#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import argparse import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from obspy.core import read from pylot.core.util import _getVersionString from pylot.core.read import Data, AutoPickParameter from pylot.core.pick.run_autopicking import run_autopicking from pylot.core.util.structure import DATASTRUCTURE from pylot.core.pick.utils import wadaticheck, checkPonsets __version__ = _getVersionString() def autoPyLoT(inputfile): ''' Determine phase onsets automatically utilizing the automatic picking algorithms by Kueperkoch et al. 2010/2012. :param inputfile: path to the input file containing all parameter information for automatic picking (for formatting details, see. `~pylot.core.read.input.AutoPickParameter` :type inputfile: str :return: .. rubric:: Example ''' print '************************************' print '*********autoPyLoT starting*********' print 'The Python picking and Location Tool' print ' Version ', _getVersionString(), '2015' print '**Authors:' print '**S. Wehling-Benatelli' print '** Ruhr-University Bochum' print '**L. Kueperkoch' print '** BESTEC GmbH' print '**K. Olbert' print '** Christian-Albrechts University Kiel' print '************************************' # reading parameter file parameter = AutoPickParameter(inputfile) # get some parameters for quality control from # parameter input file (usually autoPyLoT.in). wdttolerance = parameter.getParam('wdttolerance') mdttolerance = parameter.getParam('mdttolerance') iplot = parameter.getParam('iplot') data = Data() # getting information on data structure if parameter.hasParam('datastructure'): datastructure = DATASTRUCTURE[parameter.getParam('datastructure')]() dsfields = {'root':parameter.getParam('rootpath'), 'dpath':parameter.getParam('datapath'), 'dbase':parameter.getParam('database')} exf = ['root', 'dpath', 'dbase'] if parameter.hasParam('eventID'): dsfields['eventID'] = parameter.getParam('eventID') exf.append('eventID') datastructure.modifyFields(**dsfields) datastructure.setExpandFields(exf) # multiple event processing # read each event in database datapath = datastructure.expandDataPath() if not parameter.hasParam('eventID'): for event in [events for events in glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, '*')) if os.path.isdir(events)]: data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, event, '*'))) print 'Working on event %s' %event print data wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams ########################################################## # !automated picking starts here! procstats = [] # initialize dictionary for onsets picks = None station = wfdat[0].stats.station allonsets = {station: picks} for i in range(len(wfdat)): stationID = wfdat[i].stats.station # check if station has already been processed if stationID not in procstats: procstats.append(stationID) # find corresponding streams statdat = wfdat.select(station=stationID) ###################################################### # get onset times and corresponding picking errors picks = run_autopicking(statdat, parameter) ###################################################### # add station and corresponding onsets to dictionary station = stationID allonsets[station] = picks # quality control # median check and jackknife on P onset times checkedonsetsjk = checkPonsets(allonsets, mdttolerance, iplot) # check S-P times (Wadati) checkedonsetwd = wadaticheck(checkedonsetsjk, wdttolerance, iplot) print '------------------------------------------' print '-----Finished event %s!-----' % event print '------------------------------------------' # single event processing else: data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, parameter.getParam('eventID'), '*'))) print 'Working on event ', parameter.getParam('eventID') print data wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams ########################################################## # !automated picking starts here! procstats = [] # initialize dictionary for onsets picks = None station = wfdat[0].stats.station allonsets = {station: picks} for i in range(len(wfdat)): #for i in range(0,10): stationID = wfdat[i].stats.station #check if station has already been processed if stationID not in procstats: procstats.append(stationID) # find corresponding streams statdat = wfdat.select(station=stationID) ###################################################### # get onset times and corresponding picking parameters picks = run_autopicking(statdat, parameter) ###################################################### # add station and corresponding onsets to dictionary station = stationID allonsets[station] = picks # quality control # median check and jackknife on P onset times checkedonsetsjk = checkPonsets(allonsets, mdttolerance, iplot) # check S-P times (Wadati) checkedonsetswd = wadaticheck(checkedonsetsjk, wdttolerance, iplot) print '------------------------------------------' print '-------Finished event %s!-------' % parameter.getParam('eventID') print '------------------------------------------' print '************************************' print '*********autoPyLoT terminates*******' print 'The Python picking and Location Tool' print '************************************' if __name__ == "__main__": # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''autoPyLoT automatically picks phase onset times using higher order statistics, autoregressive prediction and AIC''') parser.add_argument('-i', '-I', '--inputfile', type=str, action='store', help='''full path to the file containing the input parameters for autoPyLoT''', default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pylot', 'autoPyLoT.in') ) parser.add_argument('-v', '-V', '--version', action='version', version='autoPyLoT ' + __version__, help='show version information and exit') cla = parser.parse_args() autoPyLoT(str(cla.inputfile))