441 lines
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441 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import numpy as np
from pylot.core.active import seismicshot
class Survey(object):
def __init__(self, path, sourcefile, receiverfile, useDefaultParas = False):
The Survey Class contains all shots [type: seismicshot] of a survey
as well as the aquisition geometry and the topography.
self.data = {}
self._topography = None
self._recfile = receiverfile
self._sourcefile = sourcefile
self._obsdir = path
if useDefaultParas == True:
self.setArtificialPick(0, 0)
def _generateSurvey(self):
from obspy.core import read
shot_dict = {}
shotlist = self.getShotlist()
for shotnumber in shotlist: # loop over data files
# generate filenames and read manual picks to a list
obsfile = self._obsdir + str(shotnumber) + '_pickle.dat'
if obsfile not in shot_dict.keys():
shot_dict[shotnumber] = []
shot_dict[shotnumber] = seismicshot.SeismicShot(obsfile)
shot_dict[shotnumber].setParameters('shotnumber', shotnumber)
self.data = shot_dict
print ("Generated Survey object for %d shots" % len(shotlist))
print ("Total number of traces: %d \n" %self.countAllTraces())
def setArtificialPick(self, traceID, pick):
Sets an artificial pick for a traceID of all shots in the survey object.
(This can be used to create a pick with t = 0 at the source origin)
for shot in self.data.values():
shot.setPick(traceID, pick)
def setParametersForShots(self, cutwindow = (0, 0.2), tmovwind = 0.3, tsignal = 0.03, tgap = 0.0007):
if (cutwindow == (0, 0.2) and tmovwind == 0.3 and
tsignal == 0.03 and tgap == 0.0007):
print ("Warning: Standard values used for "
"setParamters. This might not be clever.")
# CHANGE this later. Parameters only needed for survey, not for each shot.
for shot in self.data.values():
shot.setRecfile(self.getPath() + self.getReceiverfile())
shot.setSourcefile(self.getPath() + self.getSourcefile())
shot.setOrder(order = 4)
print ("setParametersForShots: Parameters set to:\n"
"cutwindow = %s, tMovingWindow = %f, tsignal = %f, tgap = %f"
%(cutwindow, tmovwind, tsignal, tgap))
def _removeAllEmptyTraces(self):
filename = 'removeEmptyTraces.out'
count = 0
for shot in self.data.values():
removed = shot.removeEmptyTraces()
if removed is not None:
if count == 0: outfile = open(filename, 'w')
count += 1
outfile.writelines('shot: %s, removed empty traces: %s\n'
%(shot.getShotnumber(), removed))
print ("\nremoveEmptyTraces: Finished! Removed %d traces" %count)
if count > 0:
print ("See %s for more information "
"on removed traces."%(filename))
def _updateShots(self):
filename = 'updateShots.out'
count = 0; countTraces = 0
for shot in self.data.values():
del_traceIDs = shot.updateTraceList()
if len(del_traceIDs) > 0:
if count == 0: outfile = open(filename, 'w')
count += 1
countTraces += len(del_traceIDs)
outfile.writelines("shot: %s, removed traceID(s) %s because "
"they were not found in the corresponding stream\n"
%(shot.getShotnumber(), del_traceIDs))
print ("\nupdateShots: Finished! Updated %d shots and removed "
"%d traces" %(count, countTraces))
if count > 0:
print ("See %s for more information "
"on removed traces."%(filename))
def pickAllShots(self, windowsize, HosAic = 'hos', vmin = 333, vmax = 5500, folm = 0.6):
Automatically pick all traces of all shots of the survey.
from datetime import datetime
starttime = datetime.now()
count = 0; tpicksum = starttime - starttime
for shot in self.data.values():
tstartpick = datetime.now(); count += 1
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
distance = shot.getDistance(traceID) # receive distance
pickwin_used = shot.getCut()
cutwindow = shot.getCut()
# for higher distances use a linear vmin/vmax to cut out late/early regions with high noise
if distance > 5.:
pwleft = distance/vmax ################## TEST
pwright = distance/vmin
if pwright > cutwindow[1]:
pwright = cutwindow[1]
pickwin_used = (pwleft, pwright)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, pickwin_used)
shot.pickTraces(traceID, windowsize, folm, HosAic) # picker
#if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < snrthreshold:
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < shot.getSNRthreshold(traceID):
# set epp and lpp if SNR > 1 (else earllatepicker cant set values)
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] > 1:
tpicksum += (datetime.now() - tstartpick); tpick = tpicksum/count
tremain = (tpick * (len(self.getShotDict()) - count))
tend = datetime.now() + tremain
progress = float(count) / float(len(self.getShotDict())) * 100
self._update_progress(shot.getShotname(), tend, progress)
print('\npickAllShots: Finished\n')
ntraces = self.countAllTraces()
pickedtraces = self.countAllPickedTraces()
print('Picked %s / %s traces (%d %%)\n'
%(pickedtraces, ntraces, float(pickedtraces)/float(ntraces)*100.))
