
783 lines
29 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created Oct/Nov 2014
Implementation of the Characteristic Functions (CF) published and described in:
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & EGELADOS Working Group, 2010:
Automated determination of P-phase arrival times at regional and local distances
using higher order statistics, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1159-1170
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Bruestle, A., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & EGELADOS
Working Group, 2012: Automated determination of S-phase arrival times using
autoregressive prediction: application ot local and regional distances, Geophys. J. Int.,
188, 687-702.
:author: MAGS2 EP3 working group
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from obspy.core import Stream
class CharacteristicFunction(object):
SuperClass for different types of characteristic functions.
def __init__(self, data, cut, t2=None, order=None, t1=None, fnoise=None):
Initialize data type object with information from the original
:param data: stream object containing traces for which the cf should
be calculated
:type data:
:param cut: (starttime, endtime) in seconds relative to beginning of trace
:type cut: tuple
:param t2:
:type t2: float
:param order:
:type order: int
:param t1: float (optional, only for AR)
:param fnoise: (optional, only for AR)
:type fnoise: float
assert isinstance(data, Stream), "%s is not a stream object" % str(data)
self.orig_data = data
self.dt = self.orig_data[0]
self.arpara = np.array([])
self.xpred = np.array([])
def __str__(self):
return '''\n\t{name} object:\n
def getCut(self):
return self.cut
def setCut(self, cut):
self.cut = (int(cut[0]), int(cut[1]))
def getTime1(self):
return self.t1
def setTime1(self, t1):
self.t1 = t1
def getTime2(self):
return self.t2
def setTime2(self, t2):
self.t2 = t2
def getARdetStep(self):
return self.ARdetStep
def setARdetStep(self, t1):
if t1:
self.ARdetStep = []
self.ARdetStep.append(t1 / 4)
self.ARdetStep.append(int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement()) / 4))
def getOrder(self):
return self.order
def setOrder(self, order):
self.order = order
def getIncrement(self):
:rtype : int
return self.dt
def getTimeArray(self):
:return: array if time indices
:rtype: np.array
incr = self.getIncrement()
self.TimeArray = np.arange(0, len(self.getCF()) * incr, incr) + self.getCut()[0]
return self.TimeArray
def getFnoise(self):
return self.fnoise
def setFnoise(self, fnoise):
self.fnoise = fnoise
def getCF(self):
def getXCF(self):
return self.xcf
def getDataArray(self, cut=None):
If cut times are given, time series is cut from cut[0] (start time)
till cut[1] (stop time) in order to calculate CF for certain part
only where you expect the signal!
:param cut: contains (start time, stop time) for cutting the time series
:type cut: tuple
:return: cut data/time series
if cut is not None:
if len(self.orig_data) == 1:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = len(self.orig_data[0])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] != 0:
start = 0
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
start = self.cut[0] / self.dt
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
zz = self.orig_data.copy()
z1 = zz[0].copy()
zz[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
if zz[0].stats.npts == 0: # cut times do not fit data length!
zz[0].data = # take entire data
data = zz
return data
elif len(self.orig_data) == 2:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = min([len(self.orig_data[0]), len(self.orig_data[1])])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] != 0:
start = 0
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
start = max([0, self.cut[0] / self.dt])
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
hh = self.orig_data.copy()
h1 = hh[0].copy()
h2 = hh[1].copy()
hh[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[1].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
data = hh
return data
elif len(self.orig_data) == 3:
if self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] == 0:
start = 0
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
len(self.orig_data[1]), len(self.orig_data[2])])
elif self.cut[0] == 0 and self.cut[1] != 0:
start = 0
stop = self.cut[1] / self.dt
start = max([0, self.cut[0] / self.dt])
stop = min([self.cut[1] / self.dt, len(self.orig_data[0]),
len(self.orig_data[1]), len(self.orig_data[2])])
hh = self.orig_data.copy()
h1 = hh[0].copy()
h2 = hh[1].copy()
h3 = hh[2].copy()
hh[0].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[1].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
hh[2].data =[int(start):int(stop)]
data = hh
return data
data = self.orig_data.copy()
return data
def calcCF(self, data=None): = data
class AICcf(CharacteristicFunction):
def calcCF(self, data):
Function to calculate the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) after Maeda (1985).
