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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created Oct/Nov 2014
Implementation of the Characteristic Functions (CF) published and described in:
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & EGELADOS Working Group, 2010:
Automated determination of P-phase arrival times at regional and local distances
using higher order statistics, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1159-1170
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Bruestle, A., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & EGELADOS
Working Group, 2012: Automated determination of S-phase arrival times using
autoregressive prediction: application ot local and regional distances, Geophys. J. Int.,
188, 687-702.
:author: MAGS2 EP3 working group
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import Stream
class CharacteristicFunction(object):
SuperClass for different types of characteristic functions.
def __init__(self, data, cut, t2=None, order=None, t1=None, fnoise=None, stealthMode=False):
Initialize data type object with information from the original
:param: data
:type: ``
:param: cut
:type: tuple
:param: t2
:type: float
:param: order
:type: int
:param: t1
:type: float (optional, only for AR)
:param: fnoise
:type: float (optional, only for AR)
assert isinstance(data, Stream), "%s is not a stream object" % str(data)
self.orig_data = data
self.dt = self.orig_data[0]
self.arpara = np.array([])
self.xpred = np.array([])
self._stealthMode = stealthMode
def __str__(self):
return '''\n\t{name} object:\n
def getCut(self):
return self.cut
def setCut(self, cut):
self.cut = cut
def getTime1(self):
return self.t1
def setTime1(self, t1):
self.t1 = t1
def getTime2(self):
return self.t2
def setTime2(self, t2):
self.t2 = t2
def getARdetStep(self):
return self.ARdetStep
def setARdetStep(self, t1):
if t1:
self.ARdetStep = []
self.ARdetStep.append(t1 / 4)
self.ARdetStep.append(int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement()) / 4))
def getOrder(self):
return self.order
def setOrder(self, order):
self.order = order
def getIncrement(self):
:rtype : int
return self.dt
def getTimeArray(self):
incr = self.getIncrement()
self.TimeArray = np.arange(0, len(self.getCF()) * incr, incr) + self.getCut()[0]
return self.TimeArray
def getFnoise(self):
return self.fnoise
def setFnoise(self, fnoise):
self.fnoise = fnoise
def getCF(self):
def getXCF(self):
return self.xcf
def _getStealthMode(self):
return self._stealthMode()
def getDataArray(self, cut=None):
If cut times are given, time series is cut from cut[0] (start time)
till cut[1] (stop time) in order to calculate CF for certain part
only where you expect the signal!
input: cut (tuple) ()
cutting window
if cut is not None:
if len(self.orig_data) == 1:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = len(self.orig_data[0])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] is not 0:
start = 0
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
start = self.cut[0] / self.dt
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
zz = self.orig_data.copy()
z1 = zz[0].copy()
zz[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
data = zz
return data
elif len(self.orig_data) == 2:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = min([len(self.orig_data[0]), len(self.orig_data[1])])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] is not 0:
start = 0
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
start = max([0, self.cut[0] / self.dt])
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
hh = self.orig_data.copy()
h1 = hh[0].copy()
h2 = hh[1].copy()
hh[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[1].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
data = hh
return data
elif len(self.orig_data) == 3:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
len(self.orig_data[1]), len(self.orig_data[2])])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] is not 0:
start = 0
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
start = max([0, self.cut[0] / self.dt])
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
len(self.orig_data[1]), len(self.orig_data[2])])
hh = self.orig_data.copy()
h1 = hh[0].copy()
h2 = hh[1].copy()
h3 = hh[2].copy()
hh[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[1].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[2].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
data = hh
return data
data = self.orig_data.copy()
return data
def calcCF(self, data=None): = data
class AICcf(CharacteristicFunction):
Function to calculate the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) after
Maeda (1985).
