[refactor] improving S pick code by extracting functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ class AutopickStation(object):
def pick_p_qc1(self, aicpick, z_copy, tr_filt):
def _pick_p_qc1(self, aicpick, z_copy, tr_filt):
Quality control of first pick using minseglength and checkZ4S.
:param aicpick: Instance of AICPicker to run quality control on
@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ class AutopickStation(object):
ax.vlines(self.p_params.pstop, ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1], color='c', linestyles='dashed', label='P stop')
Pflag = self.pick_p_qc1(aicpick, z_copy, tr_filt)
Pflag = self._pick_p_qc1(aicpick, z_copy, tr_filt)
# go on with processing if AIC onset passes quality control
slope = aicpick.getSlope()
if not slope: slope = 0
@ -1004,84 +1004,83 @@ class AutopickStation(object):
raise ValueError('Wrong type given, can only be P or S')
def _calculate_autoregressive_cf_s_pick(self, cuttimesh):
# prepare traces for picking by filtering, taper
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
hdat = self.nstream.copy() + self.estream.copy()
self.hdat = self.nstream.copy() + self.estream.copy()
trH1_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.estream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph1[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph1[1])
trH2_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.nstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph1[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph1[1])
h_copy = hdat.copy()
h_copy = self.hdat.copy()
h_copy[0].data = trH1_filt.data
h_copy[1].data = trH2_filt.data
if self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
hdat = self.zstream.copy() + self.estream.copy() + self.nstream.copy()
self.hdat = self.zstream.copy() + self.estream.copy() + self.nstream.copy()
trH1_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.zstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph1[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph1[1])
trH2_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.estream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph1[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph1[1])
trH3_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.nstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph1[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph1[1])
h_copy = hdat.copy()
h_copy =self. hdat.copy()
h_copy[0].data = trH1_filt.data
h_copy[1].data = trH2_filt.data
h_copy[2].data = trH3_filt.data
# calculate inital CF based on autoregression
self.trH1_filt = trH1_filt
self.h_copy = h_copy
# calculate initial CF based on autoregression
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
arhcf1 = ARHcf(h_copy, cuttimesh, self.s_params.tpred1h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet1h, self.p_params.addnoise)
elif self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
arhcf1 = AR3Ccf(h_copy, cuttimesh, self.s_params.tpred1h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet1h, self.p_params.addnoise)
# save cf for later plotting
self.arhcf1 = arhcf1
def pick_s_phase(self):
return arhcf1
tr_arhaic = trH1_filt.copy()
tr_arhaic.data = arhcf1.getCF()
h_copy[0].data = tr_arhaic.data
# determine time window for calculating CF after P onset
cuttimesh = self._calculate_cuttimes(type='S', iteration=1)
# calculate AIC cf
haiccf = AICcf(h_copy, cuttimesh)
# get preliminary onset time from AIC cf
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'aicARHfig')
aicarhpick = AICPicker(haiccf, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_params.pickwinS, self.iplot, Tsmooth=self.s_params.aictsmoothS, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
# save pick for later plotting
self.aicarhpick = aicarhpick
def _calculate_aic_cf_s_pick(self, cuttimesh):
stream = self.estream.copy()
stream[0].data = self.arhcf1.getCF()
haiccf = AICcf(stream, cuttimesh)
return haiccf
def _pick_s_quality_control(self):
Check quality of pick. Function will raise a PickingFailedException if the S pick does not fullfill all quality
criteria. Else nothing happens and picking can continue.
