[add] panZoom implemented

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Paffrath 2017-09-01 15:43:16 +02:00
parent 9a61a7f27d
commit 39b450b005

View File

@ -605,7 +605,8 @@ class WaveformWidgetPG(QtGui.QWidget):
class PylotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
def __init__(self, figure=None, parent=None, connect_events=True, multicursor=False):
def __init__(self, figure=None, parent=None, connect_events=True, multicursor=False,
panZoomX=True, panZoomY=True):
self._parent = parent
if not figure:
@ -633,6 +634,10 @@ class PylotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
self.cur_xlim = None
self.cur_ylim = None
# panZoom activated selection
self.panZoomX = panZoomX
self.panZoomY = panZoomY
self.limits = {}
for ax in self.axes:
@ -657,10 +662,19 @@ class PylotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
self.cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim()
self.cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim()
self.press = gui_event.xdata, gui_event.ydata
self.press_rel = gui_event.x, gui_event.y
self.xpress, self.ypress = self.press
def pan(self, gui_event):
if self.press is None:
if gui_event.button == 1:
elif gui_event.button == 3:
if self.panZoomX or self.panZoomY:
def panMotion(self, gui_event):
if self.press is None: return
ax_check = False
for ax in self.axes:
if gui_event.inaxes == ax:
@ -678,8 +692,69 @@ class PylotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
def panRelease(self, gui_event):
self.press = None
self.press_rel = None
def panZoom(self, gui_event, threshold=2., factor=1.1):
if not gui_event.x and not gui_event.y:
if not gui_event.button == 3:
ax_check = False
for ax in self.axes:
if gui_event.inaxes == ax:
ax_check = True
if not ax_check: return
#self.updateCurrentLimits() #maybe put this down to else:
# calculate delta (relative values in axis)
old_x, old_y = self.press_rel
xdiff = gui_event.x - old_x
ydiff = gui_event.y - old_y
# threshold check
if abs(xdiff) < threshold and abs(ydiff) < threshold:
# refresh press positions to new position
self.press = gui_event.xdata, gui_event.ydata
self.press_rel = gui_event.x, gui_event.y
self.xpress, self.ypress = self.press
if abs(xdiff) >= threshold and self.panZoomX:
x_left, x_right = self.getXLims(ax)
new_xlim = self.calcPanZoom(self.xpress, x_left, x_right, factor, (xdiff > 0))
self.setXLims(ax, new_xlim)
if abs(ydiff) >= threshold and self.panZoomY:
y_bot, y_top = self.getYLims(ax)
new_ylim = self.calcPanZoom(self.ypress, y_bot, y_top, factor, (ydiff > 0))
self.setYLims(ax, new_ylim)
def calcPanZoom(self, origin, lower_b, upper_b, factor, positive):
d_lower = abs(origin - lower_b)
d_upper = abs(origin - upper_b)
if positive:
d_lower *= 1 - 1/factor
d_upper *= 1 - 1/factor
lower_b += d_lower
upper_b -= d_upper
d_lower /= 1 + 1/factor
d_upper /= 1 + 1/factor
lower_b -= d_lower
upper_b += d_upper
new_lim = [lower_b, upper_b]
return new_lim
def scrollZoom(self, gui_event, factor=2.):
if not gui_event.xdata or not gui_event.ydata:
@ -734,7 +809,7 @@ class PylotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
def connectEvents(self):
self.cidscroll = self.connectScrollEvent(self.scrollZoom)
self.cidpress = self.connectPressEvent(self.panPress)
self.cidmotion = self.connectMotionEvent(self.panMotion)
self.cidmotion = self.connectMotionEvent(self.pan)
self.cidrelease = self.connectReleaseEvent(self.panRelease)
def disconnectEvents(self):
@ -1922,6 +1997,8 @@ class PickDlg(QDialog):
for picktype in allpicks.keys():
picks = allpicks[picktype]
for phase in picks:
if not type(phase) in [dict, AttribDict]:
pick_rel = picks[phase]['mpp'] - starttime
# add relative pick time, phaseID and picktype index
X.append((pick_rel, phase, picktype))