:param: data, time series (whether seismogram or CF)
:type: tuple
Output: AIC function
def calcCF(self, data):
# if self._getStealthMode() is False:
# print 'Calculating AIC ...'
x = self.getDataArray()
xnp = x[0].data
nn = np.isnan(xnp)
if len(nn) > 1:
xnp[nn] = 0
datlen = len(xnp)
k = np.arange(1, datlen)
cf = np.zeros(datlen)
cumsumcf = np.cumsum(np.power(xnp, 2))
i = np.where(cumsumcf == 0)
cumsumcf[i] = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
cf[k] = ((k - 1) * np.log(cumsumcf[k] / k) + (datlen - k + 1) *
np.log((cumsumcf[datlen - 1] - cumsumcf[k - 1]) / (datlen - k + 1)))
cf[0] = cf[1]
inf = np.isinf(cf)
ff = np.where(inf == True)
if len(ff) >= 1:
cf[ff] = 0 = cf - np.mean(cf)
self.xcf = x
class HOScf(CharacteristicFunction):
Function to calculate skewness (statistics of order 3) or kurtosis
(statistics of order 4), using one long moving window, as published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2010).
def calcCF(self, data):
x = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
xnp = x[0].data
nn = np.isnan(xnp)
if len(nn) > 1:
xnp[nn] = 0
if self.getOrder() == 3: # this is skewness
# if self._getStealthMode() is False:
# print 'Calculating skewness ...'
y = np.power(xnp, 3)
y1 = np.power(xnp, 2)
elif self.getOrder() == 4: # this is kurtosis
# if self._getStealthMode() is False:
# print 'Calculating kurtosis ...'
y = np.power(xnp, 4)
y1 = np.power(xnp, 2)
# Initialisation
# t2: long term moving window
ilta = int(round(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement()))
lta = y[0]
lta1 = y1[0]
# moving windows
LTA = np.zeros(len(xnp))
for j in range(0, len(xnp)):
if j < 4:
LTA[j] = 0
elif j <= ilta:
lta = (y[j] + lta * (j - 1)) / j
lta1 = (y1[j] + lta1 * (j - 1)) / j
lta = (y[j] - y[j - ilta]) / ilta + lta
lta1 = (y1[j] - y1[j - ilta]) / ilta + lta1
# define LTA
if self.getOrder() == 3:
LTA[j] = lta / np.power(lta1, 1.5)
elif self.getOrder() == 4:
LTA[j] = lta / np.power(lta1, 2)
# remove NaN's with first not-NaN-value,
# so autopicker doesnt pick discontinuity at start of the trace
ind = np.where(~np.isnan(LTA))[0]
if ind.size:
first = ind[0]
LTA[:first] = LTA[first] = LTA
self.xcf = x
class ARZcf(CharacteristicFunction):
def calcCF(self, data):
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from single trace ...')
x = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
xnp = x[0].data
nn = np.isnan(xnp)
if len(nn) > 1:
xnp[nn] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xnoise = xnp + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp))
tend = len(xnp)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xnp))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() # AR-calculation index
for i in range(ldet + self.getOrder(), tend - lpred - 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDetZ(xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPredZ(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred - 1] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[i:i + lpred - 1] - xnp[i:i + lpred - 1], 2)) / lpred)
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = x
def arDetZ(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach.
:param: data, time series to calculate AR parameters from
:type: array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet + 1):
ki = k + 1
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[i] * data[i - ki]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((self.getOrder(), self.getOrder()))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet + 1):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[i - j] * data[i - k]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPredZ(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, time series to be predicted
:type: array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
# be sure of the summation indeces
if rind < len(arpara):
rind = len(arpara)
if rind > len(data) - lpred:
rind = len(data) - lpred
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data) - 2:
lpred = len(data) - 2
z = np.append(data[0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z[i] = z[i] + arpara[ji] * z[i - j]
self.xpred = z
class ARHcf(CharacteristicFunction):
def calcCF(self, data):
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from both horizontal traces ...')
xnp = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
n0 = np.isnan(xnp[0].data)
if len(n0) > 1:
xnp[0].data[n0] = 0
n1 = np.isnan(xnp[1].data)
if len(n1) > 1:
xnp[1].data[n1] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xenoise = xnp[0].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[0].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[0].data))
xnnoise = xnp[1].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[1].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[1].data))
Xnoise = np.array([xenoise.tolist(), xnnoise.tolist()])
tend = len(xnp[0].data)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xenoise))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = lpred + self.getOrder() - 1 # AR-calculation index
# arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() - 1 #AR-calculation index
for i in range(lpred + self.getOrder() - 1, tend - 2 * lpred + 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDetH(Xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPredH(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[0][i:i + lpred] - xnp[0][i:i + lpred], 2) \
+ np.power(self.xpred[1][i:i + lpred] - xnp[1][i:i + lpred], 2)) / (
2 * lpred))
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = xnp
def arDetH(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach. "data" is a structured array.
