0318fe7c32Bugfix in calcsourcespec: take into account special case of components 1, 2, and Z.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-27 16:15:38 +0200
9e5b3f6916Bugfix in fitSourceModel: Be sure, to set trial window aroun initial corner frequency within available data.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-27 16:06:45 +0200
41eebfbcdaBugfix in calcsourcespec: If no rotation of traces is possible, use component 3 instead of component z.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-27 15:50:24 +0200
42268cd3e9Optimized and cleaned fitSourceModel to speed it up.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-27 14:55:03 +0200
bcde390d42Bugfix in class MomentMagnitude: calcsourcespec was feeded with 1 component only, thus rotation of traces was no more possible.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-27 09:07:08 +0200
c055b52325Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.rub.de:/data/git/pylot into develop
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-10-26 11:37:39 +0200
91c181ef2d[README] added some necessary information to the README for first release; renamed pylot_sample.in for convenience and removed an obsolete importSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-10-04 06:32:10 +0200
900c7af931[new] added referenced information on Magnitude properties to the recently introduced Magnitude objectsSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-29 11:53:25 +0200
5f92d1f0db[refactor] major refactoring of autoPyLoT and making use of the newly introduced Magnitude objectsSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-28 11:03:53 +0200
231e7dafa9[new] added a function to easily add amplitude information to a given Obspy event objectSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-28 11:01:09 +0200
ae967b3429[remove] removed Wood-Anderson peak-to-peak amplitude reading from autopick.py; newly introduced in autoPyLoT in a future commitSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-28 10:57:52 +0200
d4481e4acd[new] added peak_to_peak, get and net_magnitude giving Wood-Anderson simulated peak amplitude, single station magnitudes and network magnitude for a given event, respectivelySebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-26 16:04:09 +0200
c52277e4a2[new] added attributes, properties and special method __str__ to the Magnitude superclass -> improves significantly convenience of sub-class programmingSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-26 15:55:56 +0200
eaa3c2e75d[change] do some major refactoring on Magnitude and subclasses to be more efficient and cleanSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-26 10:49:02 +0200
51f4082e04[fix] imported Magnitude overwrite prevented by renamed import; changed wrong function callSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-23 15:21:34 +0200
bfa7ffc960[move] moving functions for Richter and moment magnitude calculation to magnitude module for re-use in autoPyLoTSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-23 15:12:04 +0200
bcb3eca8b2[new] added data file and a function that evaluates the Gutenberg-Richter relation for a given distanceSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-22 10:53:09 +0200
f35559e7c0[new] added data file and a function that evaluates the Gutenberg-Richter relation for a given distanceSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-22 10:53:09 +0200
180cd25b51Fixed bug in read_metadata.py: path to inventory file was not taken into account.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-09-20 14:30:24 +0200
a95a33abc9Implemented read_metadata.py in calcsourcespec.py (was this intended?).
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-09-20 15:26:55 +0200
e4c1912896Additional screen output for read_metadata.py.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-09-20 15:25:26 +0200
ee2f462c92Fixed bug in read_metadata.py: path to inventory file was not taken into account.
Ludger Küperkoch
2016-09-20 14:30:24 +0200
a54ffe01f8[new, bugfix] use new metadata concept in the scope of QtPyLoT; consistent use of input variablesSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-20 13:45:49 +0200
f34262d931[enhancement] catch possible exceptions during restitution process without losing code's verbositySebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-19 11:39:15 +0200
17585f9381[rename] renaming getGlobalTimes for consistency and introduction of similar new function in future commitSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-19 11:29:33 +0200
c8d8525c11[bugs fixed and found] dataprocessing doesn't work as expected, np.bool_ substituted by boolSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2016-09-15 14:51:11 +0200