#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __version__ = '0.1' __author__ = 'Marcel Paffrath' import os import traceback import yaml import argparse import time from datetime import timedelta import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from obspy import read, UTCDateTime, Stream from obspy.clients.filesystem.sds import Client from write_utils import write_html_text, write_html_row, write_html_footer, write_html_header, get_print_title_str, \ init_html_table, finish_html_table from utils import get_bg_color, modify_stream_for_plot, set_axis_yticks, set_axis_color, plot_axis_thresholds try: import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText mail_functionality = True except ImportError: print('Could not import smtplib or mail. Disabled sending mails.') mail_functionality = False pjoin = os.path.join UP = "\x1B[{length}A" CLR = "\x1B[0K" deg_str = '\N{DEGREE SIGN}C' def read_yaml(file_path, n_read=3): for index in range(n_read): try: with open(file_path, "r") as f: params = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception as e: print(f'Could not read parameters file: {e}.\nWill try again {n_read - index - 1} time(s).') time.sleep(10) continue return params def nsl_from_id(nwst_id): network, station, location = nwst_id.split('.') return dict(network=network, station=station, location=location) def get_nwst_id(trace): stats = trace.stats return f'{stats.network}.{stats.station}.' # {stats.location}' def fancy_timestr(dt, thresh=600, modif='+'): if dt > timedelta(seconds=thresh): value = f'{modif} ' + str(dt) + f' {modif}' else: value = str(dt) return value class SurveillanceBot(object): def __init__(self, parameter_path, outpath_html=None): self.keys = ['last active', '230V', '12V', 'router', 'charger', 'voltage', 'mass', 'clock', 'gaps', 'temp', 'other'] self.parameter_path = parameter_path self.update_parameters() self.starttime = UTCDateTime() self.plot_hour = self.starttime.hour self.current_day = self.starttime.julday self.outpath_html = outpath_html self.filenames = [] self.filenames_wf_data = [] self.filenames_read = [] self.station_list = [] self.analysis_print_list = [] self.analysis_results = {} self.status_track = {} self.dataStream = Stream() self.data = {} self.gaps = [] self.print_count = 0 self.status_message = '' self.html_fig_dir = 'figures' self.cl = Client(self.parameters.get('datapath')) # TODO: Check if this has to be loaded again on update self.get_stations() def update_parameters(self): self.parameters = read_yaml(self.parameter_path) # add channels to list in parameters dictionary, also add data channels channels = list(self.parameters.get('CHANNELS').keys()) for channel in self.parameters.get('data_channels'): if not channel in channels: channels.append(channel) self.parameters['channels'] = channels self.reread_parameters = self.parameters.get('reread_parameters') self.dt_thresh = [int(val) for val in self.parameters.get('dt_thresh')] self.verbosity = self.parameters.get('verbosity') self.stations_blacklist = self.parameters.get('stations_blacklist') self.networks_blacklist = self.parameters.get('networks_blacklist') self.refresh_period = self.parameters.get('interval') self.transform_parameters() add_links = self.parameters.get('add_links') self.add_links = add_links if add_links else {} def transform_parameters(self): for key in ['networks', 'stations', 'locations', 'channels']: parameter = self.parameters.get(key) if type(parameter) == str: self.parameters[key] = list(self.parameters[key]) elif type(parameter) not in [list]: raise TypeError(f'Bad input type for {key}: {type(key)}') def get_stations(self): networks = self.parameters.get('networks') stations = self.parameters.get('stations') self.station_list = [] nwst_list = self.cl.get_all_stations() for nw, st in nwst_list: if self.stations_blacklist and st in self.stations_blacklist: continue if self.networks_blacklist and nw in self.networks_blacklist: continue if (networks == ['*'] or nw in networks) and (stations == ['*'] or st in stations): nwst_id = f'{nw}.{st}.' self.station_list.append(nwst_id) def get_filenames(self): self.filenames = [] self.filenames_wf_data = [] time_now = UTCDateTime() t1 = time_now - self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600 networks = self.parameters.get('networks') stations = self.parameters.get('stations') locations = self.parameters.get('locations') channels = self.parameters.get('channels') channels_wf_data = self.parameters.get('data_channels') for network in networks: for station in stations: for location in locations: for channel in channels: fnames = list(self.cl._get_filenames(network, station, location, channel, starttime=t1, endtime=time_now)) self.filenames += fnames # keep track of filenames with wf data (only read headers later) if channel in channels_wf_data: self.filenames_wf_data += fnames def read_data(self, re_read_at_hour=1, daily_overlap=2): ''' read data method reads new data into self.stream :param re_read_at_hour: update archive at specified hour each day (hours up to 24) :param daily_overlap: re-read data of previous day until specified hour (hours up to 24) ''' self.data = {} # re-read all data every new day curr_time = UTCDateTime() current_day = curr_time.julday current_hour = curr_time.hour yesterday = (curr_time - 24. * 3600.).julday if re_read_at_hour is not False and current_day != self.current_day and current_hour == re_read_at_hour: self.filenames_read = [] self.dataStream = Stream() self.current_day = current_day # add all data to current stream for filename in self.filenames: if filename in self.filenames_read: continue try: # read only header of wf_data if filename in self.filenames_wf_data: st_new = read(filename, headonly=True) else: st_new = read(filename, dtype=float) # add file to read filenames to prevent re-reading in case it is not the current day (or end of # previous day) if not filename.endswith(f'{current_day:03}') and not ( filename.endswith(f'{yesterday:03}') and current_hour <= daily_overlap): self.filenames_read.append(filename) except Exception as e: print(f'Could not read file {filename}:', e) continue self.dataStream += st_new self.gaps = self.dataStream.get_gaps(min_gap=self.parameters['THRESHOLDS'].get('min_gap')) self.dataStream.merge() # organise data in dictionary with key for each station for trace in self.dataStream: nwst_id = get_nwst_id(trace) if not nwst_id in self.data.keys(): self.data[nwst_id] = Stream() self.data[nwst_id].append(trace) def execute_qc(self): if self.reread_parameters: self.update_parameters() self.get_filenames() self.read_data() qc_starttime = UTCDateTime() self.analysis_print_list = [] self.analysis_results = {} for nwst_id in sorted(self.station_list): stream = self.data.get(nwst_id) if stream: nsl = nsl_from_id(nwst_id) station_qc = StationQC(self, stream, nsl, self.parameters, self.keys, qc_starttime, self.verbosity, print_func=self.print, status_track=self.status_track.get(nwst_id)) analysis_print_result = station_qc.return_print_analysis() station_dict = station_qc.return_analysis() else: analysis_print_result = self.get_no_data_station(nwst_id, to_print=True) station_dict = self.get_no_data_station(nwst_id) self.analysis_print_list.append(analysis_print_result) self.analysis_results[nwst_id] = station_dict self.track_status() self.update_status_message() return 'ok' def track_status(self): """ tracks error status of the last n_track + 1 errors. """ n_track = self.parameters.get('n_track') if not n_track or n_track < 1: return for nwst_id, analysis_dict in self.analysis_results.items(): if not nwst_id in self.status_track.keys(): self.status_track[nwst_id] = {} for key, status in analysis_dict.items(): if not key in self.status_track[nwst_id].keys(): self.status_track[nwst_id][key] = [] track_lst = self.status_track[nwst_id][key] # pop list until length is n_track + 1 while len(track_lst) > n_track: track_lst.pop(0) track_lst.append(status.is_error) def get_no_data_station(self, nwst_id, no_data='-', to_print=False): delay = self.get_station_delay(nwst_id) if not to_print: status_dict = {} for key in self.keys: if key == 'last active': status_dict[key] = Status(message=timedelta(seconds=int(delay)), detailed_messages=['No data']) else: status_dict[key] = Status(message=no_data, detailed_messages=['No data']) return status_dict else: items = [nwst_id.rstrip('.')] + [fancy_timestr(timedelta(seconds=int(delay)))] for _ in range(len(self.keys) - 1): items.append(no_data) return items def get_station_delay(self, nwst_id): """ try to get station delay from SDS archive using client""" locations = ['', '0', '00'] channels = self.parameters.get('channels') + self.parameters.get('data_channels') network, station = nwst_id.split('.')[:2] times = [] for channel in channels: for location in locations: t = self.cl.get_latency(network, station, location, channel) if t: times.append(t) if len(times) > 0: return min(times) def print_analysis(self): self.print(200 * '+') title_str = get_print_title_str(self.parameters) self.print(title_str) if self.refresh_period > 0: self.print(f'Refreshing every {self.refresh_period}s.') items = ['Station'] + self.keys self.console_print(items, sep='---') for items in self.analysis_print_list: self.console_print(items) def start(self): ''' Perform qc periodically. :param refresh_period: Update every x seconds :return: ''' first_exec = True status = 'ok' while status == 'ok' and self.refresh_period > 0: status = self.execute_qc() if self.outpath_html: self.write_html_table() if self.parameters.get('html_figures'): self.write_html_figures(check_plot_time=not (first_exec)) else: self.print_analysis() time.sleep(self.refresh_period) if not self.outpath_html: self.clear_prints() first_exec = False def console_print(self, itemlist, str_len=21, sep='|', seplen=3): assert len(sep) <= seplen, f'Make sure seperator has less than {seplen} characters' sl = sep.ljust(seplen) sr = sep.rjust(seplen) string = sl for item in itemlist: string += item.center(str_len) + sr self.print(string, flush=False) def check_plot_hour(self): ''' Check if new hour started ''' current_hour = UTCDateTime().hour if not current_hour > self.plot_hour: return False if current_hour == 23: self.plot_hour = 0 else: self.plot_hour += 1 return True def get_fig_path_abs(self, nwst_id): return pjoin(self.outpath_html, self.get_fig_path_rel(nwst_id)) def get_fig_path_rel(self, nwst_id, fig_format='png'): return os.path.join(self.html_fig_dir, f'{nwst_id.rstrip(".")