2021-08-12 15:43:23 +02:00

907 lines
33 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import os
from obspy import read_events
from obspy.core import read, Stream, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import Event as ObsPyEvent
from import SacIOError
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
import pylot.core.loc.velest as velest
import pylot.core.loc.focmec as focmec
import pylot.core.loc.hypodd as hypodd
from import readPILOTEvent, picks_from_picksdict, \
picksdict_from_pilot, merge_picks, PylotParameter
from pylot.core.util.errors import FormatError, OverwriteError
from pylot.core.util.event import Event
from pylot.core.util.obspyDMT_interface import qml_from_obspyDMT
from pylot.core.util.utils import fnConstructor, full_range, check4rotated, \
check4gapsAndMerge, trim_station_components
class Data(object):
Data container with attributes wfdata holding
:type parent: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget object, optional
:param parent: A PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget object utilized when
called by a GUI to display a PySide2.QtWidgets.QMessageBox instead of printing
to standard out.
:type evtdata: ~obspy.core.event.Event object, optional
:param evtdata ~obspy.core.event.Event object containing all derived or
loaded event. Container object holding, e.g. phase arrivals, etc.
def __init__(self, parent=None, evtdata=None):
self._parent = parent
if self.getParent():
self.comp = parent.getComponent()
self.comp = 'Z'
self.wfdata = Stream()
self._new = False
if isinstance(evtdata, ObsPyEvent) or isinstance(evtdata, Event):
elif isinstance(evtdata, dict):
evt = readPILOTEvent(**evtdata)
evtdata = evt
elif isinstance(evtdata, str):
cat = read_events(evtdata)
if len(cat) != 1:
raise ValueError('ambiguous event information for file: '
evtdata = cat[0]
except TypeError as e:
if 'Unknown format for file' in e.message:
if 'PHASES' in evtdata:
picks = picksdict_from_pilot(evtdata)
evtdata = ObsPyEvent()
evtdata.picks = picks_from_picksdict(picks)
elif 'LOC' in evtdata:
raise NotImplementedError('PILOT location information '
'read support not yet '
elif 'event.pkl' in evtdata:
evtdata = qml_from_obspyDMT(evtdata)
raise e
raise e
else: # create an empty Event object
evtdata = ObsPyEvent()
evtdata.picks = []
self.evtdata = evtdata
self.wforiginal = None
self.cuttimes = None
self.dirty = False
self.processed = None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.wfdata)
def __add__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, Data), "operands must be of same type 'Data'"
rs_id = self.get_evt_data().get('resource_id')
rs_id_other = other.get_evt_data().get('resource_id')
if other.isNew() and not self.isNew():
picks_to_add = other.get_evt_data().picks
old_picks = self.get_evt_data().picks
wf_ids_old = [pick.waveform_id for pick in old_picks]
for new_pick in picks_to_add:
wf_id = new_pick.waveform_id
if wf_id in wf_ids_old:
for old_pick in old_picks:
comparison = [old_pick.waveform_id == new_pick.waveform_id,
old_pick.phase_hint == new_pick.phase_hint,
old_pick.method_id == new_pick.method_id]
if all(comparison):
elif not other.isNew() and self.isNew():
new = other + self
self.evtdata = new.get_evt_data()
elif self.isNew() and other.isNew():
elif rs_id == rs_id_other:
return self + other
raise ValueError("both Data objects have differing "
"unique Event identifiers")
return self
def getPicksStr(self):
Return picks in event data
:return: picks seperated by newlines
:rtype: str
picks_str = ''
for pick in self.get_evt_data().picks:
picks_str += str(pick) + '\n'
return picks_str
def getParent(self):
Get PySide.QtGui.QWidget parent object
return self._parent
def isNew(self):
return self._new
def setNew(self):
self._new = True
def getCutTimes(self):
Returns earliest start and latest end of all waveform data
:return: minimum start time and maximum end time as a tuple
:rtype: (UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime)
if self.cuttimes is None:
return self.cuttimes
def updateCutTimes(self):
Update cuttimes to contain earliest start and latest end time
of all waveform data
:rtype: None
self.cuttimes = full_range(self.getWFData())
def getEventFileName(self):
