Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Paffrath 2015-11-24 12:38:16 +01:00
commit a2eb5868a7
4 changed files with 144 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -133,14 +133,32 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
# get theoretical P-onset times from NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
maxnumit = 3 # maximum number of iterations
if len(glob.glob(locsearch)) > 0:
# get latest file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
if os.path.isfile(nllocfile):
nlloccounter = 0
while len(badpicks) > 0 and nlloccounter <= maxnumit:
nlloccounter += 1
if nlloccounter > maxnumit:
print("autoPyLoT: Number of maximum iterations reached, stop iterative picking!")
print("autoPyLoT: Starting with iteration No. %d ..." % nlloccounter)
picks = iteratepicker(wfdat, nllocfile, picks, badpicks, parameter)
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
print("autoPyLoT: Iteration No. %d finished." % nlloccounter)
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
print("autoPyLoT: After iteration No. %d: %d bad onsets found ..." % (nlloccounter, \
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No more bad onsets found, stop iterative picking!")
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")
@ -195,14 +213,33 @@ def autoPyLoT(inputfile):
# get theoretical P-onset times from NLLoc-location file
locsearch = '%s/loc/%s.????????.??????.grid?.loc.hyp' % (nllocroot, nllocout)
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
maxnumit = 3 # maximum number of iterations
if len(glob.glob(locsearch)) > 0:
# get latest file if several are available
nllocfile = max(glob.glob(locsearch), key=os.path.getctime)
if os.path.isfile(nllocfile):
nlloccounter = 0
while len(badpicks) > 0 and nlloccounter <= maxnumit:
nlloccounter += 1
if nlloccounter > maxnumit:
print("autoPyLoT: Number of maximum iterations reached, stop iterative picking!")
print("autoPyLoT: Starting with iteration No. %d ..." % nlloccounter)
picks = iteratepicker(wfdat, nllocfile, picks, badpicks, parameter)
# write phases to NLLoc-phase file
picksExport(picks, 'NLLoc', phasefile)
# locate the event
locate(nlloccall, ctrfile)
print("autoPyLoT: Iteration No. %d finished." % nlloccounter)
badpicks = []
for key in picks:
if picks[key]['P']['weight'] >= 4 or picks[key]['S']['weight'] >= 4:
badpicks.append([key, picks[key]['P']['mpp']])
print("autoPyLoT: After iteration No. %d: %d bad onsets found ..." % (nlloccounter, \
if len(badpicks) == 0:
print("autoPyLoT: No more bad onsets found, stop iterative picking!")
print("autoPyLoT: No NLLoc-location file available! Stop iteration!")

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
#main settings#
/DATA/Insheim #rootpath# %project path
EVENT_DATA/LOCAL #datapath# %data path
2013.02_Insheim #database# %name of data base
e0019.048.13 #eventID# %event ID for single event processing
2015.10_Insheim #database# %name of data base
e0011.280.15 #eventID# %event ID for single event processing
/DATA/Insheim/STAT_INFO #invdir# %full path to inventory or dataless-seed file
PILOT #datastructure#%choose data structure
0 #iplot# %flag for plotting: 0 none, 1 partly, >1 everything
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ #focmecin# %name of focmec input file co
300 #Qp# %quality factor for P waves
100 #Qs# %quality factor for S waves
#common settings picker#
15 #pstart# %start time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking
60 #pstop# %end time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking
15.0 #pstart# %start time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking
60.0 #pstop# %end time [s] for calculating CF for P-picking
-1.0 #sstart# %start time [s] relative to P-onset for calculating CF for S-picking
7 #sstop# %end time [s] after P-onset for calculating CF for S-picking
12.0 #sstop# %end time [s] after P-onset for calculating CF for S-picking
2 20 #bpz1# %lower/upper corner freq. of first band pass filter Z-comp. [Hz]
2 30 #bpz2# %lower/upper corner freq. of second band pass filter Z-comp. [Hz]
2 15 #bph1# %lower/upper corner freq. of first band pass filter H-comp. [Hz]
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ ARH #algoS# %choose algorithm for S-onset
3 #minAICSslope# %below this slope [counts/s] the initial S pick is rejected
1.5 #minAICSSNR# %below this SNR the initial S pick is rejected
#check duration of signal using envelope function#
5 #minsiglength# %minimum required length of signal [s]
1.8 #noisefactor# %noiselevel*noisefactor=threshold
4 #minsiglength# %minimum required length of signal [s]
1.5 #noisefactor# %noiselevel*noisefactor=threshold
50 #minpercent# %required percentage of samples higher than threshold
#check for spuriously picked S-onsets#
2.0 #zfac# %P-amplitude must exceed at least zfac times RMS-S amplitude