}.{fig_format}') def check_fig_dir(self): fdir = pjoin(self.outpath_html, self.html_fig_dir) if not os.path.isdir(fdir): os.mkdir(fdir) def check_html_dir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.outpath_html): os.mkdir(self.outpath_html) def write_html_figures(self, check_plot_time=True): """ Write figures for html (e.g. hourly) """ if check_plot_time and not self.check_plot_hour(): return for nwst_id in self.station_list: self.write_html_figure(nwst_id) def write_html_figure(self, nwst_id): """ Write figure for html for specified station """ self.check_fig_dir() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) fnout = self.get_fig_path_abs(nwst_id) st = self.data.get(nwst_id) if st: # TODO: this section failed once, adding try-except block for analysis and to prevent program from crashing try: endtime = UTCDateTime() starttime = endtime - self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600 st = modify_stream_for_plot(st, parameters=self.parameters) st.plot(fig=fig, show=False, draw=False, block=False, equal_scale=False, method='full', starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) # set_axis_ylabels(fig, self.parameters, self.verbosity) set_axis_yticks(fig, self.parameters, self.verbosity) set_axis_color(fig) plot_axis_thresholds(fig, self.parameters, self.verbosity) except Exception as e: print(f'Could not generate plot for {nwst_id}:') print(traceback.format_exc()) if len(fig.axes) > 0: ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_title(f'Plot refreshed at (UTC) {UTCDateTime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}. ' f'Refreshed hourly or on FAIL status.') for ax in fig.axes: ax.grid(True, alpha=0.1) fig.savefig(fnout, dpi=150., bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) def write_html_table(self, default_color='#e6e6e6', default_header_color='#999', hide_keys_mobile=('other')): def get_html_class(status=None, check_key=None): """ helper function for html class if a certain condition is fulfilled """ html_class = None if status and status.is_active: html_class = 'blink-bg' if check_key in hide_keys_mobile: html_class = 'hidden-mobile' return html_class self.check_html_dir() fnout = pjoin(self.outpath_html, 'survBot_out.html') if not fnout: return try: with open(fnout, 'w') as outfile: write_html_header(outfile, self.refresh_period) # write_html_table_title(outfile, self.parameters) init_html_table(outfile) # First write header items header = self.keys.copy() # add columns for additional links for key in self.add_links: header.insert(-1, key) header_items = [dict(text='Station', color=default_header_color)] for check_key in header: html_class = get_html_class(check_key=check_key) item = dict(text=check_key, color=default_header_color, html_class=html_class) header_items.append(item) write_html_row(outfile, header_items, html_key='th') # Write all cells for nwst_id in self.station_list: fig_name = self.get_fig_path_rel(nwst_id) nwst_id_str = nwst_id.rstrip('.') col_items = [dict(text=nwst_id_str, color=default_color, hyperlink=fig_name, bold=True, tooltip=f'Show plot of {nwst_id_str}')] for check_key in header: if check_key in self.keys: status_dict = self.analysis_results.get(nwst_id) status = status_dict.get(check_key) message, detailed_message = status.get_status_str() # get background color dt_thresh = [timedelta(seconds=sec) for sec in self.dt_thresh] bg_color = get_bg_color(check_key, status, dt_thresh, hex=True) if not bg_color: bg_color = default_color # add degree sign for temp if check_key == 'temp': if not type(message) in [str]: message = str(message) + deg_str html_class = get_html_class(status=status, check_key=check_key) item = dict(text=str(message), tooltip=str(detailed_message), color=bg_color, html_class=html_class) elif check_key in self.add_links: value = self.add_links.get(check_key).get('URL') link_text = self.add_links.get(check_key).get('text') if not value: continue nw, st = nwst_id.split('.')[:2] hyperlink_dict = dict(nw=nw, st=st, nwst_id=nwst_id) link = value.format(**hyperlink_dict) item = dict(text=link_text, tooltip=link, hyperlink=link, color=default_color) col_items.append(item) write_html_row(outfile, col_items) finish_html_table(outfile) write_html_text(outfile, self.status_message) write_html_footer(outfile) except Exception as e: print(f'Could not write HTML table to {fnout}:') print(traceback.format_exc()) if self.verbosity: print(f'Wrote html table to {fnout}') def update_status_message(self): timespan = timedelta(seconds=int(self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600)) self.status_message = f'Program starttime (UTC) {self.starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} | ' \ f'Current time (UTC) {UTCDateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} | ' \ f'Refresh period: {self.refresh_period}s | ' \ f'Showing data of last {timespan}' def print(self, string, **kwargs): clear_end = CLR + '\n' n_nl = string.count('\n') string.replace('\n', clear_end) print(string, end=clear_end, **kwargs) self.print_count += n_nl + 1 # number of newlines + actual print with end='\n' (no check for kwargs end!) # print('pc:', self.print_count) def