diff --git a/pylot/core/util/utils.py b/pylot/core/util/utils.py
index 3f2ba611..7b409351 100644
--- a/pylot/core/util/utils.py
+++ b/pylot/core/util/utils.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import hashlib
 import numpy as np
 from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
 import obspy.core.event as ope
+from pylot.core.pick.utils import getnoisewin
 def runProgram(cmd, parameter=None):
@@ -87,6 +88,60 @@ def prepTimeAxis(stime, trace):
     return time_ax
+def scaleWFData(data, factor=None, components='all'):
+    """
+    produce scaled waveforms from given waveform data and a scaling factor,
+    waveform may be selected by their components name
+    :param data: waveform data to be scaled
+    :type data: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object
+    :param factor: scaling factor
+    :type factor: float
+    :param components: components labels for the traces in data to be scaled by
+     the scaling factor (optional, default: 'all')
+    :type components: tuple
+    :return:  scaled waveform data
+    :rtype: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object
+    """
+    if components is not 'all':
+        for comp in components:
+            if factor is None:
+                max_val = np.max(np.abs(data.select(component=comp)[0].data))
+                data.select(component=comp)[0].data /= 2 * max_val
+            else:
+                data.select(component=comp)[0].data /= 2 * factor
+    else:
+        for tr in data:
+            if factor is None:
+                max_val = float(np.max(np.abs(tr.data)))
+                tr.data /= 2 * max_val
+            else:
+                tr.data /= 2 * factor
+    return data
+def demeanWFData(data, t0, win, gap):
+    """
+    returns the DATA where each trace is demean by the average value within
+    a desired time window WIN before T0 and a GAP
+    :param data: waveform stream object
+    :type data: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
+    :param t0: time before which the noise
+    :type t0: float
+    :param win: time window for average calculation
+    :type win: tuple
+    :param gap: gap window to avoid polluting the average
+    :type gap: float
+    :return: data
+    :rtype: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
+    """
+    starttime = getGlobalTimes(data)[0]
+    for tr in data:
+        stime = tr.stats.starttime - starttime
+        t = prepTimeAxis(stime, tr)
+        inoise = getnoisewin(t, t0, win, gap)
+        tr.data -= tr.data[inoise].mean()
+    return data
 def getGlobalTimes(stream):
     min_start = UTCDateTime()
     max_end = None
diff --git a/pylot/core/util/widgets.py b/pylot/core/util/widgets.py
index 2b718f8d..8bb13511 100644
--- a/pylot/core/util/widgets.py
+++ b/pylot/core/util/widgets.py
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ from pylot.core.read import FilterOptions
 from pylot.core.pick.utils import getSNR, earllatepicker, getnoisewin,\
 from pylot.core.util.defaults import OUTPUTFORMATS, FILTERDEFAULTS
-from pylot.core.util import prepTimeAxis, getGlobalTimes
+from pylot.core.util import prepTimeAxis, getGlobalTimes, scaleWFData, \
+    demeanWFData
 def createAction(parent, text, slot=None, shortcut=None, icon=None,
@@ -386,40 +387,10 @@ class PickDlg(QDialog):
             wfdata = self.getWFData().select(component=component)
         return wfdata
-    @staticmethod
-    def demeanWFData(data, t0, win, gap):
-        """
-        returns the DATA where each trace is demean by the average value within
-        a desired time window WIN before T0 and a GAP
-        :param data: waveform stream object
-        :type data: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
-        :param t0: time before which the noise
-        :type t0: float
-        :param win: time window for average calculation
-        :type win: tuple
-        :param gap: gap window to avoid polluting the average
-        :type gap: float
-        :return: data
-        :rtype: `~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
-        """
-        starttime = getGlobalTimes(data)[0]
-        for tr in data:
-            stime = tr.stats.starttime - starttime
-            t = prepTimeAxis(stime, tr)
-            inoise = getnoisewin(t, t0, win, gap)
-            tr.data -= tr.data[inoise].mean()
-        return data
     def getPicks(self):
         return self.picks
     def setIniPick(self, gui_event):
-        if self.selectPhase.currentText().upper().startswith('P'):
-            self.setIniPickP(gui_event)
-        elif self.selectPhase.currentText().upper().startswith('S'):
-            self.setIniPickS(gui_event)
-    def setIniPickP(self, gui_event):
         trace_number = round(gui_event.ydata)
@@ -448,7 +419,7 @@ class PickDlg(QDialog):
         x_res = getResolutionWindow(snr)
-        data = self.demeanWFData(data=self.getWFData().copy(), t0=ini_pick,
+        data = demeanWFData(data=self.getWFData().copy(), t0=ini_pick,
                                  win=noise_win, gap=gap_win)
         self.setXLims([ini_pick - x_res, ini_pick + x_res])