96 lines
3.1 KiB
96 lines
3.1 KiB
############################# correlation parameters #####################################
# min_corr_stacking: minimum correlation coefficient for building beam trace
# min_corr_export: minimum correlation coefficient for pick export
# min_stack: minimum number of stations for building beam trace
# t_before: correlation window before pick
# t_after: correlation window after pick#
# cc_maxlag: maximum shift for initial correlation
# cc_maxlag2: maximum shift for second (final) correlation (also for calculating pick uncertainty)
# initial_pick_outlier_threshold: (hopefully) threshold for excluding large outliers of initial (AIC) picks
# export_threshold: automatically exclude all onsets which deviate more than this threshold from corrected taup onsets
# min_picks_export: minimum number of correlated picks for export
# min_picks_autopylot: minimum number of reference auto picks to continue with event
# check_RMS: do RMS check to search for restitution errors (very experimental)
# use_taupy_onsets: use taupy onsets as reference picks instead of external picks
# station_list: use the following stations as reference for stacking
# use_stacked_trace: use existing stacked trace if found (spare re-computation)
# data_dir: obspyDMT data subdirectory (e.g. 'raw', 'processed')
# pickfile_extension: use quakeML files (PyLoT output) with the following extension, e.g. '_autopylot' for pickfiles
# such as 'PyLoT_20170501_141822_autopylot.xml'
# dt_stacking: time shift for stacking (e.g. [0, 250] for 0 and 250 seconds shift)
# filter_options: filter for first correlation (rough)
# filter_options_final: filter for second correlation (fine)
# filter_type: e.g. 'bandpass'
# sampfreq: sampling frequency of the data
logging: info
pick_phases: ['P', 'S']
# P-phase
min_corr_stacking: 0.8
min_corr_export: 0.6
min_stack: 20
t_before: 30.
t_after: 50.
cc_maxlag: 50.
cc_maxlag2: 5.
initial_pick_outlier_threshold: 30.
export_threshold: 2.5
min_picks_export: 100
min_picks_autopylot: 50
check_RMS: True
use_taupy_onsets: False
station_list: ['HU.MORH', 'HU.TIH', 'OX.FUSE', 'OX.BAD']
use_stacked_trace: False
data_dir: 'processed'
pickfile_extension: '_autopylot'
dt_stacking: [250, 250]
# filter for first correlation (rough)
freqmax: 0.5
freqmin: 0.03
# filter for second correlation (fine)
freqmax: 0.5
freqmin: 0.03
filter_type: bandpass
sampfreq: 20.0
# S-phase
min_corr_stacking: 0.7
min_corr_export: 0.6
min_stack: 20
t_before: 60.
t_after: 60.
cc_maxlag: 100.
cc_maxlag2: 25.
initial_pick_outlier_threshold: 30.
export_threshold: 5.0
min_picks_export: 200
min_picks_autopylot: 50
check_RMS: True
use_taupy_onsets: False
station_list: ['HU.MORH','HU.TIH', 'OX.FUSE', 'OX.BAD']
use_stacked_trace: False
data_dir: 'processed'
pickfile_extension: '_autopylot'
dt_stacking: [250, 250]
# filter for first correlation (rough)
freqmax: 0.1
freqmin: 0.01
# filter for second correlation (fine)
freqmax: 0.2
freqmin: 0.01
filter_type: bandpass
sampfreq: 20.0