clear_prints(self): print(UP.format(length=self.print_count), end='') self.print_count = 0 class StationQC(object): def __init__(self, parent, stream, nsl, parameters, keys, starttime, verbosity, print_func, status_track=None): """ Station Quality Check class. :param nsl: dictionary containing network, station and location (key: str) :param parameters: parameters dictionary from parameters.yaml file """ if status_track is None: status_track = {} self.parent = parent self.stream = stream self.nsl = nsl self.network = nsl.get('network') self.station = nsl.get('station') self.location = nsl.get('location') self.parameters = parameters self.program_starttime = starttime self.verbosity = verbosity self.last_active = False self.print = print_func self.keys = keys self.status_dict = {key: Status() for key in self.keys} if not status_track: status_track = {} self.status_track = status_track self.start() @property def nwst_id(self): return f'{self.network}.{self.station}' def status_ok(self, key, detailed_message="Everything OK", status_message='OK', overwrite=False): current_status = self.status_dict.get(key) # do not overwrite existing warnings or errors if not overwrite and (current_status.is_warn or current_status.is_error): return self.status_dict[key] = StatusOK(message=status_message, detailed_messages=[detailed_message]) def warn(self, key, detailed_message, last_occurrence=None, count=1): if key == 'other': self.status_other(detailed_message, last_occurrence, count) new_warn = StatusWarn(count=count, show_count=self.parameters.get('warn_count')) current_status = self.status_dict.get(key) # change this to something more useful, SMS/EMAIL/PUSH if self.verbosity: self.print(f'{UTCDateTime()}: {detailed_message}', flush=False) # if error, do not overwrite with warning if current_status.is_error: return if current_status.is_warn: current_status.count += count else: current_status = new_warn self._update_status(key, current_status, detailed_message, last_occurrence) # warnings.warn(message) # # update detailed status if already existing # current_message = self.detailed_status_dict.get(key) # current_message = '' if current_message in [None, '-'] else current_message + ' | ' # self.detailed_status_dict[key] = current_message + detailed_message # # # this is becoming a little bit too complicated (adding warnings to existing) # current_status_message = self.status_dict.get(key) # current_status_message = '' if current_status_message in [None, 'OK', '-'] else current_status_message + ' | ' # self.status_dict[key] = current_status_message + status_message def error(self, key, detailed_message, last_occurrence=None, count=1): new_error = StatusError(count=count, show_count=self.parameters.get('warn_count')) current_status = self.status_dict.get(key) if current_status.is_error: current_status.count += count else: current_status = new_error # if error is new and not on program-startup set active and refresh plot (using parent class) if self.search_previous_errors(key, n_errors=1) is True: self.parent.write_html_figure(self.nwst_id) if self.verbosity: self.print(f'{UTCDateTime()}: {detailed_message}', flush=False) # do not send error mail if this is the first run (e.g. program startup) or state was already error (unchanged) if self.search_previous_errors(key) is True: self.send_mail(key, status_type='FAIL', additional_message=detailed_message) # set status to "inactive" after sending info mail current_status.is_active = False elif self.search_previous_errors(key) == 'active': current_status.is_active = True self._update_status(key, current_status, detailed_message, last_occurrence) def search_previous_errors(self, key, n_errors=None): """ Check n_track + 1 previous statuses for errors. If first item in list is no error but all others are return True (first time n_track errors appeared if ALL n_track + 1 are error: error is old) If last item is error but not all items are error yet return keyword 'active' -> error active, no message sent In all other cases return False. This also prevents sending status (e.g. mail) in case of program startup """ if n_errors is None: n_errors = self.parameters.get('n_track') # +1 to check whether n_errors +1 was no error (error is new) n_errors += 1 previous_errors = self.status_track.get(key) # only if error list is filled n_track times if previous_errors and len(previous_errors) == n_errors: # if first entry was no error but all others are, return True (-> new Fail n_track times) if not previous_errors[0] and all(previous_errors[1:]): return True # in case previous_errors exists, last item is error but not all items are error, error still active elif previous_errors and previous_errors[-1] and not all(previous_errors): return 'active' return False def send_mail(self, key, status_type, additional_message=''): """ Send info mail using parameters specified in parameters file """ if not mail_functionality: if self.verbosity: print('Mail functionality disabled. Return') return mail_params = self.parameters.get('EMAIL') if not mail_params: if self.verbosity: print('parameter "EMAIL" not set in parameter file. Return') return stations_blacklist = mail_params.get('stations_blacklist') if stations_blacklist and self.station in stations_blacklist: if self.verbosity: