281 lines
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281 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from pylot.core.util.version import get_git_version as _getVersionString
__version__ = _getVersionString()
__author__ = 'sebastianw'
def create_axis(x0, incr, npts):
ax = np.zeros(npts)
for i in range(npts):
ax[i] = x0 + incr * i
return ax
def gauss_parameter(te, tm, tl, eta):
takes three onset times and returns the parameters sig1, sig2, a1 and a2
to represent the pick as a probability density funtion (PDF) with two
Gauss branches
:param te:
:param tm:
:param tl:
:param eta:
sig1 = (tm - te) / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(1 / eta))
sig2 = (tl - tm) / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(1 / eta))
a1 = 2 / (1 + sig2 / sig1)
a2 = 2 / (1 + sig1 / sig2)
return sig1, sig2, a1, a2
def exp_parameter(te, tm, tl, eta):
takes three onset times te, tm and tl and returns the parameters sig1,
sig2 and a to represent the pick as a probability density function (PDF)
with two exponential decay branches
:param te:
:param tm:
:param tl:
:param eta:
sig1 = np.log(eta) / (te - tm)
sig2 = np.log(eta) / (tm - tl)
a = 1 / (1 / sig1 + 1 / sig2)
return sig1, sig2, a
def gauss_branches(x, mu, sig1, sig2, a1, a2):
function gauss_branches takes an axes x, a center value mu, two sigma
values sig1 and sig2 and two scaling factors a1 and a2 and return a
list containing the values of a probability density function (PDF)
consisting of gauss branches
:param x:
:type x:
:param mu:
:type mu:
:param sig1:
:type sig1:
:param sig2:
:type sig2:
:param a1:
:type a1:
:param a2:
:returns fun_vals: list with function values along axes x
fun_vals = []
for k in x:
if k < mu:
fun_vals.append(a1 * 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sig1) * np.exp(-((k - mu) / sig1)**2 / 2 ))
fun_vals.append(a2 * 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sig2) * np.exp(-((k - mu) / sig2)**2 / 2))
return np.array(fun_vals)
def exp_branches(x, mu, sig1, sig2, a):
function exp_branches takes an axes x, a center value mu, two sigma
values sig1 and sig2 and a scaling factor a and return a
list containing the values of a probability density function (PDF)
consisting of exponential decay branches
:param x:
:param mu:
:param sig1:
:param sig2:
:param a:
:returns fun_vals: list with function values along axes x:
fun_vals = []
for k in x:
if k < mu:
fun_vals.append(a * np.exp(sig1 * (k - mu)))
fun_vals.append(a * np.exp(-sig2 * (k - mu)))
return np.array(fun_vals)
# define container dictionaries for different types of pdfs
parameter = dict(gauss=gauss_parameter, exp=exp_parameter)
branches = dict(gauss=gauss_branches, exp=exp_branches)
class ProbabilityDensityFunction(object):
A probability density function toolkit.
version = __version__
def __init__(self, x0, incr, npts, pdf):
self.x0 = x0
self.incr = incr
self.npts = npts
self.axis = create_axis(x0, incr, npts)
self.data = pdf
def __add__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, ProbabilityDensityFunction), \
'both operands must be of type ProbabilityDensityFunction'
x0, incr, npts, pdf_self, pdf_other = self.rearrange(other)
pdf = np.convolve(pdf_self, pdf_other, 'same') * incr
# shift axis values for correct plotting
midpoint = int(npts // 2) + 1
x0 += incr * midpoint
return ProbabilityDensityFunction(x0, incr, npts, pdf)
def __sub__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, ProbabilityDensityFunction), \
'both operands must be of type ProbabilityDensityFunction'
x0, incr, npts, pdf_self, pdf_other = self.rearrange(other)
pdf = np.correlate(pdf_self, pdf_other, 'same') * incr
# shift axis values for correct plotting
midpoint = int(npts // 2) + 1
x0 -= incr * midpoint
return ProbabilityDensityFunction(x0, incr, npts, pdf)
def __nonzero__(self):
return True
def data(self):
return self._pdf
def data(self, pdf):
self._pdf = np.array(pdf)
def axis(self):
return self._x
def axis(self, x):
self._x = np.array(x)
def fromPick(self, incr, lbound, midpoint, rbound, decfact=0.01, type='gauss'):
Initialize a new ProbabilityDensityFunction object.
Takes incr, lbound, midpoint and rbound to derive x0 and the number
of points npts for the axis vector.
Maximum density
is given at the midpoint and on the boundaries the function has
declined to decfact times the maximum value. Integration of the
function over a particular interval gives the probability for the
variable value to be in that interval.
margin = 1.5 * np.max(midpoint - lbound, rbound - midpoint)
x0 = midpoint - margin
npts = int(2 * margin // incr)
params = parameter[type](lbound, midpoint, rbound, decfact)
pdf = branches[type](create_axis(x0, incr, npts), midpoint, *params)
except TypeError as e:
print('Warning:\n' + e.message + '\n' + 'trying timestamp instead')
assert isinstance(midpoint, UTCDateTime), 'object not capable of' \
' timestamp representation'
pdf = branches[type](create_axis(x0, incr, npts),
midpoint.timestamp, *params)
return ProbabilityDensityFunction(x0, incr, npts, pdf)
def commonlimits(self, incr, other, max_npts=1e5):
Takes an increment incr and two left and two right limits and returns
the left most limit and the minimum number of points needed to cover
the whole given interval.
:param incr:
:param l1:
:param l2:
:param r1:
:param r2:
:param max_npts:
l1 = self.x0
r1 = np.max(self.axis)
l2 = other.x0
r2 = np.max(other.axis)
if l1 >= l2 and r1 >= r2:
x0 = l2
npts = int(r1 - x0 // incr)
elif l1 < l2 and r1 >= r2:
x0 = l1
npts = int(r1 - x0 // incr)
elif l1 >= l2 and r1 < r2:
x0 = l2
npts = int(r2 - x0 // incr)
elif l1 >= r2:
x0 = l2
npts = int(r1 - x0 // incr)
elif l2 >= r1:
x0 = l1
npts = int(r2 - x0 // incr)
x0 = None
npts = None
if npts > max_npts:
raise ValueError('Maximum number of points exceeded:\n'
'max_npts - %d\n'
'npts - %d\n' % (max_npts, npts))
return x0, npts
def rearrange(self, other):
Method rearrange takes another Probability Density Function and returns
a new axis with mid-point 0 and covering positive and negative range
of axis values, either containing the maximum value of both axis or
the sum of the maxima
:param other:
assert isinstance(other, ProbabilityDensityFunction), \
'both operands must be of type ProbabilityDensityFunction'
if not self.incr == other.incr:
raise NotImplementedError('Upsampling of the lower sampled PDF not implemented yet!')
incr = self.incr
x0, npts = self.commonlimits(incr, other)
pdf_self = np.zeros(npts)
pdf_other = np.zeros(npts)
x = create_axis(x0, incr, npts)
sstart = np.where(x == self.x0)
s_end = sstart + self.data.size
ostart = np.where(x == other.x0)
o_end = ostart + other.data.size
pdf_self[sstart:s_end] = self.data
pdf_other[ostart:o_end] = other.data
return x0, incr, npts, pdf_self, pdf_other