ID = self.getID()
# handle forbidden filenames especially on windows systems
return fnConstructor(str(ID))
def checkEvent(self, event, fcheck, forceOverwrite=False):
Check information in supplied event and own event and replace with own
information if no other information are given or forced by forceOverwrite
:param event: Event that supplies information for comparison
:type event: pylot.core.util.event.Event
:param fcheck: check and delete existing information
can be a str or a list of strings of ['manual', 'auto', 'origin', 'magnitude']
:type fcheck: str, [str]
:param forceOverwrite: Set to true to force overwrite own information. If false,
supplied information from event is only used if there is no own information in that
category (given in fcheck: manual, auto, origin, magnitude)
:type forceOverwrite: bool
:rtype: None
if 'origin' in fcheck:
self.replaceOrigin(event, forceOverwrite)
if 'magnitude' in fcheck:
self.replaceMagnitude(event, forceOverwrite)
if 'auto' in fcheck:
self.replacePicks(event, 'auto')
if 'manual' in fcheck:
self.replacePicks(event, 'manual')
def replaceOrigin(self, event, forceOverwrite=False):
Replace own origin with the one supplied in event if own origin is not
existing or forced by forceOverwrite = True
:param event: Event that supplies information for comparison
:type event: pylot.core.util.event.Event
:param forceOverwrite: always replace own information with supplied one if true
:type forceOverwrite: bool
:rtype: None
if self.get_evt_data().origins or forceOverwrite:
print("Found origin, replace it by new origin.") = self.get_evt_data().origins
def replaceMagnitude(self, event, forceOverwrite=False):
Replace own magnitude with the one supplied in event if own magnitude is not
existing or forced by forceOverwrite = True
:param event: Event that supplies information for comparison
:type event: pylot.core.util.event.Event
:param forceOverwrite: always replace own information with supplied one if true
:type forceOverwrite: bool
:rtype: None
if self.get_evt_data().magnitudes or forceOverwrite:
if event.magnitudes:
print("Found magnitude, replace it by new magnitude")
event.magnitudes = self.get_evt_data().magnitudes
def replacePicks(self, event, picktype):
Replace picks in event with own picks
:param event: Event that supplies information for comparison
:type event: pylot.core.util.event.Event
:param picktype: 'auto' or 'manual' picks
:type picktype: str
:rtype: None
checkflag = 1
picks = event.picks
# remove existing picks
for j, pick in reversed(list(enumerate(picks))):
if picktype in str(
checkflag = 2
except AttributeError as e:
msg = '{}'.format(e)
checkflag = 0
if checkflag > 0:
if checkflag == 1:
print("Write new %s picks to catalog." % picktype)
if checkflag == 2:
print("Found %s pick(s), remove them and append new picks to catalog." % picktype)
# append new picks
for pick in self.get_evt_data().picks:
if picktype in str(
def exportEvent(self, fnout, fnext='.xml', fcheck='auto', upperErrors=None):
Export event to file
:param fnout: basename of file
:param fnext: file extensions xml, cnv, obs, focmec, or/and pha
:param fcheck: check and delete existing information
can be a str or a list of strings of ['manual', 'auto', 'origin', 'magnitude']
from pylot.core.util.defaults import OUTPUTFORMATS
if not type(fcheck) == list:
fcheck = [fcheck]
evtformat = OUTPUTFORMATS[fnext]
except KeyError as e:
errmsg = '{0}; selected file extension {1} not ' \
'supported'.format(e, fnext)
raise FormatError(errmsg)
if hasattr(self.get_evt_data(), 'notes'):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fnout), 'notes.txt'), 'w') as notes_file:
except Exception as e:
print('Warning: Could not save notes.txt: ', str(e))
# check for already existing xml-file
if fnext == '.xml':
if os.path.isfile(fnout + fnext):
print("xml-file already exists! Check content ...")
cat = read_events(fnout + fnext)
if len(cat) > 1:
raise IOError('Ambigious event information in file {}'.format(fnout + fnext))
if len(cat) < 1:
raise IOError('No event information in file {}'.format(fnout + fnext))
event = cat[0]
if not event.resource_id == self.get_evt_data().resource_id:
QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'Different resource IDs!')