print(f'Station {self.station} listed in blacklist. Return') return networks_blacklist = mail_params.get('networks_blacklist') if networks_blacklist and self.network in networks_blacklist: if self.verbosity: print(f'Station {self.station} of network {self.network} listed in blacklist. Return') return sender = mail_params.get('sender') addresses = mail_params.get('addresses') server = mail_params.get('mailserver') if not sender or not addresses: if self.verbosity: print('Mail sender or addresses not correctly defined. Return') return dt = self.get_dt_for_action() text = f'{key}: Status {status_type} longer than {dt}: ' + additional_message msg = MIMEText(text) msg['Subject'] = f'new message on station {self.nwst_id}' msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = ', '.join(addresses) # send message via SMTP server s = smtplib.SMTP(server) s.sendmail(sender, addresses, msg.as_string()) s.quit() def get_dt_for_action(self): n_track = self.parameters.get('n_track') interval = self.parameters.get('interval') dt = timedelta(seconds=n_track * interval) return dt def status_other(self, detailed_message, status_message, last_occurrence=None, count=1): key = 'other' new_status = StatusOther(count=count, messages=[status_message]) current_status = self.status_dict.get(key) if current_status.is_other: current_status.count += count current_status.messages.append(status_message) else: current_status = new_status self._update_status(key, current_status, detailed_message, last_occurrence) def _update_status(self, key, current_status, detailed_message, last_occurrence): current_status.detailed_messages.append(detailed_message) current_status.last_occurrence = last_occurrence self.status_dict[key] = current_status def activity_check(self, key='last_active'): self.last_active = self.last_activity() if not self.last_active: status = StatusError() else: dt_active = timedelta(seconds=int(self.program_starttime - self.last_active)) status = Status(message=dt_active) self.check_for_inactive_message(key, dt_active) self.status_dict['last active'] = status def last_activity(self): if not self.stream: return endtimes = [] for trace in self.stream: endtimes.append(trace.stats.endtime) if len(endtimes) > 0: return max(endtimes) def check_for_inactive_message(self, key, dt_active): dt_action = self.get_dt_for_action() interval = self.parameters.get('interval') if dt_action <= dt_active < dt_action + timedelta(seconds=interval): detailed_message = f'\n{self.nwst_id}\n\n' for key, status in self.status_dict.items(): detailed_message += f'{key}: {status.message}\n' self.send_mail(key, status_type='Inactive', additional_message=detailed_message) def start(self): self.analyse_channels() def analyse_channels(self): timespan = self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600 self.analysis_starttime = self.program_starttime - timespan if self.verbosity > 0: self.print(150 * '#') self.print('This is StationQT. Calculating quality for station' ' {network}.{station}.{location}'.format(**self.nsl)) self.voltage_analysis() self.pb_temp_analysis() self.pb_power_analysis() self.pb_rout_charge_analysis() self.mass_analysis() self.clock_quality_analysis() self.gaps_analysis() # activity check should be done last for useful status output (e.g. email) self.activity_check() def return_print_analysis(self): items = [self.nwst_id] for key in self.keys: status = self.status_dict[key] message = status.message if key == 'last active': items.append(fancy_timestr(message)) elif key == 'temp': items.append(str(message) + deg_str) else: items.append(str(message)) return items def return_analysis(self): return self.status_dict def get_unit_factor(self, channel): """ Get channel multiplier for unit from parameters. If none is specified return 1 """ channel_params = self.parameters.get('CHANNELS').get(channel) if channel_params: multiplier = channel_params.get('unit') if multiplier: return float(multiplier) return 1 def get_last_occurrence_timestring(self, trace, indices): """ returns a nicely formatted string of the timedelta since program starttime and occurrence and abs time""" last_occur = self.get_last_occurrence(trace, indices) if not last_occur: return '' last_occur_dt = timedelta(seconds=int(self.program_starttime - last_occur)) return f', Last occurrence: {last_occur_dt} ({last_occur.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")})' def get_last_occurrence(self, trace, indices): return self.get_time(trace, indices[-1]) def clock_quality_analysis(self, channel='LCQ', n_sample_average=10): """ Analyse clock quality """ key = 'clock' st = self.stream.select(channel=channel) trace = self.get_trace(st, key) if not trace: return clock_quality = trace.data clock_quality_warn_level = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('clockquality_warn') clock_quality_fail_level = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('clockquality_fail') if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing Clock Quality check', flush=False) clockQuality_warn = np.where(clock_quality < clock_quality_warn_level)[0] clockQuality_fail = np.where(clock_quality < clock_quality_fail_level)[0] if len(clockQuality_warn) == 0 and len(clockQuality_fail) == 0: