[restructure] Wall-E wasting time
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ from pylot.core.util.errors import FormatError, DatastructureError, \
from pylot.core.util.connection import checkurl
from pylot.core.util.utils import fnConstructor, createEvent, getLogin, \
createCreationInfo, getGlobalTimes
from pylot.core.io.location import create_creation_info, create_event
from pylot.core.util.widgets import FilterOptionsDialog, NewEventDlg, \
MPLWidget, PropertiesDlg, HelpForm, createAction, PickDlg
from pylot.core.util.structure import DATASTRUCTURE
@ -829,8 +830,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
new = NewEventDlg()
if new.exec_() != QDialog.Rejected:
evtpar = new.getValues()
cinfo = createCreationInfo(agency_id=self.agency)
event = createEvent(evtpar['origintime'], cinfo)
cinfo = create_creation_info(agency_id=self.agency)
event = create_event(evtpar['origintime'], cinfo)
self.data = Data(self, evtdata=event)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import event as ope
from pylot.core.util.utils import getLogin, getHash
def create_amplitude(pickID, amp, unit, category, cinfo):
:param pickID:
:param amp:
:param unit:
:param category:
:param cinfo:
amplitude = ope.Amplitude()
amplitude.creation_info = cinfo
amplitude.generic_amplitude = amp
amplitude.unit = ope.AmplitudeUnit(unit)
amplitude.type = ope.AmplitudeCategory(category)
amplitude.pick_id = pickID
return amplitude
def create_arrival(pickresID, cinfo, phase, azimuth=None, dist=None):
create_arrival - function to create an Obspy Arrival
:param pickresID: Resource identifier of the created pick
:type pickresID: :class: `~obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier` object
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param phase: name of the arrivals seismic phase
:type phase: str
:param azimuth: azimuth between source and receiver
:type azimuth: float or int, optional
:param dist: distance between source and receiver
:type dist: float or int, optional
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Arrival` object
arrival = ope.Arrival()
arrival.creation_info = cinfo
arrival.pick_id = pickresID
arrival.phase = phase
if azimuth is not None:
arrival.azimuth = float(azimuth) if azimuth > -180 else azimuth + 360.
arrival.azimuth = azimuth
arrival.distance = dist
return arrival
def create_creation_info(agency_id=None, creation_time=None, author=None):
:param agency_id:
:param creation_time:
:param author:
if author is None:
author = getLogin()
if creation_time is None:
creation_time = UTCDateTime()
return ope.CreationInfo(agency_id=agency_id, author=author,
def create_event(origintime, cinfo, originloc=None, etype=None, resID=None,
create_event - funtion to create an ObsPy Event
:param origintime: the events origintime
:type origintime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` object
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param originloc: tuple containing the location of the origin
(LAT, LON, DEP) affiliated with the event which is created
:type originloc: tuple, list
:param etype: Event type str object. converted via ObsPy to a valid event
type string.
:type etype: str
:param resID: Resource identifier of the created event
:type resID: :class: `~obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier` object, str
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Event` object
etype = ope.EventType(etype)
if originloc is not None:
o = create_origin(origintime, cinfo,
originloc[0], originloc[1], originloc[2])
o = None
if etype is None:
etype = ope.EventType('earthquake') # defaults to 'earthquake'
if not resID:
resID = create_resourceID(origintime, etype, authority_id)
elif isinstance(resID, str):
resID = create_resourceID(origintime, etype, authority_id, resID)
elif not isinstance(resID, ope.ResourceIdentifier):
raise TypeError("unsupported type(resID) for resource identifier "
"generation: %s" % type(resID))
event = ope.Event(resource_id=resID)
event.creation_info = cinfo
event.event_type = etype
if o:
event.origins = [o]
return event
def create_magnitude(originID, cinfo):
create_magnitude - function to create an ObsPy Magnitude object
:param originID:
:type originID:
:param cinfo:
:type cinfo:
magnitude = ope.Magnitude()
magnitude.creation_info = cinfo
magnitude.origin_id = originID
return magnitude
def create_origin(origintime, cinfo, latitude, longitude, depth):
create_origin - function to create an ObsPy Origin
:param origintime: the origins time of occurence
:type origintime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` object
:param cinfo:
:type cinfo:
:param latitude: latitude in decimal degree of the origins location
:type latitude: float
:param longitude: longitude in decimal degree of the origins location
:type longitude: float
:param depth: hypocentral depth of the origin
:type depth: float
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Origin` object
assert isinstance(origintime, UTCDateTime), "origintime has to be " \
"a UTCDateTime object, but " \
"actually is of type " \
"'%s'" % type(origintime)
origin = ope.Origin()
origin.time = origintime
origin.creation_info = cinfo
origin.latitude = latitude
origin.longitude = longitude
origin.depth = depth
return origin
def create_pick(origintime, picknum, picktime, eventnum, cinfo, phase, station,
wfseedstr, authority_id):
create_pick - function to create an ObsPy Pick
:param origintime:
:type origintime:
:param picknum: number of the created pick
:type picknum: int
:param picktime:
:type picktime:
:param eventnum: human-readable event identifier
:type eventnum: str
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param phase: name of the arrivals seismic phase
:type phase: str
:param station: name of the station at which the seismic phase has been
:type station: str
:param wfseedstr: A SEED formatted string of the form
network.station.location.channel in order to set a referenced waveform
:type wfseedstr: str, SEED formatted
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Pick` object
pickID = eventnum + '_' + station.strip() + '/{0:03d}'.format(picknum)
pickresID = create_resourceID(origintime, 'pick', authority_id, pickID)
pick = ope.Pick()
pick.resource_id = pickresID
pick.time = picktime
pick.creation_info = cinfo
pick.phase_hint = phase
pick.waveform_id = ope.ResourceIdentifier(id=wfseedstr, prefix='file:/')
return pick
def create_resourceID(timetohash, restype, authority_id=None, hrstr=None):
:param timetohash:
:type timetohash
:param restype: type of the resource, e.g. 'orig', 'earthquake' ...