def recover(self):
Recovers all (accidently) removed picks. Still regards SNR threshold.
print('Recovering survey...')
numpicks = 0
for shot in self.data.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getFlag(traceID) == 0:
shot.setFlag(traceID, 1)
if shot.getSNR(traceID)[0] < shot.getSNRthreshold(traceID):
numpicks += 1
print('Recovered %d picks'%numpicks)
def setArtificialPick(self, traceID, pick):
for shot in self.data.values():
shot.setPick(traceID, pick)
shot.setPickwindow(traceID, shot.getCut())
def countAllTraces(self):
numtraces = 0
for shot in self.getShotlist():
for rec in self.getReceiverlist(): ### shot.getReceiverlist etc.
numtraces += 1
return numtraces
def getShotlist(self):
filename = self.getPath() + self.getSourcefile()
srcfile = open(filename,'r')
shotlist = []
for line in srcfile.readlines():
line = line.split()
return shotlist
def getReceiverlist(self):
filename = self.getPath() + self.getReceiverfile()
recfile = open(filename,'r')
reclist = []
for line in recfile.readlines():
line = line.split()
return reclist
def getShotDict(self):
return self.data
def getShot(self, shotnumber):
return self.data[shotnumber]
def getSourcefile(self):
return self._sourcefile
def getReceiverfile(self):
return self._recfile
def getPath(self):
return self._obsdir
def getStats(self):
info_dict = {}
for shot in self.data.values():
pickedTraces = 0
snrlist = []
dist = []
numtraces = len(shot.getTraceIDlist())
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getFlag(traceID) is not 0:
pickedTraces += 1
info_dict[shot.getShotnumber()] = {'numtraces': numtraces,
'picked traces': [pickedTraces,
'%2.2f %%'%(float(pickedTraces) /
float(numtraces) * 100)],
'mean SNR': np.mean(snrlist),
'mean distance': np.mean(dist)}
return info_dict
def getShotForShotnumber(self, shotnumber):
for shot in self.data.values():
if shot.getShotnumber() == shotnumber:
return shot
def exportFMTOMO(self, directory = 'FMTOMO_export', sourcefile = 'input_sf.in', ttFileExtension = '.tt'):
def getAngle(distance):
PI = np.pi
R = 6371.
angle = distance * 180 / (PI * R)
return angle
count = 0
fmtomo_factor = 1000 # transforming [m/s] -> [km/s]
LatAll = []; LonAll = []; DepthAll = []
srcfile = open(directory + '/' + sourcefile, 'w')
srcfile.writelines('%10s\n' %len(self.data)) # number of sources
for shotnumber in self.getShotlist():
shot = self.getShotForShotnumber(shotnumber)
ttfilename = str(shotnumber) + ttFileExtension
(x, y, z) = shot.getSrcLoc() # getSrcLoc returns (x, y, z)
srcfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(getAngle(y), getAngle(x), (-1)*z)) # lat, lon, depth
LatAll.append(getAngle(y)); LonAll.append(getAngle(x)); DepthAll.append((-1)*z)
srcfile.writelines('%10s\n' %1) #
srcfile.writelines('%10s %10s %10s\n' %(1, 1, ttfilename))
ttfile = open(directory + '/' + ttfilename, 'w')
traceIDlist = shot.getTraceIDlist()
ttfile.writelines(str(self.countPickedTraces(shot)) + '\n')
for traceID in traceIDlist:
if shot.getFlag(traceID) is not 0:
pick = shot.getPick(traceID) * fmtomo_factor
delta = shot.getSymmetricPickError(traceID) * fmtomo_factor
(x, y, z) = shot.getRecLoc(traceID)
ttfile.writelines('%20s %20s %20s %10s %10s\n' %(getAngle(y), getAngle(x), (-1)*z, pick, delta))
LatAll.append(getAngle(y)); LonAll.append(getAngle(x)); DepthAll.append((-1)*z)
count += 1
print 'Wrote output for %s traces' %count
print 'WARNING: output generated for FMTOMO-obsdata. Obsdata seems to take Lat, Lon, Depth and creates output for FMTOMO as Depth, Lat, Lon'
print 'Dimensions of the seismic Array, transformed for FMTOMO, are Depth(%s, %s), Lat(%s, %s), Lon(%s, %s)'%(
min(DepthAll), max(DepthAll), min(LatAll), max(LatAll), min(LonAll), max(LonAll))
def countPickedTraces(self, shot):
count = 0
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getFlag(traceID) is not 0:
count += 1
return count
def countAllPickedTraces(self):
count = 0
for shot in self.data.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if shot.getFlag(traceID) is not 0:
count += 1
return count
def plotAllShots(self, rows = 3, columns = 4):
