigt ##########
Function to create a distance array for the plots. 2D only!
distancearray = []
for traceID in self.pick.keys():
if self.getRecLoc(traceID) > self.getSrcLoc(traceID):
elif self.getRecLoc(traceID) < self.getSrcLoc(traceID):
return distancearray
# def plot2dttc(self, dist_med = 0): ########## 2D ##########
# '''
# Function to plot the traveltime curve for automated picks (AIC & HOS) of a shot. 2d only!
# :param: dist_med (optional)
# :type: 'dictionary'
# '''
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.interactive('True')
# aictimearray = []
# hostimearray = []
# if dist_med is not 0:
# dist_medarray = []
# i = 1
# for traceID in self.pick.keys():
# aictimearray.append(self.getPick(traceID)) ###### HIER NICHT MEHR aic = [0] oder hos = [1]
# hostimearray.append(self.getPick(traceID))
# if dist_med is not 0: dist_medarray.append(dist_med[self.getDistance(traceID)])
# i += 1
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), aictimearray, 'r', label = "AIC")
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), hostimearray, 'y', label = "HOS")
# if dist_med is not 0: plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), dist_medarray, ':b')
# plt.title(self.shotname)
# def plotmanualttc(self): ########## 2D ##########
# '''
# Function to plot the traveltime curve for manual picks of a shot. 2D only!
# '''
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.interactive('True')
# manualpicktimesarray = []
# dist_medarray = []
# i = 1
# for traceID in self.manualpicks.keys():
# if self.manualpicks[traceID][0] <= 0:
# manualpicktimesarray.append(None)
# else:
# manualpicktimesarray.append(self.manualpicks[traceID][0])
# i += 1
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), manualpicktimesarray, 'b', label = "manual")
# def plotpickwindow(self): ########## 2D ##########
# '''
# Plots the pickwindow of a shot for the 2nd iteration step of picking. 2D only!
# '''
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.interactive('True')
# pickwindowarray_lowerb = []
# pickwindowarray_upperb = []
# i = 1
# for traceID in self.pickwindow.keys():
# pickwindowarray_lowerb.append(self.pickwindow[traceID][0])
# pickwindowarray_upperb.append(self.pickwindow[traceID][1])
# i += 1
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), pickwindowarray_lowerb, ':k')
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), pickwindowarray_upperb, ':k')
def plot_traces(self, traceID, folm = 0.6): ########## 2D, muss noch mehr verbessert werden ##########
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylot.core.util import getGlobalTimes
from pylot.core.util import prepTimeAxis
stream = self.getSingleStream(traceID)
stime = getGlobalTimes(stream)[0]
timeaxis = prepTimeAxis(stime, stream[0])
timeaxis -= stime
hoscf = self.getHOScf(traceID)
aiccf = self.getAICcf(traceID)
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
plt.title('Shot: %s, traceID: %s, pick: %s' %(self.getShotnumber(), traceID, self.getPick(traceID)))
ax1.plot(timeaxis, stream[0].data, 'k', label = 'trace')
ax1.plot([self.getPick(traceID), self.getPick(traceID)],
'r', label = 'mostlikely')
ax2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2, sharex = ax1)
ax2.plot(hoscf.getTimeArray(), hoscf.getCF(), 'b', label = 'HOS')
ax2.plot(hoscf.getTimeArray(), aiccf.getCF(), 'g', label = 'AIC')
ax2.plot([self.getPick(traceID), self.getPick(traceID)],
[min(np.minimum(hoscf.getCF(), aiccf.getCF())),
max(np.maximum(hoscf.getCF(), aiccf.getCF()))],
'r', label = 'mostlikely')
ax2.plot([0, self.getPick(traceID)],
[folm * max(hoscf.getCF()), folm * max(hoscf.getCF())],
'm:', label = 'folm = %s' %folm)
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
def plot3dttc(self, step = 0.5, contour = False, plotpicks = False, method = 'linear', ax = None):
Plots a 3D 'traveltime cone' as surface plot by interpolating on a regular grid over the traveltimes, not yet regarding the vertical offset of the receivers.
