[new] added a new location tools tab to the properties widget (not working yet)

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Wehling-Benatelli 2015-11-23 15:07:43 +01:00
parent 4fdcf1cf60
commit 8a4ac82c3a

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
from PySide.QtGui import QAction, QApplication, QComboBox, QDateTimeEdit, \
QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QGroupBox, QGridLayout, \
QIcon, QKeySequence, QLabel, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QPixmap, QSpinBox, \
QTabWidget, QToolBar, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
QTabWidget, QToolBar, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QPushButton, QFileDialog
from PySide.QtCore import QSettings, Qt, QUrl, Signal, Slot
from PySide.QtWebKit import QWebView
from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime
@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ class PropertiesDlg(QDialog):
self.tabWidget.addTab(OutputsTab(self), "Outputs")
self.tabWidget.addTab(PhasesTab(self), "Phases")
self.tabWidget.addTab(GraphicsTab(self), "Graphics")
self.tabWidget.addTab(LocalisationTab(self), "Tools")
self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok |
QDialogButtonBox.Apply |
@ -842,7 +843,7 @@ class InputsTab(PropTab):
# get the full name of the actual user
self.fullNameEdit = QLineEdit()
# information about data structure
dataroot = settings.value("data/dataRoot")
@ -930,13 +931,45 @@ class LocalisationTab(PropTab):
curroot = settings.value("%s/rootPath".format(curtool), None)
curbin = settings.value("%s/binPath".format(curtool), None)
rootlabel = QLabel("root directory")
binlabel = QLabel("bin directory")
rootedit = QLineEdit('')
binedit = QLineEdit('')
rootBrowse = QPushButton('...', self)
rootBrowse.clicked.connect(lambda: self.selectDirectory(rootedit))
binBrowse = QPushButton('...', self)
binBrowse.clicked.connect(lambda: self.selectDirectory(binedit))
curroot = settings.value("loc/tool", None)
if curtool is not None:
rootlabel = QLabel("{0} root dircetory".format(curtool))
rootlabel = QLabel("root dircetory")
rootlabel.setText("{0} root directory".format(curtool))
binlabel.setText("{0} bin directory".format(curtool))
if curroot is not None:
if curbin is not None:
layout = QGridLayout()
layout.addWidget(loctoollabel, 0, 0)
layout.addWidget(self.locToolComboBox, 0, 1)
layout.addWidget(rootlabel, 1, 0)
layout.addWidget(rootedit, 1, 1)
layout.addWidget(rootBrowse, 1, 2)
layout.addWidget(binlabel, 2, 0)
layout.addWidget(binedit, 2, 1)
layout.addWidget(binBrowse, 2, 2)
def selectDirectory(self, edit):
selected_directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()
class NewEventDlg(QDialog):