400 lines
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400 lines
15 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created Dec 2014 to Feb 2015
Implementation of the automated picking algorithms published and described in:
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & Egelados Working Group, 2010:
Automated determination of P-phase arrival times at regional and local distances
using higher order statistics, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1159-1170
Kueperkoch, L., Meier, T., Bruestle, A., Lee, J., Friederich, W., & Egelados
Working Group, 2012: Automated determination of S-phase arrival times using
autoregressive prediction: application ot local and regional distances, Geophys. J. Int.,
188, 687-702.
The picks with the above described algorithms are assumed to be the most likely picks.
For each most likely pick the corresponding earliest and latest possible picks are
calculated after Diehl & Kissling (2009).
:author: MAGS2 EP3 working group / Ludger Kueperkoch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylot.core.pick.utils import getnoisewin, getsignalwin
from pylot.core.pick.charfuns import CharacteristicFunction
import warnings
class AutoPicker(object):
Superclass of different, automated picking algorithms applied on a CF determined
using AIC, HOS, or AR prediction.
def __init__(self, cf, TSNR, PickWindow, iplot=None, aus=None, Tsmooth=None, Pick1=None):
:param: cf, characteristic function, on which the picking algorithm is applied
:type: `~pylot.core.pick.CharFuns.CharacteristicFunction` object
:param: TSNR, length of time windows around pick used to determine SNR [s]
:type: tuple (T_noise, T_gap, T_signal)
:param: PickWindow, length of pick window [s]
:type: float
:param: iplot, no. of figure window for plotting interims results
:type: integer
:param: aus ("artificial uplift of samples"), find local minimum at i if aic(i-1)*(1+aus) >= aic(i)
:type: float
:param: Tsmooth, length of moving smoothing window to calculate smoothed CF [s]
:type: float
:param: Pick1, initial (prelimenary) onset time, starting point for PragPicker and
:type: float
assert isinstance(cf, CharacteristicFunction), "%s is not a CharacteristicFunction object" % str(cf)
self.cf = cf.getCF()
self.Tcf = cf.getTimeArray()
self.Data = cf.getXCF()
self.dt = cf.getIncrement()
def __str__(self):
return '''\n\t{name} object:\n
def getTSNR(self):
return self.TSNR
def setTSNR(self, TSNR):
self.TSNR = TSNR
def getPickWindow(self):
return self.PickWindow
def setPickWindow(self, PickWindow):
self.PickWindow = PickWindow
def getaus(self):
return self.aus
def setaus(self, aus):
self.aus = aus
def setTsmooth(self, Tsmooth):
self.Tsmooth = Tsmooth
def getTsmooth(self):
return self.Tsmooth
def getpick(self):
return self.Pick
def getSNR(self):
return self.SNR
def getSlope(self):
return self.slope
def getiplot(self):
return self.iplot
def setiplot(self, iplot):
self.iplot = iplot
def getpick1(self):
return self.Pick1
def setpick1(self, Pick1):
self.Pick1 = Pick1
def calcPick(self):
self.Pick = None
class AICPicker(AutoPicker):
Method to derive the onset time of an arriving phase based on CF
derived from AIC. In order to get an impression of the quality of this inital pick,
a quality assessment is applied based on SNR and slope determination derived from the CF,
from which the AIC has been calculated.
def calcPick(self):
print('AICPicker: Get initial onset time (pick) from AIC-CF ...')
self.Pick = None
self.slope = None
self.SNR = None
# find NaN's
nn = np.isnan(self.cf)
if len(nn) > 1:
self.cf[nn] = 0
# taper AIC-CF to get rid off side maxima
tap = np.hanning(len(self.cf))
aic = tap * self.cf + max(abs(self.cf))
# smooth AIC-CF
ismooth = int(round(self.Tsmooth / self.dt))
aicsmooth = np.zeros(len(aic))
if len(aic) < ismooth:
print('AICPicker: Tsmooth larger than CF!')