# go on with processing if AIC onset passes quality control
slope = aicarhpick.getSlope()
slope = self.aicarhpick.getSlope()
if not slope:
slope = 0
if slope < self.s_params.minAICSslope:
error_msg = error_msg = 'AIC S onset slope to small: got {}, min {}'.format(slope, self.s_params.minAICSslope)
error_msg = error_msg = 'AIC S onset slope to small: got {}, min {}'.format(slope,
raise PickingFailedException(error_msg)
if aicarhpick.getSNR() < self.s_params.minAICSSNR:
error_msg = 'AIC S onset SNR to small: got {}, min {}'.format(aicarhpick.getSNR(), self.s_params.minAICSSNR)
if self.aicarhpick.getSNR() < self.s_params.minAICSSNR:
error_msg = 'AIC S onset SNR to small: got {}, min {}'.format(self.aicarhpick.getSNR(), self.s_params.minAICSSNR)
raise PickingFailedException(error_msg)
if aicarhpick.getpick() is None:
if self.aicarhpick.getpick() is None:
error_msg = 'Invalid AIC S pick!'
raise PickingFailedException(error_msg)
self.s_results.aicSflag = 1
msg = 'AIC S-pick passes quality control: Slope: {0} counts/s, ' \
'SNR: {1}\nGo on with refined picking ...\n' \
'autopickstation: re-filtering horizontal traces ' \
'...'.format(aicarhpick.getSlope(), aicarhpick.getSNR())
'...'.format(self.aicarhpick.getSlope(), self.aicarhpick.getSNR())
def _pick_s_calculate_ar_cf_2(self):
cuttimesh2 = self._calculate_cuttimes('S', 2)
# refilter waveform with larger bandpass
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
trH1_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.estream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph2[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph2[1])
trH2_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.nstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph2[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph2[1])
h_copy = hdat.copy()
h_copy = self.hdat.copy()
h_copy[0].data = trH1_filt.data
h_copy[1].data = trH2_filt.data
elif self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
trH3_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.zstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph2[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph2[1])
trH1_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.estream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph2[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph2[1])
trH2_filt, _ = self.prepare_wfstream(self.nstream, freqmin=self.s_params.bph2[0], freqmax=self.s_params.bph2[1])
h_copy = hdat.copy()
h_copy = self.hdat.copy()
h_copy[0].data = trH3_filt.data
h_copy[1].data = trH1_filt.data
h_copy[2].data = trH2_filt.data
@ -1092,12 +1091,96 @@ class AutopickStation(object):
# calculate second cf
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
arhcf2 = ARHcf(h_copy, cuttimesh2, self.s_params.tpred2h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet2h, self.p_params.addnoise)
arhcf2 = ARHcf(h_copy, cuttimesh2, self.s_params.tpred2h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet2h,
elif self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
arhcf2 = AR3Ccf(h_copy, cuttimesh2, self.s_params.tpred2h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet2h, self.p_params.addnoise)
arhcf2 = AR3Ccf(h_copy, cuttimesh2, self.s_params.tpred2h, self.s_params.Sarorder, self.s_params.tdet2h,
# save cf for later plotting
self.arhcf2 = arhcf2
self.h_copy = h_copy
return arhcf2
def _pick_s_quality_assessment(self, h_copy, fig, linecolor):
quality assessment: get earliest/latest possible pick and symmetrized uncertainty
h_copy[0].data = self.estream_bph2.data
if self.iplot:
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'el_S1pick')
epickS1, lpickS1, Serror1 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh,
self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
h_copy[0].data = self.nstream_bph2.data
if self.iplot:
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'el_S2pick')
# why is it set to empty here? DA
linecolor = ''
epickS2, lpickS2, Serror2 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh,
self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
if epickS1 is not None and epickS2 is not None:
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
# get earliest pick of both earliest possible picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2]
lpick = [lpickS1, lpickS2]
