
111 lines
4.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 26 12:31:25 2014
@author: sebastianw
import os
from pylot.core.loc import nll
from pylot.core.loc import hyposat
from pylot.core.loc import hypo71
from pylot.core.loc import hypodd
from pylot.core.loc import velest
def readFilterInformation(fname):
def convert2FreqRange(*args):
if len(args) > 1:
return [float(arg) for arg in args]
elif len(args) == 1:
return float(args[0])
return None
filter_file = open(fname, 'r')
filter_information = dict()
for filter_line in filter_file.readlines():
filter_line = filter_line.split(' ')
for n, pos in enumerate(filter_line):
if pos == '\n':
filter_line[n] = ''
filter_information[filter_line[0]] = {'filtertype': filter_line[1]
if filter_line[1]
else None,
'order': int(filter_line[2])
if filter_line[1]
else None,
'freq': convert2FreqRange(*filter_line[3:])
if filter_line[1]
else None}
return filter_information
FILTERDEFAULTS = readFilterInformation(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
TIMEERROR_DEFAULTS = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
'.cnv': 'CNV',
'.obs': 'NLLOC_OBS'}
LOCTOOLS = dict(nll=nll, hyposat=hyposat, velest=velest, hypo71=hypo71, hypodd=hypodd)
class SetChannelComponents(object):
def __init__(self):
def setDefaultCompPosition(self):
# default component order
self.compPosition_Map = dict(Z=2, N=1, E=0)
self.compName_Map = {'3': 'Z',
'1': 'N',
'2': 'E'}
def _getCurrentPosition(self, component):
for key, value in self.compName_Map.items():
if value == component:
return key, value
errMsg = 'getCurrentPosition: Could not find former position of component {}.'.format(component)
raise ValueError(errMsg)
def _switch(self, component, component_alter):
# Without switching, multiple definitions of the same alter_comp are possible
old_alter_comp, _ = self._getCurrentPosition(component)
old_comp = self.compName_Map[component_alter]
if not old_alter_comp == component_alter and not old_comp == component:
self.compName_Map[old_alter_comp] = old_comp
print('switch: Automatically switched component {} to {}'.format(old_alter_comp, old_comp))
def setCompPosition(self, component_alter, component, switch=True):
component_alter = str(component_alter)
if not component_alter in self.compName_Map.keys():
errMsg='setCompPosition: Unrecognized alternative component {}. Expecting one of {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component_alter, self.compName_Map.keys()))
if not component in self.compPosition_Map.keys():
errMsg='setCompPosition: Unrecognized target component {}. Expecting one of {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component, self.compPosition_Map.keys()))
print('setCompPosition: set component {} to {}'.format(component_alter, component))
if switch:
self._switch(component, component_alter)
self.compName_Map[component_alter] = component
def getCompPosition(self, component):
return self._getCurrentPosition(component)[0]
def getPlotPosition(self, component):
component = str(component)
if component in self.compPosition_Map.keys():
return self.compPosition_Map[component]
elif component in self.compName_Map.keys():
return self.compPosition_Map[self.compName_Map[component]]
errMsg='getCompPosition: Unrecognized component {}. Expecting one of {} or {}.'
raise ValueError(errMsg.format(component, self.compPosition_Map.keys(), self.compName_Map.keys()))