self.status_ok(key, detailed_message=f'ClockQuality={(clock_quality[-1])}') return last_val_average = np.nanmean(clock_quality[-n_sample_average:]) # keep OK status if there are only minor warnings (lower warn level) warn_message = f'Trace {trace.get_id()}:' if len(clockQuality_warn) > 0: # try calculate number of warn peaks from gaps between indices n_qc_warn = self.calc_occurrences(clockQuality_warn) detailed_message = warn_message + f' {n_qc_warn}x Clock quality less then {clock_quality_warn_level}%' \ + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, clockQuality_warn) self.status_ok(key, detailed_message=detailed_message) # set WARN status for severe warnings in the past if len(clockQuality_fail) > 0: # try calculate number of fail peaks from gaps between indices n_qc_fail = self.calc_occurrences(clockQuality_fail) detailed_message = warn_message + f' {n_qc_fail}x Clock quality less then {clock_quality_fail_level}%' \ + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, clockQuality_fail) self.warn(key, detailed_message=detailed_message, count=n_qc_fail, last_occurrence=self.get_last_occurrence(trace, clockQuality_fail)) # set FAIL state if last value is less than fail level if last_val_average < clock_quality_fail_level: self.error(key, detailed_message=f'ClockQuality={(clock_quality[-1])}') def voltage_analysis(self, channel='VEI'): """ Analyse voltage channel for over/undervoltage """ key = 'voltage' st = self.stream.select(channel=channel) trace = self.get_trace(st, key) if not trace: return voltage = trace.data * self.get_unit_factor(channel) low_volt = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('low_volt') high_volt = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('high_volt') if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing Voltage check', flush=False) overvolt = np.where(voltage > high_volt)[0] undervolt = np.where(voltage < low_volt)[0] if len(overvolt) == 0 and len(undervolt) == 0: self.status_ok(key, detailed_message=f'U={(voltage[-1])}V') return warn_message = f'Trace {trace.get_id()}:' if len(overvolt) > 0: # try calculate number of voltage peaks from gaps between indices n_overvolt = len(np.where(np.diff(overvolt) > 1)[0]) + 1 detailed_message = warn_message + f' {n_overvolt}x Voltage over {high_volt}V' \ + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, overvolt) self.warn(key, detailed_message=detailed_message, count=n_overvolt, last_occurrence=self.get_last_occurrence(trace, overvolt)) if len(undervolt) > 0: # try calculate number of voltage peaks from gaps between indices n_undervolt = len(np.where(np.diff(undervolt) > 1)[0]) + 1 detailed_message = warn_message + f' {n_undervolt}x Voltage under {low_volt}V ' \ + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, undervolt) self.warn(key, detailed_message=detailed_message, count=n_undervolt, last_occurrence=self.get_last_occurrence(trace, undervolt)) def pb_temp_analysis(self, channel='EX1'): """ Analyse PowBox temperature output. """ key = 'temp' st = self.stream.select(channel=channel) trace = self.get_trace(st, key) if not trace: return voltage = trace.data * self.get_unit_factor(channel) thresholds = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS') temp = 20. * voltage - 20 # average temp timespan = min([self.parameters.get('timespan') * 24 * 3600, int(len(temp) / trace.stats.sampling_rate)]) nsamp_av = int(trace.stats.sampling_rate) * timespan av_temp_str = str(round(np.nanmean(temp[-nsamp_av:]), 1)) + deg_str # dt of average dt_t_str = str(timedelta(seconds=int(timespan))).replace(', 0:00:00', '') # current temp cur_temp = round(temp[-1], 1) if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing PowBox temperature check (EX1)', flush=False) self.print(f'Average temperature at {np.nanmean(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False) self.print(f'Peak temperature at {max(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False) self.print(f'Min temperature at {min(temp)}\N{DEGREE SIGN}', flush=False) max_temp = thresholds.get('max_temp') t_check = np.where(temp > max_temp)[0] if len(t_check) > 0: self.warn(key=key, detailed_message=f'Trace {trace.get_id()}: ' f'Temperature over {max_temp}\N{DEGREE SIGN} at {trace.get_id()}!' + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, t_check), last_occurrence=self.get_last_occurrence(trace, t_check)) else: self.status_ok(key, status_message=cur_temp, detailed_message=f'Average temperature of last {dt_t_str}: {av_temp_str}') def mass_analysis(self, channels=('VM1', 'VM2', 'VM3'), n_samp_mean=10): """ Analyse datalogger mass channels. """ key = 'mass' # build stream with all channels st = Stream() for channel in channels: st += self.stream.select(channel=channel).copy() st.merge() # return if there are no three components if not len(st) == 3: return # correct for channel unit for trace in st: trace.data = trace.data * self.get_unit_factor(trace.stats.channel) # calculate average of absolute maximum of mass offset of last n_samp_mean last_values = np.array([trace.data[-n_samp_mean:] for trace in st]) last_val_mean = np.nanmean(last_values, axis=1) common_highest_val = np.nanmax(abs(last_val_mean)) common_highest_val = round(common_highest_val, 1) # get thresholds for