import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math #from selectRegions import regions plt.interactive(True) def plotAllPicks(shot_dict, dist_med = None): ''' Plots all picks over the distance between source and receiver. Returns (ax, region) ''' dist = [] pick = [] snrloglist = [] for shot in shot_dict.values(): for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist(): if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None: dist.append(shot.getDistance(traceID)) pick.append(shot.getPick(traceID)) snrloglist.append(math.log10(shot.getSNR(traceID)[0])) ax = createPlot(dist, pick, snrloglist, label = 'log10(SNR)') region = regions(ax, shot_dict) if dist_med is not None: ax = addDistMed(ax, dist_med) ax.legend() return ax, region def plotAllPicks_withCutOutTraces(shot_dict, dist_med = None): ''' Plots all picks over the distance between source and receiver. Returns (ax, region) ''' dist = [] pick = [] snrloglist = [] for shot in shot_dict.values(): for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist(): if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] > 3: dist.append(shot.getDistance(traceID)) pick.append(shot.getPick_backup(traceID)) snrloglist.append(math.log10(shot.getSNR(traceID)[0])) ax = createPlot(dist, pick, snrloglist, label = 'log10(SNR)') region = regions(ax, shot_dict) if dist_med is not None: ax = addDistMed(ax, dist_med) ax.legend() return ax, region def createPlot(dist, pick, inkByVal, label): cm = fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig = ax.scatter(dist, pick, cmap = cm, c = inkByVal, s = 5, edgecolors = 'none', label = label) cbar = plt.colorbar(fig, fraction = 0.05) cbar.set_label(label) plt.title('Plot of all Picks') plt.xlabel('Distance [m]') plt.ylabel('Time [s]') return ax def addDistMed(ax, dist_med): ''' Add shot dictionary containing the Median for several distancebins to the ax. ''' x = [] y = [] for dist in dist_med.keys(): x.append(dist) y.append(dist_med[dist]) xy = sorted(zip(x,y)) x1 = [x for (x,y) in xy] y1 = [y for (x,y) in xy] ax.plot(x1, y1, 'k', label = 'Median') return ax class regions(object): def __init__(self, ax, shot_dict): = ax self.shot_dict = shot_dict self._x0 = [] self._y0 = [] self._x1 = [] self._y1 = [] self.shots_found = {} self.shots_for_deletion = {} def _onselect(self, eclick, erelease): 'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release' #print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata) #print ' endposition : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata) print 'region selected x0, y0 = (%3s, %3s), x1, y1 = (%3s, %3s)'%(eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata, erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata) x0 = min(eclick.xdata, erelease.xdata) x1 = max(eclick.xdata, erelease.xdata) y0 = min(eclick.ydata, erelease.ydata) y1 = max(eclick.ydata, erelease.ydata) self._x0.append(x0) self._x1.append(x1) self._y0.append(y0) self._y1.append(y1) self.markCurrentRegion(x0, x1, y0, y1) def chooseRectangles(self): from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector print 'Select rectangle is active' return RectangleSelector(, self._onselect) def _getx0(self): return self._x0 def _getx1(self): return self._x1 def _gety0(self): return self._y0 def _gety1(self): return self._y1 def getShotDict(self): return self.shot_dict def getShotsForDeletion(self): return self.shots_for_deletion def findTracesInShotDict(self, picks = 'normal'): ''' Returns traces corresponding to a certain area in a plot with all picks over the distances. ''' print "findTracesInShotDict: Searching for marked traces in the shot dictionary... " for shot in self.shot_dict.values(): whichpicks = {'normal': shot.getPick, 'includeCutOut': shot.getPick_backup} for index in range(len(self._getx1())): distancebin = (self._getx0()[index], self._getx1()[index]) pickbin = (self._gety0()[index], self._gety1()[index]) if shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin) is not None: for traceID in shot.getTraceIDs4Dist(distancebin = distancebin): if pickbin[0] < whichpicks[picks](traceID) < pickbin[1]: self.highlightPick(shot, traceID) if shot.getShotnumber() not in self.shots_found.keys(): self.shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()] = [] if traceID not in self.shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()]: self.shots_found[shot.getShotnumber()].append(traceID) self.refreshFigure() print self.shots_found def highlightPick(self, shot, traceID, annotations = True):, shot.getPick(traceID), s = 50, marker = 'o', facecolors = 'none', edgecolors = 'm', alpha = 1) if annotations == True: = 's%s|t%s'%(shot.getShotnumber(), traceID), xy = (shot.getDistance(traceID), shot.getPick(traceID)), fontsize = 'xx-small') def plotTracesInRegion(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt count = 0 maxfigures = 20 # if len(self.shots_found) == 0: self.findTracesInShotDict() if len(self.shots_found) > 0: for shot in self.shot_dict.values(): for shotnumber in self.shots_found: if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber: for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]: count += 1 if count > maxfigures: print 'Maximum number of figures (%s) reached. %sth figure was not opened.' %(maxfigures, count) break shot.plot_traces(traceID) else: print 'No picks yet defined in the regions x = (%s, %s), y = (%s, %s)' %(self._x0, self._x1, self._y0, self._y1) def plotTracesInRegion_withCutOutTraces(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt count = 0 maxfigures = 20 # if len(self.shots_found) == 0: self.findTracesInShotDict(picks = 'includeCutOut') if len(self.shots_found) > 0: for shot in self.shot_dict.values(): for shotnumber in self.shots_found: if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber: for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]: count += 1 if count > maxfigures: print 'Maximum number of figures (%s) reached. %sth figure was not opened.' %(maxfigures, count) break shot.plot_traces(traceID) else: print 'No picks yet defined in the regions x = (%s, %s), y = (%s, %s)' %(self._x0, self._x1, self._y0, self._y1) def setCurrentRegionsForDeletion(self): # if len(self.shots_found) == 0: self.findTracesInShotDict() for shotnumber in self.shots_found: if not shotnumber in self.shots_for_deletion: self.shots_for_deletion[shotnumber] = [] for traceID in self.shots_found[shotnumber]: if not traceID in self.shots_for_deletion[shotnumber]: self.shots_for_deletion[shotnumber].append(traceID) self.markAllRegions(color = 'red') print 'Marked regions for deletion' def markAllRegions(self, color = 'grey'): from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle for index in range(len(self._getx0())): x0 = self._getx0()[index] y0 = self._gety0()[index] x1 = self._getx1()[index] y1 = self._gety1()[index], y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), alpha=0.5, facecolor = color)) self.refreshFigure() def markCurrentRegion(self, x0, x1, y0, y1, color = 'grey'): from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), alpha=0.1, facecolor = color)) self.refreshFigure() def deleteMarkedPicks(self): for shot in self.getShotDict().values(): for shotnumber in self.getShotsForDeletion(): if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber: for traceID in self.getShotsForDeletion()[shotnumber]: shot.removePick(traceID) print "Deleted the pick for traceID %s on shot number %s" %(traceID, shotnumber) self.shots_for_deletion = {} # clear dictionary def highlightPicksForShot(self, shot, annotations = False): for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist(): if shot.getPick(traceID) is not None: self.highlightPick(shot, traceID, annotations) self.refreshFigure() def refreshFigure(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.draw()