diff --git a/docs/gui.md b/docs/gui.md
index f2cfdd0a..c42b0336 100644
--- a/docs/gui.md
+++ b/docs/gui.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- [Main Screen](#main-screen)
- [Waveform Plot](#waveform-plot)
- [Mouse view controls :](#mouse-view-controls)
+ - [Buttons](#buttons)
- [Array Map](#array-map)
- [Eventlist](#eventlist)
- [Usage](#usage)
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
- [Evaluation of automatic picks](#evaluation-of-automatic-picks)
- [1. Jackknife check](#1-jackknife-check)
- [2. Wadati check](#2-wadati-check)
+ - [Comparison between automatic and manual picks](#comparison-between-automatic-and-manual-picks)
- [Export and Import of automatic picks](#export-and-import-of-automatic-picks)
- [FAQ](#faq)
@@ -78,6 +80,29 @@ Move the mouse left | Decrease time scale
Press right mouse button and click "View All" from the context menu to reset the view.
+#### Buttons
+Icon | Description
+--- | ---
| Create a new project, for more information about projects see [Projects and Events](#projects-and-events).
| Load a project file from disk.
| Save all current events into an associated project file on disk. If there is no project file currently associated, you will be asked to create a new one.
| Save all current events into a new project file on disk. See [Saving projects](#saving-projects).
| Add event data by selecting directories containing waveforms. For more information see [Event folder structure](#event-folder-structure).
| Load picks/origins from disk into the currently displayed event. If a pick already exists for a station, the one from file will overwrite the existing one.
| Load picks/origins for all events of the current project. PyLoT searches for files within the directory of the event and tries to load them for that event. For this function to work, the files containing picks/origins have to be named as described in [Event folder structure](#event-folder-structure). If a pick already exists for a station, the one from file will overwrite the existing one.
| Save event information such as picks and origin to file. You will be asked to select a directory in which this information should be saved.
| Load event information from a previous, MatLab based PILOT version.
| Display Z component of streams in waveform plot.
| Display N component of streams in waveform plot.
| Display E component of streams in waveform plot.
| Open the [Tune Autopicker window](#tuning).
| Opens a window that allows starting the autopicker for all events ([Production run of the AutoPicker](#production-run-of-the-autopicker)).
| Compare automatic and manual picks, only available if automatic and manual picks for an event exist. See [Comparison between automatic and manual picks](#comparison-between-automatic-and-manual-picks).
| Run a location routine (NonLinLoc) as configured in the settings on the picks.
### Array Map
The array map will display a color diagram to allow visually checking the consistency of picks across multiple stations. This works by calculating the time difference of every onset to the earliest onset. Then isolines are drawn between stations with the same time difference and the areas between isolines are colored.
@@ -258,6 +283,8 @@ The Wadati check checks the consistency of S picks. For this the SP-time, the ti
*The Wadati plot in PyLoT shows the SP onset time difference over the P onset time. A first line is fitted (black). All picks which deviate to much from this line are marked invalid (red). Then a second line is fitted which excludes the invalid picks. From this lines slope, the ratio of P and S wave velocity is determined.*
+### Comparison between automatic and manual picks
### Export and Import of automatic picks
Picks can be saved in *.xml* format.