:param data: data, time series (whether seismogram or CF)
:type data: tuple
:return: AIC function
x = self.getDataArray()
xnp = x[0].data
ind = np.where(~np.isnan(xnp))[0]
if ind.size:
xnp[:ind[0]] = xnp[ind[0]]
xnp = signal.tukey(len(xnp), alpha=0.05) * xnp
xnp = xnp - np.mean(xnp)
datlen = len(xnp)
k = np.arange(1, datlen)
cf = np.zeros(datlen)
cumsumcf = np.cumsum(np.power(xnp, 2))
i = np.where(cumsumcf == 0)
cumsumcf[i] = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
cf[k] = ((k - 1) * np.log(cumsumcf[k] / k) + (datlen - k + 1) *
np.log((cumsumcf[datlen - 1] - cumsumcf[k - 1]) / (datlen - k + 1)))
cf[0] = cf[1]
inf = np.isinf(cf)
ff = np.where(inf is True)
if len(ff) >= 1:
cf[ff] = 0 = cf - np.mean(cf)
self.xcf = x
class HOScf(CharacteristicFunction):
def __init__(self, data, cut, pickparams):
Call parent constructor while extracting the right parameters:
:param pickparams: PylotParameters instance
super(HOScf, self).__init__(data, cut, pickparams["tlta"], pickparams["hosorder"])
def calcCF(self, data):
Function to calculate skewness (statistics of order 3) or kurtosis
(statistics of order 4), using one long moving window, as published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2010), or order 2, i.e. STA/LTA.
:param data: data, time series (whether seismogram or CF)
:type data: tuple
:return: HOS cf
x = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
xnp = x[0].data
nn = np.isnan(xnp)
if len(nn) > 1:
xnp[nn] = 0
if self.getOrder() == 3: # this is skewness
y = np.power(xnp, 3)
y1 = np.power(xnp, 2)
elif self.getOrder() == 4: # this is kurtosis
y = np.power(xnp, 4)
y1 = np.power(xnp, 2)
elif self.getOrder() == 2: # this is variance, used for STA/LTA processing
y = np.power(xnp, 2)
y1 = np.power(xnp, 2)
# Initialisation
# t2: long term moving window
ilta = int(round(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement()))
ista = int(round((self.getTime2() / 10) / self.getIncrement())) # TODO: still hard coded!!
lta = y[0]
lta1 = y1[0]
sta = y[0]
# moving windows
LTA = np.zeros(len(xnp))
STA = np.zeros(len(xnp))
for j in range(0, len(xnp)):
if j < 4:
LTA[j] = 0
STA[j] = 0
elif j <= ista:
lta = (y[j] + lta * (j - 1)) / j
if self.getOrder() == 2:
sta = (y[j] + sta * (j - 1)) / j
# elif j < 4:
elif j <= ilta:
lta = (y[j] + lta * (j - 1)) / j
lta1 = (y1[j] + lta1 * (j - 1)) / j
if self.getOrder() == 2:
sta = (y[j] - y[j - ista]) / ista + sta
lta = (y[j] - y[j - ilta]) / ilta + lta
lta1 = (y1[j] - y1[j - ilta]) / ilta + lta1
if self.getOrder() == 2:
sta = (y[j] - y[j - ista]) / ista + sta
# define LTA
if self.getOrder() == 3:
LTA[j] = lta / np.power(lta1, 1.5)
elif self.getOrder() == 4:
LTA[j] = lta / np.power(lta1, 2)
LTA[j] = lta
STA[j] = sta
# remove NaN's with first not-NaN-value,
# so autopicker doesnt pick discontinuity at start of the trace
ind = np.where(~np.isnan(LTA))[0]
if ind.size:
first = ind[0]
LTA[:first] = LTA[first]
if self.getOrder() > 2: = LTA
else: # order 2 means STA/LTA! = STA / LTA
self.xcf = x
class ARZcf(CharacteristicFunction):
def __init__(self, data, cut, t1, t2, pickparams):
super(ARZcf, self).__init__(data, cut, t1=t1, t2=t2, order=pickparams["Parorder"],
def calcCF(self, data):
function used to calculate the AR prediction error from a single vertical trace. Can be used to pick
P onsets.
:param data:
:type data:
:return: ARZ cf
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from single trace ...')
x = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
xnp = x[0].data
nn = np.isnan(xnp)
if len(nn) > 1:
xnp[nn] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xnoise = xnp + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp))
tend = len(xnp)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xnp))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() # AR-calculation index
for i in range(ldet + self.getOrder(), tend - lpred - 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDetZ(xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPredZ(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred - 1] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[i:i + lpred - 1] - xnp[i:i + lpred - 1], 2)) / lpred)
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
if np.size(ino):
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = x
def arDetZ(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach.