for i in range(1, len(aic)):
if i > ismooth:
ii1 = i - ismooth
aicsmooth[i] = aicsmooth[i - 1] + (aic[i] - aic[ii1]) / ismooth
aicsmooth[i] = np.mean(aic[1: i])
# remove offset
offset = abs(min(aic) - min(aicsmooth))
aicsmooth = aicsmooth - offset
# get maximum of 1st derivative of AIC-CF (more stable!) as starting point
diffcf = np.diff(aicsmooth)
# find NaN's
nn = np.isnan(diffcf)
if len(nn) > 1:
diffcf[nn] = 0
# taper CF to get rid off side maxima
tap = np.hanning(len(diffcf))
diffcf = tap * diffcf * max(abs(aicsmooth))
icfmax = np.argmax(diffcf)
# find minimum in AIC-CF front of maximum
lpickwindow = int(round(self.PickWindow / self.dt))
for i in range(icfmax - 1, max([icfmax - lpickwindow, 2]), -1):
if aicsmooth[i - 1] >= aicsmooth[i]:
self.Pick = self.Tcf[i]
# if no minimum could be found:
# search in 1st derivative of AIC-CF
if self.Pick is None:
for i in range(icfmax - 1, max([icfmax - lpickwindow, 2]), -1):
if diffcf[i - 1] >= diffcf[i]:
self.Pick = self.Tcf[i]
# quality assessment using SNR and slope from CF
if self.Pick is not None:
# get noise window
inoise = getnoisewin(self.Tcf, self.Pick, self.TSNR[0], self.TSNR[1])
# check, if these are counts or m/s, important for slope estimation!
# this is quick and dirty, better solution?
if max(self.Data[0].data < 1e-3):
self.Data[0].data = self.Data[0].data * 1000000
# get signal window
isignal = getsignalwin(self.Tcf, self.Pick, self.TSNR[2])
# calculate SNR from CF
self.SNR = max(abs(aic[isignal] - np.mean(aic[isignal]))) / \
max(abs(aic[inoise] - np.mean(aic[inoise])))
# calculate slope from CF after initial pick
# get slope window
tslope = self.TSNR[3] # slope determination window
islope = np.where((self.Tcf <= min([self.Pick + tslope, len(self.Data[0].data)])) \
& (self.Tcf >= self.Pick))
# find maximum within slope determination window
# 'cause slope should be calculated up to first local minimum only!
imax = np.argmax(self.Data[0].data[islope])
if imax == 0:
print('AICPicker: Maximum for slope determination right at the beginning of the window!')
print('Choose longer slope determination window!')
if self.iplot > 1:
p = plt.figure(self.iplot)
x = self.Data[0].data
p1, = plt.plot(self.Tcf, x / max(x), 'k')
p2, = plt.plot(self.Tcf, aicsmooth / max(aicsmooth), 'r')
plt.legend([p1, p2], ['(HOS-/AR-) Data', 'Smoothed AIC-CF'])
plt.xlabel('Time [s] since %s' % self.Data[0].stats.starttime)
islope = islope[0][0:imax]
dataslope = self.Data[0].data[islope]
# calculate slope as polynomal fit of order 1
xslope = np.arange(0, len(dataslope), 1)
P = np.polyfit(xslope, dataslope, 1)
datafit = np.polyval(P, xslope)
if datafit[0] >= datafit[len(datafit) - 1]:
print('AICPicker: Negative slope, bad onset skipped!')
self.slope = 1 / tslope * (datafit[len(dataslope) - 1] - datafit[0])
self.SNR = None
self.slope = None
if self.iplot > 1:
p = plt.figure(self.iplot)
x = self.Data[0].data
p1, = plt.plot(self.Tcf, x / max(x), 'k')
p2, = plt.plot(self.Tcf, aicsmooth / max(aicsmooth), 'r')
if self.Pick is not None:
p3, = plt.plot([self.Pick, self.Pick], [-0.1, 0.5], 'b', linewidth=2)
plt.legend([p1, p2, p3], ['(HOS-/AR-) Data', 'Smoothed AIC-CF', 'AIC-Pick'])
plt.legend([p1, p2], ['(HOS-/AR-) Data', 'Smoothed AIC-CF'])
plt.xlabel('Time [s] since %s' % self.Data[0].stats.starttime)
if self.Pick is not None:
plt.figure(self.iplot + 1)
p11, = plt.plot(self.Tcf, x, 'k')
p12, = plt.plot(self.Tcf[inoise], self.Data[0].data[inoise])
p13, = plt.plot(self.Tcf[isignal], self.Data[0].data[isignal], 'r')
p14, = plt.plot(self.Tcf[islope], dataslope, 'g--')
p15, = plt.plot(self.Tcf[islope], datafit, 'g', linewidth=2)
plt.legend([p11, p12, p13, p14, p15],
['Data', 'Noise Window', 'Signal Window', 'Slope Window', 'Slope'],
plt.title('Station %s, SNR=%7.2f, Slope= %12.2f counts/s' % (self.Data[0].stats.station,
self.SNR, self.slope))
plt.xlabel('Time [s] since %s' % self.Data[0].stats.starttime)
if self.Pick == None:
print('AICPicker: Could not find minimum, picking window too short?')
