
538 lines
20 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import logging
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime, read_inventory, read
from import Parser
from pylot.core.util.utils import key_for_set_value, find_in_list, \
class Metadata(object):
def __init__(self, inventory=None, verbosity=1):
self.inventories = []
# saves read metadata objects (Parser/inventory) for a filename
self.inventory_files = {}
# saves filenames holding metadata for a seed_id
# seed id as key, path to file as value
self.seed_ids = {}
self.stations_dict = {}
# saves which metadata files are from obspy dmt
self.obspy_dmt_invs = []
if inventory:
if os.path.isdir(inventory):
if os.path.isfile(inventory):
self.verbosity = verbosity
def __str__(self):
repr = 'PyLoT Metadata object including the following inventories:\n\n'
ntotal = len(self.inventories)
for index, inventory in enumerate(self.inventories):
if index < 2 or (ntotal - index) < 3:
repr += '{}\n'.format(inventory)
if ntotal > 4 and int(ntotal / 2) == index:
repr += '...\n'
if ntotal > 4:
repr += '\nTotal of {} inventories. Use Metadata.inventories to see all.'.format(ntotal)
return repr
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def add_inventory(self, path_to_inventory, obspy_dmt_inv=False):
Add path to list of inventories.
:param path_to_inventory: Path to a folder
:type path_to_inventory: str
:return: None
assert (os.path.isdir(path_to_inventory)), '{} is no directory'.format(path_to_inventory)
if path_to_inventory not in self.inventories:
if obspy_dmt_inv == True:
def add_inventory_file(self, path_to_inventory_file):
Add the folder in which the file exists to the list of inventories.
:param path_to_inventory_file: full path including filename
:type path_to_inventory_file: str
:return: None
assert (os.path.isfile(path_to_inventory_file)), '{} is no file'.format(path_to_inventory_file)
if path_to_inventory_file not in self.inventory_files.keys():
def remove_all_inventories(self):
def remove_inventory(self, path_to_inventory):
Remove a path from inventories list. If path is not in inventories list, do nothing.
:param path_to_inventory: Path to a folder
if not path_to_inventory in self.inventories:
print('Path {} not in inventories list.'.format(path_to_inventory))
for filename in list(self.inventory_files.keys()):
if filename.startswith(path_to_inventory):
del (self.inventory_files[filename])
for seed_id in list(self.seed_ids.keys()):
if self.seed_ids[seed_id].startswith(path_to_inventory):
del (self.seed_ids[seed_id])
# have to clean self.stations_dict as well
# this will be rebuilt for the next init of the arraymap anyway, so just reset it
self.stations_dict = {}
def clear_inventory(self):
for inv in self.obspy_dmt_invs:
self.obspy_dmt_invs = []
def get_metadata(self, seed_id, time=None):
Get metadata for seed id at time. When time is not specified, metadata for current time is fetched.
:param seed_id: Seed id such as BW.WETR..HHZ (Network.Station.Location.Channel)
:type seed_id: str
:param time: Time for which the metadata should be returned
:type time: UTCDateTime
:return: Dictionary with keys data and invtype.
data is a or an obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory depending on the metadata
invtype is a string denoting of which type the value of the data key is. It can take the values 'dless',
'dseed', 'xml', 'resp', according to the filetype of the metadata.
:rtype: dict
# try most recent data if no time is specified
if not time:
time = UTCDateTime()
# get metadata for a specific seed_id, if not already read, try to read from inventories
if not seed_id in self.seed_ids.keys():
# if seed id is not found read all inventories and try to find it there
if not seed_id in self.seed_ids.keys():
if self.verbosity:
print('No data found for seed id {}. Trying to find it in all known inventories...'.format(seed_id))
for inv_fname, metadata_dict in self.inventory_files.items():
# use get_coordinates to check for seed_id
metadata_dict['data'].get_coordinates(seed_id, time)
self.seed_ids[seed_id] = inv_fname
if self.verbosity:
print('Found metadata for station {}!'.format(seed_id))
return metadata_dict
except Exception as e:
print('Could not find metadata for station {}'.format(seed_id))
return None
fname = self.seed_ids[seed_id]
return self.inventory_files[fname]
def read_all(self):
Read all metadata files found in all inventories
# iterate over all inventory folders
for inventory in self.inventories:
# iterate over all inventory files in the current folder
for inv_fname in os.listdir(inventory):
inv_fname = os.path.join(inventory, inv_fname)
if not self.read_single_file(inv_fname):
def read_single_file(self, inv_fname):
Try to read a single file as Parser/Inventory and add its dictionary to inventory files if reading sudceeded.
:param inv_fname: path/filename of inventory file
:type inv_fname: str
:rtype: None
# return if it was read already
if self.inventory_files.get(inv_fname, None):
invtype, robj = self._read_metadata_file(inv_fname)
if robj is None:
except Exception as e:
print('Could not read file {}'.format(inv_fname))
self.inventory_files[inv_fname] = {'invtype': invtype,
'data': robj}
return True
def get_coordinates(self, seed_id, time=None):
Get coordinates of given seed id.