:param: data, time series to calculate AR parameters from
:type: array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet + 1):
ki = k + 1
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[i] * data[i - ki]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((self.getOrder(), self.getOrder()))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet + 1):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[i - j] * data[i - k]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPredZ(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, time series to be predicted
:type: array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
# be sure of the summation indices
if rind < len(arpara):
rind = len(arpara)
if rind > len(data) - lpred:
rind = len(data) - lpred
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data) - 2:
lpred = len(data) - 2
z = np.append(data[0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z[i] = z[i] + arpara[ji] * z[i - j]
self.xpred = z
class ARHcf(CharacteristicFunction):
def __init__(self, data, cut, t1, t2, pickparams):
super(ARHcf, self).__init__(data, cut, t1=t1, t2=t2, order=pickparams["Sarorder"],
def calcCF(self, data):
Function to calculate a characteristic function using autoregressive modelling of the waveform of
both horizontal traces.
The waveform is predicted in a moving time window using the calculated AR parameters. The difference
between the predicted and the actual waveform servers as a characteristic function.
:param data: wavefor stream
:type data:
:return: ARH cf
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from both horizontal traces ...')
xnp = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
n0 = np.isnan(xnp[0].data)
if len(n0) > 1:
xnp[0].data[n0] = 0
n1 = np.isnan(xnp[1].data)
if len(n1) > 1:
xnp[1].data[n1] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xenoise = xnp[0].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[0].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[0].data))
xnnoise = xnp[1].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[1].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[1].data))
Xnoise = np.array([xenoise.tolist(), xnnoise.tolist()])
tend = len(xnp[0].data)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xenoise))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = lpred + self.getOrder() - 1 # AR-calculation index
# arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() - 1 #AR-calculation index
for i in range(lpred + self.getOrder() - 1, tend - 2 * lpred + 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDetH(Xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPredH(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[0][i:i + lpred] - xnp[0][i:i + lpred], 2)
+ np.power(self.xpred[1][i:i + lpred] - xnp[1][i:i + lpred], 2)
) / (2 * lpred))
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
if np.size(ino):
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = xnp
def arDetH(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach. "data" is a structured array.
AR parameters are calculated based on both horizontal components in order
to account for polarization.
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to calculate AR parameters from
:type: structured array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[0, i] * data[0, i - k] + data[1, i] * data[1, i - k]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((4, 4))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[0, i - ji] * data[0, i - ki] \
+ data[1, i - ji] * data[1, i - ki]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPredH(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to be predicted
:type: structured array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
:type: structured array
# be sure of the summation indeces
if rind < len(arpara) + 1:
rind = len(arpara) + 1
if rind > len(data[0]) - lpred + 1:
rind = len(data[0]) - lpred + 1
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data[0]) - 1:
lpred = len(data[0]) - 1
z1 = np.append(data[0][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z2 = np.append(data[1][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z1[i] = z1[i] + arpara[ji] * z1[i - ji]
z2[i] = z2[i] + arpara[ji] * z2[i - ji]
z = np.array([z1.tolist(), z2.tolist()])
self.xpred = z
class AR3Ccf(CharacteristicFunction):
def __init__(self, data, cut, t1, t2, pickparams):
super(AR3Ccf, self).__init__(data, cut, t1=t1, t2=t2, order=pickparams["Sarorder"],
def calcCF(self, data):
Function to calculate a characteristic function using autoregressive modelling of the waveform of
all three traces.
The waveform is predicted in a moving time window using the calculated AR parameters. The difference
between the predicted and the actual waveform servers as a characteristic function
:param data: stream holding all three traces
:type data:
:return: AR3C cf
print('Calculating AR-prediction error from all 3 components ...')
xnp = self.getDataArray(self.getCut())
n0 = np.isnan(xnp[0].data)
if len(n0) > 1:
xnp[0].data[n0] = 0
n1 = np.isnan(xnp[1].data)
if len(n1) > 1:
xnp[1].data[n1] = 0
n2 = np.isnan(xnp[2].data)
if len(n2) > 1:
xnp[2].data[n2] = 0
# some parameters needed
# add noise to time series
xenoise = xnp[0].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[0].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[0].data))
xnnoise = xnp[1].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[1].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[1].data))
xznoise = xnp[2].data + np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, len(xnp[2].data)) * self.getFnoise() * max(abs(xnp[2].data))
Xnoise = np.array([xenoise.tolist(), xnnoise.tolist(), xznoise.tolist()])
tend = len(xnp[0].data)
# Time1: length of AR-determination window [sec]
# Time2: length of AR-prediction window [sec]
ldet = int(round(self.getTime1() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-determination window [samples]
lpred = int(np.ceil(self.getTime2() / self.getIncrement())) # length of AR-prediction window [samples]
cf = np.zeros(len(xenoise))
loopstep = self.getARdetStep()
arcalci = ldet + self.getOrder() - 1 # AR-calculation index
for i in range(ldet + self.getOrder() - 1, tend - 2 * lpred + 1):
if i == arcalci:
