109 lines
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109 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import os
import subprocess
from obspy import read_events
from pylot.core.io.phases import writephases
from pylot.core.util.utils import getPatternLine, runProgram, which
from pylot.core.util.version import get_git_version as _getVersionString
__version__ = _getVersionString()
class NLLocError(EnvironmentError):
def export(picks, fnout, parameter):
Take <picks> dictionary and exports picking data to a NLLOC-obs
<phasefile> without creating an ObsPy event object.
:param picks: picking data dictionary
:type picks: dict
:param fnout: complete path to the exporting obs file
:type fnout: str
:param: parameter, all input information
:type: object
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
writephases(picks, 'NLLoc', fnout, parameter)
def modify_inputs(ctrfn, root, nllocoutn, phasefn, tttn):
:param ctrfn: name of NLLoc-control file
:type: str
:param root: root path to NLLoc working directory
:type: str
:param nllocoutn: name of NLLoc-location output file
:type: str
:param phasefn: name of NLLoc-input phase file
:type: str
:param tttn: pattern of precalculated NLLoc traveltime tables
:type: str
# For locating the event the NLLoc-control file has to be modified!
# create comment line for NLLoc-control file NLLoc-output file
ctrfile = os.path.join(root, 'run', ctrfn)
nllocout = os.path.join(root, 'loc', nllocoutn)
phasefile = os.path.join(root, 'obs', phasefn)
tttable = os.path.join(root, 'time', tttn)
locfiles = 'LOCFILES %s NLLOC_OBS %s %s 0\n' % (phasefile, tttable, nllocout)
# modification of NLLoc-control file
print("Modifying NLLoc-control file %s ..." % ctrfile)
curlocfiles = getPatternLine(ctrfile, 'LOCFILES')
nllfile = open(ctrfile, 'r')
filedata = nllfile.read()
if filedata.find(locfiles) < 0:
# replace old command
filedata = filedata.replace(curlocfiles, locfiles)
nllfile = open(ctrfile, 'w')
def locate(fnin, infile=None):
takes an external program name
:param fnin:
if infile is None:
exe_path = which('NLLoc')
exe_path = which('NLLoc', infile)
if exe_path is None:
raise NLLocError('NonLinLoc executable not found; check your '
'environment variables')
# locate the event utilizing external NonLinLoc installation
runProgram(exe_path, fnin)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise RuntimeError(e.output)
def read_location(fn):
path, file = os.path.split(fn)
file = glob.glob1(path, file + '.[0-9]*.grid0.loc.hyp')
if len(file) > 1:
raise IOError('ambiguous location name {0}'.format(file))
fn = os.path.join(path, file[0])
return read_events(fn)[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':