:param seed_id: Seed id such as BW.WETR..HHZ (Network.Station.Location.Channel)
:type seed_id: str
:param time: Used when a station has data available at multiple time intervals
:type time: UTCDateTime
:return: dict containing position information of the station
:rtype: dict
# try most recent data if no time is specified
if not time:
time = UTCDateTime()
metadata = self.get_metadata(seed_id, time)
if not metadata:
return metadata['data'].get_coordinates(seed_id, time)
# no specific exception defined in obspy inventory
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f'Could not get metadata for {seed_id}')
def get_all_coordinates(self):
def stat_info_from_parser(parser):
for station in parser.stations:
station_name = station[0].station_call_letters
network_name = station[0].network_code
if not station_name in self.stations_dict.keys():
st_id = '{}.{}'.format(network_name, station_name)
self.stations_dict[st_id] = {'latitude': station[0].latitude,
'longitude': station[0].longitude,
'elevation': station[0].elevation}
def stat_info_from_inventory(inventory):
for network in inventory.networks:
for station in network.stations:
station_name = station.code
network_name = network.code
if not station_name in self.stations_dict.keys():
st_id = '{}.{}'.format(network_name, station_name)
self.stations_dict[st_id] = {'latitude': station[0].latitude,
'longitude': station[0].longitude,
'elevation': station[0].elevation}
read_stat = {'xml': stat_info_from_inventory,
'dless': stat_info_from_parser}
for item in self.inventory_files.values():
inventory = item['data']
invtype = item['invtype']
return self.stations_dict
def get_paz(self, seed_id, time):
:param seed_id: Seed id such as BW.WETR..HHZ (Network.Station.Location.Channel)
:type seed_id: str
:param time: Used when a station has data available at multiple time intervals
:type time: UTCDateTime
:rtype: dict
metadata = self.get_metadata(seed_id)
if not metadata:
if metadata['invtype'] in ['dless', 'dseed']:
return metadata['data'].get_paz(seed_id, time)
elif metadata['invtype'] in ['resp', 'xml']:
resp = metadata['data'].get_response(seed_id, time)
return resp.get_paz(seed_id)
def _read_inventory_data(self, seed_id):
for inventory in self.inventories:
if self._read_metadata_iterator(path_to_inventory=inventory, station_seed_id=seed_id):
def _read_metadata_iterator(self, path_to_inventory, station_seed_id):
Search for metadata for a specific station iteratively.
network, station, location, channel = station_seed_id.split('.')
# seach for station seed id in filenames in invetory
fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_inventory, '*' + station_seed_id + '*'))
if not fnames:
# search for station name in filename
fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_inventory, '*' + station + '*'))
if not fnames:
# search for network name in filename
fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_inventory, '*' + network + '*'))
if not fnames:
if self.verbosity:
print('Could not find filenames matching station name, network name or seed id')
for fname in fnames:
if fname in self.inventory_files.keys():
if self.inventory_files[fname]:
# file already read
invtype, robj = self._read_metadata_file(os.path.join(path_to_inventory, fname))
# robj.get_coordinates(station_seed_id) # TODO: Commented out, failed with Parser, is this needed?
self.inventory_files[fname] = {'invtype': invtype,
'data': robj}
if station_seed_id in self.seed_ids.keys():
print('WARNING: Overwriting metadata for station {}'.format(station_seed_id))
self.seed_ids[station_seed_id] = fname
return True
except Exception as e:
print('Could not find metadata for station_seed_id {} in path {}'.format(station_seed_id, path_to_inventory))
def _read_metadata_file(self, path_to_inventory_filename):
function reading metadata files (either dataless seed, xml or resp)
:param path_to_inventory_filename:
:return: file type/ending, inventory object (Parser or Inventory)
:rtype: (str, or obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory)
# functions used to read metadata for different file endings (or file types)
read_functions = {'dless': self._read_dless,
'dataless': self._read_dless,
'dseed': self._read_dless,
'xml': self._read_inventory_file,
'resp': self._read_inventory_file}
file_ending = path_to_inventory_filename.split('.')[-1]
if file_ending in read_functions.keys():
robj, exc = read_functions[file_ending](path_to_inventory_filename)
if exc is not None:
raise exc
return file_ending, robj
# in case file endings did not match the above keys, try and error
for file_type in ['dless', 'xml']:
robj, exc = read_functions[file_type](path_to_inventory_filename)
if exc is None:
if self.verbosity:
print('Read file {} as {}'.format(path_to_inventory_filename, file_type))
return file_type, robj
except Exception as e:
if self.verbosity:
print('Could not read file {} as {}'.format(path_to_inventory_filename, file_type))
return None, None
def _read_dless(path_to_inventory):
exc = None