self.checkEvent(event, fcheck)
self.get_evt_data().write(fnout + fnext, format=evtformat)
# try exporting event
evtdata_org = self.get_evt_data()
picks = evtdata_org.picks
eventpath = evtdata_org.path
picks_copy = copy.deepcopy(picks)
evtdata_copy = Event(eventpath)
evtdata_copy.picks = picks_copy
# check for stations picked automatically as well as manually
# Prefer manual picks!
for i in range(len(picks)):
if picks[i].method_id == 'manual':
mstation = picks[i].waveform_id.station_code
mstation_ext = mstation + '_'
for k in range(len(picks_copy)):
if ((picks_copy[k].waveform_id.station_code == mstation) or
(picks_copy[k].waveform_id.station_code == mstation_ext)) and \
(picks_copy[k].method_id == 'auto'):
del picks_copy[k]
lendiff = len(picks) - len(picks_copy)
if lendiff != 0:
print("Manual as well as automatic picks available. Prefered the {} manual ones!".format(lendiff))
if upperErrors:
# check for pick uncertainties exceeding adjusted upper errors
# Picks with larger uncertainties will not be saved in output file!
for j in range(len(picks)):
for i in range(len(picks_copy)):
if picks_copy[i].phase_hint[0] == 'P':
if (picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] >= upperErrors[0]) or \
(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty'] is None):
print("Uncertainty exceeds or equal adjusted upper time error!")
print("Adjusted uncertainty: {}".format(upperErrors[0]))
print("Pick uncertainty: {}".format(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty']))
print("{1} P-Pick of station {0} will not be saved in outputfile".format(
del picks_copy[i]
if picks_copy[i].phase_hint[0] == 'S':
if (picks_copy[i].time_errors['upper_uncertainty'] >= upperErrors[1]) or \
(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty'] is None):
print("Uncertainty exceeds or equal adjusted upper time error!")
print("Adjusted uncertainty: {}".format(upperErrors[1]))
print("Pick uncertainty: {}".format(picks_copy[i].time_errors['uncertainty']))
print("{1} S-Pick of station {0} will not be saved in outputfile".format(
del picks_copy[i]
if fnext == '.obs':
evtdata_copy.write(fnout + fnext, format=evtformat)
# write header afterwards
evid = str(evtdata_org.resource_id).split('/')[1]
header = '# EQEVENT: Label: EQ%s Loc: X 0.00 Y 0.00 Z 10.00 OT 0.00 \n' % evid
nllocfile = open(fnout + fnext)
l = nllocfile.readlines()
# Adding A0/Generic Amplitude to .obs file
#l2 = []
#for li in l:
# for amp in evtdata_org.amplitudes:
# if amp.waveform_id.station_code == li[0:5].strip():
# li = li[0:64] + '{:0.2e}'.format(amp.generic_amplitude) + li[73:-1] + '\n'
# l2.append(li)
#l = l2
l.insert(0, header)
nllocfile = open(fnout + fnext, 'w')
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '.cnv':
velest.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '':
infile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pylot', '')
print('Using default input file {}'.format(infile))
parameter = PylotParameter(infile)
focmec.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, parameter, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
if fnext == '.pha':
infile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pylot', '')
print('Using default input file {}'.format(infile))
parameter = PylotParameter(infile)
hypodd.export(picks_copy, fnout + fnext, parameter, eventinfo=self.get_evt_data())
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('''{0} export format
not implemented: {1}'''.format(evtformat, e))
def getComp(self):
Get component (ZNE)
return self.comp
def getID(self):
Get unique resource id
return self.evtdata.get('resource_id').id
return None
def filterWFData(self, kwargs):
Filter waveform data
:param kwargs: arguments to pass through to filter function
data = self.getWFData()
data.taper(0.02, type='cosine')
self.dirty = True
def setWFData(self, fnames, fnames_syn=None, checkRotated=False, metadata=None, tstart=0, tstop=0):
Clear current waveform data and set given waveform data
