diff --git a/QtPyLoT.py b/QtPyLoT.py
index 424c9264..4cfdeee2 100755
--- a/QtPyLoT.py
+++ b/QtPyLoT.py
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ from pylot.core.io.data import Data
 from pylot.core.io.inputs import FilterOptions, PylotParameter
 from autoPyLoT import autoPyLoT
 from pylot.core.pick.compare import Comparison
-from pylot.core.pick.utils import symmetrize_error, getQualityFromUncertainty
+from pylot.core.pick.utils import symmetrize_error, getQualityFromUncertainty, removePicksAbove
 from pylot.core.io.phases import picksdict_from_picks
 import pylot.core.loc.nll as nll
 from pylot.core.util.defaults import FILTERDEFAULTS, SetChannelComponents
@@ -1999,6 +1999,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
     def finalizeAutoPick(self, result):
         if result:
+            result = removePicksAbove(result, 3)
             for eventID in result.keys():
                 event = self.get_event_from_id(eventID)
diff --git a/pylot/core/pick/utils.py b/pylot/core/pick/utils.py
index 6a214b2e..1ebfdbd5 100644
--- a/pylot/core/pick/utils.py
+++ b/pylot/core/pick/utils.py
@@ -1146,6 +1146,30 @@ def getQualityFromUncertainty(uncertainty, Errors):
     return quality
+def removePicksAbove(pickDic, minWeight):
+    '''remove picks from pick dicitonary with a weight > minweight'''
+    newdic = {}
+    for event in pickDic.keys():
+        newdic[event] = {}
+    for eventKey, eventDic in pickDic.items():
+        for station, phases in eventDic.items():
+            if phases['P']['weight'] < minWeight or phases['S']['weight'] < minWeight:
+                # dont append stations that will be empty to output dict
+                newdic[eventKey][station] = {}
+                if len(phases) > 2:
+                    # copy over other values beside P/S information
+                    additional_info = phases.copy()
+                    if 'P' in phases.keys():
+                        additional_info.pop('P')
+                    if 'S' in phases.keys():
+                        additional_info.pop('S')
+                    newdic[eventKey][station].update(additional_info)
+            for phasename, phaseinfo in phases.items():
+                if phasename in ('P', 'S') and phaseinfo['weight'] < minWeight:
+                    newdic[eventKey][station].update({phasename: phaseinfo})
+    return newdic
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import doctest