WARN (max_vm_warn) and FAIL (max_vm_fail) thresholds = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS') max_vm_warn = thresholds.get('max_vm_warn') max_vm_fail = thresholds.get('max_vm_fail') if not max_vm_warn or not max_vm_fail: return # change status depending on common_highest_val if common_highest_val < max_vm_warn: self.status_ok(key, detailed_message=f'{common_highest_val}V') elif max_vm_warn <= common_highest_val < max_vm_fail: self.warn(key=key, detailed_message=f'Warning raised for mass centering. Highest val (abs) {common_highest_val}V', ) else: self.error(key=key, detailed_message=f'Fail status for mass centering. Highest val (abs) {common_highest_val}V',) if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing mass position check', flush=False) self.print(f'Average mass position at {common_highest_val}', flush=False) def pb_power_analysis(self, channel='EX2', pb_dict_key='pb_SOH2'): """ Analyse EX2 channel of PowBox """ keys = ['230V', '12V'] st = self.stream.select(channel=channel) trace = self.get_trace(st, keys) if not trace: return voltage = trace.data * self.get_unit_factor(channel) if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing PowBox 12V/230V check (EX2)', flush=False) voltage_check, voltage_dict, last_val = self.pb_voltage_ok(trace, voltage, pb_dict_key, channel=channel) if voltage_check: for key in keys: self.status_ok(key) return soh2_params = self.parameters.get('POWBOX').get(pb_dict_key) self.in_depth_voltage_check(trace, voltage_dict, soh2_params, last_val) def pb_rout_charge_analysis(self, channel='EX3', pb_dict_key='pb_SOH3'): """ Analyse EX3 channel of PowBox """ keys = ['router', 'charger'] pb_thresh = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('pb_1v') st = self.stream.select(channel=channel) trace = self.get_trace(st, keys) if not trace: return voltage = trace.data * self.get_unit_factor(channel) if self.verbosity > 1: self.print(40 * '-') self.print('Performing PowBox Router/Charger check (EX3)', flush=False) voltage_check, voltage_dict, last_val = self.pb_voltage_ok(trace, voltage, pb_dict_key, channel=channel) if voltage_check: for key in keys: self.status_ok(key) return soh3_params = self.parameters.get('POWBOX').get(pb_dict_key) self.in_depth_voltage_check(trace, voltage_dict, soh3_params, last_val) def in_depth_voltage_check(self, trace, voltage_dict, soh_params, last_val): """ Associate values in voltage_dict to error messages specified in SOH_params and warn.""" for volt_lvl, ind_array in voltage_dict.items(): if volt_lvl == 1: continue # No need to do anything here if len(ind_array) > 0: # get result from parameter dictionary for voltage level result = soh_params.get(volt_lvl) for key, message in result.items(): # if result is OK, continue with next voltage level if message == 'OK': self.status_ok(key) continue if volt_lvl > 1: n_occurrences = self.calc_occurrences(ind_array) self.warn(key=key, detailed_message=f'Trace {trace.get_id()}: ' f'Found {n_occurrences} occurrence(s) of {volt_lvl}V: {key}: {message}' + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, ind_array), count=n_occurrences, last_occurrence=self.get_last_occurrence(trace, ind_array)) # if last_val == current voltage (which is not 1) -> FAIL or last_val < 1: PBox no data if volt_lvl == last_val or (volt_lvl == -1 and last_val < 1): self.error(key, detailed_message=f'Last PowBox voltage state {last_val}V: {message}') def gaps_analysis(self, key='gaps'): """ return gaps of a given nwst_id """ gaps = [] for gap_list in self.parent.gaps: nw_gap, st_gap = gap_list[:2] if nw_gap == self.network and st_gap == self.station: gaps.append(gap_list) if not gaps: self.status_ok(key=key) return detailed_message = '' for gap_list in gaps: text = '{}.{}.{}.{}: last sample - {}, next sample - {}, delta {}, samples {}\n'.format(*gap_list) detailed_message += text self.warn(key=key, detailed_message=detailed_message, count=len(gaps)) def calc_occurrences(self, ind_array): # try calculate number of voltage peaks/plateaus from gaps between indices if len(ind_array) == 0: return 0 else: # start index at 1 if there are gaps (n_peaks = n_gaps + 1) n_occurrences = 1 min_samples = self.parameters.get('min_sample') if not min_samples: min_samples = 1 # calculated differences in index array, diff > 1: gap, diff == 1: within peak/plateau diffs = np.diff(ind_array) gap_start_inds = np.where(np.diff(ind_array) > 1)[0] # iterate over all gaps and check "min_samples" before the gap for gsi in gap_start_inds: # right boundary index of peak (gap index - 1) peak_rb_ind = gsi - 1 # left boundary index of peak peak_lb_ind = max([0, peak_rb_ind - min_samples]) if all(diffs[peak_lb_ind: peak_rb_ind] == 1): n_occurrences += 1 return n_occurrences def get_trace(self, stream, keys): if not type(keys) == list: keys = [keys] if len(stream) == 0: for key in keys: self.warn(key, 'NO DATA', 'NO DATA') return if len(stream) > 1: raise Exception('Ambiguity error') trace = stream[0] if trace.stats.endtime < self.analysis_starttime: for key in keys: self.warn(key, 'NO DATA', 'NO DATA') return return trace def pb_voltage_ok(self, trace, voltage, pb_dict_key, channel=None): """ Checks if voltage level is ok everywhere and returns True. If it is not