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3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
e5c7404bb6 | |||
1a148a8a72 | |||
8623cc3dd3 |
@ -1553,11 +1553,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
fname = str(
return fname
def getEventFileName(self, type='manual'):
if self.get_fnames(type) is None:
self.set_fname(self.get_data().getEventFileName(), type)
return self.get_fnames(type)
def saveData(self, event=None, directory=None, outformats=['.xml', '.cnv', '.obs', '', '.pha']):
Save event data to directory with specified output formats.
@ -4,13 +4,16 @@
import copy
import logging
import os
import fnmatch
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from obspy import read_events
from obspy.core import read, Stream, UTCDateTime
from obspy import read, read_events, Stream, Catalog, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import Event as ObsPyEvent
from import SacIOError
import pylot.core.loc.focmec as focmec
import pylot.core.loc.hypodd as hypodd
import pylot.core.loc.velest as velest
@ -139,29 +142,6 @@ class Data(object):
def setNew(self):
self._new = True
def getCutTimes(self):
Returns earliest start and latest end of all waveform data
:return: minimum start time and maximum end time as a tuple
:rtype: (UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime)
if self.cuttimes is None:
return self.cuttimes
def updateCutTimes(self):
Update cuttimes to contain earliest start and latest end time
of all waveform data
:rtype: None
self.cuttimes = full_range(self.getWFData())
def getEventFileName(self):
ID = self.getID()
# handle forbidden filenames especially on windows systems
return fnConstructor(str(ID))
def checkEvent(self, event, fcheck, forceOverwrite=False):
Check information in supplied event and own event and replace with own
@ -252,184 +232,6 @@ class Data(object):
if picktype in str(
def exportEvent(self, fnout, fnext='.xml', fcheck='auto', upperErrors=None):
Export event to file
:param fnout: basename of file
:param fnext: file extensions xml, cnv, obs, focmec, or/and pha
:param fcheck: check and delete existing information
can be a str or a list of strings of ['manual', 'auto', 'origin', 'magnitude']
from pylot.core.util.defaults import OUTPUTFORMATS
if not type(fcheck) == list:
fcheck = [fcheck]
evtformat = OUTPUTFORMATS[fnext]
except KeyError as e:
errmsg = '{0}; selected file extension {1} not ' \
'supported'.format(e, fnext)
raise FormatError(errmsg)
if hasattr(self.get_evt_data(), 'notes'):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fnout), 'notes.txt'), 'w') as notes_file:
except Exception as e:
print('Warning: Could not save notes.txt: ', str(e))
# check for already existing xml-file
if fnext == '.xml':
if os.path.isfile(fnout + fnext):
print("xml-file already exists! Check content ...")
cat = read_events(fnout + fnext)
if len(cat) > 1:
raise IOError('Ambigious event information in file {}'.format(fnout + fnext))
if len(cat) < 1:
raise IOError('No event information in file {}'.format(fnout + fnext))
event = cat[0]
if not event.resource_id == self.get_evt_data().resource_id:
QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Different resource IDs!')
self.checkEvent(event, fcheck)
self.get_evt_data().write(fnout + fnext, format=evtformat)
# try exporting event
evtdata_org = self.get_evt_data()
picks = evtdata_org.picks
eventpath = evtdata_org.path
picks_copy = copy.deepcopy(picks)
evtdata_copy = Event(eventpath)
evtdata_copy.picks = picks_copy
# check for stations picked automatically as well as manually
# Prefer manual picks!
for i in range(len(picks)):
if picks[i].method_id == 'manual':
mstation = picks[i].waveform_id.station_code
mstation_ext = mstation + '_'
for k in range(len(picks_copy)):
if ((picks_copy[k].waveform_id.station_code == mstation) or
(picks_copy[k].waveform_id.station_code == mstation_ext)) and \
(picks_copy[k].method_id == 'auto'):
del picks_copy[k]
lendiff = len(picks) - len(picks_copy)
if lendiff != 0:
print("Manual as well as automatic picks available. Prefered the {} manual ones!".format(lendiff))
no_uncertainties_p = []
no_uncertainties_s = []
if upperErrors:
# check for pick uncertainties exceeding adjusted upper errors
# Picks with larger uncertainties will not be saved in output file!
for j in range(len(picks)):
for i in range(len(picks_copy)):
if picks_copy[i].phase_hint[0] == 'P':
# Skipping pick if no upper_uncertainty is found and warning user
if picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] is None:
#print("{1} P-Pick of station {0} does not have upper_uncertainty and cant be checked".format(
# picks_copy[i].waveform_id.station_code,
# picks_copy[i].method_id))
if not picks_copy[i].waveform_id.station_code in no_uncertainties_p:
#print ("checking for upper_uncertainty")
if (picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty'] is None) or \
(picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] >= upperErrors[0]):
print("Uncertainty exceeds or equal adjusted upper time error!")