:param fnames: waveform data names to append
:type fnames: list
self.wfdata = Stream()
self.wforiginal = None
self.wfsyn = Stream()
if tstart == tstop:
tstart = tstop = None
self.tstart = tstart
self.tstop = tstop
# if obspy_dmt:
# wfdir = 'raw'
# self.processed = False
# for fname in fnames:
# if fname.endswith('processed'):
# wfdir = 'processed'
# self.processed = True
# break
# for fpath in fnames:
# if fpath.endswith(wfdir):
# wffnames = [os.path.join(fpath, fname) for fname in os.listdir(fpath)]
# if 'syngine' in fpath.split('/')[-1]:
# wffnames_syn = [os.path.join(fpath, fname) for fname in os.listdir(fpath)]
# else:
# wffnames = fnames
if fnames is not None:
if fnames_syn is not None:
self.appendWFData(fnames_syn, synthetic=True)
return False
# various pre-processing steps:
# remove possible underscores in station names
# self.wfdata = remove_underscores(self.wfdata)
# check for gaps and merge
self.wfdata = check4gapsAndMerge(self.wfdata)
# check for stations with rotated components
if checkRotated and metadata is not None:
self.wfdata = check4rotated(self.wfdata, metadata, verbosity=0)
# trim station components to same start value
trim_station_components(self.wfdata, trim_start=True, trim_end=False)
# make a copy of original data
self.wforiginal = self.getWFData().copy()
self.dirty = False
return True
def appendWFData(self, fnames, synthetic=False):
Read waveform data from fnames and append it to current wf data
:param fnames: waveform data to append
:type fnames: list
assert isinstance(fnames, list), "input parameter 'fnames' is " \
"supposed to be of type 'list' " \
"but is actually" \
" {0}".format(type(fnames))
if self.dirty:
real_or_syn_data = {True: self.wfsyn,
False: self.wfdata}
warnmsg = ''
for fname in set(fnames):
real_or_syn_data[synthetic] += read(fname, starttime=self.tstart, endtime=self.tstop)
except TypeError:
real_or_syn_data[synthetic] += read(fname, format='GSE2', starttime=self.tstart, endtime=self.tstop)
except Exception as e:
real_or_syn_data[synthetic] += read(fname, format='SEGY', starttime=self.tstart, endtime=self.tstop)
except Exception as e:
warnmsg += '{0}\n{1}\n'.format(fname, e)
except SacIOError as se:
warnmsg += '{0}\n{1}\n'.format(fname, se)
if warnmsg:
warnmsg = 'WARNING in appendWFData: unable to read waveform data\n' + warnmsg
def getWFData(self):
return self.wfdata
def getOriginalWFData(self):
return self.wforiginal
def getSynWFData(self):
return self.wfsyn
def resetWFData(self):
Set waveform data to original waveform data
if self.getOriginalWFData():
self.wfdata = self.getOriginalWFData().copy()
self.wfdata = Stream()
self.dirty = False
def resetPicks(self):
Clear all picks from event
self.get_evt_data().picks = []
def get_evt_data(self):
return self.evtdata
def setEvtData(self, event):
self.evtdata = event
def applyEVTData(self, data, typ='pick'):
Either takes an `obspy.core.event.Event` object and applies all new
information on the event to the actual data if typ is 'event or
creates ObsPy pick objects and append it to the picks list from the
PyLoT dictionary contain all picks if type is pick
:param data: data to apply, either picks or complete event
:type data:
:param typ: which event data to apply, 'pick' or 'event'
:type typ: str
:param authority_id: (currently unused)
:type: str
:raise OverwriteError:
def applyPicks(picks):
Creates ObsPy pick objects and append it to the picks list from the
PyLoT dictionary contain all picks.
:param picks:
:raise OverwriteError: raises an OverwriteError if the picks list is
not empty. The GUI will then ask for a decision.
# firstonset = find_firstonset(picks)
# check for automatic picks
print("Writing phases to ObsPy-quakeml file")
for key in picks:
if not picks[key].get('P'):
if picks[key]['P']['picker'] == 'auto':
print("Existing auto-picks will be overwritten in pick-dictionary!")
picks = picks_from_picksdict(picks)
if self.get_evt_data().picks:
raise OverwriteError('Existing picks would be overwritten!')
