bugfix: if invalid ray is generated by FMTOMO it will be skipped

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Paffrath 2015-10-06 11:42:33 +02:00
parent 7120a20499
commit cfbcc9d362

View File

@ -127,7 +127,12 @@ def rays2VTK(fnin, fdirout = './vtk_files/', nthPoint = 50):
raynumber += 1
firstline = infile.readline()
if firstline == '': break # break at EOF
raynumber = int(firstline.split()[0])
shotnumber = int(firstline.split()[1])
rayValid = int(firstline.split()[4]) # is zero if the ray is invalid
if rayValid == 0:
print('Invalid ray number %d for shot number %d'%(raynumber, shotnumber))
nRayPoints = int(infile.readline().split()[0])
if not shotnumber in rays.keys():
rays[shotnumber] = {}