okay it returns a dictionary with each voltage value associated to the different steps specified in POWBOX > pb_steps. Also raises self.warn in case there are unassociated voltage values recorded. """ pb_thresh = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('pb_thresh') pb_ok = self.parameters.get('POWBOX').get('pb_ok') # possible voltage levels are keys of pb voltage level dict voltage_levels = list(self.parameters.get('POWBOX').get(pb_dict_key).keys()) # get mean voltage value of last samples last_voltage = np.nanmean(voltage[-3:]) # check if voltage is over or under OK-level (1V), if not return True over = np.where(voltage > pb_ok + pb_thresh)[0] under = np.where(voltage < pb_ok - pb_thresh)[0] if len(over) == 0 and len(under) == 0: return True, {}, last_voltage # Get voltage levels for classification voltage_dict = {} classified_indices = np.array([]) # add classified levels to voltage_dict for volt in voltage_levels: indices = np.where((voltage < volt + pb_thresh) & (voltage > volt - pb_thresh))[0] voltage_dict[volt] = indices classified_indices = np.append(classified_indices, indices) # Warn in case of voltage under OK-level (1V) if len(under) > 0: # try calculate number of occurences from gaps between indices n_occurrences = len(np.where(np.diff(under) > 1)[0]) + 1 voltage_dict[-1] = under self.status_other(detailed_message=f'Trace {trace.get_id()}: ' f'Voltage below {pb_ok}V in {len(under)} samples, {n_occurrences} time(s). ' f'Mean voltage: {np.mean(voltage):.2}' + self.get_last_occurrence_timestring(trace, under), status_message='under 1V ({})'.format(n_occurrences)) # classify last voltage values for volt in voltage_levels: if (last_voltage < volt + pb_thresh) and (last_voltage > volt - pb_thresh): last_val = volt break else: last_val = round(last_voltage, 2) # in case not all voltage values could be classified if not len(classified_indices) == len(voltage): all_indices = np.arange(len(voltage)) unclassified_indices = all_indices[~np.isin(all_indices, classified_indices)] n_unclassified = len(unclassified_indices) max_uncl = self.parameters.get('THRESHOLDS').get('unclassified') if max_uncl and n_unclassified > max_uncl: self.status_other(detailed_message=f'Trace {trace.get_id()}: ' f'{n_unclassified}/{len(all_indices)} ' f'unclassified voltage values in channel {trace.get_id()}', status_message=f'{channel}: {n_unclassified} uncl.') return False, voltage_dict, last_val def get_time(self, trace, index): """ get UTCDateTime from trace and index""" return trace.stats.starttime + trace.stats.delta * index class Status(object): def __init__(self, message=None, detailed_messages=None, count: int = 0, last_occurrence=None, show_count=True): if message is None: message = '-' if detailed_messages is None: detailed_messages = [] self.show_count = show_count self.message = message self.messages = [message] self.detailed_messages = detailed_messages self.count = count self.last_occurrence = last_occurrence self.is_warn = None self.is_error = None self.is_other = False self.is_active = False def set_warn(self): self.is_warn = True def set_error(self): self.is_warn = False self.is_error = True def set_ok(self): self.is_warn = False self.is_error = False def get_status_str(self): message = self.message if self.count > 1 and self.show_count: message += f' ({self.count})' detailed_message = '' for index, dm in enumerate(self.detailed_messages): if index > 0: detailed_message += ' | ' detailed_message += dm return message, detailed_message class StatusOK(Status): def __init__(self, message='OK', detailed_messages=None): super(StatusOK, self).__init__(message=message, detailed_messages=detailed_messages) self.set_ok() class StatusWarn(Status): def __init__(self, message='WARN', count=1, last_occurence=None, detailed_messages=None, show_count=False): super(StatusWarn, self).__init__(message=message, count=count, last_occurrence=last_occurence, detailed_messages=detailed_messages, show_count=show_count) self.set_warn() class StatusError(Status): def __init__(self, message='FAIL', count=1, last_occurence=None, detailed_messages=None, show_count=False): super(StatusError, self).__init__(message=message, count=count, last_occurrence=last_occurence, detailed_messages=detailed_messages, show_count=show_count) self.set_error() class StatusOther(Status): def __init__(self, messages=None, count=1, last_occurence=None, detailed_messages=None): super(StatusOther, self).__init__(count=count, last_occurrence=last_occurence, detailed_messages=detailed_messages) if messages is None: messages = [] self.messages = messages self.is_other = True def get_status_str(self): if self.messages == []: return '-' message = '' for index, mes in enumerate(self.messages): if index > 0: message += ' | ' message += mes detailed_message = '' for index, dm in enumerate(self.detailed_messages): if index > 0: detailed_message += ' | ' detailed_message += dm return message, detailed_message if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Call survBot') parser.add_argument('-html', dest='html_path', default=None, help='filepath for HTML output') args = parser.parse_args() survBot = SurveillanceBot(parameter_path='parameters.yaml', outpath_html=args.html_path) survBot.start()