class PragPicker(AutoPicker):
Method of pragmatic picking exploiting information given by CF.
def calcPick(self):
if self.getpick1() is not None:
print('PragPicker: Get most likely pick from HOS- or AR-CF using pragmatic picking algorithm ...')
self.Pick = None
self.SNR = None
self.slope = None
pickflag = 0
# smooth CF
ismooth = int(round(self.Tsmooth / self.dt))
cfsmooth = np.zeros(len(self.cf))
if len(self.cf) < ismooth:
print('PragPicker: Tsmooth larger than CF!')
for i in range(1, len(self.cf)):
if i > ismooth:
ii1 = i - ismooth
cfsmooth[i] = cfsmooth[i - 1] + (self.cf[i] - self.cf[ii1]) / ismooth
cfsmooth[i] = np.mean(self.cf[1: i])
# select picking window
# which is centered around tpick1
ipick = np.where((self.Tcf >= self.getpick1() - self.PickWindow / 2) \
& (self.Tcf <= self.getpick1() + self.PickWindow / 2))
cfipick = self.cf[ipick] - np.mean(self.cf[ipick])
Tcfpick = self.Tcf[ipick]
cfsmoothipick = cfsmooth[ipick] - np.mean(self.cf[ipick])
ipick1 = np.argmin(abs(self.Tcf - self.getpick1()))
cfpick1 = 2 * self.cf[ipick1]
# check trend of CF, i.e. differences of CF and adjust aus regarding this trend
# prominent trend: decrease aus
# flat: use given aus
cfdiff = np.diff(cfipick)
i0diff = np.where(cfdiff > 0)
cfdiff = cfdiff[i0diff]
minaus = min(cfdiff * (1 + self.aus))
aus1 = max([minaus, self.aus])
# at first we look to the right until the end of the pick window is reached
flagpick_r = 0
flagpick_l = 0
cfpick_r = 0
cfpick_l = 0
lpickwindow = int(round(self.PickWindow / self.dt))
for i in range(max(np.insert(ipick, 0, 2)), min([ipick1 + lpickwindow + 1, len(self.cf) - 1])):
if self.cf[i + 1] > self.cf[i] and self.cf[i - 1] >= self.cf[i]:
if cfsmooth[i - 1] * (1 + aus1) >= cfsmooth[i]:
if cfpick1 >= self.cf[i]:
pick_r = self.Tcf[i]
self.Pick = pick_r
flagpick_l = 1
cfpick_r = self.cf[i]
# now we look to the left
for i in range(ipick1, max([ipick1 - lpickwindow + 1, 2]), -1):
if self.cf[i + 1] > self.cf[i] and self.cf[i - 1] >= self.cf[i]:
if cfsmooth[i - 1] * (1 + aus1) >= cfsmooth[i]:
if cfpick1 >= self.cf[i]:
pick_l = self.Tcf[i]
self.Pick = pick_l
flagpick_r = 1
cfpick_l = self.cf[i]
# now decide which pick: left or right?
if flagpick_l > 0 and flagpick_r > 0 and cfpick_l <= 3 * cfpick_r:
self.Pick = pick_l
pickflag = 1
elif flagpick_l > 0 and flagpick_r > 0 and cfpick_l >= cfpick_r:
self.Pick = pick_r
pickflag = 1
elif flagpick_l == 0 and flagpick_r > 0 and cfpick_l >= cfpick_r:
self.Pick = pick_l
pickflag = 1
print('PragPicker: Could not find reliable onset!')
self.Pick = None
pickflag = 0
if self.getiplot() > 1:
p = plt.figure(self.getiplot())
p1, = plt.plot(Tcfpick, cfipick, 'k')
p2, = plt.plot(Tcfpick, cfsmoothipick, 'r')
if pickflag > 0:
p3, = plt.plot([self.Pick, self.Pick], [min(cfipick), max(cfipick)], 'b', linewidth=2)
plt.legend([p1, p2, p3], ['CF', 'Smoothed CF', 'Pick'])
plt.xlabel('Time [s] since %s' % self.Data[0].stats.starttime)
print('PragPicker: No initial onset time given! Check input!')
self.Pick = None