:type restype: str
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str, optional
:param hrstr:
:type hrstr:
assert isinstance(timetohash, UTCDateTime), "'timetohash' is not an ObsPy" \
"UTCDateTime object"
hid = getHash(timetohash)
if hrstr is None:
resID = ope.ResourceIdentifier(restype + '/' + hid[0:6])
resID = ope.ResourceIdentifier(restype + '/' + hrstr + '_' + hid[0:6])
if authority_id is not None:
return resID
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import glob
import warnings
import scipy.io as sio
import obspy.core.event as ope
import os
import scipy.io as sio
import warnings
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from pylot.core.io.location import create_arrival, create_event, \
create_magnitude, create_origin, create_pick
from pylot.core.pick.utils import select_for_phase
from pylot.core.util.utils import getOwner, createPick, createArrival, \
createEvent, createOrigin, createMagnitude, getGlobalTimes
from pylot.core.util.utils import getOwner, getGlobalTimes
def readPILOTEvent(phasfn=None, locfn=None, authority_id=None, **kwargs):
@ -75,14 +77,14 @@ def readPILOTEvent(phasfn=None, locfn=None, authority_id=None, **kwargs):
stations = [stat for stat in phases['stat'][0:-1:3]]
event = createEvent(eventDate, loccinfo, etype='earthquake', resID=eventNum,
event = create_event(eventDate, loccinfo, etype='earthquake', resID=eventNum,
lat = float(loc['LAT'])
lon = float(loc['LON'])
dep = float(loc['DEP'])
origin = createOrigin(eventDate, loccinfo, lat, lon, dep)
origin = create_origin(eventDate, loccinfo, lat, lon, dep)
for n, pick in enumerate(phases['Ptime']):
if pick[0] > 0:
kwargs = {'year': int(pick[0]),
@ -115,15 +117,15 @@ def readPILOTEvent(phasfn=None, locfn=None, authority_id=None, **kwargs):
wffn = os.path.join(sdir, '{0}*{1}*'.format(
stations[n].strip(), '[ne]'))
pick = createPick(eventDate, np, picktime, eventNum, pickcinfo,
phase, stations[n], wffn, authority_id)
pick = create_pick(eventDate, np, picktime, eventNum, pickcinfo,
phase, stations[n], wffn, authority_id)
pickID = pick.get('id')
arrival = createArrival(pickID, pickcinfo, phase)
arrival = create_arrival(pickID, pickcinfo, phase)
np += 1
magnitude = createMagnitude(origin.get('id'), loccinfo)
magnitude = create_magnitude(origin.get('id'), loccinfo)
magnitude.mag = float(loc['Mnet'])
magnitude.magnitude_type = 'Ml'
@ -1,232 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import subprocess
import pwd
import re
import hashlib
import numpy as np
import os
import pwd
import re
import subprocess
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
import obspy.core.event as ope
def createAmplitude(pickID, amp, unit, category, cinfo):
:param pickID:
:param amp:
:param unit:
:param category:
:param cinfo:
amplitude = ope.Amplitude()
amplitude.creation_info = cinfo
amplitude.generic_amplitude = amp
amplitude.unit = ope.AmplitudeUnit(unit)
amplitude.type = ope.AmplitudeCategory(category)
amplitude.pick_id = pickID
return amplitude
def createArrival(pickresID, cinfo, phase, azimuth=None, dist=None):
createArrival - function to create an Obspy Arrival
:param pickresID: Resource identifier of the created pick
:type pickresID: :class: `~obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier` object
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param phase: name of the arrivals seismic phase
:type phase: str
:param azimuth: azimuth between source and receiver
:type azimuth: float or int, optional
:param dist: distance between source and receiver
:type dist: float or int, optional
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Arrival` object
arrival = ope.Arrival()
arrival.creation_info = cinfo
arrival.pick_id = pickresID
arrival.phase = phase
if azimuth is not None:
arrival.azimuth = float(azimuth) if azimuth > -180 else azimuth + 360.