pickerr = [Serror1, Serror2]
ipick = np.argmin(epick)
if self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
epickS3, lpickS3, Serror3 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh,
self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot)
# get earliest of all three picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2, epickS3]
lpick = [lpickS1, lpickS2, lpickS3]
pickerr = [Serror1, Serror2, Serror3]
if epickS3 is not None:
ipick = np.argmin(epick)
ipick = np.argmin([epickS1, epickS2])
self.s_results.epickS = epick[ipick]
self.s_results.lpickS = lpick[ipick]
self.s_results.Serror = pickerr[ipick]
msg = 'autopickstation: Refined S-Pick: {} s | S-Error: {} s'.format(self.s_results.mpickS,
# get SNR
self.s_results.SNRS, self.s_results.SNRSdB, self.s_results.Snoiselevel = getSNR(h_copy, self.s_params.tsnrh,
self.s_results.Sweight = get_quality_class(self.s_results.Serror, self.s_params.timeerrorsS)
print('autopickstation: S-weight: {0}, SNR: {1}, '
'SNR[dB]: {2}\n'
''.format(self.s_results.Sweight, self.s_results.SNRS, self.s_results.SNRSdB))
def pick_s_phase(self):
# determine time window for calculating CF after P onset
cuttimesh = self._calculate_cuttimes(type='S', iteration=1)
# calculate autoregressive CF
self.arhcf1 = self._calculate_autoregressive_cf_s_pick(cuttimesh)
# calculate AIC cf
haiccf = self._calculate_aic_cf_s_pick(cuttimesh)
# get preliminary onset time from AIC cf
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'aicARHfig')
aicarhpick = AICPicker(haiccf, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_params.pickwinS, self.iplot, Tsmooth=self.s_params.aictsmoothS, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
# save pick for later plotting
self.aicarhpick = aicarhpick
# check quality of pick
arhcf2 = self._pick_s_calculate_ar_cf_2()
# get refined onset time from CF2
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'refSpick')
refSpick = PragPicker(arhcf2, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_params.pickwinS, self.iplot, self.s_params.ausS, self.s_params.tsmoothS, aicarhpick.getpick(), fig, linecolor)
@ -1106,55 +1189,7 @@ class AutopickStation(object):
self.s_results.mpickS = refSpick.getpick()
if self.s_results.mpickS is not None:
# quality assessment
# get earliest/latest possible pick and symmetrized uncertainty
h_copy[0].data = trH1_filt.data
if self.iplot:
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'el_S1pick')
epickS1, lpickS1, Serror1 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
h_copy[0].data = trH2_filt.data
if self.iplot:
fig, linecolor = get_fig_from_figdict(self.fig_dict, 'el_S2pick')
# why is it set to empty here? DA
linecolor = ''
epickS2, lpickS2, Serror2 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot, fig=fig, linecolor=linecolor)
if epickS1 is not None and epickS2 is not None:
if self.s_params.algoS == 'ARH':
# get earliest pick of both earliest possible picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2]
lpick = [lpickS1, lpickS2]
pickerr = [Serror1, Serror2]
ipick = np.argmin(epick)
if self.s_params.algoS == 'AR3':
epickS3, lpickS3, Serror3 = earllatepicker(h_copy, self.s_params.nfacS, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_results.mpickS, self.iplot)
# get earliest of all three picks
epick = [epickS1, epickS2, epickS3]
lpick = [lpickS1, lpickS2, lpickS3]
pickerr = [Serror1, Serror2, Serror3]
if epickS3 is not None:
ipick = np.argmin(epick)
ipick = np.argmin([epickS1, epickS2])
self.s_results.epickS = epick[ipick]
self.s_results.lpickS = lpick[ipick]
self.s_results.Serror = pickerr[ipick]
msg = 'autopickstation: Refined S-Pick: {} s | S-Error: {} s'.format(self.s_results.mpickS, self.s_results.Serror)
# get SNR
self.s_results.SNRS, self.s_results.SNRSdB, self.s_results.Snoiselevel = getSNR(h_copy, self.s_params.tsnrh, self.s_results.mpickS)
self.s_results.Sweight = get_quality_class(self.s_results.Serror, self.s_params.timeerrorsS)
print('autopickstation: S-weight: {0}, SNR: {1}, '
'SNR[dB]: {2}\n'
''.format(self.s_results.Sweight, self.s_results.SNRS, self.s_results.SNRSdB))
self._pick_s_quality_assessment(self.h_copy, fig, linecolor)
def get_fig_from_figdict(figdict, figkey):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user