
253 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import argparse
import glob
import subprocess
import string
from obspy.core import read, UTCDateTime
from import Data
from import AutoPickParameter
from pylot.core.util.structure import DATASTRUCTURE
from pylot.core.pick.autopick import autopickevent, iteratepicker
from pylot.core.loc.nll import *
from pylot.core.util.version import get_git_version as _getVersionString
__version__ = _getVersionString()
def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
Determine phase onsets automatically utilizing the automatic picking
algorithms by Kueperkoch et al. 2010/2012.
:param inputfile: path to the input file containing all parameter
information for automatic picking (for formatting details, see.
:type inputfile: str
.. rubric:: Example
splash = '''************************************\n
*********autoPyLoT starting*********\n
The Python picking and Location Tool\n
Version {version} 2015\n
S. Wehling-Benatelli (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)\n
L. Küperkoch (BESTEC GmbH, Landau i. d. Pfalz)\n
K. Olbert (Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel)\n
# reading parameter file
parameter = AutoPickParameter(inputfile)
data = Data()
# getting information on data structure
if parameter.hasParam('datastructure'):
datastructure = DATASTRUCTURE[parameter.getParam('datastructure')]()
dsfields = {'root' :parameter.getParam('rootpath'),
'dpath' :parameter.getParam('datapath'),
'dbase' :parameter.getParam('database')}
exf = ['root', 'dpath', 'dbase']
if parameter.hasParam('eventID'):
dsfields['eventID'] = parameter.getParam('eventID')
# check if default location routine NLLoc is available
if parameter.hasParam('nllocbin'):
locflag = 1
# get NLLoc-root path
nllocroot = parameter.getParam('nllocroot')
# get path to NLLoc executable
nllocbin = parameter.getParam('nllocbin')
nlloccall = '%s/NLLoc' % nllocbin
# get name of phase file
phasef = parameter.getParam('phasefile')
phasefile = '%s/obs/%s' % (nllocroot, phasef)
# get name of NLLoc-control file
ctrf = parameter.getParam('ctrfile')
ctrfile = '%s/run/%s' % (nllocroot, ctrf)
# pattern of NLLoc ttimes from location grid
ttpat = parameter.getParam('ttpatter')
# pattern of NLLoc-output file
nllocoutpatter = parameter.getParam('outpatter')
locflag = 0
print (" !!! ")
print ("!!No location routine available, autoPyLoT is running in non-location mode!!")
print (" !!! ")
# multiple event processing
# read each event in database
datapath = datastructure.expandDataPath()
if not parameter.hasParam('eventID'):
for event in [events for events in glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, '*')) if os.path.isdir(events)]:
data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, event, '*')))
print('Working on event %s' % event)
wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams
# !automated picking starts here!
picks = autopickevent(wfdat, parameter)
# locating
if locflag == 1:
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# For locating the event the NLLoc-control file has to be modified!
evID = event[string.rfind(event, "/") + 1 : len(events) - 1]
nllocout = '%s_%s' % (evID, nllocoutpatter)
# create comment line for NLLoc-control file
modifyInputFile(ctrf, nllocroot, nllocout, phasef, ttpat)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
# !iterative picking if traces remained unpicked or occupied with bad picks!
# get theoretical onset times for picks with weights >= 4
# in order to reprocess them using smaller time windows around theoretical onset
# get stations with bad onsets
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No bad onsets found, thus no iterative picking necessary!")
print("autoPyLoT: Found bad onsets at station(s) %s, starting re-picking them ...") \
% badpicks
# get theoretical P-onset times from NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
# get latest file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
if os.path.isfile(nllocfile):
picks = iteratepicker(wfdat, nllocfile, picks, badpicks, parameter)
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")
# write phase files for various location routines
# HYPO71
hypo71file = '%s/%s/autoPyLoT_HYPO71.pha' % (datapath, evID)
writephases(picks, 'HYPO71', hypo71file)
endsplash = '''------------------------------------------\n'
-----Finished event %s!-----\n'
------------------------------------------'''.format \
(version=_getVersionString()) % evID
if locflag == 0:
print("autoPyLoT was running in non-location mode!")
# single event processing
data.setWFData(glob.glob(os.path.join(datapath, parameter.getParam('eventID'), '*')))
print("Working on event "), parameter.getParam('eventID')
print data
wfdat = data.getWFData() # all available streams
# !automated picking starts here!
picks = autopickevent(wfdat, parameter)
# locating
if locflag == 1:
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# For locating the event the NLLoc-control file has to be modified!
nllocout = '%s_%s' % (parameter.getParam('eventID'), nllocoutpatter)
# create comment line for NLLoc-control file
modifyInputFile(ctrf, nllocroot, nllocout, phasef, ttpat)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
# !iterative picking if traces remained unpicked or occupied with bad picks!
# get theoretical onset times for picks with weights >= 4
# in order to reprocess them using smaller time windows around theoretical onset
# get stations with bad onsets
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No bad onsets found, thus no iterative picking necessary!")
print("autoPyLoT: Found bad onsets at station(s) %s, starting re-picking them ...") \
% badpicks
# get theoretical P-onset times from NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
# get latest file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
if os.path.isfile(nllocfile):
picks = iteratepicker(wfdat, nllocfile, picks, badpicks, parameter)
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")
# write phase files for various location routines
# HYPO71
hypo71file = '%s/%s/autoPyLoT_HYPO71.pha' % (datapath, parameter.getParam('eventID'))
writephases(picks, 'HYPO71', hypo71file)
endsplash = '''------------------------------------------\n'
-----Finished event %s!-----\n'
------------------------------------------'''.format \
(version=_getVersionString()) % parameter.getParam('eventID')
if locflag == 0:
print("autoPyLoT was running in non-location mode!")
endsp = '''####################################\n
*********autoPyLoT terminates*******\n
The Python picking and Location Tool\n
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='''autoPyLoT automatically picks phase onset times using higher order statistics,
autoregressive prediction and AIC''')
parser.add_argument('-i', '-I', '--inputfile', type=str,
help='''full path to the file containing the input
parameters for autoPyLoT''',
default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pylot',
parser.add_argument('-v', '-V', '--version', action='version',
version='autoPyLoT ' + __version__,
help='show version information and exit')
cla = parser.parse_args()