arrival.azimuth = azimuth
arrival.distance = dist
return arrival
def createCreationInfo(agency_id=None, creation_time=None, author=None):
:param agency_id:
:param creation_time:
:param author:
if author is None:
author = getLogin()
if creation_time is None:
creation_time = UTCDateTime()
return ope.CreationInfo(agency_id=agency_id, author=author,
def createEvent(origintime, cinfo, originloc=None, etype=None, resID=None,
createEvent - funtion to create an ObsPy Event
:param origintime: the events origintime
:type origintime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` object
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param originloc: tuple containing the location of the origin
(LAT, LON, DEP) affiliated with the event which is created
:type originloc: tuple, list
:param etype: Event type str object. converted via ObsPy to a valid event
type string.
:type etype: str
:param resID: Resource identifier of the created event
:type resID: :class: `~obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier` object, str
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Event` object
etype = ope.EventType(etype)
if originloc is not None:
o = createOrigin(origintime, cinfo,
originloc[0], originloc[1], originloc[2])
o = None
if etype is None:
etype = ope.EventType('earthquake') # defaults to 'earthquake'
if not resID:
resID = createResourceID(origintime, etype, authority_id)
elif isinstance(resID, str):
resID = createResourceID(origintime, etype, authority_id, resID)
elif not isinstance(resID, ope.ResourceIdentifier):
raise TypeError("unsupported type(resID) for resource identifier "
"generation: %s" % type(resID))
event = ope.Event(resource_id=resID)
event.creation_info = cinfo
event.event_type = etype
if o:
event.origins = [o]
return event
def createMagnitude(originID, cinfo):
createMagnitude - function to create an ObsPy Magnitude object
:param originID:
:type originID:
:param cinfo:
:type cinfo:
magnitude = ope.Magnitude()
magnitude.creation_info = cinfo
magnitude.origin_id = originID
return magnitude
def createOrigin(origintime, cinfo, latitude, longitude, depth):
createOrigin - function to create an ObsPy Origin
:param origintime: the origins time of occurence
:type origintime: :class: `~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` object
:param cinfo:
:type cinfo:
:param latitude: latitude in decimal degree of the origins location
:type latitude: float
:param longitude: longitude in decimal degree of the origins location
:type longitude: float
:param depth: hypocentral depth of the origin
:type depth: float
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Origin` object
assert isinstance(origintime, UTCDateTime), "origintime has to be " \
"a UTCDateTime object, but " \
"actually is of type " \
"'%s'" % type(origintime)
origin = ope.Origin()
origin.time = origintime
origin.creation_info = cinfo
origin.latitude = latitude
origin.longitude = longitude
origin.depth = depth
return origin
def createPick(origintime, picknum, picktime, eventnum, cinfo, phase, station,
wfseedstr, authority_id):
createPick - function to create an ObsPy Pick
:param origintime:
:type origintime:
:param picknum: number of the created pick
:type picknum: int
:param picktime:
:type picktime:
:param eventnum: human-readable event identifier
:type eventnum: str
:param cinfo: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
holding information on the creation of the returned object
:type cinfo: :class: `~obspy.core.event.CreationInfo` object
:param phase: name of the arrivals seismic phase
:type phase: str
:param station: name of the station at which the seismic phase has been
:type station: str
:param wfseedstr: A SEED formatted string of the form
network.station.location.channel in order to set a referenced waveform
:type wfseedstr: str, SEED formatted
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str
:return: An ObsPy :class: `~obspy.core.event.Pick` object
pickID = eventnum + '_' + station.strip() + '/{0:03d}'.format(picknum)
pickresID = createResourceID(origintime, 'pick', authority_id, pickID)
pick = ope.Pick()
pick.resource_id = pickresID
pick.time = picktime
pick.creation_info = cinfo
pick.phase_hint = phase
pick.waveform_id = ope.ResourceIdentifier(id=wfseedstr, prefix='file:/')
return pick
def createResourceID(timetohash, restype, authority_id=None, hrstr=None):
:param timetohash:
:type timetohash
:param restype: type of the resource, e.g. 'orig', 'earthquake' ...
:type restype: str
:param authority_id: name of the institution carrying out the processing
:type authority_id: str, optional
:param hrstr:
:type hrstr:
assert isinstance(timetohash, UTCDateTime), "'timetohash' is not an ObsPy" \
"UTCDateTime object"
hid = getHash(timetohash)
if hrstr is None:
resID = ope.ResourceIdentifier(restype + '/' + hid[0:6])
resID = ope.ResourceIdentifier(restype + '/' + hrstr + '_' + hid[0:6])
if authority_id is not None:
return resID
def demeanTrace(trace, window):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user