[ref #195] implementation done; some bugs have to be fixed

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Wehling-Benatelli 2016-06-08 13:14:38 +02:00
parent e6d8701411
commit b96366e321
2 changed files with 95 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ class Comparison(object):
names = list()
self._pdfs = dict()
for name, fn in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(PDFDictionary, fn):
self._pdfs[name] = PDFDictionary.from_quakeml(fn)
if isinstance(fn, PDFDictionary):
self._pdfs[name] = fn
elif isinstance(fn, dict):
self._pdfs[name] = PDFDictionary(fn)
self._pdfs[name] = PDFDictionary.from_quakeml(fn)
if len(names) > 2:
raise ValueError('Comparison is only defined for two '

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime
from pylot.core.io.inputs import FilterOptions
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getSNR, earllatepicker, getnoisewin, \
from pylot.core.pick.compare import Comparison
from pylot.core.util.defaults import OUTPUTFORMATS, FILTERDEFAULTS, LOCTOOLS, \
from pylot.core.util.utils import prepTimeAxis, getGlobalTimes, scaleWFData, \
@ -67,10 +68,15 @@ def createAction(parent, text, slot=None, shortcut=None, icon=None,
class ComparisonDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, c, parent=None):
self._data = c
self._stats = c.keys()
self._stats = c.stations
self._canvas = PlotWidget(self)
self._widgets = dict(stationsComboBox=None,
self._phases = 'PS'
self._plotprops = dict(station=self.stations[0], phase=self.phases[0])
super(ComparisonDialog, self).__init__(parent)
def setupUI(self):
@ -78,12 +84,18 @@ class ComparisonDialog(QDialog):
_innerlayout = QVBoxLayout(self)
_stats_combobox = QComboBox(self)
self.widgets = _stats_combobox
_phases_combobox = QComboBox(self)
_phases_combobox.addItems(['P', 'S'])
self.widgets = _phases_combobox
_toolbar = QToolBar(self)
@ -106,6 +118,10 @@ class ComparisonDialog(QDialog):
def canvas(self):
return self._canvas
def canvas(self, canvas_obj):
self._canvas = canvas_obj
def stations(self):
return self._stats
@ -114,15 +130,86 @@ class ComparisonDialog(QDialog):
def stations(self, stations):
self._stats = stations
def phases(self):
return self._phases
def phases(self, value):
self._phases = value
def plotprops(self):
return self._plotprops
def plotprops(self, values):
key, value = values
if key not in self.plotprops.keys():
raise KeyError("'key' {0} not found in "
"ComparisonDialog.plotprops keys.".format(key))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Pass an iterable with two items")
self._plotprops[key] = value
def data(self):
return self._data
def data(self, data):
self.stations = data.keys()
assert not isinstance(data, Comparison)
self.stations = data.stations
self._data = data
def widgets(self):
return self._widgets
def widgets(self, widget):
name = widget.objectName
if name in self.widgets.keys():
self._widgets[name] = widget
def hasvalue(self, sender):
text = sender.currentText()
index = sender.findText(text.upper())
return index
def prepareplot(self):
_widget = self.sender()
name = _widget.objectName()
text = _widget.currentText().upper()
index = self.hasvalue(_widget)
if name == 'stationsComboBox' and index is not -1:
self.plotprops = ('station', text)
elif name == 'phasesComboBox':
self.plotprops = ('phase', text)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('No sender widget given!')
def plotcomparison(self):
_axes = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111)
station = self.plotprops['station']
phase = self.plotprops['phase']
pdf = self.data.comparison[station][phase]
x, y = pdf.axis, pdf.data
_axes.plot(x, y)
_axes.set_ylabel('propability density (qual.)')
_axes.set_xlabel('time difference [s]')
_anno = _axes.annotate(station, xy=(.05, .5), xycoords='axes fraction')
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='lightgrey', alpha=.7)
class PlotWidget(FigureCanvas):
def __init__(self, parent=None, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Title'):