1517 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ludger Küperkoch
40f38ebf84 Removed calculation of source spectrum from autopick, as azimuth and angle of incidence are necessary and thus a location is needed for a reliable calculation of the source spectrum. Source spectrum is now calculated after locating the event. 2015-12-02 10:09:17 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
30970b8451 Modified class MoMw: new functio run_calcMoMw using subfunction calcMoMw, gets hypocentral distances from NLLoc-location file. Returns modified pick dictionary including individual seismic moments and corresponding moment magnitudes. 2015-12-01 15:41:37 +01:00
ed7a323c50 [new] reverting stdout redirection after auto picking is done; added method finalizeAutoPick for purposes to be done after the auto picking thread has finished 2015-12-01 05:04:26 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
41a495371d Changed average radiation pattern for P-waves to exact definition in Aki and Richards, 1980. 2015-11-30 16:45:29 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
23b9fda5e4 New class M0Mw for calculating seismic moment and moment magnitude. 2015-11-30 16:35:58 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
9f93c25aa8 Put additional parameters w0 and fc to picks dictionary. 2015-11-30 14:41:59 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
466e0020a6 w0fc: Plateau omega0 and corner frequency are are now taken as the median of previously calculated values from different functions synthsourcespek and fitSourceModel. 2015-11-30 13:27:08 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
957d2ccfe7 New function to derive plateau and corner frequency of observed source spectrum. Additional to scipys implicit function curve_fit, as seismic moment is sensitive to estimated plateau of source spectrum, which in turn is sensitivec to estimated corner frequency. 2015-11-30 13:14:23 +01:00
5f8569c7d9 [bugfix] now catching all cases 2015-11-30 09:53:55 +01:00
d67556796c [bugfix] plotting autopicks has to be done within thread because code outside the threads scope is executed in parallel 2015-11-30 09:52:31 +01:00
ae21c9a149 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-26 05:18:10 +01:00
50a5586355 [bugfix] autoPickListWidget is directly attached to the main window and autoScrolls to the latest entry 2015-11-26 05:17:26 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
7f05568f65 Bugfix: Captured error, if earllatepicker returns None for lpickS1/2, epickS1/2, and Serror1/2. 2015-11-24 13:35:23 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
ab8775c58d PragPicker: Upweight of left pick. 2015-11-24 13:31:14 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
a2eb5868a7 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-24 12:38:16 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
b310062687 changed SNR threshold (scaled by exp function) 2015-11-24 12:37:53 +01:00
f1cee0cbfd [fixes ] now any TypeError is handled by try ... except clause 2015-11-24 11:30:58 +01:00
7a9c44198f [bugfix] currently set data structure now selected in QComboBox widget 2015-11-24 11:05:19 +01:00
69efd4d411 finished implementation of location tool tab in properties window (used to modify settings from the GUI) 2015-11-24 10:27:35 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
0a1d177d60 Additional picking parameters to be temporary modified for iterative picking. 2015-11-23 16:40:24 +01:00
cffca858aa Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-23 15:07:50 +01:00
8a4ac82c3a [new] added a new location tools tab to the properties widget (not working yet) 2015-11-23 15:07:43 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
fdd7ff003b [bugfix] SNR minimum for setFittedSNR is now 1 2015-11-23 13:01:36 +01:00
4fdcf1cf60 [bugsearch] trying to fix UnpicklingError by clearing GUI element containing attributes 2015-11-23 12:11:04 +01:00
1f1d0aa118 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-23 11:41:14 +01:00
851da7eb15 re-design of the properties tabbed window 2015-11-23 11:41:04 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
56a89ae386 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-23 11:38:36 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
bd0d96c2ff changed input for generateFMTOMOinpu 2015-11-23 11:35:15 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
8a16643bd8 Marginal changes. 2015-11-20 16:02:25 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
67ac580778 Suppressed print output in setParam. 2015-11-20 15:53:25 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
07bbc2926e New function iteratepicker for iterative picking. 2015-11-20 15:51:22 +01:00
386131e9f3 started implementation of NLLoc properties selection into manualPyLoT; new utility routine to find indices throughout QComboBox' items 2015-11-20 09:06:52 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
7f85ed99c0 bugfix textoutput 2015-11-19 11:38:54 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
82089a6490 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-18 17:22:51 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
657472f576 added shifting of SNR threshold along y axis 2015-11-18 17:22:18 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
0a00aab3ba changed pickerror to SPE for exportFMTOMO
minor additions
2015-11-18 17:21:29 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
abc45a4c8f bugfix: getPickError (/2)
added earliest and latest to plot_traces
2015-11-18 17:20:46 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
96fcc2470b Modified pick dictionary: writes dummy onset times (start of seismic trace) into dictionary in order to derive theoretical onset times later needed for iterative picking. 2015-11-18 11:12:53 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
e1c2629f97 Modified writephases for NLLoc: writes dummy onset times (start of seismic trace) into phase file in order to derive theoretical onset times later needed for iterative picking. 2015-11-18 11:11:10 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
8592557613 Minor changes 2015-11-18 10:28:46 +01:00
Ludger Küperkoch
1d6d786dbb Modyfied picksExport: additional parameter locrt to choose location routine, i.e. phase-file format. 2015-11-17 17:05:36 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
f192a72ad7 slimmed down the code 2015-11-17 10:29:32 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
b700940f54 bugfix: seismicshot dictionary for repick button was overwritten 2015-11-17 10:28:18 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
160ee81c44 improved and fixed delete button 2015-11-16 12:11:42 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
647fddb904 bugfix: could not highlight pick after it was deleted in plot_traces 2015-11-16 12:09:00 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
0f1427a9f0 first try of shot.plot_traces delete button 2015-11-16 11:50:09 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
78d61a9822 added writeVTK files 2015-11-16 11:49:57 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
0a0ab4bfa9 added checkerboard to fmtomo utils and added different checkerboard ampl. functions 2015-11-16 11:48:45 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
165419cb88 Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into develop 2015-11-12 19:09:08 +01:00
Marcel Paffrath
db3429e780 improved text output and fixed some bugs 2015-11-12 19:08:33 +01:00