#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ PyLoT: Main program =================== PyLoT is a seismic data processing software capable of picking seismic phases (symmetric and asymmetric error assignment), exporting these to several common phase data formats and post process the data, e.g. locating events, via external localization software. Additionally PyLoT is meant as an interface to autoPyLoT which can automatically pick seismic phases, if the parameters have properly been chosen for the particular data set. :author: Sebastian Wehling-Benatelli :copyright: The PyLoT Development Team (https://ariadne.geophysik.rub.de/trac/PyLoT) :license: GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html) """ import os import platform import sys from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import * from obspy.core import (read, UTCDateTime) from pylot.core.util import _getVersionString from pylot.core.read import (Data, FilterOptions) from pylot.core.util import FILTERDEFAULTS from pylot.core.util import checkurl from pylot.core.util import (PickDlg, FilterOptionsDialog, PropertiesDlg, MPLWidget, HelpForm) # Version information __version__ = _getVersionString() class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) filterOptionsP = FILTERDEFAULTS['P'] filterOptionsS = FILTERDEFAULTS['S'] self.filterOptionsP = FilterOptions(**filterOptionsP) self.filterOptionsS = FilterOptions(**filterOptionsS) self.loadData() self.updateFilterOptions() self.setupUi() def _getCurrentPlotType(self): return 'TestType' def loadData(self): self.data = Data() def setupUi(self): self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("PyLoT.ico")) xlab = 'time since {0}'.format() plottitle = self._getCurrentPlotType() # create central matplotlib figure widget self.DataPlot = MPLWidget(parent=self, xlabel=xlab, ylabel=None, title=plottitle) filterDockWidget = FilterOptionsDialog(titleString="Filter Options", parent=self, filterOptions=filteroptions) self.eventLabel = QLabel() self.eventLabel.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel | QFrame.Sunken) status = self.statusBar() status.setSizeGripEnabled(False) status.addPermanentWidget(self.eventLabel) status.showMessage("Ready", 5000) statLayout = self.layoutStationButtons(self.numStations) maingrid = QGridLayout() maingrid.setSpacing(10) maingrid.addLayout(statLayout, 0, 0) maingrid.addLayout(dataLayout, 1, 0) maingrid.setCentralWidget(self.DataPlot) def plotData(self): self.data.plotData(self.DataPlot) def updateFilterOptions(self): try: self.filteroptions = [self.filterOptionsP if not self.seismicPhase == 'S' else self.filterOptionsS] except e: self.updateStatus('Error: %s' % e + ' ... no filteroptions loaded') else: self.updateStatus('Filteroptions succesfully loaded ...') def updateStatus(self, message): self.statusBar().showMessage(message, 5000) def layoutStationButtons(self, numStations): layout = QVBoxLayout() for n in range(numStations): tr = data.select(component=self.dispOptions.comp) try: stationButtons[n] = QPushButton('%s'.format( tr[n].stats.station)) except IndexError: error = QErrorMessage(self) errorString = QString() errorString.setText('''Number of stations does not match number of traces!''') error.showMessage(errorString) self.__del__() layout.addWidget(stationButtons) return layout def helpHelp(self): if checkurl(): form = HelpForm('https://ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/trac/PyLoT/wiki') else: form = HelpForm(':/help.html') form.show() def main(): # create th Qt application pylot_app = QApplication(sys.argv) # set Application Information pylot_app.setOrganizationName("Ruhr-University Bochum / MAGS2") pylot_app.setOrganizationDomain("rub.de") pylot_app.setApplicationName("PyLoT") pylot_app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/pylot.ico")) # create the main window pylot_form = MainWindow() # Show main window and run the app pylot_form.show() pylot_app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": main()