print("Adjusted uncertainty: {}".format(upperErrors[0]))
print("Pick uncertainty: {}".format(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty']))
print("{1} P-Pick of station {0} will not be saved in outputfile".format(
del picks_copy[i]
if picks_copy[i].phase_hint[0] == 'S':
# Skipping pick if no upper_uncertainty is found and warning user
if picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] is None:
#print("{1} S-Pick of station {0} does not have upper_uncertainty and cant be checked".format(
if not picks_copy[i].waveform_id.station_code in no_uncertainties_s:
if (picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty'] is None) or \
(picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] >= upperErrors[1]):
print("Uncertainty exceeds or equal adjusted upper time error!")
print("Adjusted uncertainty: {}".format(upperErrors[1]))
print("Pick uncertainty: {}".format(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty']))
print("{1} S-Pick of station {0} will not be saved in outputfile".format(
del picks_copy[i]
for s in no_uncertainties_p:
print("P-Pick of station {0} does not have upper_uncertainty and cant be checked".format(s))
for s in no_uncertainties_s:
print("S-Pick of station {0} does not have upper_uncertainty and cant be checked".format(s))
if fnext == '.obs':
evtdata_copy.write(fnout + fnext, format=evtformat)
# write header afterwards
evid = str(evtdata_org.resource_id).split('/')[1]
header = '# EQEVENT: Label: EQ%s Loc: X 0.00 Y 0.00 Z 10.00 OT 0.00 \n' % evid
nllocfile = open(fnout + fnext)
l = nllocfile.readlines()
# Adding A0/Generic Amplitude to .obs file
# l2 = []
# for li in l:
# for amp in evtdata_org.amplitudes:
# if amp.waveform_id.station_code == li[0:5].strip():
# li = li[0:64] + '{:0.2e}'.format(amp.generic_amplitude) + li[73:-1] + '\n'
# l2.append(li)
# l = l2
l.insert(0, header)
nllocfile = open(fnout + fnext, 'w')
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '.cnv':
velest.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '':
parameter = PylotParameter()
logging.warning('Using default input parameter')
focmec.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, parameter, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '.pha':
parameter = PylotParameter()
logging.warning('Using default input parameter')
hypodd.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, parameter, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
def getComp(self):
Get component (ZNE)
return self.comp
def getID(self):
Get unique resource id
@ -474,21 +276,6 @@ class Data(object):
fnames = check_fname_exists(fnames)
fnames_alt = check_fname_exists(fnames_alt)
# if obspy_dmt:
# wfdir = 'raw'
# self.processed = False
# for fname in fnames:
# if fname.endswith('processed'):
# wfdir = 'processed'
# self.processed = True
# break
# for fpath in fnames:
# if fpath.endswith(wfdir):
# wffnames = [os.path.join(fpath, fname) for fname in os.listdir(fpath)]
# if 'syngine' in fpath.split('/')[-1]:
# wffnames_syn = [os.path.join(fpath, fname) for fname in os.listdir(fpath)]
# else:
# wffnames = fnames
if fnames is not None:
if fnames_alt is not None:
@ -496,9 +283,6 @@ class Data(object):
return False
# various pre-processing steps:
# remove possible underscores in station names
# self.wfdata = remove_underscores(self.wfdata)
# check for gaps and merge
self.wfdata, _ = check_for_gaps_and_merge(self.wfdata)
# check for nans
@ -620,11 +404,6 @@ class Data(object):
picks = picks_from_picksdict(picks)
self.get_evt_data().picks = picks
# if 'smi:local' in self.getID() and firstonset:
# fonset_str = firstonset.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
# ID = ResourceIdentifier('event/' + fonset_str)
# ID.convertIDToQuakeMLURI(authority_id=authority_id)
# self.get_evt_data().resource_id = ID
def applyEvent(event):
@ -656,6 +435,171 @@ class Data(object):
self._new = False
class SeismicEventData:
event_id: str = ""
catalog: Catalog = field(default_factory=Catalog)
def find_event_files(self, directory: str, extensions: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Browse the directory to find event files with specified extensions.
directory (str): The directory path to search for event files.
extensions (List[str]): List of file extensions to search for.
List[str]: List of file paths that match the given extensions.
>>> sed = SeismicEventData()
>>> sed.find_event_files('test_directory', ['.xml', '.quakeml']) # doctest: +SKIP
['test_directory/event1.xml', 'test_directory/event2.quakeml']
matches = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for ext in extensions:
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, f'*{ext}'):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return matches
def read_event_from_directory(self, directory: str, extensions: List[str], format: str) -> None:
Read a seismic event from the first found file in the directory with specified format.
directory (str): The directory path to search for event files.
extensions (List[str]): List of file extensions to search for.
format (str): The format to read the event file.