:param: step (optional), gives the stepsize for the interpolated grid. Default is 0.5
:type: 'float'
:param: contour (optional), plot contour plot instead of surface plot
:type: 'logical'
:param: plotpicks (optional), plot the data points onto the interpolated grid
:type: 'logical'
:param: method (optional), interpolation method; can be 'linear' (default) or 'cubic'
:type: 'string'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
x = []
y = []
z = []
for traceID in self.pick.keys():
if self.getPick(traceID) != None:
xaxis = np.arange(min(x)+1, max(x), step)
yaxis = np.arange(min(y)+1, max(y), step)
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis)
zgrid = griddata((x, y), z, (xgrid, ygrid), method = method)
if ax == None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection = '3d')
xsrc, ysrc, zsrc = self.getSrcLoc()
if contour == True:
ax.plot_surface(xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, linewidth = 0, cmap = cm.jet, vmin = min(z), vmax = max(z))
ax.plot([xsrc], [ysrc], [self.getPick(0)], 'k*', markersize = 20) # plot source location
ax.plot([xsrc], [ysrc], [self.getPick(0)], 'r*', markersize = 15) # plot source location
if plotpicks == True:
ax.plot(x, y, z, 'k.')
def plotttc(self, method, *args):
plotmethod = {'2d': self.plot2dttc, '3d': self.plot3dttc}
def matshow(self, step = 0.5, method = 'linear', ax = None, plotRec = False, annotations = False):
Plots a 2D matrix of the interpolated traveltimes. This needs less performance than plot3dttc
:param: step (optional), gives the stepsize for the interpolated grid. Default is 0.5
:type: 'float'
:param: method (optional), interpolation method; can be 'linear' (default) or 'cubic'
:type: 'string'
:param: plotRec (optional), plot the receiver positions
:type: 'logical'
:param: annotations (optional), displays traceIDs as annotations
:type: 'logical'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
# plt.interactive('True')
x = []
y = []
z = []
for traceID in self.pick.keys():
if self.getPick(traceID) != None:
xaxis = np.arange(min(x)+1, max(x), step)
yaxis = np.arange(min(y)+1, max(y), step)
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis)
zgrid = griddata((x, y), z, (xgrid, ygrid), method='linear')
if ax == None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
ax.imshow(zgrid, interpolation = 'none', extent = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)])
if annotations == True:
for i, traceID in enumerate(self.pick.keys()):
if shot.picks[traceID] != None:
ax.annotate('%s' % traceID, xy=(x[i], y[i]), fontsize = 'x-small')
if plotRec == True:
ax.plot(x, y, 'k.')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
from pylab import *
startpos = []
endpos = []
def generateSurvey(obsdir, shotlist):
from obspy.core import read
from import seismicshot
shot_dict = {}
for shotnumber in shotlist: # loop over data files
# generate filenames and read manual picks to a list
obsfile = obsdir + str(shotnumber) + '_pickle.dat'
#obsfile = obsdir + str(shotnumber) + '.dat'
if not obsfile in shot_dict.keys():
shot_dict[shotnumber] = []
shot_dict[shotnumber] = seismicshot.SeismicShot(obsfile)
shot_dict[shotnumber].setParameters('shotnumber', shotnumber)
return shot_dict
def setParametersForShots(cutwindow, tmovwind, tsignal, tgap, receiverfile, sourcefile, shot_dict):
for shot in shot_dict.values():
shot.setOrder(order = 4)
def removeEmptyTraces(shot_dict):
filename = 'removeEmptyTraces.out'
filename2 = 'updateTraces.out'
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
outfile2 = open(filename2, 'w')
for shot in shot_dict.values():
del_traceIDs = shot.updateTraceList()
removed = shot.removeEmptyTraces()
if removed is not None:
outfile.writelines('shot: %s, removed empty traces: %s\n' %(shot.getShotnumber(), removed))
outfile2.writelines('shot: %s, removed traceID(s) %s because they were not found in the corresponding stream\n' %(shot.getShotnumber(), del_traceIDs))
print '\nremoveEmptyTraces, updateTraces: Finished! See %s and %s for more information of removed traces.\n' %(filename, filename2)
def readParameters(parfile, parameter):
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
parameterConfig = ConfigParser()
value = parameterConfig.get('vars', parameter).split('\t')[0]
return value
def setArtificialPick(shot_dict, traceID, pick):
for shot in shot_dict.values():
shot.setPick(traceID, pick)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, shot.getCut())
def fitSNR4dist(shot_dict, shiftdist = 5):
import numpy as np
dists = []
picks = []
snrs = []
snr_sqrt_inv = []
snrthresholds = []
for shot in shot_dict.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] >= 1:
fit = np.polyfit(dists, snr_sqrt_inv, 1)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
for dist in dists:
dist += shiftdist
plotFittedSNR(dists, snrthresholds, snrs)
return fit_fn #### ZU VERBESSERN, sollte fertige funktion wiedergeben
def plotFittedSNR(dists, snrthresholds, snrs):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(dists, snrs, '.', markersize = 0.5, label = 'SNR values')
plt.plot(dists, snrthresholds, 'r.', markersize = 1, label = 'Fitted threshold')
def setFittedSNR(shot_dict, shiftdist = 5, p1 = 0.004, p2 = -0.004):
import numpy as np
#fit_fn = fitSNR4dist(shot_dict)
fit_fn = np.poly1d([p1, p2])
for shot in shot_dict.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist(): ### IMPROVE
shot.setSNRthreshold(traceID, 1/(fit_fn(shot.getDistance(traceID) + shiftdist)**2)) ### s.o.
