Implmented dictionary containing onset parameters.

This commit is contained in:
Ludger Küperkoch 2015-06-19 09:09:22 +02:00
parent fd796ba6e1
commit 613bef1678

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@ -76,6 +76,26 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
fmpickwin = pickparam.getParam('fmpickwin')
minfmweight = pickparam.getParam('minfmweight')
# initialize output
Pweight = 4 # weight for P onset
Sweight = 4 # weight for S onset
FM = 'N' # first motion (polarity)
SNRP = None # signal-to-noise ratio of P onset
SNRPdB = None # signal-to-noise ratio of P onset [dB]
SNRS = None # signal-to-noise ratio of S onset
SNRSdB = None # signal-to-noise ratio of S onset [dB]
mpickP = None # most likely P onset
lpickP = None # latest possible P onset
epickP = None # earliest possible P onset
mpickS = None # most likely S onset
lpickS = None # latest possible S onset
epickS = None # earliest possible S onset
Perror = None # symmetrized picking error P onset
Serror = None # symmetrized picking error S onset
aicSflag = 0
aicPflag = 0
# split components
zdat ="Z")
edat ="E")
@ -167,15 +187,14 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
# get refined onset time from CF2 using class Picker
refPpick = PragPicker(cf2, tsnrz, pickwinP, iplot, ausP, tsmoothP,
mpickP = refPpick.getpick()
# quality assessment
# get earliest and latest possible pick and symmetrized uncertainty
[lpickP, epickP, Perror] = earllatepicker(z_copy, nfacP, tsnrz,
refPpick.getpick(), iplot)
[lpickP, epickP, Perror] = earllatepicker(z_copy, nfacP, tsnrz, mpickP, iplot)
# get SNR
[SNRP, SNRPdB, Pnoiselevel] = getSNR(z_copy, tsnrz,
[SNRP, SNRPdB, Pnoiselevel] = getSNR(z_copy, tsnrz, mpickP)
# weight P-onset using symmetric error
if Perror <= timeerrorsP[0]:
@ -193,8 +212,7 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
# get first motion of P onset
# certain quality required
if Pweight <= minfmweight and SNRP >= minFMSNR:
FM = fmpicker(zdat, z_copy, fmpickwin, refPpick.getpick(),
FM = fmpicker(zdat, z_copy, fmpickwin, mpickP, iplot)
FM = 'N'
@ -204,19 +222,10 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
print 'Bad initial (AIC) P-pick, skip this onset!'
print 'AIC-SNR=', aicpick.getSNR(), 'AIC-Slope=', aicpick.getSlope()
Pweight = 4
Sweight = 4
FM = 'N'
SNRP = None
SNRPdB = None
SNRS = None
SNRSdB = None
aicSflag = 0
aicPflag = 0
print 'run_autopicking: No vertical component data available, ' \
'skipping station!'
if edat is not None and ndat is not None and len(edat) > 0 and len(
ndat) > 0 and Pweight < 4:
@ -226,10 +235,8 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
print 'Filtering horizontal traces ...'
# determine time window for calculating CF after P onset
# cuttimesh = [round(refPpick.getpick() + sstart),
# round(refPpick.getpick() + sstop)]
cuttimesh = [round(max([refPpick.getpick() + sstart, 0])),
round(min([refPpick.getpick() + sstop, Lwf]))]
cuttimesh = [round(max([mpickP + sstart, 0])),
round(min([mpickP + sstop, Lwf]))]
if algoS == 'ARH':
print edat, ndat
@ -349,17 +356,16 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
# get refined onset time from CF2 using class Picker
refSpick = PragPicker(arhcf2, tsnrh, pickwinS, iplot, ausS,
tsmoothS, aicarhpick.getpick())
mpickS = refSpick.getpick()
# quality assessment
# get earliest and latest possible pick and symmetrized uncertainty
h_copy[0].data =
[lpickS1, epickS1, Serror1] = earllatepicker(h_copy, nfacS, tsnrh,
mpickS, iplot)
h_copy[0].data =
[lpickS2, epickS2, Serror2] = earllatepicker(h_copy, nfacS, tsnrh,
mpickS, iplot)
if algoS == 'ARH':
# get earliest pick of both earliest possible picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2]
@ -369,8 +375,7 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
elif algoS == 'AR3':
[lpickS3, epickS3, Serror3] = earllatepicker(h_copy, nfacS,
mpickS, iplot)
# get earliest pick of all three picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2, epickS3]
lpick = [lpickS1, lpickS2, lpickS3]
@ -381,8 +386,7 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
Serror = pickerr[ipick]
# get SNR
[SNRS, SNRSdB, Snoiselevel] = getSNR(h_copy, tsnrh,
[SNRS, SNRSdB, Snoiselevel] = getSNR(h_copy, tsnrh, mpickS)
# weight S-onset using symmetric error
if Serror <= timeerrorsS[0]:
@ -403,15 +407,10 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
print 'Bad initial (AIC) S-pick, skip this onset!'
print 'AIC-SNR=', aicarhpick.getSNR(), \
'AIC-Slope=', aicarhpick.getSlope()
Sweight = 4
SNRS = None
SNRSdB = None
aicSflag = 0
print 'run_autopicking: No horizontal component data available or ' \
'bad P onset, skipping S picking!'
if iplot > 0:
@ -557,3 +556,19 @@ def run_autopicking(wfstream, pickparam):
# create dictionary
# for P phase
phase = 'P'
phasepick = {'lpp': lpickP, 'epp': epickP, 'mpp': mpickP, 'spe': Perror, \
'snr': SNRP, 'snrdb': SNRPdB, 'weight': Pweight, 'fm': FM}
picks = {phase: phasepick}
#stationID = tr_filt.stats.station
#onsets = {stationID: picks}
# add S phase
phase = 'S'
phasepick = {'lpp': lpickS, 'epp': epickS, 'mpp': mpickS, 'spe': Serror, \
'snr': SNRS, 'snrdb': SNRSdB, 'weight': Sweight, 'fm': None}
picks[phase] = phasepick
return picks