parser = Parser(path_to_inventory)
except Exception as exc:
parser = None
return parser, exc
def _read_inventory_file(path_to_inventory):
exc = None
inv = read_inventory(path_to_inventory)
except Exception as exc:
inv = None
return inv, exc
def check_time(datetime):
Function takes in date and time as list and validates it's values by trying to make an UTCDateTime object from it
:param datetime: list of integers [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond]
:type datetime: list
:return: returns True if Values are in supposed range, returns False otherwise
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 23, 59, 60, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 1000000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 23, 60, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 23, 60, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 1, 24, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 1, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 2, 30, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([1999, 2, 29, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([2000, 2, 29, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
>>> check_time([2000, 13, 29, 23, 59, 59, 999000])
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def restitute_trace(input_tuple):
def no_metadata(tr, seed_id):
print('no metadata file found '
'for trace {0}'.format(seed_id))
return tr, True
tr, metadata, unit, force = input_tuple
remove_trace = False
seed_id = tr.get_id()
mdata = metadata.get_metadata(seed_id, time=tr.stats.starttime)
if not mdata:
return no_metadata(tr, seed_id)
invtype = mdata['invtype']
inobj = mdata['data']
# check, whether this trace has already been corrected
if 'processing' in tr.stats.keys() \
and np.any(['remove' in p for p in tr.stats.processing]) \
and not force:
print("Trace {0} has already been corrected!".format(seed_id))
return tr, False
stime = tr.stats.starttime
prefilt = get_prefilt(tr)
if invtype == 'resp':
fresp = find_in_list(inobj, seed_id)
if not fresp:
return no_metadata(tr, seed_id)
fname = fresp
seedresp = dict(filename=fname,
kwargs = dict(paz_remove=None, pre_filt=prefilt, seedresp=seedresp)
elif invtype == 'dless':
if type(inobj) is list:
fname = Parser(find_in_list(inobj, seed_id))
fname = inobj
paz = fname.get_paz(, datetime=tr.stats.starttime)
kwargs = dict(pre_filt=prefilt, paz_remove=paz, remove_sensitivity=True)
elif invtype == 'xml':
invlist = inobj
if len(invlist) > 1:
inventory = find_in_list(invlist, seed_id)
inventory = invlist[0]
elif invtype is None:
return no_metadata(tr, seed_id)
remove_trace = True
# apply restitution to data
print("Correcting instrument at station %s, channel %s" \
% (tr.stats.station,
if invtype in ['resp', 'dless']:
except ValueError as e:
vmsg = '{0}'.format(e)
except UnboundLocalError as e:
vmsg = '{0}'.format(e)
except ValueError as e:
msg0 = 'Response for {0} not found in Parser'.format(seed_id)
msg1 = 'evalresp failed to calculate response'
if msg0 not in e.message or msg1 not in e.message:
# restitution done to copies of data thus deleting traces
# that failed should not be a problem
remove_trace = True
return tr, remove_trace
def restitute_data(data, metadata, unit='VEL', force=False, ncores=0):
takes a data stream and a path_to_inventory and returns the corrected
waveform data stream
:param data: seismic data stream
:param unit: unit to correct for (default: 'VEL')
:param force: force restitution for already corrected traces (default:
:return: corrected data stream
# data = remove_underscores(data)
# loop over traces
input_tuples = []
for tr in data:
input_tuples.append((tr, metadata, unit, force))
pool = gen_Pool(ncores)
result = pool.imap_unordered(restitute_trace, input_tuples)
for tr, remove_trace in result:
if not remove_trace:
# check if ALL traces could be restituted, take care of large datasets
# better try restitution for smaller subsets of data (e.g. station by
# station)
return data
def get_prefilt(trace, tlow=(0.5, 0.9), thi=(5., 2.), verbosity=0):
takes a `` object, taper parameters tlow and thi and
returns the pre-filtering corner frequencies for the cosine taper for
further processing
:param trace: seismic data trace
:type trace: ``
:param tlow: tuple or list containing the desired lower corner
frequenices for a cosine taper
:type tlow: tuple or list
:param thi: tuple or list containing the percentage values of the
Nyquist frequency for the desired upper corner frequencies of the cosine
:type thi: tuple or list
:param verbosity: verbosity level
:type verbosity: int
:return: pre-filt cosine taper corner frequencies
:rtype: tuple
>>> st = read()
>>> get_prefilt(st[0])
(0.5, 0.9, 47.5, 49.0)
if verbosity:
print("Calculating pre-filter values for %s, %s ..." % (
# get corner frequencies for pre-filtering
fny = trace.stats.sampling_rate / 2
fc21 = fny - (fny * thi[0] / 100.)
fc22 = fny - (fny * thi[1] / 100.)
return tlow[0], tlow[1], fc21, fc22
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest