[new] mass channel surveillance added
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ datapath: "/data/SDS/" # SC3 Datapath
networks: ["1Y", "HA"] # select networks, list or str
stations: "*" # select stations, list or str
locations: "*" # select locations, list or str
channels: ["EX1", "EX2", "EX3", "VEI"] # Specify SOH channels, currently supported EX[1-3] and VEI
channels: ["EX1", "EX2", "EX3", "VEI",
"VM1", "VM2", "VM3"] # Specify SOH channels, currently supported EX[1-3], VEI and VM[1-3]
stations_blacklist: ["TEST", "EREA"] # exclude these stations
networks_blacklist: [] # exclude these networks
interval: 60 # Perform checks every x seconds
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ THRESHOLDS:
low_volt: 12 # min voltage for low voltage warning
high_volt: 14.8 # max voltage for over voltage warning
unclassified: 5 # min voltage samples not classified for warning
max_vm: [1.5, 2.5] # thresholds for mass offset (warn, fail)
# ---------------------------------------- OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ---------------------------------------------------------
@ -62,13 +64,23 @@ EMAIL:
networks_blacklist: [] # do not send emails for specific network
# names for plotting of the above defined parameter "channels" in the same order
channel_names: ["Temperature (°C)", "230V/12V Status (V)", "Router/Charger State (V)", "Logger Voltage (V)"]
channel_names: ["Temperature (°C)",
"230V/12V (V)",
"Rout/Charge (V)",
"Logger (V)",
"Mass 1 (V)",
"Mass 2 (V)",
"Mass 3 (V)"]
# specify y-ticks (and ylims) giving, (ymin, ymax, step) for each of the above channels (0: default)
- [-10, 50, 10]
- [1, 5, 1]
- [1, 5, 1]
- [9, 15, 1]
- [-2, 2, 1]
- [-2, 2, 1]
- [-2, 2, 1]
# Factor for channel to SI-units (for plotting)
@ -76,6 +88,9 @@ CHANNEL_UNITS:
EX2: 1e-6
EX3: 1e-6
VEI: 1e-3
VM1: 1e-6
VM2: 1e-6
VM3: 1e-6
# Transform channel for plotting, perform arithmetic operations in given order, e.g.: PBox EX1 V to deg C: 20 * x -20
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def fancy_timestr(dt, thresh=600, modif='+'):
class SurveillanceBot(object):
def __init__(self, parameter_path, outpath_html=None):
self.keys = ['last active', '230V', '12V', 'router', 'charger', 'voltage', 'temp', 'other']
self.keys = ['last active', '230V', '12V', 'router', 'charger', 'voltage', 'mass', 'temp', 'other']
self.parameter_path = parameter_path
self.starttime = UTCDateTime()
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class SurveillanceBot(object):
def get_station_delay(self, nwst_id):
""" try to get station delay from SDS archive using client"""
locations = ['', '0', '00']
channels = ['HHZ', 'HHE', 'HHN', 'VEI', 'EX1', 'EX2', 'EX3']
channels = ['HHZ', 'HHE', 'HHN'] + self.parameters.get('channels')
network, station = nwst_id.split('.')[:2]
times = []
@ -685,6 +685,7 @@ class StationQC(object):
def return_print_analysis(self):
items = [self.nwst_id]
@ -718,7 +719,8 @@ class StationQC(object):
key = 'voltage'
st = self.stream.select(channel=channel)
trace = self.get_trace(st, key)
if not trace: return
if not trace:
voltage = trace.data * 1e-3
low_volt = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('low_volt')
high_volt = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('high_volt')
@ -756,14 +758,15 @@ class StationQC(object):
key = 'temp'
st = self.stream.select(channel=channel)
trace = self.get_trace(st, key)
if not trace: return
if not trace:
voltage = trace.data * 1e-6
thresholds = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS')
temp = 20. * voltage - 20
# average temp
timespan = min([self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600, int(len(temp) / trace.stats.sampling_rate)])
nsamp_av = int(trace.stats.sampling_rate) * timespan
av_temp_str = str(round(np.mean(temp[-nsamp_av:]), 1)) + deg_str
av_temp_str = str(round(np.nanmean(temp[-nsamp_av:]), 1)) + deg_str
# dt of average
dt_t_str = str(timedelta(seconds=int(timespan))).replace(', 0:00:00', '')
# current temp
@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ class StationQC(object):
if self.verbosity > 1:
self.print(40 * '-')
self.print('Performing PowBox temperature check (EX1)', flush=False)
self.print(f'Average temperature at {np.mean(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False)
self.print(f'Average temperature at {np.nanmean(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False)
self.print(f'Peak temperature at {max(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False)
self.print(f'Min temperature at {min(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False)
max_temp = thresholds.get('max_temp')
@ -787,6 +790,52 @@ class StationQC(object):
detailed_message=f'Average temperature of last {dt_t_str}: {av_temp_str}')
def mass_analysis(self, channels=('VM1', 'VM2', 'VM3'), n_samp_mean=10):
""" Analyse datalogger mass channels. """
key = 'mass'
# build stream with all channels
st = Stream()
for channel in channels:
st += self.stream.select(channel=channel).copy()
# return if there are no three components
if not len(st) == 3:
# correct for channel unit
for trace in st:
trace.data = trace.data * 1e-6 # hardcoded, change this?
# calculate average of absolute maximum of mass offset of last n_samp_mean
last_values = np.array([trace.data[-n_samp_mean:] for trace in st])
last_val_mean = np.nanmean(last_values, axis=1)
common_highest_val = np.nanmax(abs(last_val_mean))
common_highest_val = round(common_highest_val, 1)
# get thresholds for WARN (max_vm1) and FAIL (max_vm2)
thresholds = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS')
max_vm = thresholds.get('max_vm')
if not max_vm:
max_vm1, max_vm2 = max_vm
# change status depending on common_highest_val
if common_highest_val < max_vm1:
self.status_ok(key, detailed_message=f'{common_highest_val}V')
elif max_vm1 <= common_highest_val < max_vm2:
detailed_message=f'Warning raised for mass centering. Highest val {common_highest_val}V', )
detailed_message=f'Fail status for mass centering. Highest val {common_highest_val}V',)
if self.verbosity > 1:
self.print(40 * '-')
self.print('Performing mass position check', flush=False)
self.print(f'Average mass position at {common_highest_val}', flush=False)
def pb_power_analysis(self, channel='EX2', pb_dict_key='pb_SOH2'):
""" Analyse EX2 channel of PowBox """
keys = ['230V', '12V']
@ -1058,6 +1107,23 @@ class StatusOther(Status):
return message, detailed_message
def common_mass_trace(st):
traces = st.traces
if not len(traces) == 3:
check_keys = ['sampling_rate', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'npts']
# check if values of the above keys are identical for all traces
for c_key in check_keys:
if not traces[0].stats.get(c_key) == traces[1].stats.get(c_key) == traces[2].stats.get(c_key):
max_1_2 = np.fmax(abs(traces[0]), abs(traces[1]))
abs_max = np.fmax(max_1_2, abs(traces[2]))
return_trace = traces[0].copy()
return_trace.data = abs_max
return return_trace
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Call survBot')
parser.add_argument('-html', dest='html_path', default=None, help='filepath for HTML output')
@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ def get_bg_color(check_key, status, dt_thresh=None, hex=False):
bg_color = get_time_delay_color(message, dt_thresh)
elif check_key == 'temp':
bg_color = get_temp_color(message)
elif check_key == 'mass':
bg_color = get_mass_color(message)
if status.is_warn:
bg_color = get_color('WARNX')(status.count)
bg_color = get_warn_color(status.count)
elif status.is_error:
bg_color = get_color('FAIL')
@ -30,7 +32,6 @@ def get_color(key):
colors_dict = {'FAIL': (255, 50, 0, 255),
'NO DATA': (255, 255, 125, 255),
'WARN': (255, 255, 80, 255),
'WARNX': lambda x: (min([255, 200 + x ** 2]), 255, 80, 255),
'OK': (125, 255, 125, 255),
'undefined': (230, 230, 230, 255)}
return colors_dict.get(key)
@ -45,6 +46,18 @@ def get_time_delay_color(dt, dt_thresh):
return get_color('FAIL')
def get_warn_color(count):
color = (min([255, 200 + count ** 2]), 255, 80, 255)
return color
def get_mass_color(message):
# can change this to something else if wanted. This way it always returns get_color (without warn count)
if isinstance(message, (float, int)):
return get_color('OK')
return get_color(message)
def get_temp_color(temp, vmin=-10, vmax=60, cmap='coolwarm'):
""" Get an rgba temperature value back from specified cmap, linearly interpolated between vmin and vmax. """
if type(temp) in [str]:
@ -60,8 +73,7 @@ def modify_stream_for_plot(st, parameters):
ch_units = parameters.get('CHANNEL_UNITS')
ch_transf = parameters.get('CHANNEL_TRANSFORM')
# if either of both are defined make copy
if ch_units or ch_transf:
# make a copy
st = st.copy()
# modify trace for plotting by multiplying unit factor (e.g. 1e-3 mV to V)
@ -71,6 +83,7 @@ def modify_stream_for_plot(st, parameters):
unit_factor = ch_units.get(channel)
if unit_factor:
tr.data = tr.data * float(unit_factor)
# modify trace for plotting by other arithmetic expressions
if ch_transf:
for tr in st:
@ -79,6 +92,10 @@ def modify_stream_for_plot(st, parameters):
if transf:
tr.data = transform_trace(tr.data, transf)
# change channel IDs to prevent re-sorting in obspy routine
for index, trace in enumerate(st):
trace.id = f'trace {index + 1}: {trace.id}'
return st
@ -142,4 +159,4 @@ def trace_yticks(fig, parameters, verbosity=0):
yticks = list(range(ymin, ymax + step, step))
ax.set_ylim(ymin - step, ymax + step)
ax.set_ylim(ymin - 0.33 * step, ymax + 0.33 * step)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user