
6.4 KiB
Raw Blame History

Pick-Correlation Correction


Currently, the pick-correlation correction algorithm is not accessible from they PyLoT GUI. The main file is located in the directory pylot\correlation. The program only works for an obspy dmt database structure.

The basic workflow of the algorithm is shown in the following diagram. The first step (1) is the normal (automatic) picking procedure in PyLoT. Everything from step (2) to (5) is part of the correlation correction algorithm.

Note: The first step is not required in case theoretical onsets are used instead of external picks when the parameter use_taupy_onsets is set to True. However, an existing event quakeML (.xml) file generated by PyLoT might be required for each event in case not external picks are used.


A detailed description of the algorithm can be found in the corresponding publication:

Paffrath, M., Friederich, W., and the AlpArray and AlpArray-SWATH D Working Groups: Teleseismic P waves at the AlpArray seismic network: wave fronts, absolute travel times and travel-time residuals, Solid Earth, 12, 16351660,, 2021.

How to use

To use the program you have to call the main program providing two mandatory arguments: a path to the obspy dmt database folder dmt_database_path and the path to the PyLoT infile for picking of the beam trace:

python dmt_database_path

By default, the parameter file parameters.yaml is used. You can use the command line option --params to specify a different parameter file and other optional arguments such as -pd for plotting detailed information or -n 4 to use 4 cores for parallel processing:

python dmt_database_path --params parameters_adriaarray.yaml -pd -n 4

Cross-Correlation Parameters

The program uses the parameters in the file parameters.yaml by default. You can use the command line option --params to specify a different parameter file. An example of the parameter file is provided in the correlation\parameters.yaml file.

In the top level of the parameter file the logging level logging can be set, as well as a list of pick phases pick_phases (e.g. ['P', 'S']).

For each pick phase the different parameters can be set in the first sub-level of the parameter file, e.g.:

logging: info
pick_phases: ['P', 'S']

 min_corr_stacking: 0.8
 min_corr_export: 0.6

 min_corr_stacking: 0.7

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Description Parameter Type
min_corr_stacking Minimum correlation coefficient for building beam trace float
min_corr_export Minimum correlation coefficient for pick export float
min_stack Minimum number of stations for building beam trace int
t_before Correlation window before reference pick float
t_after Correlation window after reference pick float
cc_maxlag Maximum shift for initial correlation float
cc_maxlag2 Maximum shift for second (final) correlation (also for calculating pick uncertainty) float
initial_pick_outlier_threshold Threshold for excluding large outliers of initial (AIC) picks float
export_threshold Automatically exclude all onsets which deviate more than this threshold from corrected taup onsets float
min_picks_export Minimum number of correlated picks for export int
min_picks_autopylot Minimum number of reference auto picks to continue with event int
check_RMS Do RMS check to search for restitution errors (very experimental) bool
use_taupy_onsets Use taupy onsets as reference picks instead of external picks bool
station_list Use the following stations as reference for stacking list[str]
use_stacked_trace Use existing stacked trace if found (spare re-computation) bool
data_dir obspyDMT data subdirectory (e.g. 'raw', 'processed') str
pickfile_extension Use quakeML files (PyLoT output) with the following extension str
dt_stacking Time difference for stacking window (in seconds) list[float]
filter_options Filter for first correlation (rough) dict
filter_options_final Filter for second correlation (fine) dict
filter_type Filter type (e.g. bandpass) str
sampfreq Sampling frequency (in Hz) float

Example Dataset

An example dataset with waveform data, metadata and automatic picks in the obspy-dmt dataset format for testing can be found at