#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os try: import pyqtgraph as pg except Exception as e: print('Warning: Could not import module pyqtgraph.') try: from PySide2 import QtCore except Exception as e: print('Warning: Could not import module QtCore.') from pylot.core.util.utils import pick_color def pick_linestyle_pg(picktype, key): """ Get Qt line style by picktype and pick parameter (earliest/latest possible pick, symmetric picking error or most probable pick) :param picktype: 'manual' or 'automatic' :type picktype: str :param key: which pick parameter should be plotted, 'mpp', 'epp', 'lpp' or 'spe' :type key: str :return: Qt line style parameters :rtype: """ linestyles_manu = {'mpp': (QtCore.Qt.SolidLine, 2.), 'epp': (QtCore.Qt.DashLine, 1.), 'lpp': (QtCore.Qt.DashLine, 1.), 'spe': (QtCore.Qt.DashLine, 1.)} linestyles_auto = {'mpp': (QtCore.Qt.DotLine, 2.), 'epp': (QtCore.Qt.DashDotLine, 1.), 'lpp': (QtCore.Qt.DashDotLine, 1.), 'spe': (QtCore.Qt.DashDotLine, 1.)} linestyles = {'manual': linestyles_manu, 'auto': linestyles_auto} return linestyles[picktype][key] def which(program, parameter): """ takes a program name and returns the full path to the executable or None modified after: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python :param program: name of the desired external program :type program: str :return: full path of the executable file :rtype: str """ try: from PySide2.QtCore import QSettings settings = QSettings() for key in settings.allKeys(): if 'binPath' in key: os.environ['PATH'] += ':{0}'.format(settings.value(key)) nllocpath = ":" + parameter.get('nllocbin') os.environ['PATH'] += nllocpath except Exception as e: print(e) def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def ext_candidates(fpath): yield fpath for ext in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep): yield fpath + ext fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) for candidate in ext_candidates(exe_file): if is_exe(candidate): return candidate return None def make_pen(picktype, phase, key, quality): """ Make PyQtGraph.QPen :param picktype: 'manual' or 'automatic' :type picktype: str :param phase: 'P' or 'S' :type phase: str :param key: 'mpp', 'epp', 'lpp' or 'spe', (earliest/latest possible pick, symmetric picking error or most probable pick) :type key: str :param quality: quality class of pick, decides color modifier :type quality: int :return: PyQtGraph QPen :rtype: `~QPen` """ if pg: rgba = pick_color(picktype, phase, quality) linestyle, width = pick_linestyle_pg(picktype, key) pen = pg.mkPen(rgba, width=width, style=linestyle) return pen