113 lines
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113 lines
4.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 26 12:31:25 2014
@author: sebastianw
import os
import platform
from pylot.core.io.inputs import PylotParameter
from pylot.core.loc import hypo71
from pylot.core.loc import hypodd
from pylot.core.loc import hyposat
from pylot.core.loc import nll
from pylot.core.loc import velest
def readDefaultFilterInformation(fname):
pparam = PylotParameter(fname)
return readFilterInformation(pparam)
def readFilterInformation(pylot_parameter):
p_filter = {'filtertype': pylot_parameter['filter_type'][0],
'freq': [pylot_parameter['minfreq'][0], pylot_parameter['maxfreq'][0]],
'order': int(pylot_parameter['filter_order'][0])}
s_filter = {'filtertype': pylot_parameter['filter_type'][1],
'freq': [pylot_parameter['minfreq'][1], pylot_parameter['maxfreq'][1]],
'order': int(pylot_parameter['filter_order'][1])}
filter_information = {'P': p_filter,
'S': s_filter}
return filter_information
# determine system dependent path separator
system_name = platform.system()
if system_name in ["Linux", "Darwin"]:
elif system_name == "Windows":
# suffix for phase name if not phase identified by last letter (P, p, etc.)
ALTSUFFIX = ['diff', 'n', 'g', '1', '2', '3']
FILTERDEFAULTS = readDefaultFilterInformation(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
TIMEERROR_DEFAULTS = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'.cnv': 'CNV',
'.obs': 'NLLOC_OBS'}
LOCTOOLS = dict(nll=nll, hyposat=hyposat, velest=velest, hypo71=hypo71, hypodd=hypodd)
class SetChannelComponents(object):
def __init__(self):
def setDefaultCompPosition(self):
# default component order
self.compPosition_Map = dict(Z=2, N=1, E=0)
self.compName_Map = {'3': 'Z',
'1': 'N',
'2': 'E'}
def _getCurrentPosition(self, component):
for key, value in self.compName_Map.items():
if value == component:
return key, value
errMsg = 'getCurrentPosition: Could not find former position of component {}.'.format(component)
raise ValueError(errMsg)
def _switch(self, component, component_alter):
# Without switching, multiple definitions of the same alter_comp are possible
old_alter_comp, _ = self._getCurrentPosition(component)
old_comp = self.compName_Map[component_alter]
if not old_alter_comp == component_alter and not old_comp == component:
self.compName_Map[old_alter_comp] = old_comp
print('switch: Automatically switched component {} to {}'.format(old_alter_comp, old_comp))
def setCompPosition(self, component_alter, component, switch=True):
component_alter = str(component_alter)
if not component_alter in self.compName_Map.keys():
errMsg = 'setCompPosition: Unrecognized alternative component {}. Expecting one of {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component_alter, self.compName_Map.keys()))
if not component in self.compPosition_Map.keys():
errMsg = 'setCompPosition: Unrecognized target component {}. Expecting one of {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component, self.compPosition_Map.keys()))
print('setCompPosition: set component {} to {}'.format(component_alter, component))
if switch:
self._switch(component, component_alter)
self.compName_Map[component_alter] = component
def getCompPosition(self, component):
return self._getCurrentPosition(component)[0]
def getPlotPosition(self, component):
component = str(component)
if component in self.compPosition_Map.keys():
return self.compPosition_Map[component]
elif component in self.compName_Map.keys():
return self.compPosition_Map[self.compName_Map[component]]
errMsg = 'getCompPosition: Unrecognized component {}. Expecting one of {} or {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component, self.compPosition_Map.keys(), self.compName_Map.keys()))