2413 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Darius Arnold
653e7c9b9a [remove] unused function for creating an error message for autopickstation tests 2018-07-20 15:05:42 +02:00
Darius Arnold
1b815a27b8 [add] HidePrint can be configured to skip hiding for quick debugging of tests 2018-07-20 15:04:48 +02:00
Darius Arnold
7fe5d0f7a3 [remove] Redundant checks for missing waveform data
Missing waveform data is now handled before picking starts, so it is not necessary to check during picking.
2018-07-20 14:50:27 +02:00
Darius Arnold
61b14dc770 [change] Create clean PickingResults instance with only required values
During picking, intermediary values were saved in p_results or s_results PickingResults instance.
Additionally the PickingResults class contained members that were only used during picking but not when returning the results, thus wasting space after picking, because they stayed in the instance. 
Now autopickstation generates a clean PickingResults containing only the members that are expected in the results.
2018-07-20 14:49:10 +02:00
Darius Arnold
153beff663 [add] tests for picking with missing trace in stream 2018-07-20 13:02:57 +02:00
Darius Arnold
318ca25ef8 [add] handling missing traces
either a missing vertical or missing both vertical traces in the wfstream will fail picking and return None. This is the same behaviour as before refactoring.
2018-07-20 13:00:19 +02:00
Darius Arnold
27f5a0d50c [remove] unused function, check was moved to init method
In the init method of autopickstation the N trace will be copied to the E trace or reversed if one of them is missing, so checking for it during S picking has become redundant.
2018-07-17 14:01:23 +02:00
Darius Arnold
85b34177c4 [add] default values for parameters of AutoPickStation init method 2018-07-17 13:59:46 +02:00
Darius Arnold
775d3de46c Change whitespace, add comments/documentation 2018-07-17 13:59:13 +02:00
Darius Arnold
6d26338f2e Decrease indentation in pick_s_phase
Instead of checking if(condition){DoSomething()}; check if (!condition){ErrorOut()}; DoSomething();.
This allows to decrease the indentation of the potentially large codeblock DoSomething().
2018-07-17 13:56:25 +02:00
Darius Arnold
02873938cb [change] minSlope value decreased due to difference in slope calculation 2018-07-17 11:37:29 +02:00
Darius Arnold
c308415aa5 Move test_autopickstation to subdirectory in pylot/tests 2018-07-13 09:45:57 +02:00
Darius Arnold
2c92f6f2fd Merge branch 'develop' into feature/refactor 2018-07-13 09:28:50 +02:00
9f1672d793 [hotfix] something went wrong trying to merge/rebase develop 2018-07-12 14:17:06 +02:00
27ea20fa47 [bugfix] NLLoc: take nlloc bin explicitly from PylotParameter and not (randomly) from default pylot.in file!! 2018-07-12 09:40:57 +02:00
c3e8b2c03d /metadata_class: Auto stash before merge of "feature/metadata_class" and "develop" 2018-07-11 14:01:47 +02:00
0cec2c81d3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop 2018-07-11 09:42:43 +02:00
a0fcf03c1e [update] add try/except to autopickstation call 2018-07-11 09:42:28 +02:00
91959367d4 [minor] set DATASTRUCTURE correctly 2018-07-11 09:41:58 +02:00
Darius Arnold
82ac08157c [bugfix] azimuth <45° was misattributed as E instead of N trace in check4rotated 2018-07-10 21:41:07 +02:00
Darius Arnold
51f2ded063 [add] basic unittests for Metadata class 2018-07-10 17:07:46 +02:00
b870b5378a [bugfix] setting Datastructure to obspydmt or None caused crash and corrupted QSettings 2018-07-10 14:20:31 +02:00
5f6f986e3e [update] removed read of pylot.in on start!!! Now using default params
from now on all input files should be saved in directory different to ~/.pylot
2018-07-10 14:16:36 +02:00
8d3bd88be9 [minor] gitignore update 2018-07-10 13:54:49 +02:00
e7284cba41 [bugfix] dictionary containing params not initiated in __init__ 2018-07-10 13:36:52 +02:00
6ab2609e8c [bugfix] default filename given for nlloc in default_parameters 2018-07-10 13:35:24 +02:00
1de1dc71f8 [bugfix] reinstated ludgers changes, added bugfix for GUI 2018-07-10 11:47:45 +02:00
77dd0d4733 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne:/data/git/pylot into develop 2018-07-10 11:36:31 +02:00
c46513a626 [bugfix] full_range called for each station when drawing picks, largely decreasing plot performance 2018-07-10 11:13:41 +02:00
b4516fb2cb [update] save automatic picks calculated inside GUI in XML files as well 2018-07-10 11:01:34 +02:00
9c119819a6 [bugfix] self.inventory_files initiated too late 2018-07-09 14:14:59 +02:00
0474e5fbe9 [minor] add progressbar to autopick widget 2018-07-09 13:32:44 +02:00
ccec76b8a1 [revert] iplot = iplot for wadati/jackknife not showing plots anymore in GUI
Note: Are not Wadati and Jackknife figures meant to be shown always? Independent of iplot flag?
2018-07-09 11:06:19 +02:00
Darius Arnold
1ff50c000e Decrease indentation by returning from error condition 2018-07-06 16:17:07 +02:00
689192b25d [bugfixes] in Metadata class (not fully tested yet) 2018-07-06 12:22:24 +02:00
Darius Arnold
71d8626fa3 [bugfix] parameters tpred2z and tdet2z were unused 2018-07-06 11:10:02 +02:00
d223011f90 [bugfix] Metadata class raised Exception using obspy get_coordinates 2018-07-06 11:03:21 +02:00
Darius Arnold
67cf1f9010 Change tests to work with updated AIC 2018-07-06 10:51:50 +02:00
Darius Arnold
b1a1e8924a Merging picker.py did not work correctly 2018-07-06 10:51:17 +02:00
1f2dd689ba [change] slope normalized to maximum y value, TESTING NEEDED 2018-07-06 10:36:38 +02:00
Darius Arnold
5258a7e9b4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/refactor 2018-07-06 09:49:52 +02:00
871fb685a4 [removed] amplification of cf by empirical values to account for restituted data 2018-07-05 15:30:40 +02:00
2c588c1c80 [change] initial pick now searches for latest local minimum instead of first increase in cf 2018-07-05 15:29:09 +02:00
df0f059ff3 [bugfix] parameters tpred2z and tdet2z were unused 2018-07-05 14:37:32 +02:00
b0ad99eced [minor] improved text output if wf data cannot be read 2018-07-04 17:25:11 +02:00
e05909b188 [minor] textobjects split into single lines before adding to log for convenience 2018-07-04 16:48:14 +02:00
27e425844a Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne:/data/git/pylot into develop 2018-07-04 10:56:44 +02:00
2379dee142 [hotfix] metadata could not be read (improve this) 2018-07-04 10:56:18 +02:00
Darius Arnold
4581025b4d Bugfix: typo l/1 in figure name 2018-07-03 13:56:29 +02:00
Darius Arnold
59e67b51d5 Bugfix where not giving origin with taupy would still use negative starttime 2018-07-03 13:55:51 +02:00