print "setFittedSNR: Finished setting of fitted SNR-threshold"
#def linearInterp(dist_med, dist_start
def exportFMTOMO(shot_dict, directory = 'FMTOMO_export', sourcefile = '', ttFileExtension = '.tt'):
count = 0
fmtomo_factor = 1000 # transforming [m/s] -> [km/s]
LatAll = []; LonAll = []; DepthAll = []
srcfile = open(directory + '/' + sourcefile, 'w')
srcfile.writelines('%10s\n' %len(shot_dict)) # number of sources
for shotnumber in getShotlist(shot_dict):
shot = getShotForShotnumber(shot_dict, shotnumber)
ttfilename = str(shotnumber) + ttFileExtension
(x, y, z) = shot.getSrcLoc() # getSrcLoc returns (x, y, z)
srcfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(getAngle(y), getAngle(x), (-1)*z)) # lat, lon, depth
LatAll.append(getAngle(y)); LonAll.append(getAngle(x)); DepthAll.append((-1)*z)
srcfile.writelines('%10s\n' %1) #
srcfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(1, 1, ttfilename))
ttfile = open(directory + '/' + ttfilename, 'w')
traceIDlist = shot.getTraceIDlist()
ttfile.writelines(str(countPickedTraces(shot)) + '\n')
for traceID in traceIDlist:
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
pick = shot.getPick(traceID) * fmtomo_factor
### MP MP + +
#delta = shot.getMistake(traceID) * fmtomo_factor
delta = 0.2
### MP MP - -
(x, y, z) = shot.getRecLoc(traceID)
ttfile.writelines('%20s %20s %20s %10s %10s\n' %(getAngle(y), getAngle(x), (-1)*z, pick, delta))
LatAll.append(getAngle(y)); LonAll.append(getAngle(x)); DepthAll.append((-1)*z)
count += 1
print 'Wrote output for %s traces' %count
print 'WARNING: output generated for FMTOMO-obsdata. Obsdata seems to take Lat, Lon, Depth and creates output for FMTOMO as Depth, Lat, Lon'
print 'Dimensions of the seismic Array, transformed for FMTOMO, are Depth(%s, %s), Lat(%s, %s), Lon(%s, %s)'%(
min(DepthAll), max(DepthAll), min(LatAll), max(LatAll), min(LonAll), max(LonAll))
def getShotlist(shot_dict):
shotlist = []
for shot in shot_dict.values():
return shotlist
def getShotForShotnumber(shot_dict, shotnumber):
for shot in shot_dict.values():
if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber:
return shot
def getAngle(distance):
Function returns the angle on a Sphere of the radius R = 6371 [km] for a distance [km].
import numpy as np
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
angle = distance * 180 / (PI * R)
return angle
def countPickedTraces(shot):
numtraces = 0
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None:
numtraces += 1
print "countPickedTraces: Found %s picked traces in shot number %s" %(numtraces, shot.getShotnumber())
return numtraces
def countAllPickedTraces(shot_dict):
traces = 0
for shot in shot_dict.values():
traces += countPickedTraces(shot)
return traces
def findTracesInRanges(shot_dict, distancebin, pickbin):
Returns traces corresponding to a certain area in a plot with all picks over the distances.
:param: shot_dict, dictionary containing all shots that are used
:type: dictionary
:param: distancebin
:type: tuple, (dist1[m], dist2[m])
:param: pickbin
:type: tuple, (t1[s], t2[s])
shots_found = {}
for shot in shot_dict.values():
if shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin) is not None:
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin):
if pickbin[0] < shot.getPick(traceID) < pickbin[1]:
if shot.getShotnumber() not in shots_found.keys():
shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()] = []
return shots_found
Reference in New Issue
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