updated plot of 2d ttcs

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Paffrath 2015-12-09 13:39:58 +01:00
parent a866bf5228
commit 943432dfb3

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@ -565,63 +565,67 @@ class SeismicShot(object):
def getDistArray4ttcPlot(self): ########## nur fuer 2D benoetigt ##########
Function to create a distance array for the plots. 2D only!
Function to create a distance array for the plots. 2D only! X DIRECTION!!
distancearray = []
for traceID in self.picks.keys():
if self.getRecLoc(traceID) > self.getSrcLoc(traceID):
if self.getRecLoc(traceID)[0] > self.getSrcLoc()[0]:
elif self.getRecLoc(traceID) < self.getSrcLoc(traceID):
elif self.getRecLoc(traceID)[0] <= self.getSrcLoc()[0]:
return distancearray
# def plot2dttc(self, dist_med = 0): ########## 2D ##########
# '''
# Function to plot the traveltime curve for automated picks (AIC & HOS) of a shot. 2d only!
def plot2dttc(self, ax = None): ########## 2D ##########
Function to plot the traveltime curve for automated picks of a shot. 2d only! ATM: X DIRECTION!!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
picks = []
# :param: dist_med (optional)
# :type: 'dictionary'
# '''
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.interactive('True')
# aictimearray = []
# hostimearray = []
# if dist_med is not 0:
# dist_medarray = []
for traceID in self.picks.keys():
# i = 1
# for traceID in self.picks.keys():
# aictimearray.append(self.getPick(traceID)) ###### HIER NICHT MEHR aic = [0] oder hos = [1]
# hostimearray.append(self.getPick(traceID))
# if dist_med is not 0: dist_medarray.append(dist_med[self.getDistance(traceID)])
# i += 1
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), aictimearray, 'r', label = "AIC")
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), hostimearray, 'y', label = "HOS")
# if dist_med is not 0: plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), dist_medarray, ':b')
# plt.title(self.shotname)
# shotnumbers = [shotnumbers for (shotnumbers, shotnames) in sorted(zip(shotnumbers, shotnames))]
plotarray = sorted(zip(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), picks))
x = []; y = []
for point in plotarray:
ax.plot(x, y,'r', label = "Automatic Picks")
plt.title('Shot: %s' %self.getShotnumber())
# def plotmanualttc(self): ########## 2D ##########
# '''
# Function to plot the traveltime curve for manual picks of a shot. 2D only!
# '''
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.interactive('True')
# manualpicktimesarray = []
# dist_medarray = []
def plotmanual2dttc(self, ax = None): ########## 2D ##########
Function to plot the traveltime curve for manual picks of a shot. 2D only!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
manualpicktimesarray = []
# i = 1
# for traceID in self.manualpicks.keys():
# if self.manualpicks[traceID][0] <= 0:
# manualpicktimesarray.append(None)
# else:
# manualpicktimesarray.append(self.manualpicks[traceID][0])
# i += 1
for traceID in self.picks.keys():
if not traceID in self.manualpicks.keys() or self.getManualPickFlag(traceID) == 0:
# plt.plot(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), manualpicktimesarray, 'b', label = "manual")
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plotarray = sorted(zip(self.getDistArray4ttcPlot(), manualpicktimesarray))
x = []; y = []
for point in plotarray:
ax.plot(x, y, 'b', label = "Manual Picks")
# def plotpickwindow(self): ########## 2D ##########
# '''