AR parameters are calculated based on both horizontal components in order
to account for polarization.
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to calculate AR parameters from
:type: structured array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[0, i] * data[0, i - k] + data[1, i] * data[1, i - k]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((4, 4))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[0, i - ji] * data[0, i - ki] + data[1, i - ji] * data[1, i - ki]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPredH(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to be predicted
:type: structured array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
:type: structured array
# be sure of the summation indeces
if rind < len(arpara) + 1:
rind = len(arpara) + 1
if rind > len(data[0]) - lpred + 1:
rind = len(data[0]) - lpred + 1
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data[0]) - 1:
lpred = len(data[0]) - 1
z1 = np.append(data[0][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z2 = np.append(data[1][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z1[i] = z1[i] + arpara[ji] * z1[i - ji]
z2[i] = z2[i] + arpara[ji] * z2[i - ji]
z = np.array([z1.tolist(), z2.tolist()])
self.xpred = z
class AR3Ccf(CharacteristicFunction):
def calcCF(self, data):
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from all 3 components ...')
xnp = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
n0 = np.isnan(xnp[0].data)
if len(n0) > 1:
xnp[0].data[n0] = 0
n1 = np.isnan(xnp[1].data)
if len(n1) > 1:
xnp[1].data[n1] = 0
n2 = np.isnan(xnp[2].data)
if len(n2) > 1:
xnp[2].data[n2] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xenoise = xnp[0].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[0].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[0].data))
xnnoise = xnp[1].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[1].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[1].data))
xznoise = xnp[2].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[2].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[2].data))
Xnoise = np.array([xenoise.tolist(), xnnoise.tolist(), xznoise.tolist()])
tend = len(xnp[0].data)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xenoise))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() - 1 # AR-calculation index
for i in range(ldet + self.getOrder() - 1, tend - 2 * lpred + 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDet3C(Xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPred3C(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[0][i:i + lpred] - xnp[0][i:i + lpred], 2) \
+ np.power(self.xpred[1][i:i + lpred] - xnp[1][i:i + lpred], 2) \
+ np.power(self.xpred[2][i:i + lpred] - xnp[2][i:i + lpred], 2)) / (
3 * lpred))
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = xnp
def arDet3C(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach. "data" is a structured array.
AR parameters are calculated based on both horizontal components and vertical
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to calculate AR parameters from
:type: structured array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[0, i] * data[0, i - k] + data[1, i] * data[1, i - k] \
+ data[2, i] * data[2, i - k]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((4, 4))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[0, i - ji] * data[0, i - ki] + data[1, i - ji] * data[1, i - ki] \
+ data[2, i - ji] * data[2, i - ki]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPred3C(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet3C. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, horizontal and vertical component seismograms to be predicted
:type: structured array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
:type: structured array
# be sure of the summation indeces
if rind < len(arpara) + 1:
rind = len(arpara) + 1
if rind > len(data[0]) - lpred + 1:
rind = len(data[0]) - lpred + 1
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data[0]) - 1:
lpred = len(data[0]) - 1
z1 = np.append(data[0][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z2 = np.append(data[1][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z3 = np.append(data[2][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z1[i] = z1[i] + arpara[ji] * z1[i - ji]
z2[i] = z2[i] + arpara[ji] * z2[i - ji]
z3[i] = z3[i] + arpara[ji] * z3[i - ji]
z = np.array([z1.tolist(), z2.tolist(), z3.tolist()])
self.xpred = z