# determination of AR coefficients
# to speed up calculation, AR-coefficients are calculated only every i+loopstep[1]!
self.arDet3C(Xnoise, self.getOrder(), i - ldet, i)
arcalci = arcalci + loopstep[1]
# AR prediction of waveform using calculated AR coefficients
self.arPred3C(xnp, self.arpara, i + 1, lpred)
# prediction error = CF
cf[i + lpred] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.xpred[0][i:i + lpred] - xnp[0][i:i + lpred], 2)
+ np.power(self.xpred[1][i:i + lpred] - xnp[1][i:i + lpred], 2)
+ np.power(self.xpred[2][i:i + lpred] - xnp[2][i:i + lpred], 2)
) / (3 * lpred))
nn = np.isnan(cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
cf[nn] = 0
# remove zeros and artefacts
tap = np.hanning(len(cf))
cf = tap * cf
io = np.where(cf == 0)
ino = np.where(cf > 0)
if np.size(ino):
cf[io] = cf[ino[0][0]] = cf
self.xcf = xnp
def arDet3C(self, data, order, rind, ldet):
Function to calculate AR parameters arpara after Thomas Meier (CAU), published
in Kueperkoch et al. (2012). This function solves SLE using the Moore-
Penrose inverse, i.e. the least-squares approach. "data" is a structured array.
AR parameters are calculated based on both horizontal components and vertical
:param: data, horizontal component seismograms to calculate AR parameters from
:type: structured array
:param: order, order of AR process
:type: int
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: ldet, length of AR-determination window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: AR parameters arpara
# recursive calculation of data vector (right part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. (2012)
rhs = np.zeros(self.getOrder())
for k in range(0, self.getOrder()):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
rhs[k] = rhs[k] + data[0, i] * data[0, i - k] + data[1, i] * data[1, i - k] \
+ data[2, i] * data[2, i - k]
# recursive calculation of data array (second sum at left part of eq. 6.5 in Kueperkoch et al. 2012)
A = np.zeros((4, 4))
for k in range(1, self.getOrder() + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
for i in range(rind, ldet):
ki = k - 1
ji = j - 1
A[ki, ji] = A[ki, ji] + data[0, i - ji] * data[0, i - ki] \
+ data[1, i - ji] * data[1, i - ki] \
+ data[2, i - ji] * data[2, i - ki]
A[ji, ki] = A[ki, ji]
# apply Moore-Penrose inverse for SVD yielding the AR-parameters
self.arpara =, rhs)
def arPred3C(self, data, arpara, rind, lpred):
Function to predict waveform, assuming an autoregressive process of order
p (=size(arpara)), with AR parameters arpara calculated in arDet3C. After
Thomas Meier (CAU), published in Kueperkoch et al. (2012).
:param: data, horizontal and vertical component seismograms to be predicted
:type: structured array
:param: arpara, AR parameters
:type: float
:param: rind, first running summation index
:type: int
:param: lpred, length of prediction window (=end of summation index)
:type: int
Output: predicted waveform z
:type: structured array
# be sure of the summation indeces
if rind < len(arpara) + 1:
rind = len(arpara) + 1
if rind > len(data[0]) - lpred + 1:
rind = len(data[0]) - lpred + 1
if lpred < 1:
lpred = 1
if lpred > len(data[0]) - 1:
lpred = len(data[0]) - 1
z1 = np.append(data[0][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z2 = np.append(data[1][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
z3 = np.append(data[2][0:rind], np.zeros(lpred))
for i in range(rind, rind + lpred):
for j in range(1, len(arpara) + 1):
ji = j - 1
z1[i] = z1[i] + arpara[ji] * z1[i - ji]
z2[i] = z2[i] + arpara[ji] * z2[i - ji]
z3[i] = z3[i] + arpara[ji] * z3[i - ji]
z = np.array([z1.tolist(), z2.tolist(), z3.tolist()])
self.xpred = z