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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib
def get_bg_color(check_key, status, dt_thresh=None, hex=False):
message = status.message
if check_key == 'last active':
bg_color = get_time_delay_color(message, dt_thresh)
elif check_key == 'temp':
bg_color = get_temp_color(message)
if status.is_warn:
bg_color = get_color('WARNX')(status.count)
elif status.is_error:
bg_color = get_color('FAIL')
bg_color = get_color(message)
if not bg_color:
bg_color = get_color('undefined')
if hex:
bg_color = '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(*bg_color[:3])
return bg_color
def get_color(key):
# some GUI default colors
colors_dict = {'FAIL': (255, 50, 0, 255),
'NO DATA': (255, 255, 125, 255),
'WARN': (255, 255, 80, 255),
'WARNX': lambda x: (min([255, 200 + x ** 2]), 255, 80, 255),
'OK': (125, 255, 125, 255),
'undefined': (230, 230, 230, 255)}
return colors_dict.get(key)
def get_time_delay_color(dt, dt_thresh):
""" Set color of time delay after thresholds specified in self.dt_thresh """
if dt < dt_thresh[0]:
return get_color('OK')
elif dt_thresh[0] <= dt < dt_thresh[1]:
return get_color('WARN')
return get_color('FAIL')
def get_temp_color(temp, vmin=-10, vmax=60, cmap='coolwarm'):
""" Get an rgba temperature value back from specified cmap, linearly interpolated between vmin and vmax. """
if type(temp) in [str]:
return get_color('undefined')
cmap =
val = (temp - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
rgba = [int(255 * c) for c in cmap(val)]
return rgba
def modify_stream_for_plot(st, parameters):
""" copy (if necessary) and modify stream for plotting """
ch_units = parameters.get('CHANNEL_UNITS')
ch_transf = parameters.get('CHANNEL_TRANSFORM')
# if either of both are defined make copy
if ch_units or ch_transf:
st = st.copy()
# modify trace for plotting by multiplying unit factor (e.g. 1e-3 mV to V)
if ch_units:
for tr in st:
channel =
unit_factor = ch_units.get(channel)
if unit_factor: = * float(unit_factor)
# modify trace for plotting by other arithmetic expressions
if ch_transf:
for tr in st:
channel =
transf = ch_transf.get(channel)
if transf: = transform_trace(, transf)
return st
def transform_trace(data, transf):
Transform trace with arithmetic operations in order, specified in transf
@param data: numpy array
@param transf: list of lists with arithmetic operations (e.g. [['*', '20'], ] -> multiply data by 20
# This looks a little bit hardcoded, however it is safer than using e.g. "eval"
for operator_str, val in transf:
if operator_str == '+':
data = data + val
elif operator_str == '-':
data = data - val
elif operator_str == '*':
data = data * val
elif operator_str == '/':
data = data / val
raise IOError(f'Unknown arithmethic operator string: {operator_str}')
return data
def annotate_trace_axes(fig, parameters, verbosity=0):
Adds channel names to y-axis if defined in parameters.
Can get mixed up if channel order in stream and channel names defined in parameters.yaml differ, but it is
difficult to assess the correct order from Obspy plotting routing.
names = parameters.get('channel_names')
if not names: # or not len(st.traces):
if not len(names) == len(fig.axes):
if verbosity:
print('Mismatch in axis and label lengths. Not adding plot labels')
for channel_name, ax in zip(names, fig.axes):
if channel_name: