import os import pytest from obspy import read_events from autoPyLoT import autoPyLoT class TestAutopickerGlobal(): def init(self): self.params_infile = '' self.test_event_dir = 'dmt_database_test' self.fname_outfile_xml = os.path.join( self.test_event_dir, '20171010_063224.a', 'PyLoT_20171010_063224.a_autopylot.xml' ) # check if the input files exist if not os.path.isfile(self.params_infile): print(f'Test input file {os.path.abspath(self.params_infile)} not found.') return False if not os.path.exists(self.test_event_dir): print( f'Test event directory not found at location "{os.path.abspath(self.test_event_dir)}". ' f'Make sure to load it from the website first.' ) return False return True def test_autopicker(self): assert self.init(), 'Initialization failed due to missing input files.' # check for output file in test directory and remove it if necessary if os.path.isfile(self.fname_outfile_xml): os.remove(self.fname_outfile_xml) autoPyLoT(inputfile=self.params_infile, eventid='20171010_063224.a', obspyDMT_wfpath='processed') # test for different known output files if they are identical or not compare_pickfiles(self.fname_outfile_xml, 'PyLoT_20171010_063224.a_autopylot.xml', True) compare_pickfiles(self.fname_outfile_xml, 'PyLoT_20171010_063224.a_saved_from_GUI.xml', True) compare_pickfiles(self.fname_outfile_xml, 'PyLoT_20171010_063224.a_corrected_taup_times_0.03-0.5_P.xml', False) def compare_pickfiles(pickfile1: str, pickfile2: str, samefile: bool = True) -> None: """ Compare the pick times and errors from two pick files. Parameters: pickfile1 (str): The path to the first pick file. pickfile2 (str): The path to the second pick file. samefile (bool): A flag indicating whether the two files are expected to be the same. Defaults to True. Returns: None """ cat1 = read_events(pickfile1) cat2 = read_events(pickfile2) picks1 = sorted(cat1[0].picks, key=lambda pick: str(pick.waveform_id)) picks2 = sorted(cat2[0].picks, key=lambda pick: str(pick.waveform_id)) pick_times1 = [pick.time for pick in picks1] pick_times2 = [pick.time for pick in picks2] pick_terrs1 = [pick.time_errors for pick in picks1] pick_terrs2 = [pick.time_errors for pick in picks2] # check if times and errors are identical or not depending on the samefile flag assert (pick_times1 == pick_times2) is samefile, 'Pick times error' assert (pick_terrs1 == pick_terrs2) is samefile, 'Pick time errors errors'