Plots all shots as Matrices with the color corresponding to the traveltime for each receiver.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Topography (z - coordinate) is not considered in the diagrams!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
figPerSubplot = columns * rows
index = 1
#shotnames = []
#shotnumbers = []
# for shot in self.data.values():
# shotnames.append(shot.getShotname())
# shotnumbers.append(shot.getShotnumber())
# shotnumbers = [shotnumbers for (shotnumbers, shotnames) in sorted(zip(shotnumbers, shotnames))]
for shotnumber in self.getShotlist():
if index <= figPerSubplot:
#ax = fig.add_subplot(3,3,i, projection = '3d', title = 'shot:'
#+str(shot_dict[shotnumber].getShotnumber()), xlabel = 'X', ylabel = 'Y', zlabel = 'traveltime')
#shot_dict[shotnumber].plot3dttc(ax = ax, plotpicks = True)
ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 4, index)
self.getShot(shotnumber).matshow(ax = ax, colorbar = False, annotations = True)
index += 1
if index > figPerSubplot:
fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 1, top = 1, wspace = 0, hspace = 0)
fig = plt.figure()
index = 1
fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 1, top = 1, wspace = 0, hspace = 0)
def plotAllPicks(self, plotRemoved = False, colorByVal = 'log10SNR', ax = None, cbar = None, refreshPlot = False):
Plots all picks over the distance between source and receiver. Returns (ax, region).
Picks can be checked and removed by using region class (pylot.core.active.surveyPlotTools.regions)
:param: plotRemoved, if True plots traces that were picked but removed from the survey (flag = 0)
:type: logical
:param: colorByVal, can be "log10SNR", "pickerror", or "spe"
:type: str
- lets the user choose several rectangular regions in the plot
- creates plots (shot.plot_traces) for all traces in the active regions (i.e. chosen by e.g. chooseRectangles)
- highlights all shots in a the active regions for deletion
- deletes the picks (pick flag set to 0) for all shots set for deletion
- deselects the region of number = number
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from pylot.core.active.surveyPlotTools import regions
dist = []
pick = []
snrlog = []
pickerror = []
spe = []
for shot in self.data.values():
for traceID in shot.getTraceIDlist():
if plotRemoved == False:
if shot.getFlag(traceID) is not 0 or plotRemoved == True:
color = {'log10SNR': snrlog,
'pickerror': pickerror,
'spe': spe}
self.color = color
if refreshPlot is False:
ax, cbar = self.createPlot(dist, pick, color[colorByVal], label='%s' % colorByVal)
region = regions(ax, cbar, self)
return (ax, region)
if refreshPlot is True:
ax, cbar = self.createPlot(dist, pick, color[colorByVal], label='%s' % colorByVal, ax=ax, cbar=cbar)
return ax
def createPlot(self, dist, pick, inkByVal, label, ax = None, cbar = None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cm = plt.cm.jet
if ax is None:
print('Generating new plot...')
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
sc = ax.scatter(dist, pick, cmap=cm, c=inkByVal, s=5, edgecolors='none', label=label)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, fraction=0.05)
ax.set_xlabel('Distance [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Time [s]')
ax.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Plot of all picks', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center')
sc = ax.scatter(dist, pick, cmap=cm, c=inkByVal, s=5, edgecolors='none', label=label)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=cbar.ax)
ax.set_xlabel('Distance [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Time [s]')
ax.text(0.5, 0.95, 'Plot of all picks', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center')
return (ax, cbar)
def _update_progress(self, shotname, tend, progress):
sys.stdout.write('Working on shot %s. ETC is %02d:%02d:%02d [%2.2f %%]\r' % (shotname,
def saveSurvey(self, filename = 'survey.pickle'):
import cPickle
outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(self, outfile, -1)
print('saved Survey to file %s'%(filename))
def from_pickle(filename):
import cPickle
infile = open(filename, 'rb')
return cPickle.load(infile)