>>> sed = SeismicEventData()
>>> sed.read_event_from_directory('test_directory', ['.xml', '.quakeml'], 'QUAKEML') # doctest: +SKIP
event_files = self.find_event_files(directory, extensions)
if event_files:
self.read_event(event_files[0], format)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No event files found in directory {directory} with extensions {extensions}.")
def read_event(self, file_path: str, format: str) -> None:
Read a seismic event from a file with specified format.
file_path (str): The path to the event file.
format (str): The format to read the event file.
>>> sed = SeismicEventData()
>>> sed.read_event('test_directory/event1.xml', 'QUAKEML') # doctest: +SKIP
if os.path.exists(file_path):
self.catalog = read_events(file_path, format=format)
self.event_id = self.catalog[0]'/')[-1] if self.catalog else ""
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {file_path} does not exist.")
def write_event(self, file_path: str, format: str) -> None:
Write the seismic event to a file with specified format.
file_path (str): The path to the output file.
format (str): The format to write the event file.
>>> sed = SeismicEventData(event_id='12345')
>>> sed.write_event('output_directory/event1.xml', 'QUAKEML') # doctest: +SKIP
self.catalog.write(file_path, format=format)
class WaveformData:
stream: Stream = field(default_factory=Stream)
def find_waveform_files(self, directory: str, extensions: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Browse the directory to find waveform files with specified extensions.
directory (str): The directory path to search for waveform files.
extensions (List[str]): List of file extensions to search for.
List[str]: List of file paths that match the given extensions.
>>> wd = WaveformData()
>>> wd.find_waveform_files('test_directory', ['.mseed']) # doctest: +SKIP
matches = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for ext in extensions:
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, f'*{ext}'):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return matches
def read_waveform_from_directory(self, directory: str, extensions: List[str], format: str) -> None:
Read waveform data from the first found file in the directory with specified format.
directory (str): The directory path to search for waveform files.
extensions (List[str]): List of file extensions to search for.
format (str): The format to read the waveform file.
>>> wd = WaveformData()
>>> wd.read_waveform_from_directory('test_directory', ['.mseed'], 'MSEED') # doctest: +SKIP
waveform_files = self.find_waveform_files(directory, extensions)
if waveform_files:
self.read_waveform(waveform_files[0], format)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No waveform files found in directory {directory} with extensions {extensions}.")
def read_waveform(self, file_path: str, format: str) -> None:
Read waveform data from a file with specified format.
file_path (str): The path to the waveform file.
format (str): The format to read the waveform file.
>>> wd = WaveformData()
>>> wd.read_waveform('test_directory/waveform1.mseed', 'MSEED') # doctest: +SKIP
if os.path.exists(file_path):
|||| = read(file_path, format=format)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {file_path} does not exist.")
def write_waveform(self, file_path: str, format: str) -> None:
Write the waveform data to a file with specified format.
file_path (str): The path to the output file.
format (str): The format to write the waveform file.
>>> wd = WaveformData()
>>> wd.write_waveform('output_directory/waveform1.mseed', 'MSEED') # doctest: +SKIP
||||, format=format)
# Example usage:
# seismic_event = SeismicEventData()
# seismic_event.read_event_from_directory("path_to_directory", extensions=[".xml", ".quakeml"], format="QUAKEML")
# seismic_event.write_event("output_event_file.xml", format="QUAKEML")
# waveform_data = WaveformData()
# waveform_data.read_waveform_from_directory("path_to_directory", extensions=[".mseed"], format="MSEED")
# waveform_data.write_waveform("output_waveform_file.mseed", format="MSEED")
class GenericDataStructure(object):
@ -839,22 +783,6 @@ class PilotDataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
self.setExpandFields(['root', 'database'])
class ObspyDMTdataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
Object containing the data access information for the old PILOT data
def __init__(self, **fields):
if not fields:
fields = {'database': '',
'root': ''}
GenericDataStructure.__init__(self, **fields)
self.setExpandFields(['root', 'database'])
class SeiscompDataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
Dictionary containing the data access information for an SDS data archive:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Created on Wed Jan 26 17:47:25 2015
@author: sebastianw
from import SeiscompDataStructure, PilotDataStructure, ObspyDMTdataStructure
from import SeiscompDataStructure, PilotDataStructure
DATASTRUCTURE = {'PILOT': PilotDataStructure, 'SeisComP': SeiscompDataStructure,
'obspyDMT': ObspyDMTdataStructure, None: PilotDataStructure}
'obspyDMT': PilotDataStructure, None: PilotDataStructure}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user