picks = picks_from_picksdict(picks)
self.get_evt_data().picks = picks
# if 'smi:local' in self.getID() and firstonset:
# fonset_str = firstonset.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
# ID = ResourceIdentifier('event/' + fonset_str)
# ID.convertIDToQuakeMLURI(authority_id=authority_id)
# self.get_evt_data().resource_id = ID
def applyEvent(event):
takes an `obspy.core.event.Event` object and applies all new
information on the event to the actual data
:param event:
if event is None:
print("applyEvent: Received None")
if self.isNew():
# prevent overwriting original pick information
event_old = self.get_evt_data()
if not event_old.resource_id == event.resource_id:
print("WARNING: Missmatch in event resource id's: {} and {}".format(
picks = copy.deepcopy(event_old.picks)
event = merge_picks(event, picks)
# apply event information from location
applydata = {'pick': applyPicks,
'event': applyEvent}
self._new = False
class GenericDataStructure(object):
GenericDataBase type holds all information about the current data-
base working on.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.allowedFields = []
self.expandFields = ['root']
self.dsFields = {}
def modifyFields(self, **kwargs):
:param kwargs:
assert isinstance(kwargs, dict), 'dictionary type object expected'
if not self.extraAllowed():
kwargs = self.updateNotAllowed(kwargs)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = str(key).lower()
if value is not None:
if type(value) not in (str, int, float):
for n, val in enumerate(value):
value[n] = str(val)
value = str(value)
self.setFieldValue(key, value)
except KeyError as e:
errmsg = ''
errmsg += 'WARNING:\n'
errmsg += 'unable to set values for datastructure fields\n'
errmsg += '%s; desired value was: %s\n' % (e, value)
def isField(self, key):
:param key:
return key in self.getFields().keys()
def getFieldValue(self, key):
:param key:
if self.isField(key):
return self.getFields()[key]
def setFieldValue(self, key, value):
:param key:
:param value:
:raise KeyError:
if not self.extraAllowed() and key not in self.getAllowed():
raise KeyError
if not self.isField(key):
print('creating new field "%s"' % key)
self.getFields()[key] = value
def getFields(self):
return self.dsFields
def getExpandFields(self):
return self.expandFields
def setExpandFields(self, keys):
:param keys:
expandFields = []
for key in keys:
if self.isField(key):
self.expandFields = expandFields
def getAllowed(self):
return self.allowedFields
def extraAllowed(self):
return not self.allowedFields
def updateNotAllowed(self, kwargs):
:param kwargs:
for key in kwargs:
if key not in self.getAllowed():
return kwargs
def hasSuffix(self):
except KeyError:
return False
if self.getFieldValue('suffix'):
return True
return False
def expandDataPath(self):
expandList = []
for item in self.getExpandFields():
if self.hasSuffix():
expandList.append('*%s' % self.getFieldValue('suffix'))
return os.path.join(*expandList)
def getCatalogName(self):
return os.path.join(self.getFieldValue('root'), 'catalog.qml')
class PilotDataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
Object containing the data access information for the old PILOT data
def __init__(self, **fields):
if not fields:
fields = {'database': '2006.01',
'root': '/data/Egelados/EVENT_DATA/LOCAL'}
GenericDataStructure.__init__(self, **fields)
self.setExpandFields(['root', 'database'])
class ObspyDMTdataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
Object containing the data access information for the old PILOT data
def __init__(self, **fields):
if not fields:
fields = {'database': '',
'root': ''}
GenericDataStructure.__init__(self, **fields)
self.setExpandFields(['root', 'database'])
class SeiscompDataStructure(GenericDataStructure):
Dictionary containing the data access information for an SDS data archive:
:param str dataType: Desired data type. Default: ``'waveform'``
:param sdate, edate: Either date string or an instance of
:class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime. Default: ``None``
:type sdate, edate: str or UTCDateTime or None
def __init__(self, rootpath='/data/SDS', dataformat='MSEED',
filesuffix=None, **kwargs):
super(GenericDataStructure, self).__init__()
edate = UTCDateTime()
halfyear = UTCDateTime('1970-07-01')
sdate = UTCDateTime(edate - halfyear)
del halfyear
year = ''
if not edate.year == sdate.year:
nyears = edate.year - sdate.year
for yr in range(nyears):
year += '{0:04d},'.format(sdate.year + yr)
year = '{' + year[:-1] + '}'
year = '{0:04d}'.format(sdate.year)
# SDS fields' default values
# definitions from
self.dsFields = {'root': '/data/SDS', 'YEAR': year, 'NET': '??',
'STA': '????', 'CHAN': 'HH?', 'TYPE': 'D', 'LOC': '',
'DAY': '{0:03d}'.format(sdate.julday)
def modifiyFields(self, **kwargs):
:param kwargs:
if kwargs and isinstance(kwargs, dict):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
key = str(key)
if type(value) not in (str, int, float):
for n, val in enumerate(value):
value[n] = str(val)
value = str(value)
self.setFieldValue(key, value)
except KeyError as e:
errmsg = ''
errmsg += 'WARNING:\n'
errmsg += 'unable to set values for SDS fields\n'
errmsg += '%s; desired value was: %s\n' % (e, value)
def setFieldValue(self, key, value):
:param key:
:param value:
if self.isField(key):
self.getFields()[key] = value
print('Warning: trying to set value of non-existent field '
def expandDataPath(self):
fullChan = '{0}.{1}'.format(self.getFields()['CHAN'], self.getType())
dataPath = os.path.join(self.getFields()['SDSdir'],
return dataPath