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36 lines
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import numpy as np
def movingWindowAnalysis(data,winfun,nwin,shift,exp):
Performs moving window analysis of a time series.
data: data array
winfun: name of the window function to be called
nwin: number of window samples (power of 2)
shift: displacement of moving window in samples
exp: exponent for taking power of spectrum
fwin = winfun(nwin) # compute window values
npts = len(data) # number of total samples
nseg = int((npts-nwin)/shift)+1 # total number of expected data segment
mwa = np.zeros((nwin//2+1,nseg)) # array for result (rfft returns N/2+1 samples)
wa = 0 # start index of data segment
we = nwin # end index of data segment
jseg = 0 # initialize data segment counter
while we < npts: # loop over segments
seg = data[wa:we]*fwin # multiply data segment with window
seg = seg-seg.mean() # subtract mean value of segment
ftseg = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(seg)) # abs value of Fourier transform
maxft = np.amax(ftseg) # max value of Fourier transform
ftseg = ftseg/maxft+1.e-10 # normalize spectrum to its maximum, remove zeros
mwa[:,jseg] = np.power(ftseg,exp) # assign values to the matrix
wa = wa+shift # move window start by shift
we = we+shift # move window end by shift
jseg = jseg+1 # increase segment counter
return nseg,mwa # return number of segments and moving window matrix
def hann(nw):
arg = 2.*np.pi*np.arange(0,nw)/nw # argument of cosine
fwin = 0.5*(1.-np.cos(arg)) # Hann window
return fwin