View File

@ -800,6 +800,7 @@ def autopickstation(wfstream, pickparam):
return picks
def iteratepicker(wf, NLLocfile, picks, badpicks, pickparameter):
Repicking of bad onsets. Uses theoretical onset times from NLLoc-location file.
@ -816,8 +817,8 @@ def iteratepicker(wf, NLLocfile, picks, badpicks, pickparameter):
print("autoPyLoT: Found bad onsets at station(s) %s, starting re-picking them ...") \
% badpicks
print("autoPyLoT: Found %d bad onsets at station(s) %s, starting re-picking them ...") \
% (len(badpicks), badpicks)
newpicks = {}
for i in range(0, len(badpicks)):
@ -838,19 +839,28 @@ def iteratepicker(wf, NLLocfile, picks, badpicks, pickparameter):
# modify some picking parameters
pstart_old = pickparameter.getParam('pstart')
pstop_old = pickparameter.getParam('pstop')
sstop_old = pickparameter.getParam('sstop')
pickwinP_old = pickparameter.getParam('pickwinP')
Precalcwin_old = pickparameter.getParam('Precalcwin')
noisefactor_old = pickparameter.getParam('noisefactor')
zfac_old = pickparameter.getParam('zfac')
pickparameter.setParam(pstart=badpicks[i][1] - wf2pick[0].stats.starttime \
- pickparameter.getParam('tlta'))
pickparameter.setParam(pstop=pickparameter.getParam('pstart') + \
(3 * pickparameter.getParam('tlta')))
pickparameter.setParam(sstop=pickparameter.getParam('sstop') / 2)
pickparameter.setParam(pickwinP=pickparameter.getParam('pickwinP') / 2)
pickparameter.setParam(Precalcwin=pickparameter.getParam('Precalcwin') / 2)
print("iteratepicker: The following picking parameters have been modified for iterative picking:")
print("pstart: %fs => %fs" % (pstart_old, pickparameter.getParam('pstart')))
print("pstop: %fs => %fs" % (pstop_old, pickparameter.getParam('pstop')))
print("sstop: %fs => %fs" % (sstop_old, pickparameter.getParam('sstop')))
print("pickwinP: %fs => %fs" % (pickwinP_old, pickparameter.getParam('pickwinP')))
print("Precalcwin: %fs => %fs" % (Precalcwin_old, pickparameter.getParam('Precalcwin')))
print("noisefactor: %f => %f" % (noisefactor_old, pickparameter.getParam('noisefactor')))
print("zfac: %f => %f" % (zfac_old, pickparameter.getParam('zfac')))
# repick station
newpicks = autopickstation(wf2pick, pickparameter)
@ -862,8 +872,11 @@ def iteratepicker(wf, NLLocfile, picks, badpicks, pickparameter):
print("iteratepicker: Resetting picking parameters ...")
return picks

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
from PySide.QtGui import QAction, QApplication, QComboBox, QDateTimeEdit, \
QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QGroupBox, QGridLayout, \
QIcon, QKeySequence, QLabel, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QPixmap, QSpinBox, \
QTabWidget, QToolBar, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
QTabWidget, QToolBar, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QPushButton, QFileDialog
from PySide.QtCore import QSettings, Qt, QUrl, Signal, Slot
from PySide.QtWebKit import QWebView
from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime
@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ class PropertiesDlg(QDialog):
self.tabWidget.addTab(OutputsTab(self), "Outputs")
self.tabWidget.addTab(PhasesTab(self), "Phases")
self.tabWidget.addTab(GraphicsTab(self), "Graphics")
self.tabWidget.addTab(LocalisationTab(self), "Loc Tools")
self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok |
QDialogButtonBox.Apply |
@ -842,10 +843,14 @@ class InputsTab(PropTab):
# get the full name of the actual user
self.fullNameEdit = QLineEdit()
except TypeError as e:
# information about data structure
dataroot = settings.value("data/dataRoot")
curstructure = settings.value("data/Structure")
dataDirLabel = QLabel("data root directory: ")
self.dataDirEdit = QLineEdit()
@ -857,6 +862,10 @@ class InputsTab(PropTab):
dsind = findComboBoxIndex(self.structureSelect, curstructure)
layout = QGridLayout()
layout.addWidget(dataDirLabel, 0, 0)
layout.addWidget(self.dataDirEdit, 0, 1)
@ -930,13 +939,59 @@ class LocalisationTab(PropTab):
curroot = settings.value("%s/rootPath".format(curtool), None)
curbin = settings.value("%s/binPath".format(curtool), None)
curroot = settings.value("loc/tool", None)
self.rootlabel = QLabel("root directory")
self.binlabel = QLabel("bin directory")
self.rootedit = QLineEdit('')
self.binedit = QLineEdit('')
if curroot is not None:
if curbin is not None:
rootBrowse = QPushButton('...', self)
rootBrowse.clicked.connect(lambda: self.selectDirectory(self.rootedit))
binBrowse = QPushButton('...', self)
binBrowse.clicked.connect(lambda: self.selectDirectory(self.binedit))
layout = QGridLayout()
layout.addWidget(loctoollabel, 0, 0)
layout.addWidget(self.locToolComboBox, 0, 1)
layout.addWidget(self.rootlabel, 1, 0)
layout.addWidget(self.rootedit, 1, 1)
layout.addWidget(rootBrowse, 1, 2)
layout.addWidget(self.binlabel, 2, 0)
layout.addWidget(self.binedit, 2, 1)
layout.addWidget(binBrowse, 2, 2)
def updateUi(self):
curtool = self.locToolComboBox.currentText()
if curtool is not None:
rootlabel = QLabel("{0} root dircetory".format(curtool))
rootlabel = QLabel("root dircetory")
self.rootlabel.setText("{0} root directory".format(curtool))
self.binlabel.setText("{0} bin directory".format(curtool))
def selectDirectory(self, edit):
selected_directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()
def getValues(self):
loctool = self.locToolComboBox.currentText()
values = {"%s/rootPath".format(loctool): self.rootedit.text(),
"%s/binPath".format(loctool): self.binedit.text(),
"loc/tool": loctool}
return values
class NewEventDlg(QDialog):